Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 09, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    Saturday, Octobtr 0, 1018
1 " ™ ■■
Good Printing Is Never An Expense
T is an investment
No. 1 7 1-2 » o r e s ml joining
F m II h City on County roml. (loot)
7- room house, city water; barn
and chicken park; young orchard
in bearing, small fruit. All fenced
anti 3$ acres in cultivation. No
waste land. Time on part.
it brings direct returns in increasing business,
increased prestige in your line o f trade, increased satisfaction that
your printing is helping to sell goods.
No. 3 80 acres mountain land,
1 miles out on County road. 26
acres in cultivation, 2<i acres big
second-growth fir. Good 6-room
When you lose anything an ad
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
in the*N«wa will put people on the
and berries; 12f> prune trees. Al­
so, good team, wagon, harness lookout and probably restore to
and some household goods.
Will you some valued article.
give time on part.
Cheap printing is expensive
at any price, and in printing, cheapness is determined not by what
you pay for it, but by what you get for what you pay.
Printing produced here brings business— its appearance
gives you standing o f worth— it is cheap only in price.
No. 3. 35 acres near town. 16
Post Office Time Card
in cultivation, flood 8-room house
Offieo hours: Daily, except Sun­
barn and henhouse. Bearing or­
chard. Some good second-growth day, H a.in. to 6.30 p.m.
fir. Time on part.
Mail arrives, from
The Falls City News Printery
C a n cels Old C lrcu a Dabt of 50 Cants In
To w n of Boyhood.
Watertown, N. Y.—Frank W. Wool-
worth, many times a millionaire. Is
worth at least 50 cents less than when
he arrived here, it was a persistent
creditor known fa r and wide In this
action as "Huckleberry Charlie" Sher­
man that took Mr. Wool wort h s meas
Forty years ago. when the big syn­
dicate man and "Huckleberry Charlie-’
played as boys In the fields near Great
Band, the future trmitimilllonaire need
od Just 50 cents to go to a clrcua that
had struck town. On Charlie'« money
they both saw the.show.
Recently, as Mr. Wool worth alighted
from his automobile. Charlie was on
hand to press tads claim. Mr. Wool
worth did not temporize. H e acknowl-
edged the debt. and. w h a fs more, he
t>aid It
"W e are both from the same town,
you know." explained Mr. Woolwortb
after the settlement. " It seems good
to see Charlie once more, even if It
lias cost me h alf a dollar. Anyway,
that was the best show I ever saw."
The History of the World
F r o m th e D a w n o f C r e a t io n
The G reat W ar
San Francisco
This wonderful Exposition closes Dec. 4th
Don't Miss It
Lest you always look back to IDli> with regret
S ce n ic S h a sta Route
Full particulars with copy of booklet ''Wayside
Notes, Shasta Route” or "California and Its Two
World Expositions” on application to nearest Agent.
Q irl
of T w elv e Dem ands Bounty on
Bodies of Seventeen.
Marinette, Wls. — Pearl Parlmeteer.
twelve, baa given another proof o f wo­
men's encroachment on province# here­
tofore occupied by men.
She took
seventeen dead rat* Into the office of
Menominee's city clerk and asked for
the bounty o f 6 cents a head.
In the number of rata caught Pearl
ia second only to Lloyd Mason, the
champion alx-year-old rat catcher of
Menominee, who has killed and col­
lected bounties on fifty-four rata.
Enjoyed Until Gldtr Makers
Find New Dump For Refusa.
Reading, Pa.--For some weeks the
d ty water bureau has noticed an amaz­
ing Increase in the water used In this
dty. Inspectors and registrars alike
were unable to acconnt for I t People
who seldom used water except to wash
In have been seen Indulging In amaz­
ing quantities.
Men who have not
used It as a tipple for a long time have
been forsaking bars and dinging to
water attachment! In public places In
lieu o f pumpa.
Analysis o f the water discovered a
peculiar taste. It was like three fingers
of Bourbon diluted to the eighth de­
gree. This failed to solve the jmys-
No. 9. 20 acres j miles from
town. Good 6-room house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; 11 acres in apples, 2J acres
in peaches, cherries, jiears and
strawberries. Plenty o f wood for
No. 10- Six lots 50x160, three
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash and terms.
John M Scott. Qanoral Passcngor Agont, Portland. Oregon
tery, however, as no one supposed air
a moment that a distillery had been
located near any o f the reservoirs.
By accident the key to the puzzle has
Just been found. One o f the tnspee
tors of the state health board patrol­
ling the water abed found several cider
mills along the Malden creek, which
supplies the city, were dumping the
waste and pulp from the apples used
in making cider Into the stream This
pulp, fermenting In the shallow places,
produced the alcoholic Juice that lent
Its peculiar applejack flavor later no­
ticed In the city water.
Even the fish showed the effects
Fishermen reported that the fish would
not bite, but seemed to be running
around recklessly In the water and In
dulglng tn antics that, no fish In Us
right mind wonld think of.
O ther
Fre a k ish
8teals B arrel of Vinogar.
Recounts Effect of
Colored W om an.
Frederick, Md.—Queer freaks were
played by a cloudburst which swept
over a section of Frederick county.
County Commlaaloner Frank M. 8te
vena o f Creagerstown lost two cows
He found one o f them In the fork of a
peach tree seven feet from the ground
Samuel Gelsbert o f Creagerstown, who
thought he had taken every movable
object from bis cellar, lost a barrel of
E th e r
I Chicago. —Dr. .1 VV. Klug of Brad-
! ford. Fa., told a number of bis col-
1 leagues at a meeting how be turned a
negress' skin while as the result o f an
| Accident. lie treated a colored woman
i for lumbago by freezing one leg from
| the hip down to the ankle with ether.
•'After a week or so.” said Dr. King,
“ she returned to my office and said:
“ ‘Doctor, the lumbago la gone, but 1
think 1 shall have to prosecute you for
mistreatment. You've done more than
you said you would '
“ The leg I had treated was perfectly
white and Is so to this day.”
Some o f the doctors present agreed
that ether freezing has been known to
remove the pigments In the skin, but
they say Dr. King's case Is uuusual.
Dulia*, 8:50 A. M. and 5 P. M.
Eugene A Portland train 162,
I p. in.
Black Rock, l i A. M.
Si’NtuY O nly
Ika C. M ehhlino , Postmaster
sell one or both.
Through the wonderful Valley» of the W||
Inmette, the Secramento. the Umpqua end
the Hogue offers exeeptionaP diversion
Low Round T rip F a re s
Salem 9.00 a.in., 5:15 p.m.
Dallas, 9:00 A. M , 6:46 P. M
Portland A Eugene train 101,
11:65 a. m.
Black Rock, 1:30 P. M.
Mail closes for;
Salem. 8.50 A.M.. 1 P. M. and 5
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80a.m:
Mail arrives (rom Salem, 9:00
a. tu.
No. 8. Two good 8-room houses
Portland At Eugene tram 101,
and lots, some fruit trees with
11:55 a. in.
one. These are amoilg the most
Mail closes (oi Salem, 8:50 a. m.
desirable residences in the city.
Eugene A Portland train 102, I
They are of modern construction
p. in.
and desirably located. Reason­
May 13, 1916.
able terms on part if desired. Will
P a n a m a -P a c if ic E x p o s it io n
Eeeentrio W a r V eteran A rranged Hi»
Own F im e ra l.
No. 6. 163 acres near town.
Good house and barn. Will sell
all or divide to suit buyer.
Is depicted in art, science and industry
and presented in wonderful colors
Newcastle. Ind_— Moab Turner, sev
enty-seven years old. was buried in h
coffin he had made thirty years ago
when he suffered his first stroke o f ps
It was built from a great
walnut chest which had been In his
fam ily fo r years. The coffin had been
In the care o f a local undertaker for
ten years.
Turner, who was eccentric and ar­
ranged his own funeral, lived In Ten­
nessee when the civil war broke out
He was conscripted by the south, and
after six months' service succeeded in
haring himself taken prisoner so that
be could Join the Union army. He was
captured at Cumberland Gap. exchang­
ed. saw service dally tn the Atlanta
campaign and was again captnred.
No. 5. 160 acres in Lincoln Co.,
6 miles from railroad, on County
road. Small cabin and barn; 4
acres in cultivation and 60 more
can be cultivated. 360 3-year old
English walnut trees, Good spring
that would furnishs fine water
power. School ; mile. 8 month
term with contract for two more
years. This will make an ideal
stock and dairy ranch and can he
bought at a bargain. Terms,
l J
M r. H e m s S a a k a r--
t » S B uy O ro h a rd Land
No. 11. 130 acre ranch, 60
acres in cultivation, 26 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, barn
and other outbuildings.
No. 12.
17 acres, 10 in cuPiva-
A Nervoua Woman Finds
Relief From Suffering.
Women who suffer from extreme
nervousness, often endure much
suffering before finding any relief.
Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Tiffin, O.,
had such an ewperiance, regarding
which ahe says:
“ ■Is month» 1
waa bedfast with
oervoua prostra­
tion. 1 had alnk-
tac spell», a cold,
clammy f««llng.—
could not stand
t h a
At tlm«»
I would olmoat
to plecoa;
stomach v a r y
weak. My hus­
band Insisted on
my taklna Dr.
Kilos' Narvln», and I bocan to Improvo
before I had finished the first bottle
until I was entirely cured.”
262 Hudson St . Tiffin. Ohio.
tion, 5 room house, barn and
chicken house. T w o springs,
water piped to house, hot and cold
water and bath. 6 acres in young
orchard. 2 acres big second
growth fir. Spring affords water
sufficient to irrigate onehalf of
Many remedies are recommended
the land. This land lays just out-1 for diseases of the nervous system
side o f the city limits o f Falls1 that fail to produce results because
they do not reach the seat of the
City. A bargain.
trouble. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has
No. 13. 12 acres 1J miles trom proven its value in such cases so
town, all under fence and in culti- j many times that it is unnecessary
vation; 8-room house and barn.1 to make claims for it. You can
prove its merits for yourself by
This place can be sold one-third
getting a bottle of your druggist,
cash, purchaser to assume mort­ who will return the price if you
gage now on the place. Can g iv e , receive no benefit
RECHRISTENED. you a bargain.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
T a il Fe ath ers Is G row s
Teeth A fter Dentiet'e V ieit.
San Francisco — Chief Many Tall
Feathers, ninety two years o f uge and
prominent In the Indian colony o f the
Great Northern railway's exhibit at the
exposition, possesses a single tooth,
gnarled and battered by many years'
"Th e white brother may have his
teeth replaced, why not the Indian, to
K ill Big Brown Bear.
whom the great father In Washington
Nevada City, Cal.—A 800 pound brown promises all things that are good?”
hear wsa killed by Albert Bnck and pondered the aged chief.
Henry Bever while hunting their stock
Many Tall Feathers conferred with
In the vicinity of Moores flat The foot­ Chief Bull Calf, and now that Many
prints o f the hear had been seen for Tall Feathers has been measured up
weeks. The dogs got the scent and for a new set of pearlies bis tribe has
soon had the animal treed. Buck took rechristened him “ Grows New Teeth.”
one shot end brought the bear to earth
There have been several bears seen In
the northern part of Nevada county,
Extra copies ol The News are
and they have been a menace to the
printed each week, and will be sent
No. 14. 334 acres o f land, 21
acres plow land, 7 acres in timber!
balance pasture. 8-room house,
woodshed, chicken house; 6 acres;
young orchard in liearing. Price
$4,300. Will take one-half in Dal­
las or Salem residence property
and give time on one-fourth.
No. 15. Six-room house, wood­
shed with about one acre land.
Price $900, $300 cash, balance on
time. North Main Street. One
8- room house with 5 lots.
$1800; part time.
For further information, call on
or write to
D. L. Wood,
to any address desired, postpaid,1
Falls City, Oreg.
The Womans World, Farm and for 5 cents per copy.
Home, Home Lile, Household and
Walter L. T oojp , Jr., Lawyer, | Get your butter wrappers print
Dallas, Oregon.
tf. i ed at the News office.
the News one year for 11.18.
Fain leaves almost
as if by magic when
you begin using "5-
Drops," the famousold
remedy for Rheuma­
tism, Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, N eu ra lgia
and kindred trouble«.
It goes right to the
spot, stops the aches
and pains and makes
I - S W W I H ,lfn worth living
.■ '
a fwittio of " ft Drops"
tod.iy \ booklet with
each bottle gives full
d irectio n s for use.
Don't delay. Demand
"5-Drops" Don't ac-
| cept anything else in
place of It. Any drug­
s '«» can »apply you. If you live too far
(rom a drug store aend One Dollar to
b ianaon Rheumatic Cure Co, Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle of ''5-Drops" will be
sent prepaid.