Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 09, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    ■ m i t i l l s o tn r h t w a .
Saturday, October 0, 1015
Black-Titus Wedding
Local News Hems
—Ju»f’ av<lip'in,lnk'*nd one slmptò
thumb-presuli rr f on » the "Crewont-
M m Un I ih»i fountain pen tfoait I»« t
H ( downright r r lr l *n<1 wjul-MtHtying
eoaifnrl to elimlnalr the troubleeome, Inky
dropper filler and tight at rew joinlaf
Fountain Pen
net Mir tula iiaaH. hut (M ai
■ft t il too. at IM uma nma
and »Hh (ha urna opatatlM
Moraovar; H abaoiaialy will
IHM laaV anher w Iha pocket aa
whan »Mm*
M. L. Thompson
A quiet wedding was solemniz­
ed at the home ot 1C. A Titus
la.(t Wednesday, Oct. 7 when
‘I ll>l Ilfht »llllW ill til« ( i f ( I I tolli^ht Miss Pearl Titus became the w ife
o f Koy Black.
Mm M il in visiting I i i ^ ih I h in
The house was beautifully de­
I’urt I m in 1
corated with ferns, autumn leaves
C. F. VlCk llf Sr. la III WllS III till* arid orange blossoms by Mrs. I.
G. Singleton and Miss Bertha
city Tuesday.
K<l While umi wife were in Dal- Frink.
A t ten thirty (10:30) A. M.,
Iu h Monday.
the bride and groom led by M.
Mr*. Chu|>iu wan a Dallas vinitor
Howard Fagon entered the par­
this week.
lor where the guests had assem­
Robert Chilt'uMe of Dallas w it
bled and stood under the arch o f
hi tlie city Monday.
orange blossoms, until Mrs. 1. G.
M ihm Vnlii Kulig w Im I iiih l.een
Singleton delivered in her usual
|uite ill in inii>rovi«iK-
fine delivery and charming way.
C. VV. Davis reluruetl frt.ni t h e
southern Oregon thi* week
Woman’s Question to a man.”
Mr*. C. T. Weal wan taken sud- Then the bride and groom passed
(lenly ill the flmt of llie week.
to the center o f the room and
ding beneath the marriage
G. W. 11 im I hi hi ami daughter,
Vernie were Italia« visitors Mon bell listened to the ring ceremony
read in a very impressive manner
by M. Howard Fagan, after
Ludtc« Art Club will meet with
which congratulations were in
Mr». O .O . Drigg*, Tuesday Oct. i order.
The bride was dressed in blue
W. T. Greer and family were messalirie, with all over silk lace
over from Halem Baturday ami and looked very charming and
beautiful as they stood beneath
the orange blossoms taking the
Kva Harris is learning the
vows which :iound them for life.
nw itcfihoard af the telephone oflii«
Miss Bertha Frink caught the
till« week.
bride’s bouquet
We are offering you four maga­
Dinner was served at eleven
zine« and tli« New* one year lor o’clock and a bountiful repast
indeed it was, consisting o f all
only ♦ I Is.
the good things in the land.
Mr. a:sd Mr». M. L. Thompaon
Mr. and Mrs. Black departed
and Bertha Frink were Salem vis- on the evening train for Portland
where they expect to spend their
Horn Thursday.
after which they will
0 . \V. Breiilner and wife «lid
make their home at Dallas for
Mu. Cochran motored to Wood- the present.
burn Wednesday.
The bride received many beau­
L. if. Johnson of Cozad, Neb, tiful and useful presents.
Those present were: Mr. and
was visiting at the home of H. A.
Mrs. R. A. Titus, Mr. and Mrs.
Titua thi* week
A. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
C. J. Pugh of loganberry fame Black. Mr- and Mrs. I. G. Single-
made a trip to Salem Friday in ton, Miss Bertha Frink, Lynnie
the interest of the juice.
Black, Josiah Foister, Austin T i­
Mr. and Mr«. N. Selig and daugh­ tus, L. N. Johnson o f Neb-, a
ter», Geraldine and Helen made a cousin o f the bride and a retired
but*inet*« trip to Portland this week farmer, A. L. Banta o f Illinois,
Mr. and Mm George March and also a cousin o f the bride, Mrs.
Mr. and Mr». Van Blarcon weie Effie Miller. E. C. Titus.
in the vicinity of Corvalis hunting.
Last Wednesday while out hunt­
There wa» another heat scare ing on the George McCormack fa-m
last week
Thi» time it i» »aid N. Luude killed a bird that was a
that bruit, wa* seen gathering ap crobs between a Grouse and a China
Beware of Orntments for
plea in an orchard near the city.
Pheasant. Mr. I.unde says that it
Catarrh That Contain Mercury
Fresh Bread,Cakea,Cookies, 1 iee,
« * mercury w ill surely destroy th e sense
is the tint cross of this kind tl.at
rll and
pletely «leranc«*
d e r a n fe u>»
of f am
.mil com
,u,il .ithiT bakery good», every day
be I ihe ever killed and he is quite
whol« «yctr-m when enterlmr It Oir<m*h . . .
e 11.
th«* mucoui aurfacra Such article« Hhoulfl »it tilt) raJiB v 11 ) JlHKtly ■
M V fr b« u »M except on p ro fc ri)iN o A f !
. ~
a sportsman.
from reputable phyalclana. aa the d « m i r
*J’ M \\ hilt' u f (y H r lt'J ll, U r e g o l i
The first of tlie week an elderly
. ; y A b t y 'd e V i i e X r
will preach «t the Christian church
chinVy* ¿'To.
no ! morning and.eve..mg
Come and couple from Idaho were in town
mercury, an<1 !• taken Internally, acflnw
hear him.
looking for furnished rooms that
directly upon the blood and mucoua « W - i
facea o f the system.
In b u yln r M all a
M m . I ) . ( I . M u r r a y n u o hfta lH»eli they might stop awhile aud test the
Catarrh Cura br sur* you Ref the e**itu-
It la taken Internally anil mnae In
■ visiting in Lot Angelas, Cal., lor health-giving power# of our de­
Toledo. Ohio, b y F. J. Cheney A Co. T e s ­
six mouth» returned home Tuesday lightful climate, pure
tim onials 1res
air end
Mr. Murray inet her in
Fold by P r u n t it * . P l i e » TSr per bottla. evening.
Take B a ll'« fa m ily Pills (or eooetlpouoo.
Portland and accompanied
Wanted For Larceny
The Ladies Missionary Society
A stranger rame to town Tues­ of the Free Methodist church arc spent some weeks here last sum­
day night and called the deputy drying fruit on »b an». Anyone mer. They were delighted with
sheriff o f Independence up overj having fruit to dry on shares should our town, nestled among the ever­
see the pastor of that church.
green hills and had they been able
the phone and told him that a
Bessie Crowley, uge |5 of Black to secure rooms they would have
man by the name o f E. Bruce j
Bock. niece of A. G. higher, died
had stolen a double-barrel shot-1 of tuborelosis Sunday at 11:30. tarried awhile. They may return.
Candi»», Tobacco» and nigars. at
L B. W O N D R R L Y ’S
gun and other things from Gypsy
Joe’ s camp in the Siletz Basin
and was heading towards A.lbany
and for him to apprehend h:im.
The description given o f the
man was as follows: Light com-
The body wa* shipped to Independ-
« Dce Tuesday for burial,
Mrg Howell entertained the
Missionary Society of the Free
Methodist church last Tuesday,
A dinner was served. the laet
plexion, bald-headed, blue eyes. j
o^ tk .n d u m '» 'llYrrinVon'»
gray mustach, nervous and when - 0lh birthd* y. The ladies quilted
.^poken to behind his back would „ ,,uiit for Mrs. Howell. There
wheel about in a quick n lanner, were 1U present,
height about 6 feet 8 and walked
Doiiise Peultgen, 11-year old
in a hobble like gait, won? white daughter of Fred Deultgen
hat, dark coat, corduroy n/ints, taken Wednesday to the hospital
j. weight shoes and car ried
a b '*n,ile-
I he stranger gave the descrip­
tion to Pat Murphy, w h o being
busy at the time paid lit tie atten­
tion to the matter.
About 11
o ’clock Pat saw the stran ger who
was then "th ree sheets in the
wind” and as he d id n 't say any­
thing more about the matter, no
more questions were asked.
A man answering the descrip­
tion given was se»-n bv Murphy
the next day, b in aa there was
no warrant for his arrest, he
could not be legally detained.
;' 1 ,)tt11* 8 " J1’^
6 ai»penuiciU8.
'î, ôldiJitw" Y i l » nt '
appendix ha I bur.ted, but »be
New Line Graniteware
We have just received a fine line o f kitchen
Graniteware, consisting o f teakettles, tea
pots, coffee pots, double boilers, preserving
kettles, stew kettles, 10-qt water pails, etc,
O N L Y 36 CENTS EACH. See Our Window Display
We also carry a nice line o f Hardware
Furniture, Builders’ Material, Paints, Ect,,
that we are selling at low prices.
K. E. W i l l i a m
L. T hompson , W. F. N i c h o l s ,
K. G. W h i t e ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank o f Falls City
F a l l # C it y , P o lk C o u n t y . O regon
DoeB a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Free Methodist Church
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Preachi:.g 11:00 A M.
Claus meeting 12:00 P. M.
Evening service 7:30.
H. A. W alt er , Pastor.
R. S. Ferguson Carrie* o ff Honors for
Moat Prolific Corn Yot Brought
to News Office.
The first o f the week R. 8. Fer­
guson brought to the News office a
Return Missionary to Speak
Miss Hefty, a returned mission-
ary will speak at the M. E. church
Sunday (k t. 10th at 7:30 P. M.
Come and hear her.
»»m pl« o f corn raised on hi» place
I ar ” h,h t<sd . “ 18 ° ‘ he *T eet
corn variety and oae seed produc-
ed five good sized well developed
ear*. Dick »ay»
say« that he is not
much on raising stalks but will
Loses Thumb and Finger
Chancy Davis, who lives near , match up with any of them on
town, had in his possession ear*. He says that he has the art
Thursday night, some dynamite;*)! corn growing dbwo pat and
caps. B y what chance o f fate or would lik e to see a corn-growing
fortune tney came into his poss- contest siarted heie next year »<>
ession is not recorded, but h e ' stimulate interest in growing corn
was also possessed o f a curiosity and other field and garden pro-
to know if they would explode. ducts.
Who will l»e next?
His thirst for knowledge on that
subject has been very fully satis-
Mrs. F. A Wolfe brought to th»
ified. His brother, Wilbur says
a bunch
that the best information he can . , . ,, office last
^ . Saturday
. .
get is that Chancy retired to a of dahlias that she had grown on
sequestered spot and taking a Ji,*“1, *“ rm' 14 ml*e® south
cap between thumb and fin e e r,T b « flowers were fineispecimens of
proceeded to examine it with a different varieties. Mr». Wolfe is
lighted match. There was a noted for raising hne flowers ~
commotion, the cap was gone as t“ * church festivals aud the wed­
well as the end o f his thumb and dings ore nearly always supplied
finger. He was taken to the with her flowers.
Dallas hospital.
Tuesday evening the city mar­
shal received a call ftom the M il­
ler borne that someone was up
»tairs at the Ellis place in the out­
skirts of town. Mrs. Lloyd Ellis
aud Miss Velma Miller were alone
in the bouse and heard u strange
noise upstairs that sounded like
someone walking around. They
immediately vacated and went to
the Miller home and phoned the
marshal. The marshal proceeded
at once to the Ellis home and
made diligent search but was un­
able to find anyone. I t is thought
that the intruder took fright about
the same time as did the ladies.
W A N T E D — Good Falls City pro­
perty in exchange for a good 160
acre stock ranch in Deschuettes
Valley south of Bend, Oregon.
Also for sale, rent or trade cheap,
epleudid residence property in
Oakdale Items.
Falls City, Oreg. Apply to
J oseph M ikalson ,
Farmers are making good use of
Brownsville, Oregon.
the fine weather.
J. M and E. T. Yocom of eas­
I.enie Dunn is working for Roy
tern Oregon arrived Monday to
visit their father, and sister Mrs
Mr. Bruce has moved to Mon­ Henry Buell of this city. The
mouth where he will take charge elder Mr. Yocom is seriously ill.
of the butcher shop.
Austin Titus took Mrs. Tetherow
Mrs. Bowman is staying with Mrs. Dewitte and Mrs. I.G . Single-
Monmouth Wednesday
Grandma Grahaui.
afternoon in Mr. Tetherow’s car.
Miss John Miller has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Tetherow, Austin
Portland after a two month vaca­
Titus and Mrs. I. G. 8ingleton
tion at home.
motored to Portland Saturday, re­
Miss Katie Barnhart left Satur­ turning Sunday evening.
went through the operation well
and up to the present time is get­
ting along fine.
day foi Smithfleld where »he will
Mrs. Sarah T r y of Defiance, Ohio have charge of the primary depart­
is here this week visiting her
ment of the Smithfleld school.
brothers Henry and W. D. Ban­
Miss Katherine Henson has left
croft. and a sister, Mrs. Clara In ­
man of Dallas. She will go to the Oakdale and gone to Portland
San Francisco Exposition and then where she expects to fluiih the 8th
Los Angeles
Angeles io
to t visit
to IjOS
grade by January and begin the
brother. She
High school studies the first of the
Oregon the best of^any place she
lias been in the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deultgen
were in Dallas Thursday to see
their daughter Louise, who is in
the hospital there.
Mrs. J. P. Dewitte of Monmouth
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. I. G. Singleton this week.
Im m igration Service. Division of In ­
form ation.
Distribution Branch, Portland,
Oregon, October 6, 1915.—The
United States Department o f
Labor, through its local Branch
at Portland. Oregon, again directs
the attention o f the public to the
fact that it maintains a Division
o f Information for the benefit of
employers o f labor seeking help
and for the assistance o f workers
seeking employment.
While this service is entirely
free and available to all in both
city and country, the Government
realizes that it is the employer
situated outside the larger cities
and towns who is handicapped in
securing competent help because
o f his remoteness from the ordi­
nary labor markets. Therefore,
it is particularly to such, com-
farmers, ranchers,
orchardists, stockmen, canners
and manufacturers, that the
Government tenders its free ser­
vice. Employers can be put in
prompt touch with skilled or un­
skilled help o f almq^t any race or
nationality and for any kind o f
work including domestic service.
Every Postmaster is an author­
ized agent for the Government’s
Employment Branch and will re­
ceive applications trom employer
or unemployed. Or such applica­
tions and requests for informa­
tion may be sent to the District
Headquarters under the follow­
ing address:
Officer in Charge.
Distribution Branch,
U. S- Immigration Service.
424 Railw ay Exchange Bid.
Portland, Oregon.
The service is free-
Mrs. Bell Dunlap of Salem came
Mrs. Floyd Seymour cut her arm
Thursday evening to visit her sick quite badly Tuesday while open­
mother, Mrs. C. T. West.
ing a jar of fruit.