FALLS eiTY NEWS VOL. XII KALLS CITY OKEüON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1916 FALLS CITY SCHOOL MAKES FINE SHOWING AT COUNTY FAIR Booth Won Brand Champion Prize Besides Many Blue Ribbons Taken on Exhibits The Falla City schools were well represented at the school fair held in Dallas last week. The booth was one o f the larg est on the ground and showed a very good color scheme, tan bur­ lap being used for the back­ ground and sweet briar for the decoration. The work compared very favor­ ably with other schools, the only thing lacking being canned fruit. The patrons should be proud ol the work done in Domestic Science and Art since it has been in the schools. In class A bread all live rib- lions were awarded our schools. The first prize going to Laverne Meyers, second Lucile Tichenor, third Sibil Wilson, fourth Lurena Treat and fifth Evelyne Johnson. In class B the second prize was awarded to Hazel Wingo a fifth grade girl. Lurena Treat car­ ried off the blue ribbon in class A cake baking while Helen Selig Rockefeller’s Sincerely Doubled by Union Men The statement says the miners’ representatives with whom Rocke­ feller has conversed in the coal Visit to Colorado Mints and Hob* nobing With Minors Rtgarded as Grand Stand Play For Public Sentiment NO HOPE FOR BAD BOY. Doctor Sayo Oparation D idn't C u r* Y o u th W h o Sat Rafuga Afira. New York.—Henry Samara, alxteen yeara old. o f 2010 Waablugtou arena«, (he Bronx. who tried to act Ore to tb « bouae o f refuge out o f ahear vlctoua- neaa laat April, waa aentenced to tb « Kluilra reformatory by Judge Malone In general aeaatona. The fudge acted upon a report aubmltted by Dr. Greg ' ory, chief o f the paycbopatblc ward In Bellevue boapltal. who Informed tb « court that the boy was not o f unsound mind, but so thoroughly bad that be would h« source o f danger to the com­ munity. While the boy waa under obaerraUon In the paycbopatblc ward be was op­ erated upon for a depressed fracture o f tbe skull, which waa thought at drat to lie responsible for his mental ntierratlous and lack o f moral sense. However, Dr. Gregory «ta les that be does not believe the fracture bad any­ thing to do with the patient's vldous- ness. Samara was sent to the bouse o f refuge In July, 1014. for attempting to kill hla stepfather and for trying to set Are to a building In the neighbor­ hood o f his borne. On April 6 last, while he was em­ ployed In tbe laundry o f the house of refuge, he piled a bundle o f papers under tbe stairs and threw a lighted match among (hem The Are was ex­ tinguished. and the boy later pleaded guilty to arson. He was sent to Belle- rue hospital for observation. won second and M yrtle Trask third in class B. In the machine and hand-made dress contest, first place was won by Lurena Treat, second Nettie Murray and third Clara Sampson. The manuel training exhibit compared very favorably with that o f other schools in the same class, the teacher’s desk made by Byron Murray winning sec­ ond place. The vegetable e x h i b i t was mostly due to the offorts o f Paul Sayer, his garden making a very creditable showing. Clara Weiser furnished the blue ribbon pota­ toes. The booth won the grand cham­ pion ribbon and in addition twen­ ty ribbons w’ere won on articles in the booth. MARRIED AT MIDNIGHT. With the support o f the student body the blue ribbon should be Bride's Bro ther end B itte r Surprised Witnesses on A u to T r ip . carried off by Falls City every Went Orange, N. J.—A courtship of year. eleven years reached a climax when, Union Not Raprosonted camps do not represent the union (United MineWorkersof America) but an organization created by the head officials o f the company and afterward foisted upon the Denver, Sept. 2 7 .-A n invita­ miners. “ To demonstrate the impotency tion to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to meet representatives o f the United o f such an organization to estab­ Mine Workers o f America and lish equitable conditions,” contin­ establish contract relations in Col­ ues the statement, “ we wish to orado, “ if he has the welfare of point out that some few months his employes at heart,” is con­ ago the company enforced a re­ tained in a formal statement given duction upon the miners o f Fre­ out last Saturday by Robert H. mont county o f 10 cents per ton, Marlin, Percy Tetlow and James notwithstanding the fact that the E. Moran, committeemen repre­ men had been asking for an in­ senting the international executive crease in prices.” board o f the miner’s organization The statement says that despite in Colprado. Rockefeller’s recent announce­ ThA committeemen r e c e n t l y ment, “ 800 or 900 members of our came to Colorado vested with organization have been refused power to decide policies for the employment by the company, Miners' union in Colorado and take while others have been discharged necessary steps to defend mem­ on some flimsy trumped-up pre­ text,” and that “ the elements that bers in any legal proceedings. Their statement expresses the led to the revolt o f miners in opinion that newspaper accounts Southern Colorado still obtains.” o f Rockefeller’s tour of mines in Southern Colorado, "w ill create "I WILL NOT REFUSE TO an erroneous impression in the MEET ANYONE’ -JO H N 0 JR minds ot those unacquainted with ¿existing labor conditions in those When John D. Rockefeller Jr.’s fields.” attention was called to a Denver Question Statement dispatch stating that a committee, The committee takes issue with representing the international a published statement bv Rocke­ executive committee o f the United feller that the Colorado Fuel & Mine Workers of America, would Iron Co. does not care whether its invite him to a conference with a employes are union men or not, view to entering into a contract and says: with the upion, he said: “ I have received no invitation “ Since the strike was called off yet. However, I have not yet re­ last December, this company (Cot- fused to meet anyone and do not , orado Fuel and Iron), has stead­ intend to refuse to meet any one fastly refused to re-employ men in the future. You may consider who were still affiliated with the union, and we defy Mr. Rockefeler that as my reply.” Mr. Rockefeller refused to com­ to produce from his entire work­ ment on the charges o f discrimi ing force in Southern Colorado a nation contained in the committees dozen men who are members of statement. the union.” • No. 5 PEEP AT OUR LO VEUf FA LL MILLINERY OUR STYLES IN FALL MILLINERY ARE FRESH -R IG H T UP TO THE SECONO. WE CANNOT DE­ SCRIBE THE BEAUTIFUL COLORS OR SHAPES OF OUR MANY. MANY. BEAUTIFUL HATS. COME. LOOK A T THEM. YOU'LL NOT GO ANY FURTHER BUT BUY YOURS WHEN YOU FIRST GLANCE AT THEM. after an automobile ride through tbe Orange mountains. Cbarlea J. Grady and Miss Ella M Enderlln. daughter o f Herman Enderlln o f this town, aroused the Rev Louis Sbeld, pastor o f tbe German t’ reabyterlan church In Pleasantdale, and had him marry them. Mr. and Mrs. Grady. In company with Miss Clara Enderlln and Herbert Enderlln. started out In the automo­ bile o f Grady for a ride. Shortly aftet midnight Grady told hla companions that he brought them along aa wit nesses to bis marriage to their sister. The ceremony over. Mr. and Mrs Grady continued their honeymoon In the machine after leaving the latter's true aeal la In great demand The sister and brother at their home. greater ease In locating the herds will give the sealing companies the oppor­ tunity to select the bigger and more mature animals. N. SELIG’S FALLS CITY D E P A R T M E N T STORE AVIATORS WILL HUNT IN SEARCH FOR SEALS Chippewas Fur Men Engage Aeroplanes to Overcome Winter Difficulties. New York.—No ice pack hereafter will prevent a successful season's catch o f seals. Aeroplanes have been en­ gaged by the sealing companies of the northern states and Canada, with ex­ pert aviators to help locate the herds. Tbe preparation for the coming sea­ son have been thrust upon sealers by the disastrous ice conditions along the eastern coast and the gulf o f 8t. L aw ­ rence. All last winter constant Inshore winds piled hummocks o f Ice wherever the water shallowed. These high walls of broken Ice pre­ vented the lookouts on the sealing steamers and sailing vessels frem lo­ cating the seal herds. As a result the catch was one o f the smallest on rec­ ord. the total being lest than 50,000 pelts. This has meant a financial loes to the sealing companies o f not less than $250,000. Cruising along the shores, the a e r » planes will follow scouting tactlca. not only locating the herds, but returning to the vessels and piloting them to tbe navigable channels through the ice. As these "leads" change from hour to hour, the need for the a v ta ty la con­ stant. This will prevent fruitless months of search on the part o f th« sailing vessels. Moreover, the aeroplanes will b « able to report adverse tee conditions at a distance, so that vessels w ill be able to make their way to a point of safety before the heralded Ice pack comes down to crush them. This alone will mean the saving o f many veaaels, an­ nually caught by the treacherous floe. Owtng to tbe restriction on tbe kill­ ing o f fur seals, which are extinct ex­ cept in the Rerlng sea, the pelt o f the P roparty Valuad expensive obtainable, autos for all our employes to bowl around in! The faster we can make the mon­ PINE ENRICHES INDIANS. Oat playground, new roads, the most ey fiy, the iietter. at $«20.500. Ashland. W ls.—rin e timber valued at $820,500 on the Bad River reserva­ tion, near Ashland, will be distributed among 547 Indians, many o f whom are children, according to official notice re­ ceived by the Indian office from tbe secretary o f the Interior. In addition to the timber each Indian will have title to tbe land on which the timber stands, averaging about eighty acres for each person. It U claimed by government experts that the Chippewa Indians of tbe Bnd River reservation are the richest tribe In America, with one exception They have more than $1.500.000 to their credit In the vaults o f Ashland and Duluth from tbe sale o f pine from fo r­ mer allotments. And yet many pieces o f property are today taxed beyond their earning power. Home owners are straining every nerve to meet assessments that year are sky-rocketing upward. Taxes are far too high in our cities. W e are urging factories to come here, forgetful o f tax