Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 25, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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¡.Saturday, nepietnuar an, m io
-t-K --Ht- b-b-b H - b b+-HH "H -l-K -H -:-H S-d -H"l"K-l--M-b-b-t-b-MW»l-l-H"H-l--l-l
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Oregon State Fair
S a le m
Week beginning September i!7th
Edward Wilkins w h s h funner boy
who when be was but seven years old
showed signs o f a towering ambition
Keen a t that tender a g f he discerned
that V i l l " •
sources of
the widest
rate, be i
l ouses anc
be not oiy.
that as soon ast
W ussliii iuuuuu.u-
late money It should be the object of
bis life.
When Edward was fourteen he said
yoodby to his father aud mother and
went to the city to begin a career. Be
lug bright and ready ill all times for
work, be found a situation and not only
kept It. but advanced rapidly. As be
grew older there was no desire In
him for money In Itself, hut for the
low er aud prominence it would give
hint. Except for the first few years
be spent In the city, be did not accutnu
lute by saving. Tbe fortune that came
to him was tbe result rather o f during
operations, for which he seemed to
have u genius.
After awhile Edward Wilkins bad ac-
i umulated so much money that it seem
ed Impossible he should ever be |>oor
Ills safety lay In Laving so much cap!
tal that he could carry through any
scheme he undertook. I f be wished to
buy all the corn In tbe country and
hold it at bis owu price lie was able to
do so. Did he choose to buy a rail-
way he could first depress the stock,
then purchase It und hold It at Ills own
Wilkins bad no desire to exercise the
l» w e r bis wealth gave him. He was
content with knowing that he lossess
ed it. He did not care for political
preferment; he took no interest in in
llueucing tbe course o f tbe government
When the great financier was forty
years o f age be bad reached tbe sum
mit o f bis ambition. He bad acquired
enormous power through his wealth,
but since tbe exercise o f that power
would give him do enjoymeut be bad
come to tbe end of bis desire. He was
like Alexander, who complained be­
cause there were no more kingdoms to
When an active brain tires o f what
has occupied and fed It there comes
a craving for something to take its
place. One such person will spend
years building a sumptuous residence,
which is more likely to be a sepulcher
than a home. Another will turn au­
thor. taking comfort iu giving to the
world theories for which It has no use.
Wilkins, now that he had reached bis
goal in half a lifetime, began to won
der what would be the end o f the oth
er half. A fter a continued rise to the
summit would be descend again to end
his career in the valley?
One thing he bad lived long enough
to recognize L ife appeared to him n
constant shifting. Nothing seemed to
endure unless It was inanimate, and
even that, though slowly, was continu­
ally changing its form. There were
mountains where there bad beeD val­
leys and valleys where there bad been
mountains. Cities had beeD buried for
centuries, forgotten, then uncovered to
serve as curiosities.
Whole sections
of land had slid down into the sea and
passed out o f sight
W hat would become o f his great for
tune? He knew that after his death
it would pass back into the great ocean
o f wealth. But would he retain It for
the rest o f his life? Now that he had
achieved it he no longer valued It and
cared not so much what was to be­
come of it as what was to become o f
him. Enough to give him the ordinary
comforts essential to old age was all he
desired. But that much was o f great
moment to him.
One night be dreamed a vivid dream.
He dreamed that he returned to the
farm and was a boy again
Yet he
possessed all the experience be bad ac­
quired. His ambition was gone. He
said to himself: "H ere I am. and here
I wish to remain. My body is uot as
it was, full o f life. It is tired
All 1
desire Is rest."
It was a strange dream, this old
spirit in a young body. It made a
marked impression on him at the time,
but gradually passed out of bis mind
with other forgotten things
When Wilkins found that be had at­
tained his desire be bethought himself
what be could do to replace tbe object
he bad lost. Like many other rich men
under similar circumstances, be decid­
ed to build himself a magnificent resi­
He had long owned the farm
on which lie bad been born
His fa ­
ther and mother had died (here, and
he had no use for the place. So the
house was shut np and the land left
unfilled, though be gave orders that
tbe house nml fences should lie kept
In repair
The farm marked bis be­
ginning; the palace he wna about to
build would mark his end
He spent a year on designs for bis
residence, then began to build. Four
year» passed jnnd It was not finished.
Races, Fat Stock, Poultry, Agriculture
Horticulture, Manufacturing
s we are interested
Reduced Railioad Fares
from all points in Oregon.
Sale Dates, Sept. 23d to Oct. 2d
Tickets limited to Oct. tith
|| |.
y | KS'F \ ’I’ I] FO It S \ I , K
No. 1 7 1-2 uore*B adjoining
i F ills City on County road, < iood
7-room house, city w ater; barn
und chicken park: young orchard
in iK'iiring, small fruit. A ll fenced
und 3 } acres in cultivation. No
waste land. Tim e on part.
Captain C. E. Farrand’a W idow to Be
Ooclarad Legally Dead.
Denver.— Mrs. May Spencer Farrand.
second w ife o f the late Captain Charles
E. Farrand, U. 8. A., retired, wt r> mys­
teriously disappeared fifteen years
igo. may soon be declared legally dead
In order that tbe captain’s estate may
be settled. The only heir the attor­
neys for the estate have been able to
find is Mrs. Louise A. Ryder of New
York city, daughter o f Captain Far
rand by his first marriage.
A nation wide but futile search kas
been made for Mrs. Farrand for fifteen
years by war department officials, fed­
eral secret service men and attorr.e; a,
since she left Arvada, a Denver suburb,
shortly after her husband’s death.
Neither relatives nor friends have since
heard from her.
"Unless Mrs. Farrand is found in a
Adminl trutor
Woodward said, "she will bare to be
declared legally dead, and the captain’s
fortune will go to the only heir we
have been able to locate, but if she
is found half o f the fortune will go to
Tw o and One-half Millions Raady In
N ew Y ork State.
Albany N. Y .-T h ere are £500,000
men In New York state between the
ages o f eighteen and forty-five, there­
fore. available for war duty. Secretary
o f State Hugo announced In one o f hi*
census bulletins.
Tbe June enumeration shows, be
says, that there were approximately
250 officers and 6,800 enlisted men at
the army posts o f the state, 60 officers
and 1,300 men in New York's naval
militia and 1,000 officers and 16,080
men In tbe national guard. Thousands
o f men besides these have had some
military training, either in tbe regular
army, national guard or In college or
military academies.
Figures obtained from the adjutant
general’s office show little change in
the strength o f the national guard In
fifty years. A t present it stands: O f­
ficers, 1,000; enlisted men, 16,080; to­
tal, 17,080. In 1857 It was: Officers,
1.827; enlisted men. 14,608; total. 16,-
The possible strength o f the division
under the present federal regulations
Is: Officers, 743; enlisted men. 21,030;
total, 22,673.
T o give more men at least the rudi­
ments o f a military training Lieuten­
ant Colonel E. V. Howard o f the ad­
jutant general's office favors what he
terms a “ mild conscription."
young man on reaching the age o f
eigh teen yea ij would he called to serve
Notice to News Subscribers
A b lu o - p o n o l l oroBB m a r k Of« t h i s
n o lle « m o o n « that yovr •u b iortp *
« I o n t o T h o N » w b h « B BM p I r e d a n d
No. 3. 3f> acres near town. 16
Post Office Time Card
in cultivation. Good 8-room house
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­
barn and henhouse. Hearing or­
chard. Some good second-growth day, ,8 a.in. to 6.30 p.in.
fir. Time on part.
Mail arrives, from
No. 6. 160 acres in L ncoin (o .,
5 miles from railroad, on County
Ask our local Agent for train vbedu l«*. and ticket'
road. Small cabin ami ham ; -I
acres in cultivation and 60 more
can be cultivated. 350 3-year old
English walnut trees. Good spring
that would furnishs fine water
power. Sehool 3 mile, 8 month
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
term with contract for tw o more
years. Thus will make an ideal
-H-++ stock and dairy ranch and can be
------ bought at a bargain. Terms.
No. 2 NO acres mountain land,
n e a e ft f i l i n g
O o II n o w
J miles out on County road. 25
acres in cultivation, 20 acres big
second-growth fir. Good 5-room
When you loan anything mi <U
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
in tbe Newa will put people on the
aud berries; 125 prune trees. A l­
so, good team, wagon, harness lookout amt probably re-tore to
and some household goods.
Will you Home value»! a rticle.
give time on part.
All trains direcr to the Fair Grounds
'iiid e e . in- d." not » i 'l - ' I finished
He clung to building It to r ooun-l lilng
to occupy hint. When It »vita i-omplete
and lit- moved In lit- «edited lost In it
It was lilg enough for a hundred fami­
lies. and there was only himself to
use it
One day when he fell ill and tired
nnd lonely he concluded to go to the
farm lie had cut la-en there In many
years The view In front o f the house
he had always loved, anti lie sat down
on the little porch to look at It
Theu he remembered hi« dream
He never left this place of Ilia birth
In a few weeks he died
Mr. H a r r * S a a k a r
M I T O F A L L S C I T V. O N I O O N 1
a n a Buy O r c h a r d L a n d
Salem 9.00 a.in , 5:16 pm .
Dallas, 9:00 A M , 6:16 P M
Portland A Eugene train 101,
11 ;55 a. m.
Bjack Buck, 1:30 P. M.
Mail closes fur:
Salem. 8.50 A M,, 1 P. M and 5
P. M.
Dallas, 8:50 A. M and 5 P. M.
Eugene A Portland train 162,
) p. ui.
Black Rock, 11 A. M.
under the colors for three years, dur
No. 6. 163 acres near town.
Ing which time he would give thirty
days o f active service each year
A Good house and barn. W ill sell
call to arras would Und. then, thou­ all or divide to suit buyer.
sands of men better titled to serve
No. 8. T w o good 8-room houses
their country.
Many Coanties Have No Poor Farm »
N or Poor Indigonta.
Topeka.—Twenty of the 106 Kansas
counties have tio poor farms or indi­
gent poor, while in other counties the
poor farms are self supporting, accord
ing to a report made by J W. Howe,
secretary o f the state board o f control.
In the year ending July 1 the various
counties In Kansas cared for only 000
paupers, the report says.
Pending the construction of new
quarters at the Winfield Hospital For
the Feeble Minded a number of Insane
and feeble minded patients have been
cared for by Individual counties
As a result there were ten more in­
mates o f poor farms this year Bmn last
year. In the year ending July 1. says
the report, there were nineteen cbll
dren In the county Institution as
against fourteen the previous year.
S unday O nly
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m:
Mail arrivea (rout Haletn, 9:00
a. ui,
Portland & Eugene tram 101,
and lots, some fruit trees with
11:55 a. m.
one. 'These are among the most
Mail closes for Salem, 8:60 a. m.
desirable residences in the city.
Eugene A Portland train 102, 1
They are o f modern * construction
p. m.
and desirably located. Reason­
Effective May 13, 1916.
able terms on part if desired. Will
1 ha C. M k h k lin u , Postmaster
sell one or both.
No. 9. 20 acres j miles from
town. Good 6-room house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; I t acres in apples, 2 } acres
in peaches, cherries, pears and
strawberries. Plenty o f wood for
“Clean Up the Bowels and
Keep Them Clean”
had for
culty is
No. 10- Six lots 50x150, three
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash and terms.
No. 11. 130 acre ranch. 60
acres in cultivation, 25 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, barn
We have never befort*'sold a rem­
and other outbuildings.
edy with the QUICK action o f simple
No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in culf iva-
buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as
mixed in Adler-i.-ka, the appendicitis
tion, 6 room house, barn and
preventative. ONE SPOONFUL re-1
lieves sour stomach, gas and consti­ chicken house. T w o springs,
pation A T ONCE. M L. Thompson, w ater piped to house, hot and cold
w ater and hath. 6 acres in young
orchard. 2 acres big second
Correspondents wanted in every growth fir. Spring affords water
neighborhood in this section ol tlie sufficient to irrigate onehalf o f
the land. This land lays just out­
side o f the city limits o f Falls
City. A bargain.
A Personal Matter
are many remedies to he
constipation, but the diffi­
to procure one that acts
violence. A remedy that
does not perform
b y force w h a t
should be accom­
plished by persua­
sion is Dr. Miles’
Laxative Tablets.
Alter using them,
Mr N A Waddell,
3 IS Washington
St., Waco, Tex.,
“ Almost
all my
t ha v* hern
troubled with conatlpatlon. and hava
tried many remedlre. all of whl<-h
eeemed to cause piiln without giving
murh rellaf
I finally tried Dr Mllea’
la x a tiv e Tablata and found them e i ■
eellent. Tlialr action la pleasant and
mild, and their rhouolate taata makea
them eaay to taka. I am mora than
glad to recommend them." 4
"Clean up the bowels and keep
them clean,” is the advice of all
physicians, because they realize the
danger resulting from habitual con­
stipation. Do not delay too long,
but begin proper curative measures.
Dr. Miles’ Laxative Tablets area
new remedy for this old complaint,
and a great improvement over the
cathartics you have been using in
They taste like candy
No. 13. 12 acres 1J miles from the past
and work like a charm. A trial
town, all under fence and in culti­ will convince you.
vation; 8-room house and b a rn .1 Dr. Miles’ Laxative Tablets are
sold by all druggists, at 25 rents
This place can lie sold ortb-third a box containing 25 doses
If not
cash, purchaser to assume mort-j found satisfactory after trial, re­
turn the box to your druggist and
gage now on the place. Can give j he will return your money.
When you want a laxative, you
want one suited to the needs of
your constitution. A good sure
laxative that will not gripe is—
N yal’s Figsen. We recommend this
candy-lozenge. Boxes at 10c, 25c
and 50c. For sale at Thompson's you a bargain.
Drug Store.
No. 14. 33} acres o f land, 21 ,
acres plow land, 7 acres in tim b e r; ’
H o w ’s T h is ?
W e offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ balance pasture. 8-room house, (
ward for any case of Catarrh that woodshed, chicken house; 6 acres|
cannot be cured by H all’s Catarrh young orchard in bearing.
P r ic e !
$4,300. W ill take one-half in D a l-;
F. J. C H E N E Y A CO . Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F J. las or Salem residence property |
Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd hellcve
him perfectly honorable In all business and give time on one-fourth.
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm.
No. 15. Six-room house, wood­
Toledo, O. shed with about one acre land.
Hall's Catsrrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly unon the blood and mu­ Price $900, $300 cash, balance on
cous surfaces of the system Testimonials time. North Main Street. One
sent free, price 7J cents per bottle. Bold
by all Druggists.
Take B all's Kamil/ Pills for constipation.
8-room house with 5 lota. Price
$1800; part time.
Extra copies ol The News are j For further information, call on
printed each week, and will be sent ,,r W n *e
D. L Wood,
to any address desired, postpaid,
Falls City, Oreg.
for 5 cents per copy.
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lnwyer,
Get your butter wrappers print­
Dallas, Oregon.
ed at the News office.
Elkhart, Ing.
pain leaves almost
as if by magic when
you begin using "5-
Drops,” the famousold
remedy for Rheuma­
Sciatica, N eu ra lgia
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to tho
spot, stops the aches
and pains and makes
life worth living
1W jfjl J t Is } « bottle of ’’6-Drops"
g g today A booklet with
e ii h I- ulo gives full
d irection s for use.
Don’t delay. Demand
"6-Dropa" Don’t ac­
cept anything ojso in
place of it. Anydrug-
gi»t can supply ynu. If you live too f ir
from a drug store send One Dollar to
S a anion Rheumatic Cure Co. Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle of •’6-Drops" will be
sent prepaid.