Saturday, Kept« ta bar IS, 1015 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. % Council Meeting M. J. Smith left Tu**«dny noon for Wyoming where he will reside The city council met Tuesday Passenger Train Schedule night in an adjourned «easion in the future. Effective Oct. 4,1914 New Line Graniteware from September 7th to conclude i * i i i»r ¡M WMTSOirMt am. Hill norm* important huuinesg \yith re­ pm. We have just received a fine line of kitchen Six ton loo»» oat hay for rale. Salem . . . 7:00 9 If. 3.25 gard to procuring more water (jraniteware, consisting of teakettles, tea I h U Dalian . . . I.IB 11.07 ; 5.00 Phone IK and the collection of delinquent pots, coffee pots, double boilers, preserving Falls City 8.fai 11.11 j 5.35 Bl’k Rock. street assessments. 12:01 kettles, stew kettles, 10-qt water pails, etc, Phillip liottfreid returned Tues- 170 IM |M. The Mayor and all the aider- ONLY 35 CENTS EACH. See Our Window Display pm. day morning from Dallas. Hill. pm. men were present. It was dis­ Bl'k Rock 1.05 We also carry a nice line of Hardware 5.40 Falls City. 9.30 1.25 covered that C. .1. Bradley and Furniture, Builders’ Material, Paints, Ect., Cider vinegar ‘ 2 5c a gallon. <1.40 Dallas . . . 10.10 2.INI Cha.-t. Hopkins had t*en absent that we are selling at low prices. 7.45 A. A. Wade. Salem . . . 11.25 3.15 for three consecutive meetings A m 1 . and according to the Charter M inn Winelai:d was shopping at were automatically removed with­ J. C . T A L B O T T &, C O . Dallas Tuesday. out any action of the council. They were accordingly re-elected Our advertisers are offering spec- and the business of the evening ■al bargain« thia week. entered into. The Mayor very forcibly informed them that as a R. E. W il l i a m s , M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols , R. G. W h i t e , C. M. Munaon and family left council there was but one course President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Monday via automobile for the in the collection of the delinquent assessments, and that Was to col­ San Francisco Exposition. lect them. The city attorney Mr. and Mra. tí. II. Tetherow was instructed to proceed with­ F a lls C it y , P olk C o u n t y . O reg o n visited with Kred Holman and out any unnecessary delay to col­ Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time lauiily at Italia* lait Sunday. lect all amounts due. The water Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. proposition was discussed and ar­ Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Candi»«, Tobacco« and Cigar«, at Mia« Netti» Graham visited rangements made to proceed at L. H WONDKRLY’S once to obtain a larger supply of friend« in Dalla« this week. water. The Council really accomplish­ F. K. Hubbard ha« been hauling Dr. W. L. Holloway Free Methodist Church ed more for the good of the town ; Ilia prune crop to the Dalian dryer CHIROPRACTIC Sunday School 10:00 A. M. in this one meeting than has g J g \ J B % I ■ ^ OK DALLAS, ORE. thia week. Preaching 11:00 A. M. been done for many months. Phon» *22. | (Class meeting 12:00 P. M. Miss Lucile Ticheuor visited Evening service 8:00. W ILL BE AT FALLS CITY HOTEL friend» al Dalla» la»t Saturday H. A. W a l t e r , Pastor. ALL DAY Cum Specimens S P R IN G V E A L . and Sunday. MONDAY. W EDNESDAY AND • | A. H. Dodd brought some fine Christain Church FRIDAY EACH W EEK LUNCHEON MENU. Mr«. Sampson and two daugh­ specimens of corn to the News Service on next Lord’s Day at Bouillon All chronic and acute diseases ter« visited at Dalla» Monday. 11 a. m , and 7:30 p. m. Veal Fritter*. office Wednesday that he had E ndive Salad. treated. If you are afflicted with Bible School at 10 A. M. raised on his farm, one mile and Sweet W afers. O range Sponge. any ailment call and we will talk Dana McPherren and Miss Mat- a quarter northeast of Falls City. Junior Endeavor at 3 P. M. T ea or Cocoa. it over. tie Ferguson attended the band The corn is of the Flint variety Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M. concert at Dallas last Saturday and matures quickly. The ears Evening services 8 P. M. E A L Is a t Its b e st In th e spring A cordial invitation to everyone. night. measured 11-inches long. 6-inches and, though not especially d i­ gestible. Is served In a g re a t va­ Strangers made welcome. at the small end and 7-inches a t 1 of w ays. I t Is a m eat w hich does C. J. Pugh and C. T. Ellieou the large end, containing 8 fully riety not keep long. I f th e re is d o u b t of Its Local News Hems WANTED—Good Falls City pro­ made u business trip to Portland developed rows on the cob. This I freshness it Is b e st to w ash It a t once, Friday. is excellent corn and shows what pluugc It in to boiling w a te r an d in ten perty in exchange for a good 160 niluules tra n s fe r It to cold w ater. No acre stock ranch in Deschuettes Polk county can produce. o th er m eat is so useful fo r m aking The best show at the Gem tonight Valley south of Bend, Oregon, The hop pickers are about all The farmers of this vicinity- soups and gravies. Also for sale, rent or trade cheap, returned and the town regained are requested, if they have sam­ U sin g the Shoulder. Hrnised Veal.—T ak e a piece o f shoul­ splendid residence property in its normal appearance. ples of farming produce to bring F. Droege went to Portland er w eighing live pounds. H av e bone Falls City, Oreg. Apply to them to this office and place them d rem oved and tie up m eat to m ake It Wednesday on business. Mrs. D. J. Grant was visiting in on exhibition in the office win­ tirni. l*ut piece o f b u tte r size of h alf J o s e p h M ik a l s o n , Dallas this week. Brownsville, Oregon. dow so that the people of the nn egg. to g eth er w ith a few shavings o f onion. Into a k e ttle an d let get hot. ------ » -« -co —o - - ——— Miss Vola Selig returned Sun-' city can see the progress that the Suit» and pepper th e veal and p u t into d»y from the Fair ut San Fran­ kettle, cover tig h tly a n d -p u t over a me- Bring your j jb printing to the tillers of the soil are making. Berean Class Meet cisco. rdiuiu tire u n til m eat is brow n on both News ufliee. The B e r e a n s held their sides, tu rn in g it occasiodally. T hen set k ettle on back o f stove, w h ere it will monthly class meeting at the Mr«. Clay Oxford visited in Dal­ Rev. Hicks Goes to Newberg sim m er slow ly fo r ab o u t tw o and one- Christian church Monday night. There are several books out which h a lf hours. B efore se ttin g m eat on las last Saturday, returning Sun­ Rev. B. L. Hicks left Thursday belong to the library. Will you back o f stove see if th e Juice of th e An unusual number of the mem­ day. please look through your books for Newburg where he will ac­ m eat, to g eth er w ith th e b u tte r, m akes bers came out as it was the last cept the pastorate of the church g rav y enough an d if n o t add a little time Rev. Hicks, the pastor, and see if you can locate them. w ater. S erve g rav y hot w ith hot Keep your money at home by at that place. The acceptance hot would meet with them, as he m eat o r cold w ith cold m eat. getting your printing done at Mr. and Mrs. Ciias. Moyer and of his application came as a departed Thursday for his new Stuffed Veal. home. baby were visitois in town over rather surprise to Rev. Hicks as R oost F illet o f V e a l.-T a k e a thick field at Newberg. The business there were 15 other applications piece o f veal from th e upper p a rt of of the evening was transacted, Sunday. e leg an d hav e th e bone rem oved. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, Pies, ahead of him, among which was th Fill th e cav ity w ith stuffing m ade of after which a recitation by Mrs. and other bakery goods, every day Miss Lureua Treat is visiting that of an able evangelist and one cupful of b readcrum bs, m oisten I. G. Singleton, and one by Mrs. at the Falls City Bakery. tiei grandparents in .Monmouth. the other was a Portland college w ith u h a lf cupful of w a te r, one-third Harris were rendered. a cupful m elted b u tte r, one-fourtb professor of 16 years service in of The meeting then adjourned o f a teaspoonful of salt, a h a lf tea L. M. Byerly. Ralph and Roy Mrs. Rich and Kenueth visited the ministry. spoonful of pow dered th y m e an d pep­ and the time was spent in play­ Martin left Thursday for the Siletz in Dallas this week. Rev. Hicks recently filled the per to ta ste . T ie Into a round shape. ing games until the refreshments w ith salt, pepper an d flour. Baain for several days hunting. pulpit at the Newberg church F D u redge t strip s of pork over th e top and were ready to serve. Before the Add w a te r as soon as th e flour guests retired for their respec­ Mrs. Flower of Salem is visiting during the absence of the pastor, h bake. as brow ned an d b aste often. Cover Miss Kennard, teacher of the and his strong eloquence won the tier mother at the country home of w ith a p aper to p rev en t b u rn in g and tive homes E. A. LaDow gave an congregation over in his favor allow fourth grade arrived Monday to interesting and encouraging talk h a lf an h o u r to a pound. Mr. Brown. assume her duties in the school and when his application was A D a in ty F or Luncheon. in favor ot the retiring pastor, next week. Veal F ritte rs.—T ak e one egg, one and ending by saying that the New­ M isse s Alderman and M îsb Ham­ brought up it was readily accept­ tw o-thirds cupfuls chopped veal, four mond attended the Small-Boughey ed. tablespoonfuls milk, one-half table­ berg church would find in him a Rev. Hicks came here from spoonful olive o il ,'s c a n t h a lf cupful faithful and loyal worker. Sev­ Dana McPlierren and Morris wedding at Salem Wednesday. Madras, central Oregon, one flour, one-eighth teaspoonful salt, w hite eral talks of a similiar nature Selig returned Wednesday night pepper, oue-half teaspoonful lemon Miss Ritnour and Ruth Gottfieid year and three months ago and Juice, fry in g fat. B eat thoroughly the was made by several of the mem­ from a hunting trip on the Big has been a loyal and faithful yolk of th e egg and add th e m ilk, oil. bers. The guests then departed were in Dallas Thursday. Luckiamute. worker and the vacancy caused sa lt and pepper, flour an d lem on Juice. after shaking hands with Rev. e w h ite o f th e egg stiff and add by his resignation will be one B to eat th th e m ix tu re w hen ready to use. Hicks. Quite u number of the people Ira C Mehrliug was a delegate that will not be easily filled. The T hen s tir in th e veal, w hich should not ol Polk county to the Railroad were visitors in Dallas this week. members of the church and the he chopped too fine. D rop w ith a spoon The Observer appears to be slightly sm oking f a t and fry to a Land Grant Convention held at Among them were: Mrs. Wurtx- community at large regret to lose Into particularly interested in sup- golden brow n. D rain on so ft p ap er or barger, Mrs. Lindell, Mrs. Knee- Rev. Hicks, but as his new field Salem this week. cheesecloth. S erve w ith o r w ith o u t ptessing the rumor that the Falls bone, Mr. Marlin, Mr. and Mrs, affords more opportunities and sauce. City branch of the S. P. is to be Skeels. better chances for advancement, electrified. In stating that the G. P. Lane, who was injured they wish him success and a bril­ y/J-n+i aJ U r n /, rumor has no foundation it ap­ three weeks ago witli a broken rib R. M. Wondeily and C. L. Hop­ liant future, and heartily recom­ peared to many citizens here that was aide to return to work Monday kins have been working on the mend him to the good people of the reporter displayed unwonted at Balderree’s camp. new school building at Black Rock. Newberg as being a noble and zeal for it to be only a mere mat­ John II. Scott, the Salem real ter of news. trustworthy man. estate man passed through Falls Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Shepherd Miss Mildred Hall, the new T. L. Trueax of Gordon, Neb., instructor in the Domestic Science are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. U. Paul returned to Hoskins City Thursday to Black Rock who has fieen visiting J. E. Trueax Department of the Falls City Grier at Salem. Thursday where Ice lias been en­ where he goes to look after the in­ and other relatives and friends school, with her mother have mov­ terests of a Swedish colony that is that he had known 20 years ago in Mrs. Chapin and daughters, gaged in painting the depot, sec­ ed into the house recently vacated to tie located there in the near Nebraska will return home Mon­ l y Dr. Hellwarth on nofth Main Leone and Mildred were in Salem tion house, bridges and other pro­ future. day. this week. perty of the railroad company. street. SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN Bank of Falls City C/ßUPBOARD V & f