Saturday, September 18, 19lf> THE FALLS CITY NEWS. metos and bounds are prescribed (She y a lla (Titii N r in » and beyond them we cannot fo­ D. L. WOOD A SON. Publishers. Kntcrrd a * «t-wwl v u » mail at III«» at Falla Cltj. Folk i\»antj Orwgoo. uutlrr ihf Act of cVugraaa of March S. 1ST». llow ever it might lie of some con­ solation to know if the official who volunteered the information was the porter or a “brakie." Telephone Mews Office. S3. GOING UP! Subscription Kates. One year. SI.00; six months, M> cents; three months. 26cants; single copy. & ct*. The constant increase of court expenditures is inexplicable to the burdened tax-payers who have not gene to the trauble of seeking a solution based upon investiga­ tion. The trouble primarily is traceable to the legislative mill which grinds out an endless quan­ tity of ufeless and often harmful laws. Such hodge-podge products of the legislative machinery leads directly to increased court busi­ ness. Another bad practice of legislative bodies is that of paying more attention to party politics and the spoils incident thereto than to the real business that should have consideration. There certainly should lie some plan adopted whereby legislatures will attend to making laws and not to seeking s|ioils. Advertising Rates Display. 15 -v nt*an Inch Business Notice*. % cent* a line . For Sale. Kent. Exchange. W ant ami Fay Entertainm ent No tic«*. 5 ct*. a line. Card of Thanks SOcU.Lega Notices. U fal rates. Copy for new ads. and changes should be sent to The News not later than Wednesday. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY O r FALLA CITY H J. Griffin Mayor. R M. Wonderly. Councilman at Large Fhilltp Gottfreid H 0 Brown. C i. Bradley. Councilmen I. G. Singleton. C. L. Hopkin*. R. A. Titus. C E. McPherren. Auditor and P olice Judge Walter L. Tooie Jr.. City Attorney Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L Thompson. Treasurer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer. The Council meets in regular session on the fir>* and third Tuesday nights of each m onth, at 7 o’clock, in the office of the Falls City News. S a tu r d a y . S e p t e m b e r 18. 1915 NEWS AND COMMENT H > ro fc o o lcn n l tln r t*o ‘ 1 FIFTY-FOURTH ANNUAL PHYSICIAN F. M. HELLWARTH OREGON STATE FAIR I860 - - 1915 S A LEM , O R E., Sept., 2 7 , to Oct. 2d inclusive. J. H. Booth. Rosebcrg, Pro*. W Al Jonos. Salem. See $20,000 in Cash Premiums PHYSICIAN AND SURC.KON Office one door east of P, t). iiaii-D ami ,,, Ketldvm’« * IIOIlH «JtiH Kal). city, Oregon I’ll YHiri AN E. KIRUlüEMNER, M. Ü. PHYSICIAN AND NUKOKON o r n i K h o i ks ta a . m i n i e m Ollier Hours by App»»inUueiit Office flr*t house wr»t of lloeplU l Rhone 441 Suoincoo Harto HOTEL AN 0HEG0N EXPOSITION OPEN TO ALL THE WORLD Send for premium lists and secure part of the $20.(KI0. Exhibit your products, make your expenses and return to your homes with good money. Free transportation for ex­ hibits. ll you have something good in the line of livestock bring it to this great market where buyers from several states will be with the cash. Come early and see the close. Free Camp Grounds. A shady oak park. Free shed room for autos and teams. Something doing every minute. Munter, the Aviator, will make two flights daily. Come and ride with him. Oregon flies with her own wings, and so docs Munter. FEATURES:—Speed events. Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts. Boys’ Camp, Moving Pictures, Girls’ Camp. Animal Circus. Everybody’s Camp. Childrens’ Playground, Paved Walks. Good Water, Pure Air. Numerous Sports. Jfa llô C ity O b o td S a m p le R o o m s B o a t A c c o m m o d a t io n * f D roogo, P r o p r ie to r HAKi.KK SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops F a l l s C it y , O r e g o n ) Where yog css gel i D i m . Hair Cat. tall) or ‘Shine' Agent lor Dallas M u m l aundry Hunuloa loitvai-li-l luvw lay availing Several newspapers speak of the raising of the F-l as a remark­ MONl'MKNTS able achievement in naval engi- According to a count made in nesring. Jesso! Hut the South the library of congress recently Bend Tribune thinks a more re­ our federal and state legislatures markable achievement wolud have Reduced Rates On All Railroads. passed 62,014 statutes during the been the taking ot steps to pre- five years from 1905 to 1913 incln- venting its sinking. Says the Tri- sive. Evan greater than this bune; “The announcement that multiplicity of laws was the vast the ill-fated crew of the F-4 came White was exceeding the speed FLO G G ED BY HIS PEER . mass of decisions of court of last to their deaths through chlorine limit, was running without lights) Peter the Great Didn’t Hesitat« In Making Conditions Equal. resort, federal and state, which gas generated from sea water or license tag. Anyone but an during the same five years reach- seeping into storage batteries of officer would have-been held for One day u young recruit wa» .landing guard before the door of ed the enormous total of 65.379 the submarine is confirmation that manslaughter. the entrance to Peter the Great’* and now fill 630 volumes. at the time the inefficiency charge private chambers in the pulace of And yet ignorance of the law — was made conditions in regard to Mrs. A M. V ars ill of Dallas ^t. Petersburg, lie bad received or- does not excuse. In our days of the American undersea boats and Mrs. El--.iiior Butler ^ | dors to adnut no one. As he was passing slowly up und statute making by rapid-fire pro- wese not what Secretary Daniels g u e - ts ot Mrs. C. I" H°pkm» j own before the door Prince Men- cess. Thomas Jefferson would claimed them to be. Judging from Wed In .--I IV , si hikotf, the favorite minister of the have found greater reasons than his more recenh activities, the : czar, approached and attempted to ever for declaring that the country secretary himself has come to a enter. He was stopped by the re­ is governed best that is governed realization of the fact.” Too late, Friil Bi'Wdior of I’ irtland was in cruit. governed least, and for opposing however, so far as the victims are Kails Citv Tm-sday The prince, who had the fullest liberty of calling upon his master a multiplicity of laws. Not the I concerned, to do more than give any time, sought to push the least discouraging feature of it all burial with full honors, W. T (iiiiran d family motored at guard aside and pass him. Yet the is that our states men of the“ultra- _______ over fiotti Salem Tuesday night. man would not move, but ordered progressive’variety have countless Dean Collins and Rex Lampman his highness to stand back. new laws still uptheir sleeves, not of Portland wandered in:o the ’ l.H-t Monday morning G. I). “ You idiot!” shoutted the prince. a few of themrevolntionary invas­ News office Monday, extended to Treat, I.. I.. Brooks, I.. Robert- “Don’t you know me? You’ll be punished for this!" ions of the citizens’ rights. us the right hand of fellowship son ami Pat Murphy left the hab- The recruit smiled and said: ------------------- and discoursed freely upon the itatiun of man and took to the tall “Very well, your highness, but _ . . joys and sorrows of the newspaper timber in arch of game. Nothing ray orders are peremptory to let no­ Toast 10 Laughter fraternity. Dean Collins is editor has la i n heard from them since body pass.” The prince, exasperated at the Here’Sto laughter, the sunshine of the Monday Morning Crawfish they left, hut it is predicts I that fellow’s impudence, struck him a of the soul, the happiness of the that graces the Oregonian, and they will make a killing, blow in the face with his riding whip. heart, the leaven of youth, the Rex Lampman is editor of the — privilege of purity, the echo of in- Saturday Evening Alibi in the Miss Helen 'lreat lias secured a “Strike away, your highness,” said the soldier, “but I cannot let nocence, the treasure of the hum-’Journal. Ostensibly they are via­ school at Kir Grove and will begin you go in.” ble, the wealth of the poor, the iting relatives near Dallas, hut teaching October I. Miss Helen is Peter, in the room, hearing the bead of the cup of pleasure; it dis- Dallas being dry and dusty, they an estimable little lady and her noise outside, opened the door and pels dejection, banishes blues and very naturally turn their way, on friends wish lier success. inquired what it meant, and the prince told him. mangles melancholy; for it’s the pleasure bent, to Falls City where The czar appeared amused, but foe of woe, the destroyer of de- vine-clad hills and sylvan groves, said nothing at the time. pression, the enemy of grief; it is rippling rills, and, other accessor- In the evening, however, lie sent what king 3 envy peasants, pluto- ¡os that drive away dull care and for the prince and the Boldior. A-« crats envy the poor, the guilty make life worth living, can be they both appeared Peter gave his own cane to the soldier, saying: envy the innocent; it’s the sheen found. “That man struck you in the on the silver of smiles, the ripple ----------- morning. Now you must return the on the water s delight; the glint Centralization in government, blow to that fellow with my stick.’’ of the gold of gladness; without it population, business and wealth, The prince was amazed. “Your humor would be dumb, wit would are the inevitable tendencies of majesty,” he said, “this common soldier is to strike me ?*’ wither, dimples would disappear today. The greatest menace is “I make him a captain,” said Pe and smiles would shrivel, for it s centralization of wealth, for all ter. a glow of a clean conscience, the other evils follow. It controls “But I’m an officer of your ma voice of a pure soul, the birth cry government, whether National, jesty’s household,” objected the of mirth, the swan-song of sad- state or Municipal, whether ex­ prince. ness. “I make him a colonel of my life ecutive, or bureaucratic dictator­ guards and an officer of the house­ ship. I Ait the people of this coun­ hold,” said Peter again, try insist on a government of law “ Nothin’ Stirrin’” i “My rank, your majesty knows, rather than of men. Otherwise is that of general,” again protested The Polk County Observer ruth- popular representative gov­ Menschikoif. Try Our Bonbons iessly dashed the hopes of Falls ernment and “Then I make him a general, so will inevitably be de­ Cityans of getting an electric line, stroyed. H ARRI NGTON that the beating you get may come in the sometime dim future. The _______ from a man of your rank.” The prince got a sound thrash Bxtra copies of Tin. New* are sage of the Observer sternly tells ing in the presence of the czar, and printed each week, and will bn sent them that these hopes are basely Can an officer v iolate the law, is the recruit, who was next day com­ to any address desired, postpaid, false, that at no time has the S. P. a question that naturally arises missioned a general with a title, for 6 cents per copy. Co., had any idea of electrifying after the verdict of the coroner's was the founder of a powerful fami­ the road. That in solemn con- jury that investigated the death ly, whose descendants are still high \\ alter L. Too 2 e, Jr., Lawyer, clave with an official of the road of Hollaender brothers who were in the imperial service of Ifussia. Dallas, Oregon. if. it was said that such a thing had killed in a collision of their motor Good house for sale in Kails Get your butter wrappers print­ never been dreamed of. cycle with that of Officer White’s. ^ City, part time. Enquire at News ed at the News office, The oracle has spoken. Our It was shown at the inquest that office. A BURDENED PEO PLE Yes! We do Job Work. Compare our prices with others and see samples. THE NEWS {■