f • •» T n KALLS CITY OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1015 VOI,. XII Either, curator o f the museum's Egyp­ tian section. The Dnd Is considered of first Impor­ tance and It la 1 io | kh I will prove to be Ihn beginning of further developments In the uncovering of the history of Fall* City Sohool Will Opan Monday, Memphis, which wus one o f the great cities o f the world, probably the great­ September 20. est In the time o f Humeses II.. more tfiun Il.tXXJ years ago. which Is known N ext Monday morning the bell to have been o f great lin|M»rlauce 5.000 years ago anil probably has u history on the school house, that has running thousands o f years behind that Ion« hung silent, will attain peal era. Tbo temple was silled over with mud out right merrily calling “ To from the Nile and covered with suud Hooks.” Soon happy children blown from the desert, so that nothing will he seen climbing the hill to remained o f the glories which were so the school house and the “ hill of prominent In the days o f Herodotus and which lasted until within a cen­ Knowledge” as well. The cit­ tury or tw o o f the Christian era. The discovery of ihe great temple to izens o f Falls City justly take pride in their public school. students o f history Is highly valuable, beurlug out the glowing chronicles of Much care and expense has been the glory o f the Egypt by Herodotus. put forth in order that the youth It forms another refutation o f recent might have every advantage in hlslorlana who have accused him of In- seein g myths In his writings. preparing themselves for their When the digging began the capitals life work in whatever line they o f two columns o f the great palace may choose. Competent instruc­ were discovered. A fter a hundred ex- I*ert diggers had spent three months In tors have been secured together careful excavation a great hall o f col­ with the latest methods and ap­ umns was unearthed, und the excava­ pliances. Falls City schools have tions were then carried down to the original soli. always stood high in their at­ The temple must orlginnlly have been tainments and there is no reason one o f tho glories o f Egypt. In spite o f that they should not still main­ the work o f time, o f sieges and other destructions, enough survives to show tain their standing and even ad­ that It was a magnificent place. This vance. The co-operation o f par­ temple in oil Its gorgeousness was de­ ents, teachers and pupils alone scribed by Herodotus. A large Inscrip­ tion indicates that It tuny |tosslbly be can attain this. Every child o f the temple o f Set II.. although at tlrst school age should be promptly on' It was supposed to have beeu erected hand the first day and each suc­ by Meuephtah. sou o f Humeses II. PUBLIC SCHOOL WILL OPEN C*"V. * * < ceeding day o f the entire term. SH E HAS “ HYPNOTIC EYE.” Lindsay (Cal.) Man Complaint Against Wife. Lindsay. Csl.— Alleging that Ills wife. Whsat Yisld la Baltar Than Fiv# Yaar Mrs. Mary Berry, has a "hypnotic eye" Average. London.--The Dully M alle corre- and that for the past year she has ex ­ ercised n malign Influence over him. a|Mini'iit at lYtmurad quotes M Krlvo Wesley E. Perry, a rancher, swore to ■heln, minister o f agriculture, a* Hay­ a complaint for the arrest o f Mrs. Per­ ing that the itUHHlau harvest 1» not ry and asked that she be detained at only better than In 1914. but greatly the county Jail until an examination ybore the average for the tive years can lie made Into her mental condition. preceding. The yield Is estimated at Mrs. Perry made a statement to the 1!,000.000,000 bushels, o f w hich 571.000,- officers following her arrest. In which 000 bushela are wheat. During the tire she declared her husband Is "half In­ years preceding 10U the average sane” and that he. Instead, .should be wheat yield was 478.000.tXXI bushels. locked up and examined by the coun­ The only districts where the harvest ty alienists. was bad were the Vllna and Qrodno regions, which ure now largely occu New Automobile Fuel. pled by the Germans. The difficulty London.—Attention lias been called o f finding enough harvest workers has In England to another new motor fuel been overcome and there would he uo cnlli>d “ nntnllte." for which excellent difficulty In exporting the surplus results and low price are claimed It through the Uluck sen If tbo Darda­ Is said to be composed mostly of alco­ nelles were opened. hol. and the mixture contains a small Tbo Siberian harvest was below the quantity o f alkali for the purpose of average, but this fact Is negligible neutralizing ihe acidity o f Ihe products when the abundance o f the crops In of combustion o f the alcohol, which eastern and southern Itussin Is remem­ otherwise would cause corrosion o f the bered. valves and cylinders GREAT HARVEST JUST A “DOG’S r IN RUSSIA. LIFE.” Kansas City Man Goss Into Particulars of W ifs’s Trsstmsnt. Kansas City, Mo.—" A man Is about the same an a dog," James Henson said his w ife told him. and he quotes the phrase In his dlvorco petition. Then, to show he lived a “ dog’s life " from tho time he married his wife, Mrs. Ethn Henson, In 1891, he enumer­ ates the following indignities: She was cross und Irritable. She gossiped about him. She would make him leave the table before tho meal was finished. She would not mend Ids clothes. She objected to washing his shirts. She grumbled and nagged. She had a bad disposition. She ran up bills on him. AMERICAN DIGS UP EGYPTIAN TEMPLE One of the Glories of Mem­ phis Is Excavated. ridladel|>hla.— Tho discovery o f a great temple at Memphis, Egypt, be­ longing approximately to the period of Hnmeses II., Is announced by the Uni­ versity museum as a result o f the spring and summer explorations o f Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., o f tho Egyptian expedition undet_the leadership Of Dr. ' SHAVED BY SW IS S ON BORDER Austrian Soldiers Operated on Through Barbed Wire Fences. Innsbruck. Austrian Tirol. — The SwUs-Austrlan frontier Is carefully marked off and closed by barbed wire fences, but that does not prevent fair ly free Intercourse between the Swiss and tho Austrian soldiers. Soldiers o f both countries are group­ ed along the Engndlne border nnd in tho Swiss ranks is a barber, the only one o f his profession on either side. A recent visitor to this frout who tie sired to have a shave found It was ob tainuble by the simple expedient o f sit­ ting in a chair on (be Austrian side and allowing the Swiss soldier to ex­ tend his arms through the wire meshes. The shave was not the equal o f one In a regular barber shop, a lilt ragged and rough In spots, hut It w as hotter than none nnd was accomplished with­ out any breach of neutrality. Aus trlnn officers. It Is asserted, resort al­ most dally to the odd expedient. STOLE HIDE FROM COW. Thisf Took Advantage of Auto’a Col­ lision With the Animal. Baraboo, WIs.— Recently a cow be­ longing to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohn was struck by nn automobile owned by Edward Kowalke o f North Freedom. The cow was tethered In the road for n pasture, and the driver o f the car claims he tried to avert air accident, but could not. The leg o f the cow was No. 3 the animal had to he killed. Action was begun In Justice Adolph Andro’s court on Ihe ground the machine was being driven too fast, and later a change o f venue was taken to Justice H. L. il a Itic i'* court, where the case was dismissed, as (lie car was not go ing twenty-live miles an hour Besides, cows should not pusture In the high i way. The hide was removed from the ani ; mal. and later the sheriff was notified , that this hud been stolen. The thief has not been upprehended. TO SAFEGUARD 5 000 000,000 $ , LET US PUT TH E T A P E AROUND YOU FOR A y//*/'* - y . jí/íu r.y