The hop picking season in about over. The weather hu* been ideal (or fathering the crop. I'aually liter» ia ruin alsiut hop picking season and hindent the wot k . SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN Passenger Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4.1914 »»7 i * i 161 warrsmtsD am. pm. am. 3.25 Salem . . . 7:00 9.45 .00 1 »all»* . . . K.15 11.07 ! 5.36 Falls Gity. 8.50 11.11 Hl’ kKock. 12:01 |W IM ifit Sint n it, »tr 11 > M Mil IN It U pm. am. pm. Bl’ k Rock 1.05 5.40 Falls Gity, 9.30 1.25 •>.40 Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00 Salem . , . 11.25 3.15 A. C. K u w ih L. M. Robertson i»turned last Monday from a throe week» trip nerving n* lire warden. Hitt wliiak- i era had grown out and ho would have passed ax Robinson Ofuso. Mr. and Mr*. J. Bee*ley o f 8a- i lent tame Monday to visit with her mother. Mr. Bear ley returned Monday evening but Mrs. Bec/ley lemaioed for a wrek'f visit. . AUIMT Mitt* May Reece attended the baud conc«rt at Dallas la»t Satur- ; day night. THANKS THE PUBLIC We desire to (hank our friend«, and the public generally for their valued patronage while we were in charge of thn Madcna Hotel. Very respectfully, Hutchinson A Abbott. ♦ ♦ Candi»*, Tobacco» and Cigars. at L B. WON I) E R L Y '8 Ito port of the condition of Ilio Bank o f Falls City . Haw Line Graniteware at Kollo City, In th* nut# of Oregon, at the itloM of buainffM Mept . 3d. I f 16: RESOURCES »4**10 01 L o t » » « ml diarounU It,« 3 « Bowl* and warrant* 1.712 <0 Furniture, end fistine* IMt« from Istuk».(not reserve Denk») 1.046.1*6 Hue from approved reserve l ank* 1.0'l.t*. 11.*6 Check* end otlier i:*»h item* 6.710 M c »*h on &tl 72 y.% MM Other resource* Tor* l , . »72,777 It L IA B IL IT IE S 16 000 00 < apital »lock paid In 4,060.00 Mu min* Fund Undivided profil«, le»» eipen *«* end taxe* p*id HMH ».7t7.W F or tel »evln g» bank deposit* Individuel depoftlt* subject to 43.416.4h check 60*00 Demand certificate* of Deposit. ». 424 34 Time and saving deposit* T otal . . 171,777.1» Kt«tt of Oregon ) County of Folk. ) I. P. 0. White Ait. f'AibU r of th« above* named bank, do »olemiily »wear that the above »Laternen! I« true, to the be«t of my knowledge and belief. m / m 1 i .: £ 2 / < m We have just received a fine line o f kitchen Graniteware, consisting o f teakettles, tea pots, coffee pots, double boilers, preserving kettles, stew kettles, 10-qt water pails, etc, O N L Y 35 CENTS EACH. See Our Window Display ] We also carry a nice line o f Hardware Furniture, Builders’ Material, Paints, Ect., that we are selling at low prices. J i < s j J. C . T A L B O T T & . C O . < Í < i > R. E. W illiam s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R .G . W hite , President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Bank of Falls City K me fruit on display. The fruit well was colored apples, large, and seemingly perfect. The inspector found no scale but in the box was one wormy apple. He confiscated the box. This strict application and scrupvlous enforcement ot the law has re­ sulted in clean orchards for the Payette Valley of Idaho and healthy orchards, and when the consumer buys he buys healthy and not diseased fruit. “ But why this contrast o f sec­ tions? Yamhill county, tco, has a fruit inspector, so we are told, though there is truly no evidence o f his work as it should be done here. W ere his work done and done well we would* not expect to find such fruit on display at the local stores as we do find. And why should we complain, because the law is not enforced, because poor fruit is thrust upon the mar­ ket? Not necessarily. Sheridan is now in the center o f 6000 acres of young orchards which will be in bearing next year and the years after. But we must qualify that with the condition the orchards are healthy. And to keep these orchards healthy the diseased trees around must be treated or eradicated. One diseased tree can in almost* inconceivable time communicate the diseaset to an entire orchard. “ It is only jnstiee to the growers as well as the consume that the fruit inspector be strict and scrupulous.”