Saturday, Ssptnm ber 4, l ö l ß THE Y ALLS CITY NEWS S l i p f a l l i i ( Ü i t i i N p u i b kind, and that is practically what half the people do. They can’t do this because the neighbors would talk, and they can’t do that be­ D. L. WOOD ft SON. cause the neighbors wonder if Publishers. they could not afford to do some­ Entered «•'•■.mil ■ i i h m«t1 a t the poatntfM'* They may not say it • t fa lla COj. Polk fo u n t jr. O r e g o n , nudar ti» thing else. a c t o t f r o g rana of March S. 1ST». in so many words, but they mean Telephone News Office. M. it, and it is simply a great big natures S u b s c rip tio n R a te a O n e y e a r. M .00; s ix m o n th s. vacum in some of our M c e n u . th r e e m o n t l a » c e n t s . a ln g le co p y . 5 eta. where moral courage ought to lie. A d T tr tU in s R ate«: D u p la y . 15 c e n t» a n Inch : Half the sting of poverty or small R u iin e a s N otice«. S c e n ts a lin e F or S ale. K ent. means is gone when one keeps E x c h a n g e . W a n t a n d Pay E n te r ta in m e n t No­ n e « » . S et», a lin e . C a r d o f T h a n k « M e t « . Lega house for himself and not for his N otice», le g a l rate». neighbors. C opy fo r n ew ad«, a n d c h an g e « » ho u ld be te n t to T h e New« n o t la te r th a n W ed n esd ay . O F F IC IA L D IE E C T O R T O r F A L L S C IT T H . J. G riffin. M ayor. R M. W o u d erly . C o u n c Ilm a n -a t-L a rg e P h illip G o ttfre id H . C. B row n, C. J. B ra d le y . C om ici lin en I. G. S in g le to n . C . L. H o p k in s . R. A. T itu s. C. E. M cP h e rre n . A u d ito r a n d P o lice J u d g e W a lte r L. Tooxe J r .. C ity A tto rn e y P a t M u rp h y . M a rsh a l a n d W a te r 8 u p t. M. L. T h o m p so n . T re a s u re r D r. F. M. H e llw a rth . H e a lth Officer. T h e C o u n c il m eet» In re g u la r sessio n o n th e Br»t a n d th ir d T u e sd a y n ig h ts of e a c h m o n th , a t 7 SO o 'c lo c k . In th e office of th e F a lls C ity New». S a t u r d a y . S eptem ber 4. 1915 NEWS AND COMMENT - — ---- RETALIATION (7) ♦ ♦ - ♦ ------------ Denver, Colo.—A conspiracy to disrupt the National Guards of Colorado and secure wholesale in­ dictments of state officers and coal mine operators is charged by a military court of inquiry. A conspiracy to disrupt the Mine Workers Union and secure wholesale indictments of striking miners; that Pinkerton thugs, de­ tectives and other law-breakers were employed to manufacture evidence and stir up trouble, was charged by the miners. WILL THEY 8ET JUSTICE? After much persecution and During the month of August German submarines sunk 81 B ri­ suffering by innocent parties it is tish vessels and the British sunk believed that those responsible for two German boats. the coal miners strike in Colorado in 1913 and 194 have been un­ Now that Germany has acced­ ed to Wilson’s demands in regard masked. It is probable, however, to submarine warfare the next that their millions will shield them thing to do will be to make J. Bull from the hangman's nooze. and in toe the mark. fact the committee’s report may be disregarded. If anyone ever Some of the ‘near’ young gentle­ deserved the “galleys for life” men of this city appear to imag­ ine that a bathing suit is a full these men, if guilty, surely de­ dress suit. Their mothers should serve such punishment. There take them in hand and pin some may be some extenuating circum­ clothes on them. stances in the murder of a distur­ ber of domestic peace, taking ad­ The German papers deny the vantage of technicalities of the truth of the reported great naval victory of the Russians over the law and disposess of home, but German fleet. The story was debauching labor in ihe manner circulated to keep 'up confidence as set forth by the committee of in English secuieties and prevent Industrial Relations there is noth­ a back-down in the much needed ing to paliate the crime. The re­ American loan. port in part says: Ex-President Taft, lin an ad­ “ The Rockefellers through their dress to the Japanese at the San personal management of the Colo­ Francisco Exposition s a id :-“ We rado Fuel & Iron Company are must come closer together.’’ The indirectly responsible for the Lud­ average Californian is of the opin­ low riot, when men, women and ion that we are already too close children were “ massacred by together for comfort and if they come much closer there will be a armed guards.” “John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is spontaneous “ fading away” of Mikado’s subjects in America. charged with having approved measures to coerce the govern­ APPROPRIATE NAME ment of Colorado and having flout­ Bandit is the name of one of ed the will of the president of the the incorporators of a new concern United States when the latter in Massachusetts that will manu­ proposed a plan for the adjust­ facture guns and rifles for export. ment of strike difficulties. His contempt for government, disre­ WET WEATHER PROPHET gard for public welfare, and defi­ Last spring when the Oregonian was fighting the water meter ance of public opinion was consid­ proposition as a means of conserv­ ered as one manifestation of the ing the water supply, it hooted at autocratic and anti-social spirits the idea of it being necessary that of a man whose enormous wealth “ Bui1 Run”would afford millions gives him opportunity to act in a of gallons to waste in the dryest season. Today, they face a serious similar manner in broader fields. “ The prosecution and conviction shortage. of John R. Lawson marked the For Their Neighbors lowest depth of the prostitution of The hardest housekeeping in the Colorado’s government to the will world is the housekeeping that of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Com­ people do for their neighbors. pany. It is the crowning infamy Half the troubles we have are of all the infamous record of caused by worrying about what American institutions perverted people think. What difference and debauched by selfish private does it make what they think, interests. It is anarchism strip­ anyway? No one can live his own ped of even that chimerical ideal­ life and two or three other people's ism that fireii the unbalanced lives besides. What’s the use of mind of the bomb thrower. It is setting up housekeeping on the anarchism for j irofit and revenge roof or on the outside walls for and menaces th e security and in­ the benefit of the neighbors? You tegrity of Ami *rican institutions would rightly be judged insane if as they seldom have been men­ you suggested anything of the aced before.” iProieeolonnl ( la t t o FIFTY-FOURTH ANNUAL nivmriAN OREGON STATE FAIR 1*60 1915 S A L E M , O R E ., Sept., 2 7 , to O ct. 2d inclusive. J. H. Booth, Rosebcrg. Pro*. W Al Jones, Salem. Seo. $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 in Cash Premiums B u o tn e o o ( la t t e miriti. AN OREGON EXPOSITION OPEN TO A LL THE WORLD Send for premium lists and secure part of the $20,000. Exhibit your products, make your expenses and return to your homes with good money. Free transportation for ex­ hibits. If you have something good in the line of livestock bring it to this great market where buyers from several states will be ivith the rash. Come early and see the close. Free ('amp Grounds. A shady oak park. Free shed rtiom for autos and teams. Something doing every minute. Munter, the Aviator, will make two fiightH daily. Come and ride with him. Oregon flies with her own wings, and so does Munter. FEATURES:—Speed events, Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts, Boys’ Camp, Moving Pictures, Girls’ Camp. Animal Circus. Everybody’s Camp. Childrens’ Playground, Paved Walks, Good Water, Pure Air. Numerous Sports. Jails Clt\> 1 botd S a m p le R o o m s B o o t A o o o m m o d s llo n i F O ro e a e . P ro p rie to r H A IO .F H M i n i 's Reduced Rates On A ll Railroads. tent in fact, for one-fourth of what the same labor casts in the j United States.” Mr. Dowse is president of the Eastern Manufacturer Thinks Con­ Home Market Club, an organiza­ flict Saves Democrats tion of New England manufact­ urers, and although that organi­ T A R I F F B I L L I S A S S A I L E D zation has no political affiliations, Mr. Dowse declares the members want to see a business man elect­ W B. Dowso Say* Under Normal Con­ ed to fill the President's chair at ditions States Would Be Full of next election, and are supporting European Goods — Senator Senator John M. Weeks of Mass­ Weeks Presidential achusetts. WAR DECLARED AID FU NICK A 1. DIHICCTOH Favorite That the war was the saving grace of the Democratic party was the emphatic assertion of W. B. H. Dowse, a leading New Eng­ land manufacturer, who passed through Portland Sunday on his way to San Francisco. Mr. Dowse is president of the Reed & Barton Company, silversmiths, of Boston, director of the Waltham Watch Company and president of the United States Fastener Company. The later concern operates facto­ ries in the'United States, France and Germany. “The schedule of the Under­ wood tariff has militated against the domestic manufacturer, en­ riched the importer and stimula­ ted Euroiiean trade,” said Mr. Dowse. “ We had just enough of the effects of the passage of that bill before the war opened, and if the war had not come when it did the Democratic party would have been completely submerged in the results of the Underwood sched­ ule. “The war has closed the coun­ tries of Europe so that no export­ ing to this country is passible and it has also created a demand in this country for a certain line of supplies that in normal times would be produced by the coun­ tries themselves. Under normal conditions the tide would have been turned the other way and this country would have been flooded with foreign products. We do not want unreasonable pro­ tection, but we do want enough protection so that we can be placed upon an equally with labor conditions abroad. “ In our German factories we have discovered that we can get competent help, the most compe­ BEING PREPARED There is much talk of the un­ preparedness of the United States for war. That it is necessary to have a great army and navy that other nations seeing our war-like front would sue for |>eace ere the war begun. To a great extent, this is a wrong conclusion. Pre­ paredness is often the cause of war. The boy with a pocket-full of rocks is very brave and will often pick a quarrel with another boy, whereas without the rocks he would have been an advocate of lasting peace. The six-shooter has gotten more men into trouble than it ever saved. Germany has been preparing for war lo, these many years, and no nation was ever better prepared, yet today she is engaged in one of the hlixxl- iest and most destructive wars in history. Japan would never have attacked Germany single-handed. There is no danger of the United States getting into war with other nations if she will studiously at­ tend to her own affairs and pay no heed to the hair-brained snobs who go ehaseing into the war zone on beligerent ships. Preparedness, Hague tribunals, Peace societies, Popes and Bishops can never prevent war so long as it lies in the power of one man to plunge a nation into war. The Kaiser, the Czar and even our amiable President might have a grouch, and by his diplomatic policy plunge the nation into a war of which the people have no interest, yet they could be forced to leave the plow, the shop and the office to fight a one-man's quarrel. You can get the best at HARRI NGTON Extra copies ol The News ar printed each week, and will be sen to any address desired, postpaid for 6 cents per copy. Good house for hale in Fall City, part time. Enquire at New office. Get your butter wrappers print ed at the News office. 4