4 to abduct THE PALLS CITY NEWS. M o r m o n * IIKA h KSTATK KOK8ALK cf ^ e f . The Worlds Crostosi Exposition Bandits Threaten to Hold Smith For $100,000 Ransom. Denver. — The threatened abductlou r>f Joseph F Smith, head o f the Mor­ mon church. In Salt Lake City, to the Jackson Hole country. In Wyoming, o here a ransom o f $100,000 « as to ho demanded for his release by the three daylight robbers who held up 123 tour­ ists In Yellowstone park on July 0. has caused the federal authorities here to adopt extraordinary measures for his safety. News o f the contemplated abductlou first reached Roy O Sampson o f the department o f Justice and his assist­ ant. J. W Melrose, two mouths ago. but the matter later was dropped by the federal authorities. The abduction, however, o f E. A. rmpey, a wealthy cattleman, from his ranch at Idaho Falls. Ida . presumably by the three Yellowstone park bandits, and his release upon the payment o f a $<1,000 ransom caused the authorities to renew their Interest tn the matter. According to reports received by the federal authorities, the abduction o f Smith was to follow closely after the abduction o f Empey. U now at its Height in SAN F R A N C IS C O Low Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily to San Francisco. Four commodious trains leave every day for San Francisco. passed. Electric automatic Block Signals guard the Way. O ur folders "W ay sid e Notes Shasta R oute" and "C aliforn ia and Its Tw o Expositions” will interest you. It S O U T H E R N PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon. FORBIDS THE SALE OF LIQUOR TO SOLDIERS Tarry town. N'. Y —John D. Rockefel­ ler'* rainbow pool was i;se«l by the Rev. J. Homer Nelson to christen Sarah. Frances and Edward Tarnell. Florence Cecelia and Katherine Ellxa beth Rowe. Luuncelot B iston Clear and Artbur Eugene Wolngurt. all chll dren o f employees on the Rockefeller estate The grounds were thrown open to the parents and friends, and nearly 100 persons witnessed the ceremony. Sir. Rockefeller In giving Mr Nelson permission to use the rainbow pool ex­ pressed regret that he could not be present to witness the christening. HIS DIMES U M E BACK. • How Applies, Order Reeds, to "In­ trenched Gamp of Peris.” --------------------------------- a Kansan Proved Honesty Stranded Harvesters. of Hutchinson. Kuu.—"Bread scattered on the w aters" Is beginning to return to a Hutchinson man who lent a helping bad to harvesters stranded in Hutchin­ son Each day for nearly a week W alter Faria.—For many months the role has obtained that no drink could be served Jordan, a wealthy Hutchinson man, in cafes or bars in Paris to soldiers In distributed ten cent pieces anioug the uniform, whatever their rank. before large number o f harvest hands gather­ the hour o f 5. In the early days It was ed here awaiting work. He asked no uot unusual to see colonels, and gener­ questions, but gave each man a dime. Jordan repeated it daily during the als even, who forgetfully had seated themselves on the terrassa o f a cafe rush the follow ing week. The harvest before the fateful hour gently moved now has started, and most of these men are working In the wheat fields. on as undesirable customers. General Gallienl has issned. It ap­ The mall Is beginning to bring Jor­ pears, a much more sweeping and strin­ dan's dimes back to him Quite a num­ gent decree forbidding the sale o f alco­ ber have been sent back to him by tbe hol to any soldier at any hour o f the harvesters, who are now repaying him In some day throughout the whole o f the In­ from their first earnings. trenched camp o f Paris. The decree | cases tbe men Inclosed extra sums for “ interest." runs tbns: Nicholas Bird, commissioner o f the "General Gallienl feels that at an hour when the physical and moral en­ board o f charities, had a similar expe­ ergy o f all soldiers should be at the rience Several o f the men whom he highest Intensity the struggle against had assisted are now sending In remit­ alcoholism, which destroys both, must tances making repayment. One man be carried out relentlessly. Whom he had helped leave town, buy­ “ He therefore thinks It right to for- | ing a railway ticket, remitted the full bid in the Intrenched camp o f Paris the amount with interest. sale to soldiers and the purchase by them in cafes, bars, shops or houses of alcohol and alcoholic drtnks— absinth, bitters, aperitifs, vermuths, liqueurs and all other alcoholic drinks not spe­ r ear N o w Hunters Hav e Exterminated Breed. cifically named." Sacramento, Cal. — Reports to the It is not quite clear whether wine and beer are to be Included In the ban, state comptroller indicate that the but It Is probable that th e 7 are not. huntsmen o f the northern counties o f The soldiers at the froMt, o f course, the state have practically exterminated have their wine ration, 'which was In­ the mountain lions. Last month only four mountain lions were killed In Cal­ creased quite lately. ifornia as against close upon 200 for the same period a decade ago. Three o f the four were killed In the southern counties—one each In Loa An­ Compasses Affsetsd by Lying For a geles. Tulare and Kern, tbe fourth one Y ea r Alongside train Pier. being killed in Humboldt county. The New York —8tx Hnm turg American bounty paid for the* pelts by the stale line steamers tied up * t Thirty-third was $80 for June. street. South Brooklyn, have been Indications are that efforts o f stock turned around by -order o f the marine raisers during the past* quarter o f a superintendent to regulate their com­ century have resulted in the practical passes, which had been affected by extinction o f the animal Bounties lying fo r a year-alongside an Iron pier. have been paid upon 22.000 mountain The hauling o f 'the ships into the har­ lions tn the past twenty-five years. bor and warping them back Into their berths stern first created continent along the w ater front In Soutji Brook­ Saved by Dog's Bark. lyn. with the visual dash to sea rumor. Superior. W ls .-A fte r lying prisoners Captain Jnearar. who has chnrge of under their overturned auto nearly two the ships, said the magnetism from hours Scott Thornton, chauffeur, and the Iron pier had affected the com­ Margaret McCarthy were freed, practl passes and caused the needles to devi­ eally nnhurt, by the crew o f a street ate from tho north. car on the suburban line which had H e said the Vaterland, tied np In once before passed the scene without Hoboken, was equipped with gyro­ stopping. It appearing to have been an scopic compasses, which srere not sub- accident from which the occupants had lect to magnetic Influences. Other l>een removed. A dog. also Imprisoned steamers are made fasL to wooden tn tbe car, barked and attracted atten piers, wbtcb do not affect the (Com­ tlon MOUNTAIN LIONS SCARCE. T C O M I TO f A L L * CITY. OR E G O N 1 a n d Buy O r o h a r d L a n d I Notice to News Subscribers A biue-psnoll crown marls on «Hla notice m ccnc that your aubaorlp* lion to The N e w » haa aspired and naede fiiin u Do It now. Cost Office Time Card Dalla*., ;i m Portland M , A |§ p \| Eugene t r jin 101, 11 :&5 a. in. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. M ail clones for: Salem . 8.50 A M.. 1 I*. M . and 5 P M. D allas, 8:50 A. M. and 5 P. M. Eugene A Portland train 162, ) p. m. Black Rock, 1! A. M. S unday O nly NOTICE OF CONTEST Baptised at Rockefeller’s. Mr. Horn* S e e k e r ( Sull'io 9.00 a.tu , 5