Saturday, Anguat 28, 101A 3 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. Clyde Munson has purchased a WANTED— Good Falls City pro­ . V , . u v T M g * I K n 'l . .s new Ford. perty in exchange fur a good 100 Tksn. fri. tal. lit. Mss. Tati. Clias. Mix made a business trip acre stock ranch in Deschuettes s 6 7 to Portland Thursday. 2 Valley south of Bend, Oregon. 10 12 II 8 O. G. Kueebone made a business Also for sale, rent or trade cheap, 9 splendid residence property in 18 21 trip to Albany Thursday. 17 19 20 IS 16 Apply to Miss Isithnl Snider of Dallas vis­ Falls City, O r c g 26 27 28 24 2S 22 23 M i k a i s o . n , ited friends lit re Lite first of the 31 29 30 Brownsville, Oregon. week. Rassmusser and Lowe Brothers Paints It. M Wonderly was immense­ Miss Lana Bradley left Tuesday ly surprised the latter part of last Will beautify and preserve them. to visit Miss Snider ami attend tne week by receiving a birthday pos­ circus. tal surprise shower from his friends Miss Gisdies Paul went to Dal­ hack at his old home in Ithaca, las Tuesday 1» visit friends and at­ Mich., where he formerly lived 25- tend the circus. years age. One of the cards stated F. K Hubbard and W. B. Mc- that the gite he made before he Kowau and families spent the past came west was still doing good ser­ vice and except for a little wear week at Newport. was as good as ever. He also re­ Otto Kneebone and Miss Opal ceived cards from New York and Hastings n.ade a pleasure trip to Nebraska R. E. W illiams , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R .G . W hite , Airlie Wednesday. A very pleasant evening was President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, l ies, spent at the home of grandma and other bakery goods, every day flatrington, Aug. 21, when about You are sure of the beet, when you thirty-five of her friends and neigh­ at the Falls City Bakery hh I c f»r Mt. Hood ice cream at Kills. bors gave her a complete surprise, Miss Dora Elkins and Mrs. Jen­ the < cession beiug her 70lh birth­ F alls C it y , P olk C ounty . O regon nie Snodgrass of Portland are vis­ day. Music and singing added Deafness Cannot Be Cured DoeB a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time much to the enjoymeut of the by !■>*-. I application*, a* lliey cannot iting ttieir mother this week. Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. reach Ilia these 70 la r « M l g r o u n d s , a n d wnmny a d d it i o n * t o IU tion of the mucous surfacea. f a r a lt y . t h e L 'n W o r * ltr o f O r e Co n w i l l b * * tsv It* We will s ir e on e llnndn«! Hollars fo rs n r rasa o f Mrs. Batouruey's sou from years. f o r t i e t h 7 M ir. T u M d a r . S e p t e m b e r • 4. I 9 1 JV» IV a I», - . i.a u e -l t.f catarrh'that cano.0 b . cured br S p « e l* i t r a in i n g In t o m m e r c e , J o u r n a l l t in , j ualt'a Catarrh l or* Send tor clreolars free. Kalama came to visit her Tuesday A rr h t t M -t u r e , L a w . N e d le t n e . T a ^ h l n f . L ib w i­ It is particularly fortunate for r J r l I B N B Y , S C O . T oled o. O hio. ry W o r k , M u atc. P h y s i c a l T r a i n i n g n n d FI n r and started to work at Baldeiee’s Hold by Prnsslata. Tbc. Falls City thst Governor Withy- . ri f ; U r l * ■ " ‘ • • » r o n y d e y a r t m e n t s o f M b e r - Taao liana taaaiir rtUafor coeaUsauu«._______ camp. •J E d u c a t io n . < oin he has selected Walter L L ib r a r y o f m o r e t h a n A A .nnn v o lu m e * , t h l r - Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Ellis return­ Toose, Jr., our city attorney, as a to o n b u i l d in g s f o i l » e q u i p p e d , t o o * p le fM ll4 Dr. W . L. H ollow ay l y m n a s lu m * . j ed the last of lust week from at­ delegate to the International Irri­ T u i t i o n F r e e . D o r m l t o r t e » f o r «non a n d f o r won»e>fi. K ip e n * e * l . o n e i t , \ ¡CHIROPRACTIC tending the Exposition at Stu gation congress to be held at Stock- W r i t « f o r f r e e c a t a lo g * , a d d r e t a in s R e g i s t r a r OK DALLAS, ORE. ton, Sacramento and San Francii Francisco. UNIVERSITY O r OREGON Phone 822. co. September 18 to 20 inclusive KVGKNK. OREGON C. Hutchinson and wife of Port­ It is presumed that irrigation has WILL RK AT FALLS CITY HOTEL land are visiting their son, O. S. something to do with getting water ALL DAY Hutchinson of the Madena Hotel, to run down hill, and if Walter M onday . W ednesday and studies the water question under this week. M. L. Thompson and son, Dr. such favorable circumstances per Free Methodist Church FRIDAY EACH WEEK Miss Mary Hammond returned haps he may he able to give tiie and Mrs. Hellwartb, and Mrs. Mae Sunday School 10:00 A. M. All chronic and acute diseases Friday morning from a week's visit city council some useful sugges­ Preaching 11:00 A. M. Nichols went to Newport Wednes­ treated. If you are afflicted with at the Boughey Peach Orchard tions in extracting more water j Class meeting 12:00 P. M. day in Mr. Thompson’s car. from the mountain streams that any ailment call and we will talk i below Salem. Evening service 8:00. go roaring through (he gorges. W. R. Davis was over in the it over. H. A. W alter , Pastor. Mrs. M. A. Gill returned to her Airlie neighborhood Sunday. He home in Salem Friday after a two reporte that a farmer living one Christain Church week’s visit with her friend, Mrs U N O IS P U T A B L E F A C T S mile north of Airlie on the Airlie- Service on next Lord's Day at Mattie LaDow. We must face the facts as they Falls City road loal a hog hy the 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Win. Caliister and wife of Rich­ Local New t Hems are. Exact science has proved to intense heat and another one was ! Bible School at 10 A. M. i land, Iowa and th«ir son Fred of us the correctness of the claim of about dead. Junior Endeavor at 3 P. M. Silverlou, Oregon visited at the A. the efficancy o f C hiropractic Christian Eudeavor at 7 P. M. The beet show at the Gem tonight Wade home Thursday. treatment. Evening services 8 P. M. The Hare of a tire from hurniug A Personal M atter Hey wanted. Inquire at News My observation is that people A cordial invitation to everyone. slashings on the J. W. Miller place When you want a'laxative, you Strangers made welcome. office. Tuesday night caused many neople are ever ready and anxious to want one suited to the needs of Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer, to think that a tire had broke out. avail themselves of any science | your constitution B. L. H icks , Pastor. A good sure Dallas, Oregon. H- Win. Finley and wife left Thurs that will alleviate human suffer­ laxative that will not gripe is— ing. By the employment Of Nyal’s Figsen. We recuinniend this Bills Allowed by City Mrs. Z. Batoornsy attended the day for Independence where they will run a hoarding house during C hiropractic adjustments we candy-lozenge. Boxes al 10c, 25c circus at Dallae Tuesday. Council for July and 50c. For sale at Thompson's hop picking season at the Horse are able to assist nature to carry Drug Store. Mite Pearl Titus was in Dallae R. A. Titus, hauling garbage 9 2 50 on its normal function. Bros.. Imp yard. Tuesday attending the circus. W. L. Tooze, salary The universe was made for While bathing Sunday someone NO MORE IRRIGATION Rain may expected soon as it is and livery hire................. 27.50 man. and all of nature’ s forces ransacked the pockets of C. M. Notice is hereby given to water M. L. Tnompeou. salary..... 38 69 near bop picking season. Munson clothes and stole a small are beneficent and are placed users that on account of the water There was no great rush from here for his utilization. By in- supply being dangerously low that C. E. McPherren, salary..... 25.00 amount of money. here Tuesday to the circus at Dal­ teligent conformity to nature’s irrigation will be prohibited. Par­ Falls City Lumber Co., Wilbur Davis moved the families lum ber.......... .............. 1 79 las. laws health may be maintained; ties who have paid the irrigation o f Jim and Tom Robinson to the fee for August will please call on L. T. Murphy, salary but for violation o f or opposition W. R. Davis and 8. B. McGee the Auditor and Police Judge and hop yard of Horse Bros , at Inde­ water superintendent..... 30 00 to nature’s laws, diseases, impo- he will make a refund for the pari left Monday night for the Horse pendence Thursday. L. T. Murphy, salary tency or premature death are the of month, or give credit for regular Bios., hop yard. Joseph Mikulsou of Brownsville, penalty. City Marshal and fers... 37.00 water service for September. This Col. Matthews attended seiviee* Oregon was here several days this G. N. Graham, time chtck 1 00 order will he strictly enforced, so Do you know that if you were at the Elk's chapel at Cottage week. This is Mr. Mikalson's take due notice and govern your- O. L. Frink, time check ... 1 00 tirst trip here and lie is well pleas­ to put your arm in a sling for a i selves accordingly. Grove last Sunday. News, printing and rent..... 7.30 ed with the town. He has some given time that you would lose Chat. Dill lias given his house a B y O rder ok W ater B oard . residence property here that he new coat of paint that improves bought without seeing and is well the use o f it? Just so with any This 19th day August, 1915. A birthday surprise party was part of your body, cut off the the looks wonderfully. pleased with tiie trade. given D. L. Wood. Jr., at the home nerve supply and you lose the The few hot days succeeded by M. L. Thompson, Mrs. Clark of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Oakdale Items. usefulness of the same. C h iro ­ the nice cool weather makes one Travis and Mrs. Grace Hansen Wood, Sr., Monday night. The practic releases the nerve and appreciate Oregon more than ever. motored to Dallas Tuesday and at­ Threshing is over in thiR neigh­ evening was pleasantly spent in tended the circus. While inside the body becomes normal borhood and from reports the grain playing games, after which ca ke Dr. E. Kirchgessner left Friday the circus tent some miscreant We are at times confronted ! turned out well. and lemonade was served. A morning for southern Oregon where stole their wraps and cloaks out of with the question, “ How do we the automobile, the value of which number of beautiful souveneirs and A number o f people here attend­ he will endeavor to exchange «ome know C hiropractic will cure presents were given. Those pre6- ed the ciicue iu Dallas last Tues­ property that he owns there for were $15. A Bachelor Party was given at thus and so?” We know from d a y . sent were: Mr. and Mrs. Munson, • Falls City property. the home of A. B. Allen in the our having cured others with the Dr. Arnold, Dentist of Salem south tiart of town Monday night same ailments. Mr. Morgan is here from the Mr. and Mrs. Black. Mr. and Mrs. was in thia city Monday and Tues­ A feast of crawfish cooked to a Space will not permit o f going east on a viatit with friends and re­ Olts, Mrs. Edna Russell. Gwendo­ day on professional business. This Queen's taste was served, together into detail. However if you are latives; he lived here twenty-five lyn Russell, Mrs. C. Elle, Vearl years ago aud was greatly surpris­ wits the Doctor's tirst trip and he with refreshments. Those present: sick and feel that you would like ed when he landed in Falls City a Courier, B. L. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Johnson, John Chapel, is well pleased with results. a new lease on life come in to few days ago and saw a thriving Paul, Cora Page, Mrs. Chas. Brad­ Roht. Kitts and A. B. Allen. ley, Clarence Bradley. Mrs. L. M. Mr. and Mrs. M W. Black went Mrs. J. T. Hagar of Monmouth, my office and see for yourself little city. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Miss Ina Graham has returned to the Circus in Dallas Tuesday. sister of Mrs. E A. LaDow and what I am doing for others right Wood, Andrew Black, Geneva and from an extended stay at the coast. niece, Mrs. Alice Kenneth also of They also attended the wedding of here in Falls City. I do not ask Vela Olts. Monmouth, niece of Mrs, LaDow Miller Tedrick will soon return Mrs. Blacks niece, Mies Gertie you to take my word, talk with and Mrs. Zola Cavanaugh and to his home in Iowa. Wood to Mr. Esrl Woavtr. little daughter of Portland spent my patients at Falls City Hotel, Mrs. Travis and Mrs. Newman FRESH PEACHES FOR CANNING Dr. E. Kirchgessner reports that the day Thursday at the home of Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Fri­ a new hoy arrived Monday moru- her aunt, Mrs. E. A. LaDow. Rev day’s. No charge for examina­ are visiting with the W. L. Barn­ Fresh Alberta peaches for can­ hart family this week. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hicks joined the merry party iu tion. ning at $1.25 per bushel. Sold au afternoon auto drive by Mr. DR. W. L. HOLLOWAY, Herbert Jackson. The father is in Cavanaugh. After their return, Mr. Wright has sold his place on orders only. L e a v e your serious traits, but will pull through all were served to ice cream and Dallas, Phone 822. and moved his family back to their orders at the Falls City Hotel. Falls City, Phone 291. cake by Mr. and Mrs. LaDow, . old home in St. Johns. with careful nursing. 0 . Michael. C n lc n fr n r — H u f l . 1 3 4 101*5 13 14 NOW IS THE TIME . TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE J. C. TALBOTT &, CO. Bank of Falls City