C O N SC IEN C E FU N D G R O W S .* !+ + + + + + + + + Macon. Ga.—Several month« ago City Treasurer Johnson received a dollar from some conscience stricken taxpay er Inclosed In a letter which explained that away back yonder he failed to re turn all his taxes, and. since the time was drawing near when he would bo confronted with the record o f hU life's doings, he wanted to square accounts with the city. The treasurer credited "Honest.” that being the signature, with $1 on the tax digest and let It go at that. Ilecently City Clerk Davy Jones re ceived a letter postmarked Fostorla, • - O., saying: "Inclosed find 10 cents. At the time of the Spanish-Amertcan war I took a toothpick holder belonging to a hotel that was underground It was angling across from the Union depot. I do not know who it belonged to. " I f you find the owner give It to him. I f not. give it to the poor." This was signed "One Who Wants to Be Right W ith God." I f there is any one in the city who kept a hotel under ground and "angling across from the Union depot" during the Spanlsh-American war, who miss ed a toothpick bolder about that time, he or she can call on the city clerk and receive 10 cents In stamps. Otherwise the amount will be distrib uted among the poor o f the city. A STARVATION Who Dropped Treats. K —H-dS-d-b+-l-l-!-H-l-H-Hh-H-l-M-l-:-l~M"H- ItK A1« KSTATH FOIL SAI j K 10 Days Stopover T r M lu r t r Workod to Doath by Afftictad Soula Naar End. Hostess Saturday, Alignât. !ìl, 1915 THE fr ALLS CITY NEWS. 4 No. 1 7 I-li acres adjoining Falla City on County road. Good 7-room house, city w ater; barn and chicken park; young orchard in bearing, small fruit. A ll fenced | and 34 acres in cultivation. • No waste land. Tim e on part. at S A N F R A N C IS C O and • • 10 Days at L o t Angola* art allowed on all tickets to the East. This will enable you to see the two wonderful world Expositions without loss o f time or extra expense. • ■ ■ • •• • ■ • ■ •• • • Scenery enroute is unsurpassed. Every mile protected by Block Signals. Four tine trains each way daily Portland to San F rancisco mak ing connections for the South and Flast. Let us send you our illustrated folders "W a y - side N o tes," and “ California and Its Tw o Fix- positions.'’ S O U T H E R N PACIFIC Our local agent will be glad to give you full Information and an ittneraty of your trip or you may addret* LU N C H EO N . Forty Pounds John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon. Glendale, Cal.—In honor o f her birth day anniversary and because she had succeeded tn losing forty pounds as the result o f a strict dieting system a microscopic eland ? Mrs. Mattie Wood o f 212 North Isabel Science ts groping for the answer. street served a dinner to seventy-five The little girl, playing with her doll*, o f her friends recently, the dinner be refuses to worry about It. ing arranged on the scale o f calories. Each guest drew a number corre Old Coins In Fisld. sponding to a certain dish on the table. Monroe. Mich.—Fred Baumann of Each dish measured exactly 100 calo Frenchtown unearthed a uumber of ries. Consequently some o f the guests old coins in a field upon hi* farm. drew half a dozen beans, some a di They were very old. bearing a date minutive piece o f pie. others a huge early In the last century, and may tray o f lettuce. have lieen hidden by some early settler The meal was a replica o f those who was either driven out of the coun which Mrs. Wood was allowed when try by the Indians or perished In the on her diet and is absolutely guaran battle o f the River Ralstn In 1M3 teed to take off superfluous avoirdu pois. Some o f the guests were seen hurry ing around to the restaurants and Ice cream parlors when the party broke up. and all admit that they lost w eigh t PRESSURE OF SHELLS CAUSES QUICK DEATH GIRL MAY SOLVE MYSTERIES OF MIND be ulod soon by the department o f Jus ttee. "M any reimbursements have been made.” says a statement Issued by Sec retary McAdoo. "but there have been a number o f refusals to pay on the part o f persons who appear to be able to pay. In such cases it is the Inten tlon o f the secretary to request the de partment of Justice to Institute suits for the recovery o f the money. Suits In such instances will be Instituted In the districts In which tbe delinquent« reside.” NOTICE OF CONTEST D t P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T FR IO R , UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. (Serial oaww) Portland, Oregon, Aug. 9th, 1915. To Steven FI. F’rench, o f Salem, Ore gon and Nortons, Oregon, Contes- tee: One of War's Mysteries Scien tifically Explained. Science 6ropes For Answer, Paris.—It has often been told how ! soldiers have been found dead, struck Child Plays With Dolls. I down apparently In an Instantaneous ! death, without any outward sign or wound. It is now explained that the Berkeley, Cal.— Is the case o f Bea sudden variation o f atmospheric pres trice Willard, seven-year-old girl who sure caused by the bursting of French rivals adults in mentality, another high explosive shells is sufficient to phenomenon o f the ductless glands, cause Instantaneous passing from life which it has been proved may make to death. This was discovered by an officer giants or dwarfs out of men? Is there a mysterious ductless gland who observed the peculiar behavior of that controls the brain, making a giant ! an aneroid barometer In a room near It was in mentality o f one iierson and a men i where a big shell had burst seen that the barometer was thrown tal dw arf o f another? These are the questions scientists at out of gear, and the only conclusion the University o f California may be that could be arrived at was that a able to answer through the queer case sudden depression had caused an ab o f the little San Francisco girl now normal swelling of tbe metallic case and displaced the levers Reproducing under the eyes o f the college savants. The San Francisco girl, the daughter In a laboratory the conditions necessa of Mr. and Mrs. I.eon Willard. 2224 ry to have the same effect. It was Baker street, spoke In sentences when found that reduction o f pressure o f ten months old. read and wrote at three 13.8 Inches Jn mercury was required years, at five years was reading Kip for the purpose, corresponding to an ling and Stevenson and passed the Bi- air Telocity o f 905 feet a second. The sudden depressions caused by net mental test for a normal adult with remarkable ease. Dr. Henry Goddard, bursting shells may lie compared with psychologist at the university, pro what Is observed in the case of a man nounces her case the most wonderful who, after being subjected to a pres sure o f many atmospheres In a diving in his entire experience. The girl is normal In every respect bell, is too rapidly brought back to a except as to her mentality. A t a glance normal pressure. A sudden depression sbe learns entire pages o f print or man brings about an esoai>e o f the gases contained In the human blood In the uscript. and. when not delving Into the small arteries. The scries of little bub deepest subjects, plays "mother" to her bles thus formed produces a capillary dolls, romps with her playmates and j pressure antagonistic to that o f the ts to all outward appearance a normal i heart, and death ensues by stoppage child o f her age. 1 of the circulation o f the blood and as “ The child is a genius." says Dr. phyxiation. for the return fo primitive Frederic Burk o f the San Jose Nor \ pressure Is powerless to dissolve the mal school. “ She seems to learn with 1 generated gases quickly enough. the greatest ease and has a photo One o f the deductions drawn from graphic memory." this discovery Is that In future wars Dr. Biddle's researches come under tt might he interesting to see how far the scientific term “ hemodcnology.” death might be Inflicted painlessly and He has explained by experiments on Instantaneously through asphyxiation the ductless glands how the thyroid by artillery fire rather than by man gland Influences physical growth or gling wounds. retrogression, how nervous force is af fected by the glands and how by reg- nlatlrei o f these glands It may be pos R E F U G E E S MUST R EP A Y U. S. sible for science some day to make giants or dwarfs at will and perhaps Many Assisted From W a r Zono, Abla Financially, Refuted. solve the secret o f everlasting life. Washington.—Suits to recover from Will the little girl the scientists are now experimenting with give the same American citizens who received gov clew to the Inner workings of the ernment aid In returning to this coun mind? Will the brain o f a Caesar or a try after the war In Europe broke out Homer, a I.oeb or a Metcbnikoff be and who, being able to repay the sums foupd to be.due entirely to the work o f advanced, haye refused to do go. will No. 2 HO acres mountain land, • • imiljto.it on County road. 2f> You are hereby notified that Thus. T. Miller who gives Nortons, Oregon, as his post-oiTicc address, did on July 12th, 1915, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation o f your Homestead Entry, Serial No. 03663 made October 15th, 1912, for SFI 1-4. Section 6. Township 10 South, Range 8 West, Willamette, Meridian, and as grounds for this contest he alleges that said Steven K.'F'rench has whol ly abandoned said land from the date o f said entry to the present time; that said entryman never erected a house on said land and never at any time cultivated any portion thereof nor improved the same. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will !«• taken as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days after the fourth publication o f this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations o f contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy o f your answer on the said con testant either in person or by regis tered mail. You should state in your answer the name o f the post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. M r. H o rn * S o a k e r ( | C O M E TO T A L L « CITY. ONCOON 1 and Buy O ro h a r d Land J Notice to News Subscribers A blua-eanoll orass mark on Ihls n o lle* moans that your eubaorlp- tlon to Tho N ow s ha* saplrod ana nosd* lisin a Oo It new. acres in cultivation, 20 acres big second-growth fir. Good 6-room Try a want a«l in the News. It house, barn, outbuildings. F'ruit. will pay you. People il<> without and berries; 126 prune trees. Al- or «etui off (or article* not not aii- so, good team, wagon, harness veitiseil at home. and some household goods. W ill give time on part. List of Letters No. 3. 35 acres near town. 16 in cultivation. Good H-roum house Remaining uncalled for in this barn and henhouse. Rearing or office for the week ending Aug. chard. Some good second-growth 14. 1915. fir. Tim e on part. L a h in . No. 6. 160 acres in Lincoln Co., 5 miles from railroad, on County road. Small cabin and barn; 4 acres in cultivation and 60 more can be cultivated. 350 3-year old English walnut trees. Good spring that would furnishs fine water power. School , mile, 8 month term with contract for tw o more years. This will make an ideal stock and dairy ranch and can be bought at a bargain. Terms. Holm e*, Mr*. Archie G entlem en . ^Cockrell, Jessie Nicol, Morrison Louis These letters will he sent to the dead letter office August 28, 1915 if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say "A d v e r tised,” giving date of list. I ra C. M e h r l in q , P. M. Good house for rale in Falls Enquire at News No. 6. 153 acres near town. C ity, purt time. Gtxxl house and barn. W ill sell office. all or divide to suit buyer. No. 8. T w o good 8-room houses Post orrice Time Card and lots, some fru it trees with one. 'These are among the most Office hour*: Daily, except Sun desirable residences in the city. day, 8 a.tn. to 6.30 p.m. They are o f modern construction Mail arrives, from and desirably located. Reason Salem 9.00 a.tn., 5:45 p.m. able terms on part i f desired. Will Dallas, 9:00 A. .\L, 6:46 P. M. sell one or both. Portland & Eugene train 101, No. 9. 20 acres ij miles from 11:55 a. m. town. Good 6-room house and Black Rock, 1:30 P. M outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva Mail closes for: tion; 11 acres in apples, 2 } acres Salem. 8.50 A.M., 1 P. M. and 6 in peaches, cherries, pears and P. M. strawberries. Plenty o f wood for Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5 P. M. fuel. Flugone A Portland train 162, No. 10- Six lot3 50x150, three I p. m . room house, hen house, some fruit Black Rock, 11 A. M and strawberries. Cash and terms S unday O nly No. 11. 130 acre ranch, 60 Office hours: 9:30 to ItLiM) a.m: acres in cultivation, 25 in timber Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 balance slashed. 12 acres in hops. a. m. Good house and hop house, barn Portland \ Fingerne tram 101, and other outbuildings. 11:55 a. m. Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a in. No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva Flugene Jr Portland train 102, 1 tion, 5 room house, barn and p. m . chicken house. T w 0 springs, Effective May 13, 1915. w ater piped to house, hot and cold I r a C. M k h k l i n o , Postmaster w ater and bath. 6 acres in young » orchard. 2 acres big second grow th fir. Spring affords w ater sufficient to irrigate onehalf o f Constipation, if Neglected, the land. This land lays just out Cauaes Serious Illness side o f the city limits o f Falls Constipation, if neglected, lead* City. A bargain. to almost innumerable complica tions affecting the general health Many cases of No. 13. 12 acres 11 miles from 1 typ h o id fever, town, all under fence and in culti-j appendicitis a n d other severe dis vation; 8-rootn house and barn. eases are trace This place can be sold one-third able to prolonged clogging of the cash, purchaser to assume mort bowels. Regard- gage now on the place. Can give t h e effects o f constipation, C . you a bargain. . E. Ayers, 0 Sabin S t . , Montpelier, No. 14. 33} acres o f land, 21 Vt., says: "t was afflicted acres plow land, 7 acres in timber with constipation balance pasture. 8-room house, and biliousness for year*, and at tlmea became ao bad I woodshed, chicken house; 6 acres would become unconscious. I have been found In that condition many tlmea. young orchard in bearing. Price Physicians did not seem to be able to $4,300. W ill take one-half in Dal do ma any good. I would bc-om* weak and for daya at a time could do N. C am pb e ll , Register. las or Salem residence property no worn. Not long ago I got a box Date o f first publication August of Dr. Miles' !«x a tlv e Tablets, and and give time on one-fourth. after using them found I had nevar 21, 1915. Date o f second publication August 28, 1915. Date o f third publication Septem ber 4, 19)5. Date o f fourth publication Septem ber 11, 1915. No. 15. Six-room house, wood shed with about one acre land. Price $900, $300 cash, balance on time. North Main Street. • One tried anything that acted In auch a mild and effective manner. I believe I have at last found the remedy that suits my case." Thousands of people are sufferers from habitual constipation and while possibly realizing .something 8-room house with 5 lots. Price ,of the danger of this condition, yet neglect too long to employ proper $1800; part time. curative measures until serious ill ness often results. The advice of L O C A L D R U O O IS T P L E A S E D For further information, call on all physicians is, "keep your bowels We are highly pleased with the clean, and it’s good advice. or w rite to Q U ICK action o f buckthorn hark, Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets are D. L Wood. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i- sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a Falla City, Oreg. box containing 25 doses. If not ka, the appendicitis preventative. found satisfactory, your money i t O N E SPOONFTJL relieves sour stom returned. » ach, gas, and constipation A T ONCE. | Get your butter wrappers print MILES M E D IC A L CO., Elkhart, Ind. M. L. Thompson, druggist. ed at tho News office.