Saturday, Auguri 21, IM A T H S FALLS CITY N F W S (Ihr fallii illitiì Nruta - - D. L. W O O D A SON P u b lish ers. Ent^rwd a* w r^xl t t»M ragli •» Ih* «t Fallt City Folli CmiMy. Or+ftoa, an«l»r Ih* 4 ut ot Confiras of Marth S. 1H79. Ttltphonr Newt Office. #3. Subscription R a to . On* year. 11.(4; >lx inonlh«. no n a t i : ihr»» month». H c w t i «Inai» copr. è ri» A t n r H l I a l Kat»» P u p i« y . l l n n l H n Inch S usine». NotlO»». ' c»nt» a lln» Fot Sai». R*nt. K ic h sn g r. W ant an d Pay I n t* rt» ln tn » n t No­ tte«». » et» a Un». C ard of Than X» » et» : Leg« Notte»». l»c»l rat»». Copy for new ad». «nd change» ehould be *eot to The New« not l«l»r tb « n W«dn»»d«y. o r ric iA L d ir e c t o r y or fa lls e rrr H J. Griflln. M»yor R M. W ond*rly, Counollm »n 1’htUlp G oulreid H. C Brown. f ' cBir*d 'V r C ouucilm en t. 0 Singleton. C. L. H opkins. R. A. T itus. C. E. H cP herren. A uditor »nd Police Ju d g e W elter L. Toose J r.. City A ttorney Pet M urphy. M erebat *nd W ater Supl. M. L. Thomp»on. T reasurer Dr. F. M. H ellw nrth. H ealth Officer. from 75 to SOc per bushel that a "Great Wave of Prosperity” will strike the country «ml wheat will advance by leaps and bound?. If the American people will grive less attention to conditions abroad and take up and develop the op­ portunities for advancement at home far more satisfactory results will Ite attained in the uplift of our people. Cedar Rapids da.) Leader. The sheriff of Multnomah coun­ ty will ask permission of the coun­ ty commissioners to put two spec­ ial deputies on the secluded roads in the county to prevent immoral­ ity arising from motorcycle and automobile joy-rides. Miss Mary Klaus committed suicide last Sat­ urday after a motorcycle ride with a man. A dispatch from California, states that there is no great rush at the recruiting station for the Th« Council meet* In reg u lar »e»»lon on Ihe flr»l four week's military training an d th ird Tuesday night» of each m onth, a t 7 30 course to be given at Presido. o ’clock. In the office of th e Pall» C ity Sews. Only forty-seven had enrolled up S aturday . A i o i st 21. 1915 to the 17th and the enrollment closes the 20th. It is necessary to NEWS AND COMMENT secure 150 before the camp will The city'treasury of Seattle. be established. Not so blood­ Wash., is empty. thirsty as some folk imagined. LaGrande, Oregon was visited Congressman George A. Loud, Monday by a rain and hail storm of Michigan says that he can see that damaged the hay and grain a very bright future for the lum­ crops. ber interests on the Pacific Coast. This is very encouraging but does The I. W. W’s., are blamed with not figure very extensively in the inciting trouble in Mexico. Why payment of last month’s grocery not credit them with the European bill. Long range prosperity is not war? what the people are demanding. Col. George has extensive lumber The Royal Edward, British interests and says that he expects transport was destroyed by a sub­ to increase them. The wonder is marine last Saturday and about what would be the effect upon 1000 troops lost. the prosperity of the country if "No rest for the President?” Congressmen and Senators were says the Democratic press. Poor selected from a class of men not fellow! He will get a most need­ so extensively interested in the railroad, lumbering and other ed rest after next year. manufacturing industries. distribution of said catalogue, BUCK ROCK ITEMS thousands of dollars will go out of town that should, ami would A l i g n » ! 21 he spent w ith the home merch­ Fire Warden Martin was in ants were the proper methods town Wednesday. used. The fact that times are h The No. 1(1 engine has lieeli in little dull does not deter the mail the repair shop» nt Dallas. house from advertising; in fact H a v e (hat tooth f i x e d while Dr. that is the time they put forth their greatest efforts, and gather | Aimild i* in Falls C ity. in the cash and leave the unde­ Mia i e n r ge Nicliols was in Falls sirable credit to local merchants. City Wednesday on hiisiiii'sa In fighting the mail order house Mi