Saturday, Augnai 14, 10 1 f> THE FALLS CITY NEWS p r o fe e e to n a l d a r t o ces heretofore obscured by a fog riod of forty ,hiys Is m entioned In the REVIVE ANCIENT DRINK. Bible. T hey w ere w ithout doubt the of sawdust. PHYSICIAN happiest forty »lay» of my life. I am How many men on public work, N u H n n i T i k i to K viW , ■ Near Bear, Hot asbiitiled th a t I w ent there I am I n v e n t e d C e n t u r l e a Ago. of any kind ever make more than Vladivostok. ltiiealu. W ith this city asham ed of those days th irteen years y. M. HELLWARTH D. L. WOOD A SON. a hare living? How many men burdened w ith the buulin-sa of w si'—lt ago " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Publishers. on the farm who work us long, as la a g re a t shipping »'enter now o f vast Ollii'u oh» door t asi of l\ O. - John D. Orders W atchdogs. w ith Kntrrvd a« w«'oi><| . tmm mall a t the* pnmtoffTcv faithfully as the man on public m i in 'Ilea for th e R ussian a m i r * olili « «ml Lily, T arry tow n. X Y John l>. Itis-kefel practically the whole population d evot • t Talla city. Pnlk County OrvtML HBdrr tber Phone 86ft F«Us Ur»g<>u A ct o f C ouffM * of M arch S. 1871. work MUST, that have not been ed to tt. not a drop o f Intoxicating bev let- has Issued orders to all tenant* on his esta te to pgrehnne first class w atch # able to provide for a “ rainv day?’ erage can he bought In Vladivostok. dogs. Trlrphoat News Office. S3. T w o of the teiinuta bought fox W ith *i>eed uud ctttclency a prim e ne l i l YHhl AN Mr S u bscription Rate»: One year. 81.00; »»* month«. The man on public works loses his cessity In g ettin g the supplies off to terrier-*, paying $20 for each. 80 cant*, thru« month«. 25 cent», «ingle copy. 6 eta. earning power as age creeps upon th e front, alcohol und the business of Rockefeller ha* agreed to reim burse w ar w ould not mix well here. H ence th em .' lie Is taking thl* mean* as an A d v e rtis in g R a te s: D isp lay . 15c e n t* a n i n c h . him and at a time he is least pre- th e law ag ain st th e sale of vodka, added protection b> his estate H iu iu ss* N otice«, 5 c e n ts a l i n e . F o r Sale. R ent, paJed he is retired. ( not on half wines, w hlaky an d even beer Is strictly h t c h a n f e . W a n t a iu l Fay E n te r ta in m e n t No n c e s . 5 c ts. a lin e . C a r d o lT h a u k s 50ct«>Legm pay, if you please, but, perchance enforced. BEARS FRUIT BY COMPASS. N otice«, leg al ra te s. on half-rations ) and a younger B ut it Is a w onderful tiling bow tbe people have got along w ithout drink C opy fo r n ew ad«, a n d c h an g e » s h o u ld be sen t man takes his plaee and thus the lug. T hey have d em o n strated th is uud When North and South Branches Foil East and W ait Are Ladon. to T h e N ew s n o t la te r th a n W ed n esd ay . tragedy goes on. Brawn, not show n th a t thuy can have a good tim e B u s in e s s ( la tto F sderaU blirg. * K an .Noah Joinw. a Just th e sam e. They still freguciit th e brains, is the qualifications neces farm er living betw een Fialernlshurg O FF IC IA L D IR E C T O R Y OF F A L L S CITY 'VSfe co n certs” o r And o th er umuse- sary. and W heatley’s cam p groum l. Ims on Hi »TKI. H J . O rt A n . M ayor. uients to relieve the heavy burdeu of R M. W o u d erly . C o u n c ilm a n a t-L a rg e This country offers unexcelled the d a y ’s w ork. To be sure, the con his farm an apple tree w hich I* »ery m uch of a cariosity. T he tr«>e contains I'h ilU p O o ttfre id opportunities for a man of limited c e rts close a t 1 Instead of 3 In the four branches w hich point to the.uortb. H. C. B row n. orning, b u t everybody w an ts to go to C. i. B ra d le y . means to engage business for him m south, east and west S a m p le R eam a C o u n cil m en tir'd e a rlie r now an d get up earlier. !. G. S in g le to n . L ast y ear Hie north and south B eat A cc o m m o d a tio n s self. In the fertile valleys there T he feeling o f the people th a t Itu'y C. L. H o p k in s . branches w ere laden w ith fruit, while R. A . T itu s, T O roaga. P ro p rie to r can be grown wheat, the quantity m ast d rin k som ething (resides w ater the e a st and w est branches did not C. E. M cP h erre n , A u d ito r a n d P o lice J u d g e Induced sh rew d officer» of th e arm y whereof the Kansas wheat grower com m issariat to revive a R ussian tern bear a single ap p le T his y e a r the W a lte r L. T oose J r.. C ity A tto rn e y P a t M u rp h y . M a rsh a l a n d W a te r S u p t. * would question. Other small grain p eran re d rin k th u t really w as Invented conditions are vice versa, th e east and HAHi.kH M il» * west branches txdng laden w ith apple*, M. U T h o m p so n . T r e a s u re r and hay can be grown likewise. 2,000 y e a rs ago. the Itusshin "kvass." while the m irth and south branches Dr. F. M. H e llw a rth . H e a lth Officer. It resem bles A m erican root beer and It a re bare. mountains and logged-off Is 1 h e C o u n c il m e e ts in re g u la r sessio n o n th e flrst The m ade of Itusshin lda, k bread am i a n d th ir d T u e sd ay n ig h ts of e a c h m o n th , a t 7 80 lands can be utilized as pasture yeast. Its alluring am i deceptive foam Fallo C ity, O regon* o 'c lo c k , in th e office o f th e F a lls C ity N ews. land or fruit farms. In a country resu lts from the ferm entation o f th e A Personal Matter Where you can |et a Skive. Hair Cal. Balk y e a s t I t Is now d ru u k everyw here. •r 'Shlnr so favored there is no need to When yon went a laxative, you S a t u r d a y . A u g u s t 14. 1915 A|tal far Dallas Steam laundry weep "sawdust.” tears when the I want one suited to the needs of llu ,id le r In rward eU l u r e d « , e v e n i n g MADE $38 A DAY. There is a great howl going up mill shuts down. i your constitution. A good sure Pulling Motorcars Out of ths Mud | laxative that will not gripe is— from certain spots about hinder HAKHKH «HOI* Proves Very Lucrative. ing “ Big Business.” If the peo Nvill’s Figaen We recommend this M "ntgoime$ Mo.—A delegation of PERSONAL GRIEVANCE ple would pay more heed to the tw en ty m em bers o f th e ('onituen-lal I camly-lorenga. Boxes el 10o, 25c Much stress is being laid upon club, headed by P resident T hom as and 50c. For rale at Thompson’« cry of “ Little Business” the world would be better off. Big Business the “ personal” motives in the re Cain, w en t o u t In autom obiles to the Drug ¡-lore. of th e old tra ils road and the — - call movement now being agitated junction is able to care for itself. North S tate highw ay, leading from St. Tuesday evening u surprise against the county court. There Louis to K an sas C ity, one mile south The Independence Monitor says is no doubt but there is much bit east o f New Florence, to erect sign patty wus given at the home of fo r th e inform ation of croaa I Martin Deni in honor ■>( M iss Meble that new life has been fused into ter feelings and personal hatred boards sta te travelers. the recall petition to oust the on both sides. Putting aside this T h is w as th ought necessary because Bnughey of Hulotn. There were 30 county court, in that section of particular case you will observe the recen t floods and w ashouts hnve present ’’Progressive Peanut” was ad e, th e roads alm ost Im passable In I pluved. Candy and banana« w as county. Rumor that the grand that the majority of “ house-clean m places betw een H igh Hill, Mlneola and served. The evening was enjoyed jury would be called is taken as ings” are brought about by some Fulton. effort to discourage the movement one who has been “ stepped-on.” I t is said th a t one m an llvln* on the ! by all. — The fellow who gave “ his life, his route has mude $100 in h sh o rt tim e rather than otherwise. palling autom obiles out of mudholes fortune and his sacred honor” to and th a t an o th e r inuu m ade $38 In one The w ater supply was at a low r U N A n . . ’ tlRKCToK ebb again this week. The preas- The people complain bitterly of the cause of the people has long day a t th e sam e work ure was very low in all parts of unjust laws, use'ess boards and been slumbering beneath the sod, R. L CHAPMAN town and is complained that those commissions, yet when election forgetting, and, forgot by those liv ing on the hill were unable to draws nigh they listen to the blan he served. When a man starts a Funeral Directot | get any water. This is a question dishments of the wily politician “ reform ” the wonder is, where Wa attend to all work promptly. of considerable importance and who seeks to elect the fellow who did the “ pain” hit him. Tradition Dallas and Fall* City. Or i steps should be taken to prevent would perpetuate such conditions. says that the Great, Reverend j a recurrance. It is hard to per You would hardly elect a thief to Billie Sunday is very particular -------------------------------------V suade the people that the city has enact stringent laws against lar to see that the necessary “ Kale P « ohb e i any more right to take their coin ceny, a distiller to prohibit the Seed” is forthcoming before he makes a spectacular assault upon and then fail to deliver the goods sale of liquor, an automobile man Devil. In view of such, would it than for an individual to fail in ufactures to prohibit “ speeding,” seem strange that County Survey or a millionaire land-owner to fix or Canfield, with his eyes glued on New York.—Robert K. H icks, ow ner his obligations. Some argue that the burden of taxes on land. Yet the dollars that are being gather of a p rin tin g shop a t 038 H udson street, the people should be thankful that sta rtle d his friends by confessing they have water at all and are not the people do things as foolish and ed in by outsiders that should by a who t n Bowery mission m eeting one Sun- virtue of his office belong to him. then wonder th at we have freak in J u n e th a t lie w as a fugitive obliged to resort to the use of have a burning desire to toy with (luy from ju stic e and Intended to give him wells. While this may be true to laws. the scalplock of his er^my. A self tip so th a t he could sq u a re accounts man may go riproariously wrong w ith th e g overnm ent by serving a term a certain extent, it does not signify It might be interesting to the and the average man will only of ten m onths to w hich be w us sen that the city may be derelict in C. W . M a tth e w s, P ro p rieto r taxpayer and general public to heave a sigh: but touch his purse tenced th irte e n y ears ago for m isusing fulfilling her obligations to the or cast languishing glances at his the m ails, w as discharged from the learn just what mission on earth, inamorata and there will be B lackw ell’s Islnnd p enitentiary. P resi people. If it is not possible at this dent W ilson com m uted bis Im prison time to increase the water supply if any, the County Surveyor has. “ blood on the moon.” m ent an d $l,0(JO line as soon as be it is at least possible, and urgently s_______________________ > The uninformed might naturally heard th e sto ry of th e w orkings of tho necessary that steps Jbe taken to conclude that a county surveyor m an’s conscience. M IL E ’S MACHINERY GOOD H icks w ent d ire c t to his hom e on the secure further w ater rights in would perform all work in his line top floor of 50 H o ratio street, opposite order that they may not be caught that the county needed, even as Vancouver Teamster's Report on Ac bis p rin tin g shop, w h en : his w ife uud in the same predicament again. any other officer is expected to do. th e th re e babies w ere w aiting. W hat cident Wins Compensation. happened th en Is nobody’« business. It is argued that by the time a t If, however, it is discretionary Olympia, Wash., Aug. 10.— Mrs. H ick s’ stru g g le to look a fte r the water right could be secured the with the county court, or anyother children and keep th e p -luting business fall rains will begin and there Edward Kelley, a team ster in the tribunal why not abolish the office going w hile her husb an d w as locked altogether? If the surveyor is employ of Lyons & Monroe, gen up w as a hard one and resulted In fa il will be no shortage; but if put off incompetent, produce the evidence eral contractors at Vancouver, ure. She w as obliged to sh u t up shop until next year they will be con Wash., was given a blank to re because w ork did n ’t conio In. fronted with the same obstacles. and unhorse the gentleman. The “ I don’t d eserve an y c re d it for giv port to the industrial Insurance Now’ is the time to act. taxpayers should not be made to ing m yself up a fte r th irte e n y ears of -.......... ■" ^ " ■ ’W ■- ....... ........... - Commission on his injuries, re liberty,” H icks said as his w ife w ashed suffer through any man’s stupid sulting from his being kicked by th e dishes an d th e babies, tw o girls and ity or cussedness. a mule while in pursuit of his du a boy, th e eld est o f w hom Is four, slept. “ I sim ply had to do It In order to get ties. The Commission received peace of mind. A PRECARIOUS LIVING “I w as convicted th irte e n y ears ago the following: GIVEN QUICK RELIEF “ State part of the machinery an d jum ped my ball, a fte r I w as sen Pula leaves almost I tenced. I w ent to E ngland, and the Public Works a Delusion and a Snare on which accident occurred.” as if by magic when flrst th re e y ears wc.-re years o f fear. you begin using "5- Other Means Should be Employed Answer. “ Hind part of a A fter my re tu rn I w e n t Into i I m > Man Drops," the famousold h attan Gospel m ission on M an h attan remedy for Rheuma mule.” tism, Lumbago, Gout, stre e t w hile d ru n k , on the n ig h t of “ Was the machinery in good Dec. 4, 1012, for th e purpose of g et Sciatica, N e u r a lg ia If more people would engage in and kindred troubles. ! tin g a bed ami got religion Instead. farming and dairying there would working order?” It goes right to tho ! As I cam e Into th e new life I began Answer. “ Yes.” be less terror when the mills shut spot, stops the aches j see th in g s in u new light, am i had to and pains and makes Kelly’s claim for $27.65 for 24 to down. A great many have the unload. I told m y sto ry a t th e B ow ery life worth living. Get idea that should the lumber indus- days’ lost time on account of the mission a fte r a night of p ray er w ith a bottle of "5-Drops" today. A booklet with ou t co n su ltin g my w ife. I believe th a t stry in this section cease that the accident was allowed._ each bottle gives full God d irected m e whatt to do. On the d ir e c ti o n s for use. city would turn up its little pink follow ing m orning I g o t A ntbouy Com ASTONISHES FALLS CITY Don't delay. Demand toes to the daisies and nothing The QUICK action of bucthorn stock on th e phone arid told him th a t "5-Drops." Don't ac cept anything else in would remain but a memory of bark, glycerine, etc, as mixed in Ad- I w as H icks, an d he rem em b ered me. I prom ised to give m yuelf up on th e place of it. Any d ru g screeching whistles and unpaid ler-i-a, the appendicitis preventative follow ing T u esd ay , b u t L e delayed my gist can supply you. If you live too far Chocolates and Bon Bons from a drug store send One Dollar to bills. Such would not be the case. astonishes Falls City people. ONE su rre n d e r until a la te r d a te . A nd then HARRINGTON S .vanson Rheumatic Cure C o , Newark, After the first paroxysm of grief SPOONFUL of this remedy relieves I w e n t to jail. Ohio, and a bottle of "B-Drops" will be ’’I sp e n t Ju st fo rty datys on th e Is the people would arouse themsel sour stomach, gas and constipation) land. I t’s stra n g e how ofti*n th u t p e «out prepaid. For Rent—Dwelling house. Ap ves and develop the latent resour AT ONCE. M.L.Thompson, druggist ply at News office. <U hr J F a iU i d i t t i N 1 p u îb i i F a lle C itç lto te l Bohle’s Barber Shops I* V , ß HICKS, CONSCIENCE - PRISONER,. IS FREE 1 Owned Up In Bowery Mission He Was Fugitive. Zhc © re g o n R H E U M A TIO SUFFERERS * ( * \ 1 >