t FALLS CITY NEWS FALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST VOL. XI NATION’S BIG MEN TO PLAN DEFENSE Invite Governors and Con gressmen From Every State. INCREASE FIGHTING FORCE. W A*rial T o r p .d o Boat N o w U ndo r Dia- ouaaion— Idaa Patontad by Rear A d miral Fiaka T w e n t y Yaara A g o — Be- l.avad Oavioo Can Ba Perfected For Uaa In Landlocked Harbora. I Ncipicut developments of radio control led devices. "M y luventlon.” says the application I filed by Lieutenant Commander Flske. 1 "Is especially applicable lo automobile torpedo«*, and makes It possible to eon l trol the movements o f a torpedo with great certainty from u shore, from the ■leek o f a ship or a lake.” * Since the aerini torpedo plan was ad vanced reports have come that tier nini, engineers were at work on u slm llur scheme. It Is planned to drop from aeroplunes a torpedo that ran be gold «•d by radio Impulses during Its fall ■iiid send It wltb absolute certainty to Ils mark Further b'sts o f the Wham high ex plosive fuse for use hi navy shells will lie mad« soon hv the nuvul hoard np- [MilnUsI eight months ago to determine the value o f this device submitted by Willard S Isham. The fuse was a sub Jeet o f controversy during the last con gress. and the special board, beaded by Kcur Admiral Flske. was appointed to couduet the tests. Admiral Flake's recommendation that Revenu fuses |>e made with Improvements suggested by tb» board slm-e previous experiments showed no very satisfactory result. Washington. The flret groat tuilier- It.tf lo I lie I'u Iteti (Rates tu consider the ti.it leim I liefe tute question will lie belt! lit \\ nshlngtou fruui Oct. 4 to 7. It will take pliiee Immediately following the • Intuii Army o f the Republic encamp ment here nud will be uuder the aus- pli'ca o f the Natbmul Defense league. It I n pluuueil that the gathering Minili be one o f representative citizen* from every atate of the Union, who will t on alder what measures muat be taken by congress to Increase the lighting arms o f the country. The conference will be presided over by Representative Kahn o f California, chairman, anil Senator Robert l\ llroussard o f Louisiana, vice chairman o f the National Defense league. An Invention which was perfected by Itenr Admiral Fluke almost tweuty year* ago, when he wus a lieutenant commander In the navy, la belug con- sldcretl by naval designers as a possi bio basis for the construction o f aerial torpedo boats which might Intllct tre Dr. Jamas B. Angsll, Vsnsrabls Educa mendous damage on an enemy's bat tor, In Eighty-sevsnth Year, Seeing tleships. Dream Come True— Campaign to The Flake Invention provides for the Raioo $1,000,000 Start* In October. construction o f a flying vessel which Army of Graduates to Enroll. would carry a torpedo weighing one ton. One o f the principal valuea o f Ann Arbor. Mich.—During the forty- four yetirs that Dr. James It. Angell hns been president or president emer itus of tlic University of Michigan be lias preached the doctrine o f true de mocracy among college men. And now the venerable educator In bis eighty- seventh your Is seeing n dream come true. Michigan Is to have a student clubhouse, cosmopolitan In character, which will be the common meeting ground of practlcnlly all o f the men iu the university. It Is to be known as the Michigan Uulou building, the urn MICHIGAN PLANS FINE CLUBHOUSE * Will Be Meeting Place of All Men In University. $L ~ ENTIRE GOST $1,000,000. has «1,800 stud«-ids. coming from every part of the globe, and the exchange o f Ideas among cosmopolitans Is consider ed by Dr. Angell one o f the greatest needs at all Die large universities. II la claimed at the University of Michigan that a great student body such us the Michigan uni«.-» has the power to democratize undergraduates ■ by eliminating artificial barriers be tween Greek letter fraternity men and Independents, between rich and poor. In fact, the Michigan union has al ready done much along that line, but Its real opportunity will come, accord ing to President Kmerltus Angell. wltb the completion o f the union building. The iiI ii iniiI o f Michigan—35.000 In number—are to present the building, equipped and endowed, to the union. The entire cost will lie $1.000.000. O f that sum $2fi0.000 Is for an endowment to Insure dues so low that the advan tages o f the union w ill be within the reucb o f every student. Tbc building will contain many o f the features found today In the flue clubhouses of large cities -swimming pool, meeting rooms, billiards and bowling alleys, bumiuet halls and dormitories for re turning alumni. The campaign to rnlse the $1,000,000 will be started in October. A Michigan union committee Is to be found In each of the leading cities of America—188 In all. When the campaign begins an army o f 2.000 Michigan graduates will lie enrolled in the work. NO WHITE TUTORS FOR BLACK Georgia Senate Passas Measure— Rock •feller School Affected. Atlanta. Ga. — The Georgia senate passed a measure prohibiting whites from teaching In negro schools o f the state. It carries a provision that makes It effective at once If It passes the bouse. The measure will affect numerous negro schools In Georgia endowed by uortheru philanthropists In many cases the faculty and In nearly every Instance the president o f the school are white persons sent to Georgia by the society or person controlling the school One o f these schools Is Spell man seminary, lit Atlanta, which 1s supported by John D. Rockefeller. The Georgia measure is a copy o f the Kentucky law which has been upheld by the United States supreme court Engineering Warrant POLK COUNTV OBSERVER Photo by American Press Association. REAR ADMIRAL F1SKX. such n flying machine. In the opinion o f naval experts, would be Its ability to nttnek landlocked fleets. Swooping down at a distance of flve sea miles from the object o f attack, the air craft would drop Its deadly passen gcr Into the wuter Just as It would have been Inuuclied from u destroyer. The Impact sots the torpedo’s machin ery In motion, nnd It Is off at a speed o f more than forty knots an hour to ward the enemy ship. Aeroplanes to carry a ton o f dead weight have beyn perfected by several countries. Russia Is said to have sev eral that will carry twenty men. nnd the new llrltish a irc ra ft probably will have similar capacity. It Is suld to be possible that a type o f radio controlled torpedo might lie emplojed. one aeroplane carrying u tor pedo ami another the wlrelesa machin ery to control the mlssllea flight through the water. It Is pointed out that Admiral Flake obtained patents on such a method o f control In UKIO. when he w-ns a lieutenant commander In the navy. They are said to be so broad giuj farreucliUig as to underlie all sub- DR B. ANGEnn AND PROPOSED $1,000,000 CDl'BUOUSE. JAMES NOT ONLY DO THE MAKERS STAND BEHIND EVERY PAIR OF SHOES AND HOSE WE SELL. BUT WE STAND BEHIND THEM TOO AND MAKE GOOD ON EUERY PAIR WE SELL. LET US SELL YOU SHOES AND HOSE FOR ALL THE FAMILY FOR JUST ONE SEASON AND YOU’LL NEUER AFTER TH A T GO ANYWHERE ELSE FOR SHOES AND HOSE. N. S E L IG ’S FALLS CITY D EP A R TM E N T STORE yield w a s recorded on the J. H. Stupfel ranch near Bellevue, three miles east o f this place. By mea- of sur the wheat yielded 1576 sacks, Qirla Chase Men Who Steal Clothes or 521 bushels per acre. This While Bathers are in the Water same wheat when weighed over run this yield from six to seven “ W h a t appears on the surface to be an outgrowth o f the personal fight against the county court, in which the recall petition is at present the “ big stick,” crept to the fore on Friday, when the county clerk and county treasurer w ere enjoined from payment of a w arran t issued in favor o f the Himes Engineering company for services rendered the county court by order o f the county court. Henry Voth, a farm er, appears in the plea for the restraining order, bond being furnished by Joe Brow n o f Salt Creek country. Oscar H atyr represents the peti tioners and District Attorney Sib ley will have charge o f the case for the defendents. The hearing will come lie fore Judge Belt upon his return from the coast. H WE GUARANTEE ENJOINS COUNTY COURT Objections Raised To Payment The petition is brief, merely re citing that the county court e x ceeded its authority in employing the Himes company to make plats and survey the county roads. The contest will perhaps settle a question that has long vexed the county courts o f the state and in volves the privileges o f the county court to employ other than regular employes or officers for special work or when failure to perform work or inability to do the sa me lou being the student body that acts as a clearing house for all student ac tivities, thoughts and tendencies. Dr. Angell several years ago made the statement that the minds and char acter o f young men receive as deep nnd abiding Impressions from mixing with otnf another as they do from con tact with their professors. That sound ed a new note In education and gave an Indication o f what might be ex pected In modern university develop ment. The Michigan union alms to give stu dents that broader education that are in question.” vonnyi from Knowing men. Michigan No. 49 J91G MERMAIDS CAUSE RIOT Huntington, W . V a .— Costumed bushels. Another report o f a large yield only in the sun rays, tw o pretty comes from the Adam Guthrod younK women caused something ranch south o f this place, w h ere akin to a riot when they left the 25 acres o f wheat yielded 35 bush Ohio R iver recently and gave els to the acre. In samples of the chase a fte r several men who had big wheat yield before it w a s stolen the clothing o f the girls, threshed, the longest head meas ured seven and a quarter inches hung in a boathouse moored along in length. Grains o f a sample side the w h arf. head when shelled numbered 135. The girls had not run a block before a great crowd w as at their heels. Policeman Frank Simpson w a s standing on Main street, three blocks from the river, when the PESTS ATTACK HOPYARDS C. A. Benson Discovers Danger of Heavy Loss at Silverton mermaids overwhelm ed him with demands that he ‘get theirclothes.’ Insect pests are making serious “ but inroads on the hop yield in the Sil- come with me into this feed store.” veiton district, according to C. A . There they w ere draped with Benson, a g ro w er o f that district “I w ill,” said Simpson, gunny sacks and sent to the police A sample from one o f the best yards near Silverton shows ve r station. min-eaten tendrils from which the leaves have been stripped or killed. YAMHILL WHEAT IS HEAVY First Thrashing Raport of Season Gives 57 Bushels Par Acre “ This field has been sprayod thoroughly,” said Mr. Benson. "T h ree and in some places five applications o f spray have been used, but the vermin is persistent and a good percentage o f the vines are stripped bare, a condition that will cause nearly all o f the bu rr to fall off or produce small cones o f Sheridan, O regon .—The first threshing report o f the season for Yam hill County set the standard o f 57 to 60 bushels per acre. This small value commercially.”