4 TB fi PALLS C ítY ttfcWS. S A T ttn ß A V , A t’fltTflT I IM S ' — — D Mr. H e m e S e e k e r C O M ! TO FALLS CITY, ORCOON end l a y Or char d Lend Í Notice to News Subscribers A b lu«*p«n oM o r o ii mark on this n o lle * m ta n i that your *ub*orlp* tlon to Tho N o w * ha* * * 4 >ir*u and naada fia ln g Da It now. For Rent — Dwelling house. Ap- | plv nt New« o ff ic e . I l l ry a want nd in the New«. It will pay you ¡2 Peoplejdo without i <>r Mini oil (or article» not 'not ad- | verliaed At home. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local application», aa they cannot reach the •llaaaaed portion of tilo car. There I* only one way tu cura iKufiu-a», mill licit U by constitution .I r medica, t 'catín ss la t auactl bv un Inflamed c o n d i­ tion o f the mucous limn* of the Kuala- chlan Tube. When ihl* tube l.i Inllimed you hava a rumhllnjt sound or Imperfect I nearing, and when It I* entlre'y rinsed, i Paafhaaa la tho result, and unless the In­ flammation ran be taken out and this I tube restored to Ita normal condition, i hearing will bo deetrnyed forever: nino \ i asce out of ten are caused by 1‘atarrh. which Is nothing but an Inflan" I rondi I tlon o f tha mucous surfaces. W e «111 e le e One Hundred C ollars fo r any esse o f It e t fs r * * < caused hr ca 'srrh t that cannot h.. mired by U s i l i Catarrh tu re. tonti lur circulars f e » . T. J V U B N K Y , A OO . Toledo, Ohio, •o ld by Ilrueetats. The. Take Unira a attui r rills for routineUoa. Post Office Time Card Mighty Arches Mark Huge C o u rt o f the Universe. Office hourk: Daily, except Sun­ day, 8 a .tu. to U.30 p.ui. Arch of the Rising Sun. Court of the I'nlveree. Panama - Pacific International I'xpoaltlon. San Krnncl»co | liU 1« the grand central court o f the Ki|>i>H|t|»n. 000 by 500 feet, with a companion arch, the Arch of the Setting Sun, at the n est portal. Each arch, with Ita sculptured groups, symbolical of the nation» of the east and west. Is 1S8 feet In height. ENGLISH WOMEN AID IN THE WAR "Votes Now Forgotten,” Says Mrs. Pankhurst. FIFTY THOUSAND IN PARADE Government to Accept All Ready For Sarvica— National R egister W ill Be Taken— Crime For Mon to Be Doing W ork of Womon, Says Suffrage Loader. London.—F ifty thousand women of England, accompanied by seventy-five brass bands and dressed In red, white and blue, tbe colors o f tbe union Jack and France, paraded from tbe Thames to Trafalgar square to demonstrate their desire to be enlisted In tbe serv­ ices o f their country In factories sup­ plying war material. There was a re­ markable scene when tbe minister of munitions, accompanied by Mrs. Em­ meline Pankhurst. tbe suffragist lead­ er, appeared on a platform overlooking tbe embankment along which tbe pro­ cession made Its way. Mrs. Pankhurst placed before Lloyd- George figures to sbow that 40 per cent o f the munition workers In Ger­ to do any work tbe government may j assign to us, day or night." The minister of munitions told tbe deputation of women that something | like 50,000 women already were w ork I Ing at various factories in the produc- ! tlon of munitions. It was not a ques- ; tlon o f competition between male and j female labor, he said, but o f getting ; men and women to work together to help the country. The first thing, continued Mr 1-loyd George, was to get an adequate supply o f machinery and tools, and the gov­ ernment was assuming the control o f j all machine and tool making establish | inents In the country. Women who came forward to serve must give their whole time. There must be real na­ tional organization for all women who were prepared to take up munltlou work. Secondly, added tbe minister, there ! must be a sufficient number o f women trained to direct and instruct others. In regard to wages, women would be paid tbe same piece rate as men. and all establishments would be under gov­ ernment control, while the government would see that there was no "sweated" labor. WARNED BY MORGAN CASE. Du Ponts W ill Sell Explosives O n ly to Known Persons. Philadelphia.—As a direct result of tbe shooting o f J. Plerpont Morgan, tbe Du Pont Powder company of W il­ mington. Del., issued orders to all Its employees to sell explosives only to customers concerning whose Identity they are certain. The order applies to thousands o f clerks, salesmen, managers of branch offices and keepers of magazines throughout the country anil marks tbe first step taken by any o f tbe great am monition concerns to prevent their products falling Into the bauds of lire sponsible persons. KK AL E S T A T E KOIt S A L E No. 1 7 1-2 acres adjoining Falls City on County road. Good 7-room house, city w ater: barn and chicken park; young orchard in bearing, small fruit. A ll fenced and 31 acres in cultivation. N o waste land. Tim e on part. No. 2 80 acres mountain land. I miles out on County road. 25 acres in cultivation, 20 acres big second-growth fir. Good 5-room house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit, and berries; 125 prune trees. A l­ so, good team, wagon, harness and some household goods. W ill g ive time on part. FOR FALLS CITY PEOPLE Photo by Am erican Presi Association MBS. KMMEhlNB PANKHURST many are women and that 75 per cent o f all food canned for the German army Is tinned by women. ‘‘Our fight for votes for women Is a forgotten Issue In the national crisis," said Mrs. Pankhurst. ‘‘W e are willing to ‘do our bit’ for England by taking our place In the factories and releasing men for the trenches. W e are willing Simple bucthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Alder-i-ka, the ap­ pendicitis preventative, drains so much foul matter from the body that ONE SPOONFUL relieves sour stom­ ach, gas and constipation A T ONCE. The QUICK action is astonishing. M. L. Thompson, druggist. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. Mail clone« for: Salem. 8.60 A M., 1 P. M. and 6 P M. Dalla», 8:50 A. M. and 5 P. M. Eugene A Portland train 162, 1 p. m. Black Rock, I l A. M. No. 13. 12 acres 1J miles from town, all under fence and in culti­ vation; 8-room house and barn. This place can be sold one-third I a. cash, purchaser to assume mort­ gage now on the place. Can give j you a bargain. S unday O nly Office hour«: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m: Mail arrive« from Salem, 9:00 ni. Portland A Eugene troni 101, 11:55 a. m. Mail clone* for Salem, 8:50 a. m. Eugene A Portland train 102, 1 p. m. Effective May 13, 1916. No. 14. 33J acres o f land, 21 acres plow land, 7 acres in timber balance pasture. 8-room house, IRA C. M k HKLINU, Poetin Abler woodshed, chicken house; 6 acres young orchard in bearing. Price Good house for «ale in Fall« $4,300. W ill take one-half in Dal­ No. 5. 160 acres in Lincoln Co., las or Salem residence property City, part time. Enquire at New« office. 5 miles from railroad, on County and give time on one-fourth. road. Small cabin and barn; 4 Correspondents wanted in every No. 15. Six-room house, wood­ acres in cultivation and 60 more neighborhood in thi« «ectimi ol tue shed with about one acre land. can be cultivated. 350 3-year old country. Price $900, $,‘100 cash, balance on English walnut trees. Good spring time. N orth Main Street. One j J that would furnishs fine w ater power. School 5 mile, 8 month 8-room house with 5 lots. P r ic e , term with contract for tw o more $1800; part time. Woman Finally Recover« From Nervous Breakdown j years. This will make an ideal For fu rth er information, call on stock and dairy ranch and can be or w rite to bought at a bargain. Terms.* D. L. Wood, No. 6. 153 acres near town. Good house and barn. W ill sell all or divide to suit buyer. K ills Snake and a Boy. New York.—T w o hours after taking a hendnebe powder Miss Rebn Reoker. eighteen years old. o f 1727 Park plaee | Brooklyn, dropped dead. She was tell ing relatives at the time o f her np proaebing wedding. Salem 9.00 a.in., 5:15 p in. Dali««, 9:00 A. M . 6:46 P. M. Portland A Eugene train 101, 11:55 a . in. tion, 5 room house, ham and chicken house. T w o springs, w ater piped to house, hot and cold w ater and bath. 6 acres in young orchard. 2 acres big second , grow th fir. Spring affords w ater sufficient to irrigate onehalf o f | the land. This land lays just out­ side o f the city limits o f Falls City. A bargain. No. 3. 35 acres near town. 15 in cultivation. Good 8-room house barn and henhouse. Bearing or­ chard. Some good second-growth fir. Tim e on part. Yreka, Cal.— A half dead rattlesnake No. 8. T w o good 8-room houses made a spasmodic attempt to coll when and lots, some fruit trees with Mrs. Johnson Ahlgren. who had shot It. drew near with a party o f children, one. These are among the most at Somesbar, Siskiyou county, and ev desirable residences in the city. erybody ran. In the flight Mrs. Ahl j They are of modern construction gren's revolver was discharged aeol ■ and desirably located. Reason­ dentally and Roy Donahue, eight, was shot through the back and killed. able terms on part i f desired. Will Discusses W edding; Dies. Mail Arrive», (rum sell one or both. No. 9. 20 acres j miles from town. Good 6-room house and outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­ tion; l j acres in apples, 2J acres in peaches, cherries, iiears and strawberries. Plenty o f wood for fuel. No. 10- Six lots 50x150, three room house, hen house, some fruit and straw berries.*! 'ash and terms. No. 11. 130 acre ranch, 60 acres in cultivation, 25 in timber balance slashed. 12 acres in hops. Good house and hop house, barn Get your butter wrappers ;.«rint- and other outbuildings. ed at the News office. No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva­ Impoverished nerves destroy many people before their time. Often be­ fore a sufferer realizes what the trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep your nervous system in good con dition, as the nerves are the source of all bodily power. Mrs Rosa Bonner, 825 N. 18th St., Birming ham, Ala., says: "I have been suffering with nerv­ ous prostration for nine or ten years. Have tried many of the best doctors in Birmingham, but they all failed to reach my case. I wouU feel as if I was smothering; finally I went into convulsions. My little girl saw Falls City, Oreg. Kxtra copie« of The News are printed each week, and will be «ent to any addre«« desired, postpaid, for 5 cent« per copy. R H E U M A TiO SUFFERERS G IVEN Q U IC K R E L IE F Pain leaves almost as if by magic when you begin using "5- Drops,” the famousold remedy for Rheuma­ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, N eu ra lgia and kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of "5-Drops" today A booklet with each bottle gives full d irectio n s for use. Don't delay. Demand "8 I trope ” Don't ac­ cept anything else in place of it Anydrug- (U t can supply you. If you live too far from a drug store send One Dollar to S ' inson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark, Ohio, and a bottle of "6-Drops" will be sent prepaid. ( j Dr. Mile«’ Nervine advertised in the papers and f at once began to take It. I continued to take it for some time and now I am well.” If you are troubled with loss of appetite, poor digestion, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general run down condition and unable to bear your part of the daily grind of life, you need some­ thing to strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what it the mat­ ter with you, but that is no reason why you should delay treatment. Dr. Miles’ Nervine • has proven its value in nervous dis­ orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, no matter how many other remedies have failed to help you. Sold by all druggist». If first bottla falls to banaflt your manay la raturnad. M ILES M ED ICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.