Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 07, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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ôîhr 3Falla (£iti| Nruui
E n te r# « • • ir .« m l . ¡>aa m a ll a t th e p o e to ftlc r
a t F a lla C>t». P e l* O o u n tj. O re te a . ern ler tb a
A ct o f iV e c re a s o f M arch S. 1ST».
T t If »h o s t
N e w t O i T k f . S 3 .
Subacription Rales: On#year. 11.00; ala month«.
M cants, three ¡nontha. 24cent«, sinale copy. 5 eta.
A dvertising Rates D uplay. 15 acuta an Inch ;
Business Notice«, » ca n ts a lin e ; For Bale. Kant.
E xchange. W ant an d Pay E n te rta in m e n t No­
tices. S e t a a lin e. C a rd o tT h a u k a 50 eta. le g s
Notices, legal rates.
Copy for new ads. an d changes should be sent
to The News not la te r th a n W ednesday.
O r r iC I A L D IR E C T O R Y O r T A LL S CITY
Having honestly ascribed th e
present and future prosperity-in­
spots to the war and the bumper
wheat crop, he back-tracks, and 1
adds: “There is not much doing
in the lumber line, due to the war.'
The ex-senator plays both ends
against the middle. Up to date
every rainbow of promise painted
for the purpose of dispelling the
blue gloom of the administration
has been the work of some im­
pressionistic artist who sports the
black eye of defeat. Impression­
ism was once defined by a cele-
bratedpainter to be "painting
things that ain’t ” The definition
is applicable in this instance.
H. J. Griffin. Mayor.
R M. W onderly. C ouncilm an at-L arge
P h illip G ottf raid
H. C. Brown.
C. J Bradley,
co u n clim en
I. G. Singleton.
C. L. H opkins,
R. A. T itus.
C. E. M cPherren. A uditor a n d Police Judge
W alter L. Toole J r.. City A ttorney.
P at M urphy. M arshal an d W ater Supt.
M. L. Thom pson. T reasu rer
Dr. F. M H cllw arth . H ealth Officer.
For the past week a jolly crowd
of girl» from IndHpeiidence ami
I vicinity have been camping in tin«
suburb» of this city. They came
out for pleasure and they undoubt­
edly got what they came after.
We do uot wish to tlatter them,
T heC ouncil m eets in reg u lar session on the Brat but will »ay that they
were a
a n d th ird Tuesday n ig h ts ol each m onth, at 7 30
o'clock, in th e office ol th e F alls C ity News
was more than one sorrowful look­
S a t u r d a y . A u g u s t 7. 1915
ing swain when they left for home.
But, cheer up, perhaps they may
“ Prosperity has really arrived.” come again. The following i» a li.-t
savs the Dallas Itemizer. and then of the name»: Dorothy Child».
qualifies the statement, “True, it Gladys Childs, Helen Gilliepie,
has not struck the Pacific coast Genevie Gillispie, Alta GillUpe,
with an overwhelming wave yet, Beth Ketcham, Queen Dickenson.
but it’s coming sure as fate." Mabel Baud, Beatrice Thurston. ¿ i c h
People generally believe that in Bessie Swope, all of Independence;
the dim. hazy future, that Christ Catherine Smith of Portland and
will come and dwell on earth and Audry Shupe of Kansas City, Ka».,
all will be at peace, yet, like the Kate Murphy of Suver, Ore. They
Iiemizer’s Prosperity wave, it has were chaperoned by Mr». Kate
not struck this mundane sphere Walker of Independence and Mr».
to any appreciable extent, but, Florence Murphy of Suver.
“it’s sure cornin’.”
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in ihi»
Some of the local beaux appear office for the week ending July
to be peeved over alleged viola­ 3i. 1915.
I a d ie b .
tion of “ neutrality laws” by some
Ball, Mr». L.
of the Dallas Lotharios who have,
it is alleged, been poaching within
G entlem en .
the “three-mile limit” of the afore­ Anderson^ oh n
said peeved ones. It is said that
Hegler. E. C.
the Dallas contingent sailed under
Morrison, Floyd
false colors, and had better been
Pettit, R. C.
attending their own firesides. If
These letters will he sent to the
another breach occurs it is pre­ dead Utter office August 14. 1915
dicted that torpedoes will be used. if not delivered before. In calling
for the above, please say “ Adver­
tised,” giving date of list.
I ra C. M e h r l i n g , P M.
Germany, in reply to the Amer
ican Note justifies her acts say­
ing that in view of the inhumanity
of England in trying to starve
non-combatants of Germany we
been forced to engage in a sub­
marine warfare in selfdefense.
England pleads that theii block­
ade and detaining Americon ships
and obstructing American com-
mere justifiable on account of
alleged atrocities by G e r m a n
troops in Belgium.
Mexico very suavely informs
Uncle Samuel that if he doesn’t
like their ways to “Go to Hell.”
Surely the President has sat on
the “ Fly Paper.” Should he un­
dertake to force Germany to com­
ply he must insist that England
also observe the rules. He does
not want to fight Mexico, neither
is it desirable to retire to the over­
crowded district referred to.
Ex-Senator George Turner, of
Seattle, Washington, scattered a
few phony pearls of wisdom re­
cently, while on a visit to the
National Capital. He prophesied
a billion-bushel wheat crop and
two dollars a bushel for wheat
this year if the war in Europe
continues. “ If the war continues”
said Mr. Turner, “ I believe the
country will demand the re-elec­
tion of the President; if it should
end this fall, the prosperity that
is at hand will insure Democratic
victory next year beyond a doubt.”
Apparently there is no escape.
IP ro fco o io n n l C a t t o
You Art Surt ol a Good Time
F. M. H E L L W A R T H
Office one door east of P. O.
Office anil . . . _
Falls OH»,
Resilience I hone lUilt
All-round Seashore JUeaort’on’lYaquinft
Bay and the Pacific Ocean. A Place of
Charm and Beauty. A Delightfully
Restful Atmosphere.
Newport olTers w ide variety of recrea­
tions and entertainments. There are
plenty of hotels, boarding houses, cot­
tages and camping accommodations.
Newport is an ideal place to send the
family. Our ¡llustrnted folder “ New­
port” will interest you. A postal card
will bring it.
O ther Hours bjr A ppointm ent
Ofth o Aral houae weat of llo apltal
Phone 441
» u e tn e s o ( l a t t o
Jfallô City Ibotcl
Sam ple Rooms
Baal A c c o m m o d a tio n s
D ro ege , Prop rietor
Low Round Trip Faros
from nil point» on
Bohle’s Barber Shops
S o u t h e r n Pacific
T o l l s C i t y , O re g o n *
W h c rt y e « c m | e t a I h i v e , H a ir C o l . l a i h
or U M a t '
In q u irir» for ticket* mot Inform ation will receive
co u rteo u s a tte n tio n from our nearest «gent.
Aitai far Dallas Mean Laundry
it log
Hu hulea forw arded iu ead ay
Q. L. H A W K I N S
Ornamentation In Court of Abun­
dance at San Francisco.
D a lla a , O re g o n
F u n e ra l D irecto i
W e attend to all work promptl?.
Dell«, s a d f e l l. Citr. Or
SIBLEY & EAKIN, Abstractors,
515 Court St. Dalian, Or.
A com plete aet of Abatiacta of fo lk To.
Katabllahed In In**. Prom pt »errtoe.
Kt*aaoliable Kate».
August 6.
V iew » D e w in g s e c tio n o f c o lo n n a d e s . C o u r t o f A b u n d u n c e , P a u a in a - l'a e lO e
l u t e r i m t l o r ' E x p o s itio n . S im F r a n c is c o . T b e la v is h o r i e n t a l e m b e llis h m e n t» o f
ils c o u r t » • w e ll p o r t r a y e d In t h i s p h o to g r a p h .
Mr. Oberg of Crenton was in
Wynne Grier returned from
Black Rock Wednesday.
Mr». Pearl Donmayer was in | Portland Sunday.
town Thursday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wooden came
Spaulding's camp Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cochian have
F. K. Hubbard an 1 W, II. Me
moved from Falls City to camp 8.
Gesrge King and wife have mov­ Kowan were in Dallas Thursday.
Chas. Hinshaw and wife and
ed to Black Rock, where be is
Loyd Ellis and wife have returned
working in the mill.
Mrs. Smith of Independence is from the Silotz.
here visiting her sister, Mrs. George
Percy and Ferris Dodd are here
from Monroe helping their fattier
Miller for a few days.
Mrs. Josie McCutchen and Miss haul hay and wood.
Fred Belcher and family of
Opal Wallace went horseback rid­
Portland are in Falls City domicil­
ing Sunday and called in Dallas.
ed at the bungalow.
Bob Shilts of Spaulding camp,
F. K. Hubbard and W. B. Mc-
got his hand mashed last Monday
Kowan have treated themselves to
and went to Dallas to have it a new Ford automobile.
Wm. Finley, cook nt Balderee's
Mr». Rose and children of Cres­ camp has resigmd and will take
cent City, Cal., are here visiting charge of Ills lunch counter.
her parents, Isaac Nichols and
Mrs. Adams who has been visit­
ing her mother, Mrs. G. Campbell
R. O. Russell of McClay, has re­ of Dallas has returned home.
G. Griswold, sisters and mother
turned to Black Rock, where he
will take up his work as chief en­ came from Portland Sunday and
gineer for the Spaulding Logging are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
S. letherow anil wife and F. J.
Holman and wife will motor over
Card of Thanks
to the Tillamook country for a
We wish to thank all who so vacation.
kindly assisted us in the last sick
Mr. an l Mrs. E. P. McCooskey
ness and death of our mother and and daughter, Mrs. F. Droege, Dr.
for the many beautiful flowers.
and Mrs. E. Kirchgessner, and Miss
Hammond, Mis. Chas. Mix and
children were in Salem Monday.
Children and Grandchildren.
C. W . M a t t h e w s , P r o p rie to r
The cracker jack of the donekv
engine at Balderee’s camp at Black
Rock broke Thursdav and repairs
have been ordered from Portland
and will arrive Monday. As a
result half of the men are down
from the camp.
---------- -»---» > ♦
♦- ------
According to the Dallas papers
the vitims of the Recall are con­
sidering the propriety of invoking
the aid of the grand jury in the
defense of their official reputation.
A statement in the Itemizer from
C. R. Canfield, one of the prime
movers in the recall, does not indi­
cate that he is much “skeered” of
the grand jury. As we are not
furnishing munitions of war nor
shipping contraband to either par­
ty we strictly "neutral” and free
to “ harpoon” either side as we
deem proper.
The city council met Tuesday
night in regular session with R.
M. Wonderly chairman, Auditor
McPherren, councilmen Titus,
Singleton. Gottfreid present.
The usual business was transact­
ed, but nothing new brought up.
It was deemed best to lay the ex­
tension of the water system over
until next year. The city attor­
ney said that it was impossible to
make heads or tails out or the Smoke the best—The Havana
records in regard to the old street
assessment and that he would
take a new tack in the matter
For Rent—Dwelling house. Ap­
that he thought would bring
things to a focus.
ply at New» office.