FALLS CITY NEWS VOL. XI SOUTH AFRICA IS LAND OF PROMISE British See Great Possibilities In Immense Territory. No. 48 FALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 31. 1915 containing iVte well known Ivlm'oerlllo | have becii found lu the tjiboou. Iteth- I auy und Kectmunslioop district», but ' careful lest» have shown them to I h > I harreu'of diamonds.“ Next to the dliimoud held» the cop- per mines rank In lm|»>rtoiiee. The value o f the copper exported lu 1013 was gi.0M2.IMo In ll.u opinion o f eX- |H*rta (here 1» no doubt that the coun­ try will supply copper and copper ores lu Increasing quantities for muuy years to come. Prospecting work hu» been dune In connection with gold. tin. Iron, lead, Htilphur. etc., but tin* r.*»ultN have been somewhat dlNU|i|K>liiting. nllbough Im­ mense deposit» of Irou mid tlu ores are known to exist. A »earn of coni has been found, and lit.* Germuns had be­ gun to exploit Immcinw layer* o f white and colored marble o f excellent quality The second source »f wealth lu the territory Is the pusture laud. Dr William Mncdnnuld. the Mouth African agricultural expert. who visited the colony a couple o f years ago. described It as a land o f enormous agricultural poast bill ties, destined to become one of the fluent ranch countries In the world CANARY ISLANDS HARD HIT BY WAR Exports Have Fallen Off af an Alarming Rate. New York.- T h a t the European war ! has proved a severe blow Industrially to the Canary Islands was the state­ ment made by Homer Brett. United Mtutes consul at Tenerife. Mr. Brett, who has been transferred to I .a Gualra. D iam ond Fiatda F o rm Traaauro H o u to Venezuela, was a visitor at the branch and B ig Q uantitioa of Froeioua office o f the bureau o f foreign and do- | "Btonoa of Ffro” S till Lie In Banda of inextlc commerce lu tbe custom house. N a m ib — Copper and Coppar Oraa In "The war." suld tbe consul, "has Inoroaaing Quantitioa. forced u great interest In tbe Canaries In everything American Previous to Ca|K> Town, Mouth Afrlva.—Much the outbreak o f hostilities the Island­ N|>ct'uliitlon Ima l>«*on indulge.! in no ers bought practically all o f tbelr flour to l ho value ua u |>osxi*s»Um o f tho lui from Eugland. most o f tbe commodity niouMo territory o f German aoutliwcat being shipped from Liverpool. Now Africa, wrested hy tho Union o f Mouth they have turned to tbe United States Africa force», under General Botha, for this breadstuff, and Increasing from the German», who had occupied quantities are being received there. It »lin e May, 1HS3. Ml* times the al*c At present only American automo­ or England, ticing about 322,450 square biles are being Imported, and tbe na­ LITTLE MONEY WILL NOW BUY BIG BUNDLES lull.*» In area mid Including Ovumbo- tives speak highly o f tbe makes al­ OF GOOD GOODS IN OUR STORE. THE SUMMER land, Duinaraland und Great Naniaquu- ready Introduced. laud and »(.araely populated, it ha» “ Up to the beginning of the war tbe SEASON IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE WITH US been dcHcribml a» a wllderno»», with a Canary Islands bad an annual export fertile tract only here and there. AND WE WAMT TO SELL OUT EUERY PIECE OF trade o f 7.000.000 (fates of bananaa. A Mouth African authority dexcrltied 5,000.000 boxes o f tomatoes. 1.000.000 SUMMER GOODS WE HAUE LEFT. OUR PRICES recentry In the Cape Tim.*» 11» domi­ boxes o f potatoes and 400.000 crates of nant physical feature» a» follow»: WILL SOON 00 IT. oulons. A large part o f this trade "A »lowly rising, »audy const licit; a went to southwestern Europe, but the BUT THE WEARING SEASON FOR SUMMER high interior plateau, broken by Iso­ war has placed a blight on all this lated mouiituin range» ami »tony kop­ GOODS IS NOW ONLY AT ITS HEIGHT. COME business. Before the war the Islanders jes, and a gently falling eastern »trip depended upon tbe Scandinavian coun­ of aan.ly country which merge» In the NOW WHILE THE CHOOSING IS GOOO AND BUY tries for all o f the crate material used level expanse of the Kalahari desert. Berkeley, Cal.—There I* a young wo­ In packing the fruit and vegetable ALL THE WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS. The average height o f the upland» 1» man In Berkeley who saw a baby for about r>.