Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 24, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    T H E TA LLS O IT Y NEW S. J I ' I . Y *Jl. 101 R
E ntorts] •« «sxMMt n a * » m a il a t th*> p o tto f f lo
• t F all* C ity . Folk C m iaty . Orv*.*n. u n t e r tth>
J u t o f C ougroaa o f M arch S. ISTI».
Te If phonr
News Office. 83.
S u b s c rip tio n H a te s O n a v w . 11.00, aix m onth*.
SO c a n ts ; th r e e m o n th s. 25 c a n ts ; s in « la c o p y . 5 ct*.
Advertising Kates Display. 15 c e n t s s n inch
Business Notices. 5 cen ts s line For Sale. Kent
Exchange. W an t an d Fay E n te rt a i n m e n t No
Meet. 5 cts. a line. Card ol T h an k s 50 et* Leg»
Notices, legal rates.
Copy for new ads. a n d chan ges should be sen*
to The News not later t h a n Wednesday.
H. J. Griffin. Mayor.
R M Wouderly. C o u n cilm an «1 l arge
Fhilltp Gottfreid
H. C. Brown.
C. J Bradley
Couu cilm en
I. G. Singleton.
C. L. Hopkins.
R. A Titus.
C. E. McPherren. A u ditor an d Police Judge
Walter L. Tooie Jr.. City Attorney
Fat Murphy. Marshal a n d Water Supt.
M. L. Thompson. T reas urer
Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. H ealth Officer.
The Coun cil meets in re gular session on th e first
a n d th ird Tuesday n ig h ts of each m o n th , a t 7 30
o'clock, in the office of th e Falls City News.
S a tu rday . J uly 24. 1915
will not be blinded—by the daz­
zling billion-dollar total” of this
year’s foreign trade balance.
Quite right. The country knows
by this time that our huge ex­
ports are made up of food pro­
ducts which are sent abroad to
feed armies and peoples in coun­
tries where warfare has supplan­
ted industry, and of war muni­
tions which produce huge profits
for a few manufacturers in a
limited area of the country. The
effect of all this is to increase
the cosi of living to Americans
through a decreasing of the sup­
ply of food material available
for home consumption, and to
emphasize the general lack of
prosperity in communities where
war factories do not 'exist but
where staple industries have
been crippled by the folly of
Democratic tariff legislation. Mr.
Redfield and the other Sunny
Jims of the Administration will
doubtless try to blind the coun­
try with ‘‘the dazzling billion-dol­
lar total;” but the country, like
Marse Henry Watterson, has its
eyes wide open.
The Welch miners seem to
Want County Court Re-Called
think that if war is a game of
,, ,
high finance that they might as
trouble for the county court
well have a share in the profits. has been brewmg for many
= = = = = = =
moons It appears that the coun-
An effort to suppress the Peace ty judge incurred the dipleasure
movement and peace literature is (of certain men and they have
being made. Surely the world is been zealously watching for an
war mad. Doubtless an attempt opportunity to raise his scalplock.
will be made to bar from the mail 1' rom what can be gathered it
all matter advocating peace.
seems that certain localities
where they have in the past been
War between the United Stales receiving more than their share
and Germany depends entirely of the road funds are jealous of
with the money power. If it the Falls City district through
becomes necessary for the pro­ which the new road to the < 'oast
tection of “ American Loans” is being built. Be it remember­
(not American lives) to crush ed, however, that the Falls City
Germany, the United States will district levied a special tax for
be drawn into the fray. Are this purpose and has shared least
you ready to spill your blood, sac­ in the road money in the past
rifice your homes in the interest and is certainly entitled to use
her own money. Just what other
of the plutocrats?
“ breeches” of the peace or jud­
etiquette the Judge a id his
Portland and Salem newspapers
servitors have been guilty
have had much to say of Teddy’s
‘‘enthusiastic reception” on this of we are not informed, but if
Coast. The crowds that gathered tb's *3 tbe ex*ent of his delin-
to view this egotistical piece of quencies it will avail but little in
humanity were impelled by the this community.
same motive, curiosity, as if he |
were a giraffe or orang outang.
His vanity has caused him to im­
It will be almost a miracle if the
agine it was his popularity.
United States can be kept out of
In view that there are a few w ar s > strong are the demands
bloodthirsty fellows demanding from those who would be benefit­
war because an hundred or more ed. The manufacturers of muni­
Americans were drowned by the tions of war demand it that they
Germans, why not catch up a may dispose of more products at
like number of “ Dutchmen” and a larger profit. Financiers who
drown them in some frog pond in have much money in English se­
retaliation. This method would, curities, and upon the success of
perhaps, appear just a little in­ the Allies depend the success of
human. but wouldn’t it be better their investment, demand it. Poli­
than engaging in*a war and have ticians who expect to ride into
hundreds of thousands killed in a office on a war wave, demand it.
Editors of big trust owned papers
more horrible manner?
whose only remarkable accomp­
The Barnaby Mills of Fall lishment is their ability to remove
River. Mass., making gingham, their shirts without unbuttoning
have shut down for an indefinite the collar, demand it. The Allies,
period, throwing a thousand who are getting most beautifully
hands out of employment. The trounced everytime they get from
managers say they have no mar­ under the shadow of the Stars and
ket for their goods, though they Stripes, demand it. But how of
have kept in operation, piling the poor fellow who will be called
the cloth up in the storehouse, in upon to do the fighting for this
order to give their employees aggregation? He is the Mollycod­
work. Gingham, it should be dle, Roosevelt harps about, with
remembered, does not figure in everything to loose and nothing to
‘‘war orders” . It is worn by gain by war. In the language of
American men and women, who the old Spartan gladiator, " If we
cannot buy it now because—un­ must fight let us fight our oppres­
less they are connected with a sors.”
“ war order” factory—they are
themselves out of employment
President Wilson should try his
and short of money. The Bar­ peace methods upon the strikers
naby Mills are typical of thous­ and owners of manufacturing
ands of cases m this countrv.
plants in the United States where
Marse Henry Watterson reck­ a state of war now exists. Peace
ons that “ the country will not at home is of more importance
be blinded—certainly the South than any German or English Note.
wateriin Ions, « a n t e l o p e * and
oraogi s. I bey went ho ne at about
one o’clock.
The S P. Co , extra gang th at is
fixing up and ballasting track be­
tween here and Falls City »rs at
Dutch Creek with their work, it
tlie county n ml was fixed up s
little it would help some.
Geo Gerlingcr, general manager
ol the W V I, Co, was in Black
Rock on business the forepart ol
the week. He has just got hack
from the east soil lie reports every >
thing is quiet especially the lumber
Mrs. It oh ;» i* reported to be very
Mr*. Turpin was u Kalla City
visitor Tuesday.
Miss Gertie Gibson w ho Inis I een
visiting friends ut Scio is home
Frankie Krakes ol Portland is
here visiting Ins sister. Mrs. ■Nolls
Grant Holt of the Spaulding
Logging C o, is h i Black Hock on
(H ate r f Ohio, c ity ef Tolrdn, I -
C o u n ty .
o a th l ‘:al ha la
Mrs Van Winkle is here visiting se F n r io a r n k p a J r t n c e i r i c < n f c tlio
Arm o f F J Chanay !
Co., d o h i i b u s i n e s s In t h a City of To
h#r sister. Mrs. W C. Bulbs for a A
fc<]o. C o u n ty a m t B tata afo re said . and
t h n t anld n r n »III p a y t h a eum o f ONK
few days.
H U N D R E D D O L L A R S f o r e a c h a n d ay-
e r y r a s e of C n t n r r h t h a t r a n n o t bo ru ro d
Miss Blanche Baker is visiting b y th a U lo <f H A L L ' S C A T A R R H CURB.
tier sister, Mrs. C. * L. Kikins of P w n rn to b e fo ra m* an d tu b a rrlb e d In
m y i) ■ -
t h i s ( t h day o f D ecem ber,
W V. L Co
A. D ISi*.
Big dance in Bluck Buck, Satur­
N o ta r y Public
H a if a C a ta r r h C u rs ta ta k e n In te rn a lly
day the 24th, lunch will be served, a n d act* d ir e c tly upon th * blood an d mu
• o u t a u rfa c t i . r th e ay atem . S an d for
everybody welcome.
teatlm n n lala, free.
!• « t 'H E N E T * C O . T oledo. O.
The adventist held sabbath Sold bv all D ru iffltto . Tic.
T a k a U a U ’a F a m i ly P u t s f o r c o a s t ! p o U o o .
school here last 8atur lay with a
------- * ♦ . a . a --------
pretty good attendance.
Mis- Lou el Is Buell is upending
Nolie Dunick lias moved his h few days in Monmouth.
family to the \V. V L. caiop where
Mra. J *noie McKee »ml Mrs
SolltllWIT, Ml's. Clan-ell Mild Agios
lie will he nearer his work.
Mrs. Ross was overcome l y ihe Seek-r ol Onmhridge, Iowa came
Wednesday to t isit Mrs. R. M.
h *at while after blackberries Mon­ Wouderly. T h e y a re on th e ir wav
day. She w some better.
to th e Kxposilion. Mrs M<*K“e is
It has been quite warm te le (98 a cousin of Mrs Womieily.
in the shade at four o'clock Mon­
Frol. W. I Reynold« ol Buena
Visila wbn was viailmg his dnugh- |
day) but is some cooler ti day.
let, Mrs. W F. Nichols returned
(iuy Francis has lented the h one lust week. Mrs Nichols ac­
rooming bouse from Mrs. Neal and companied him home, remaining
will be ready for liu-ine»s in a few several days ami leturned Thurs­
the I>n galow of Dr. Hellwarth!
Mr. Krebs is making arrange-
e to the camp of the is nearing completion and when
finished will lm another elegant
W. V. L. Co., go lie will ho tl • »Her building added to Falls City's I let
to his work.
of fine dwelling. The vo k under
The carpenters h a te begun t<> Conlracloi Wouderly is progress­
paint the roof of tbs new m bool ing rapidly.
bouse here. Black Rock isn't so
slow after all.
The carpenters have begun t o 1 Boston Holds Out Hop* For th* Bald
Among U*.
tak edow n the olJ school house.!
Boston.—Bald men, If you would
The lumber will be used to build a have your hair return go tn for music.
At least that Is the cure prescribed by
play sited and out buildings.
Dr. It. Keniick Smith, a promluent
The Western Union Telegraph Bark Buy phyalclau. The peace, har­
Co , are talking ol putting in a wire mony and Joy of mualc are what make
tu this place. That would be some musicians' hair grow long, according
to Dr. Smith, tie aays:
help for our telephone system is "If fright or grief will turn the hair
sure bunt.
white, which we all know sometimes
protcoetonnl Carte
O tlh'e one door east of I’. O.
office an d • ».
Fell» « Ity.
Kt» id enee Incili« Soil
o r n c k h o i k s u s , m i0 « r u
Other Hour» by A ppointm ent
office flrat bouse west of llo»p!te!
1‘boue 441
» u e tn c e e C a t to
Jf allô City Ifootcl
S a m p le R o o m s
Boat A ccom m odations
F. Oroege. Proprietor
H A K i . K K h H O I'S
Bohle’s Barber Shops
f :
Folio C ity, Oregon
Whtrr yoa esa fe t * S lim . Heir Cal, Both
or ‘Sklac
Altai lor Dallai Ressi Laaatlry
Rim ile« forwsntod luewtsy evening
G. L. H A W K I N S
D allas, Oregon
r U N E K A L UIHfcl TOM
R- L C H A P M A N
Shr 3FaÜK (Eitu Nnun
Lou Marts from Molalla is visit­
ing her sister, Mrs. Robt. Hhilts
hut the climate does not agree witti
her as the heat Monday was more
than she could stand.
Several of the young foiks had a
bonfire parly last Sunday eve and
after playing gomes until aboift
eleven o’clock, they nil enjoyed
occurs, why Is It not perfectly logical
to assume that the opposite extreme,
that ts. the tranquillity, peace, har­
mony and Joy of music would tend to
produce an opposite result?
“An expert statistician, after months
of labor, announcea that only one of
every hundred devotees of music ts
hairless, white tn every other profes­
sion eleven In every 100 are bald. This
may, tn part, be due to the habit tradi­
tional to musicians of alwnyi brushing
their hair backward.”
Funeral Directo»
W * a l t e a d to e ll w o rk p r o m p tly
D o lio * o o d Foil* C ity . O r
SIBLEY & EAKIN, Abstractors,
515 Court St. Dilla*, Or.
A complete »et of Abetract» of Folk *'o.
Established In la*?. Prompt service.
Reasonable Rate».
. Oregon
C. W Mat t hew», P ro prietor
P e o n i 127
O re g o n ’s Popular Beach Resort
An ideal outdoor retreat. Hunting, fishing, bathing, surf-
hathing, etc. Interesting visiting points in the neighbor­
hood. Convenient camping grounds, electric light, pure water
Low Season and Week-End Round Trip Excursion Fares
Two Daily Trains From Albany
< ’ H a m . M IX . P rosrimtun
Ask for illustrated folder “ Newport" giving list of hotels, rates, etc.
A Visit to the
T w o W orld Expositions
a t San Francisco and San Diego is an event of
a life-time and one you cannot afford to miss
Special Fares In July
to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San D.ego on certain dates
Low Round Trip Fares Daily
with stop over» In either direction
Four Fine Train» L'ally In Each Direction
Stop-Overs At Expositions
All tickets to the Fast via California permit »top overt* at
Han Francisco an d Los Angelo* to nee the F.x{to»ltion*
Aak nearest Agent for California a n d It» Two World Expositions" an d
Note» Hhasta P o u te.”
Way Hide
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Our Cigars are the Best
Get your butter wrapper* p rin t­
ed a t the News office,