Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 03, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Dead W om an's Doga and C ata Occupy
Homo T h a t W a i Hara.
Ell**h«th. N. J.-O c c u p y in g a house
In Ash wood avenue, a com pany of d»ga
an d cats. w h lc h ’ w er* th e pets of the
la te Mrs. M ary U ouialne W right, will
tie allow ed to enjoy u n d istu rb ed th eir
p resen t abode until they ro lu u ta rtly
seek a n o th e r home. Such request 1»
co n tain ed In th e will of M rs W right.
Mrs. W rig h t's d au g h ter. Mrs 1'reder-
Ick C. K elley. Is nam ed to see th a t th e
stra n g e req u est Is carried out.
In acco rd an ce w ith th e dead wom­
a n 's d esires h er la te hom e la kept h e a t­
ed and th e an im als fed regularly. Mrs.
K elley said she hoped th e anim als
w ould becom e sufficiently a tta c h e d to
her to m ake th e ir abode a t her bouse,
w hich Is only a sh o rt d istan ce from the
W rig h t hom estead. Mrs. W right w as
well k n o w n in th is vicinity a s a friend
of dum b anim als. W ith h er husband,
th e la te S eam an L. W right, she lived
for m ore th a n forty y e a rs In th e old
hom estead.
T h e D aily
Found on Slob J u s t Turnod Over A fter
F ifty Years.
Colum bia. C onn.—N eeding a fiat stone
for rep airs th a t he wns m aking. Kd
w ard P hillips pried up one w hich for
o v er fifty y ears had been used as n
step p in g sto n e n e a r th e farm house
t*:ck door. To his su rp rise he saw on
th e rev erse side. In fairly plain letters,
the Inscription:
In memorj of Kmlly. d a u g h te r of Mr.
J o s e p h and »Ire Eunice 8mlth. who died
April 15, tsu. aged sis months and flftaen
Shop Is H onsst, but T hinks E vsrything
Belongs to H is M aster.
M uncte. In d .—E d w a rd G o ttlieb o f
M o n d e h as a shep h erd dog w hich for
Intelligence he believes can n ot be su r­
passed. I t is not unusual for th e a n ­
im al to bring hom e th in g s th a t he
finds In th e stre e ts, b u t th e o th er day
It su rp assed all Its previous endeavors
by com ing hom e w ith a brand new $1
bill in Its mouth. It Is said th e dog
picked up th e money In South W alnut
stre e t. In th e c e n te r of th e business
d is tric t Mr. G o ttlieb Is now en d eav o r­
ing to find th e person th a t lost th e
“Sbep does not m ean to be d is­
honest." said his ow ner, "b u t be thinks
th a t ev e ry th in g of v a lu e he sees
should belong to m e.”
and Buy O rohard Land
S tatesm an
Nollce 1« News Subscribers
By M ail
n o il« * m e an» t h a t y o u r e u b e o rlp *
$ 3 .0 0
n t t d i fla ln fl
During the Bargain Period
Ending July 15, 1916
Rest. thou, sweet slumberer. In the peace­
ful (ra v a ;
Short was thy Ufa; forgotton ooon
shall be.
Except the few who. drowned in sorrow-»
With painful pleasure still remember
Nobody know s w here th e sto n e had
been used o r w here It cam e from . Mr.
P h illip s- fa th e r bought th e house over
fifty y e a rs ago and th e sto n e w as a t
the back door th en for a step p in g
stone. It Is five feet long an d nearly
tw o feet wide.
State of Ohio, c ity of Toledo, e,
L ucas C ounty.
F ra n k J Cheney m ak es oath th-it he Is
eenlor p a rtn e r of the firm of L J Cheney
A Co., doing business In the City of To­
ledo, C ounty and S ta te aforesaid, and
th a t said firm will pay th e sum of ONE
H U N D R E D DOLLARS for each and ev­
ery case of C a ta rrh th a t cannot b > cured
by the use of H A L L ’S CATARRH CURE
Sworn to before m e and subscribed In
m y presence, th is 6th day of December,
A. D. US?.
N o ta ry Public.
H a ll’s C a ta rrh C ure Is ta k e n Internally
end acts directlv upon th e blood and m u­
cous surfaces of th e system . Send for
testim onials, free.
F J C H E N E Y & C O . Toledo. O.
Sold bv all D ruggists. 75c.
M r. H em e Seeker
[ C O M K TO F A L L S C I T Y . O R C O O N
C o rre e p o iid e litH w a n te d in e v e r y
n e ig h b o r h o o d ill till« a u c tio n ol Ilio
T o N e w or P r e s e n t S u b s c r i b e r s
W h o H and U s Their $ 3 . 0 0 N o w
e n in try .
M a i l or B r i n g Y o u r S u b s c r i p t i o n s T o d a y
Whole Family Benefited
By Wonderful Remedy
Bargain Agenti of the Daily Statesman, Salem, Ora.
in* wholesale surgical operations
for intestinal disorders.
“There are more unnecessary
Abdominal Specialist Says It Causea
operations und fewer necessary
! ones performed on the appendix
thun any other organ of the body,”
! he declared.
1 San Francisco, July 1. —As a
man thinks so is his apendix.
So says Dr. S. J. Winter of Bos­ SENECA HAS TABERNACLE.
ton, wellknown specialist on ab­ M»n Built It In — a Single Day—Saata
1,000 Persons.
dominal surgery, who is attending
A com m unity lalw rua
the convention of the American
cl» w as bull! here lu one day
At H
Medical association here.
o'clock th e buatueaa mid prufeaalnnal
If you are fretful, hateful, mo­ men of the tow n g ath ered w ith ham
rose. peevish or peppery, your uiers, aawa. plane* aud mill* and w ent
work. By tl o'clock the Im mcuae
appendix will suffer and you have to
building wa* com pleted.
to have an operation.
T he tab ern acle haa a »eating capacl
According to Dr. Winter, mark­ ty of 1.000 people and will be used d u r­
the sum m er for th e Sunday night
ed intestional enlargement and an ing
m ectluga and fur a com m unity cen ter
\ abnormal number of appendicitis for social affair*.
cases are noted in insane patients, T he band boy* co o perated In Its erec
tlon and will u*e It for tb elr weekly
proving that there is some connec­ concert«.
T he ladle* of th e city pre­
tion between a diseased mind and pared and served d in n e r a t noon to
K xtrt copies of T he, News a r e appendicitis.
Severn I hundred people.
T he Hev. C harles A. R ichard 1» the
printed each week, and vfill be sent
Dr. Winter scored the appendi­ com
m unity p asto r an d one of th e prim e
to ativ address desired, postpaid, citis “fad” and the carelessness sp irits In th e erection of tbia ta b e rn a ­
for 5 cents per copy.
of unskilled physicians in attempt- cle.
W oman Asked Polios to So# if Old Gun
W a t Loaded— It W as.
New Y ork.—T he “last sh o t o f the
civil w a r" w as fired recently In a
It cam e from a gun w hich
had been b an g in g for y e a rs on a wall
lu th e hom e o f th e late W illard H .
Hodgson. T h e m u sk et had been car-
rled In th e w a r of th e rebellion by
Mr. H odgson's fath er.
Mr. H odgson s sis te r w as prep arin g
to move to a n o th e r house, b u t w as
a fra id to ta k e dow n th e old m u s k e t
She called in L ieu te n a n t H en ry B row n
of th e F latb u sh police sta tio n an d
tu rn e d th e gun ovek to him. H e took
it arouud to th e sta tio n house and
show ed it to
A tte n d a n t
P a tric k
OLougUHn o f th e ; l-'latbusb c o u r t
w hich is in th e sa tu ^ building.
S tan d in g in th e corcjdor O 'L oughlln
pointed th e gun a t th e \fioor an d pull­
ed th e trigger. T he ol$ w a r m usket
w a s h e a v ily loaded, aud th ere w as a
report w h ich s ta rtle d th e police re-
se rv e s a n d th e people In th e c o u rt­
Do It n o w .
There sre many little things to
annoy us, under present conditions
of life. The hurry, hard work,
noise and strain all tell on us and
tend to provoke nervousness and
irritability.. We are frequently so
worn out we ran neither caL sleep
nor work with any comfort. We
are out of line with ourselves and
others as well.
A good thing to do under such
circumstances is to take something
Dr. Mile«' Anti-Pain Pills
to relieve the strain on the nerves.
Mrs. J. B Hartsheld. 8a Plum SL,
Atlanta Ga , writes:
"I hav» on s»verml occasion» ha*n
by tha use of your mod
trine». *«pc. laity tha Anil-Pain l-lll».
which I ko*p constantly on hand for
tha uaa of myaalf, huaband and two
aons Nothin« In th» world »quala than,
as a hoadai ha remedy
Often I am
enabled by tha uaa of ona or two of
tha Ptlla to continue my houaework
when oth'rw laa 1 would ba In bad Mr
huaband Join* me In my pralaa of tha
Antl-Paln Ptlla and Narvln»
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
are relied upon to relieve pain,
nervousness and irritability in thou­
sands of households. Of proven
merit after twenty years’ use, you
can have no reason for being longer
without them.
At all Druggists, 2! dose» 25 cants.
MILK» MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
C O Q £ jtl£ A tiO O ^ ^
Morning Lecturer
Dallas, Oregon, July 4-10
Children's Hoar
Afternoon Concert
Evening Concert
9 00 A.M.
2 30 P. M.
7 30 P M.
MomiBg Letlure
Afternoon Lrclurr
Evening Lecture
10 00 A. M.
3 00 P. M.
S IS P. M.
Morning Admission 25c, Children 15c
Evening -Opening Exercises and Superintendent’s
Lecture, “ Economic Causes of the War’’
..................Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis
Admission 35c
Morning Junior Chautauqua
“The Freeing of the Folded Wing’’
Mrs. Harriette Gunn Roberson
Afternoon—Magical Entertainments The Floyds of
Mr. Floyd and
2. Mind Reading
3. Music Interludes
Mr. Allard
4. Closing Scene, The Trunk Mystery
................................. Entire Company
The Schuman Quintet
Admission 50c
Evening —Grand Concert.................................
The Famous Schumann String Quintet
Admission 50c
( 1 7.-<MNMSBt> ' -V K » ...»
Evening— Popular Concert
Ruthven MacDonald
of Toronto, Canada
Famous Production. “The Story Beau­
Father Patrick J. Mac Corry
An Evening of Art, Music, Oratory
Admission 50c
“ Darling Day”
Morning—Junior Chautauqua
Morning Lecture, Conjugation of the
Verb “To Live” .....Mrs. Harriette Gunn
Afternoon—Prelude.......................... Saxony Singers
Lecture, “American Ideals”
................................. Mrs. A. C. Zehner
Admission 35c
Evening—Popular Concert...............Saxony Singers
Lecture, “Our Town” ........ Nels Darling
Admission 35c
Ciricilto Day
Morning Junior Chautauqua
Morning Lecture “ Without Sound of
Mrs. Harriette Gunn Ro­
Afternoon—Grand Concert Ciricillo’s Italian Band
Admission 50c
E ven in g- ” 11 Trovatore,” in four acts
II Trovatore Grand Opera Company
Grand Concert Ciricillo’s Italian Band
Admission 75c
Morning— Junior Chautauqua
Morning Lecture, “The Secret of Suc­
Mrs. Harriette Gunn Roberson
Afternoon—Artist’s Recital Ruthven MacDonald
“The Lucky Number” ..........................
................................ F. Eugene Baker
Admission 25c
Morning Junior Chautauqua
Lecture, “The Alphabet of the Angels”
.......... Mrs. Harriette Gunn Roberson
Afternoon—Prelude................................Gullotta Trio
Lecture, “India, ” showing curios and
perhaps in native dreisS Mrs. Roberson
Admission 25c
Evening— Concert.............. .............. Gullotta Trio
Popular Lecture, “The Man Worth
While” ......................Roland A. Nichols
Admission 35c
Morning— Junior Chautauqua
“The Melodies of Life” Mrs. Roberson
....................... Swiss Yodlers
Popular Lecture, “ If I Had Life to
Live Over Col. Geo. W. Bain of Ken­
Admission 35c
Evening— Grand Closing Concert
Swiss Alpine Yodlers from the Ziller-
thal and Evelyn Bargelt, Carntoonist
Admission 50c