\ THE FALLS CITY NEWB. J U L Y 8, i(>15 / -------------------- --------------------- SAU M, FA LLS CITY & WESTERN IW < n g < r Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4, 1914 IM i » i 1*7 ’ w*rroou*ii> am. Hill. pill. Salem . . . 7:00 0.45 3.25 Dalla«. . . M If, 11.07 5.00 Palls < 'it V 8.60 11.41 5.36 HI’ k Rock. 12:01 164 l"6 I'U ■AttnouKb itm. pm. pm. Rl'k Rock 1.05 Falla City. 9.30 1.2Í, 5.40 Dallas. . . 10.10 2 IMI 0.40 Salem . . . 11.25 » 15 1 7.45 A » < Powxas, A usht In Memory oi Ava Mason Local Newt Hems Busy battìi» ara tali! i o t t » ( U e u fl» folclori on h «r b ic a ii, Wnxv.u IMS» .villi Teina io blu«. Doni tjoaed f i gui mortai vlew. '1 ho best show ut the (lem tonight B«»rn« gii llta wmgx of heav«u Rev II Monday. A. Walter wax in Dallua Walter L. Touze, Jr , Lawyer, Dulia», Oregon. II, Lena* Cook visited Ids parents at Dullus last Sunday. Miss Nettie Snyder of baleni visited Mrs Beard a lew days. I. A. Johnson «pint Saturday and Suuday visiting in Independ­ ence. BROWNIES $1 to $12 THOMPSON, Drug Store. Mrs. Fred Zuver is visiting parents and relatives in Salem this week. Roy Russell left Friday morning for (lie harvest fields in eastern Oregon. is Miss Velma Miller who has been staying at Dallas has returned to her home in this city. Alex Courter and two boyi, Verl and Vencil left Friday morning for an outing in the Siletz. Miss Nettie Hunter is staying with Mrs. Cbas. Ryan who is con­ valescing from an < peratiou Mrs. Sayre's sistyr and two boys of California are visiting her and Swiss Style* Milk Chocolates. The expect to remain the summer. best money can buy at Ellis Conflict. Elder B. L. Hicks will leave next Tuesday for Turner to attend Dr. W . L. H o llo w a y the Stale Contention of the C. M. C H IR O P R A C T IC B. which will he in session July OF D A LLA S, ORK. 6 to if. Phone 822. There is some complaint that W I L L B E A T F A L L S C IT Y H O T E L the heavy trucks hauling gravel A L L DAY frjm this place to rock the county M o n d a y , W e d n e s d a y a n d roads are damaging the roads bv F R ID A Y E A C H W E E K tearing it up into holes and ruts ' ' All chronic and acute diseases Don’t forget the M O N E Y HA IS- treated. I f you are afflicted with ING S A LE now on at Persey's any ailment call and w e will talk Jewelry Store, the entire stock of it over. . . . . , watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware etc., exiept contract goods. Buy now and save money. Sales etid- ing July 17th. '* R H E U M A TIG SUFFERERS Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Courter and son Orel returned Monday from a three weeks trip in Lane and , r . .. , Douglas counties, they visited their son A. F. Courter and family in Douglas county and their daughter Mrs. J. R Ford a id family in Lane county. They ... made the trip by auto visiting Roseburg and Eugene having a delightful trip. , _ L. R. Cochran and wife return- ed Monday from an extended visit ■in Idaho. They left here last Sep- tember and have been buried in the wilds of Idaho ever since. It was necessary to travel 125 miles horseback over a trail to arrive at their destination. Mr. Cochran S U R P R IS E FOR F A L L S C ITY says that it is a tine stock country The simple mixture of buckthorn and that it abounds in mineral, hark, glycerine, etc., known as Ad- When it is developed he thinks ler-i-ka, the appendicitis preventa­ that it will be one of the richest tive, surprises Falls City. It draws mining countries in the United s > much foul matter from the system States. The mountains are full of that ONE SPOONFUL relieves sour stomach, gas and constipation AT game and the streams abound with ONCE. M. L. Thompson, druggist., tish. It is a hunters paradise. Fain leaves almost as it by magic when you begin using "5- Drops," th« f amousold remedy for Rheuma­ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, N e u r a l g i a uud kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and paias and makes lifo worth living. Get n bottle of "5-Drops'' today. A booklet with each bottle gives full d ir e c t io n s for use Don't delay, Demand I "5-Prope." Don't nc | cept anything else in place of it. A n y d ru g­ gist can supply you. If you live too far from a drug store send One Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co , Newark, Ohio, and a bottle of "5*Drops'* will be sent prepaid. V FISHING TACKLE Fishing and Hunting license For Sale. Sunday School 10:UÜ A. M. Breaching 11 :00 A. M. Class meeting 12:00 I'. M. Evening service S:00. H. A W a l t s . a, Bailor. WE C TO S E AT 6:30 0 C LO C K P M EXCEPT SATURDAYS. J. C. TALBOTT &. CO. Sunday addresses appropriate to' Independence Day. Morning subject ''Giving Our Best.” Evening theme "When Uncle Sam is thankful.” Infant baptism will occur at the morning hour on July 11th. Those desiring such service please notify pastor. M il t o n A M a h c v , Pastor. R. G.W h ite , R. E. W il lia m s . M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols , Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier President Bank of Falls City F alls C it y , P olk C o u n t y . O bkgon Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tim e Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Mr. d Mrs F. 11 Tetherow 'i***1 **‘K •« Dallas last Satur­ day. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Lewis visit­ land for a few days visit. ed W. 1*. Lewis and family at Dal­ Mrs Mary Littlelieid, G. C. of las last Saturday. the Pythian Sisters of Portland A card was received from Mrs. was a visitor in our city Saturday. Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, l ies, and other bakery goods, eviry day «t the Falls City Bakery. GIVEN QUICK RELIEF We carry a complete line of hom * lo 'lino* O. S Hutchinson was in Dallas and Independence Wednesday on Mrs. W. T. Brown arid M ip . business. Hattie Tice were Dallas visitors Mr. Leati.wood. father of Mrs. Tuesday. 1.. E. Sheppard lias gone to Oak­ Ralph Hall stating that she visiting in Jurvts. FISHING SEASON OPEN M. E. Church Mrs. Rose Ficklin of Salem was visiting friends and relatives last week. KODAKS $0 to $60 hai free Methodist Church Geo. W. Rrentner rs sporting a bran-splinter new Ford automobile. Your vacation no matter where you go will be doubly pleuaant if you Kodak. Then too the little picture made ao easily will »how the bumefolk« the splendid times you had. < all)ita Mn. H. K. Braucrofi. Miss Hammond and a bunch of "Blue Birds” are out on a hike. TAKE A KODAK WITH * YOU Hofiiy a r o ic i cani# lloa ilu g over thal far off sta, Mrs. N. J. Coleman and daugh­ ter of Superior, Wis., arid Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller of Dallas visited with C. M. Olts of this city last Sunday. Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Fuller are sisters of Mr. Olts. It had been ten years siuce he saw Mrs. Coleman. Joe Florin, an old citizen of Falls City who lias been sojourning dur­ ing the past winter and spring at Sacramento lias returned to his old haunts. Joe says that fortunes are being made off the five-acre tracts so extensively advertised in California, hut not by the tillers ol the said tracts. He suys that the victim cheerfully gives up his com in first payment and in a few years, according to the size of his ‘‘ wad” , let» the land go hack to the seller who promptly sells it to the next one. It's u paradise for trillion- aires and land sharks. FOURTH OF JULY Togs And Wealing Apparel For Men If you want to be comfortably clad for the hot weather; visit Our Store. and Up-To-Date. CONTEST Store Open till 9 P . M . CHAS. HARTUNG, Clothier. Bank of Falls City Injured by Falling on Scissors CLOSES Tuesday Night, July 6 , at 9 o’ clock The attendance contest of the Anti-Cants, the young people’s class of the M. E. Sunday School ®*>ded with the result that the Report of the co n d ition o f the c,ftss ba* been ?,,la' ged that it now c )ntttin9 about seventy mem-; l>era. The losing side in the con teht entertained the winning side at Falls City, in the State o f Oregon, at the d o se of business. June 23d. 1915; ,Mt Wednesday even.ng by a social given m the church. The special RESOURCES f(jatlm,8 of the evening were a Loans and discounts $12,067.40 Bonds and warrants H .677.10 question contest, the questions cov Furniture, and fixtures 1 712.10 errng the Sunday School lessons of Due from bank8.(not reserve banks) 4.»62.75 tbe Pasl months, the playing of Due from approved reserve banks 8,7*29.27 100 0 »> ir.door games, the partaking of the Checks and other cash item s 4,909.44 "eats" and the holding of the spec- Cash on hand 40.91 O ther reaouices la^ election tor the purpose of pro- T otal , . $76,4984» viding the offk'ers for the following LIABILITIES term of three months. Those elec- 15.000.00 C apital stock paid in ted were: Floyd Miller, president; 4.05000 > Sum lus Fund Miss Fern Welle, vice-president; \ U n d ivid ed profit«, less expenses 750 87 Miss Mae Hanson, secretary and ) and taxes paid 3.745.14 Claud Graham, treasurer. O f Ibe > Postal savings bank deposits In d iv id u a l deposits subject to forty members present everybody 45.967.59 check 458 00 Demand certificates o f Deposit, was ready for a good time and 6 527 30 |le|pej each other to enjoy the i Tim e and saving deposits $76,498 90 T otal , evening. As a result all went home in good spirits and have de- cided that they “ can’ t ” afford to luj88 Sunday School and the socials which are held at least once a month, Everything New ? State o f Oregon ) J County o f Polk. ) I, W. F Nichols. Cashier o f the above- named bank, do solem nly swear that the above statement is true, to the best o f my knowledge and belief. W F. NICHOLS. Cashier. > Subscribed and sworn to before me this l 30th day of June, 1915. IL.SJ F. K. HUBBARD, Notary Public. Commission expires Jan. 1916 C o rre c t- M L. T hompson . 1 Attest : I ra c . M e m r u n o , t Directors Clinton Holland, age 8-years, of Black Rock, while visiting at the K. o W h it *. j home of a neighbor’s Wednesday fell on a pair of large scissors that he was playing with, the points of^. Mr, aud Mrs. W ill Hinshavv left which stuck into his face. One of Monday for the Siletz Basin where the points injured one of his eyes and the other point stuck in the w ■ Pent * e summer. A.B. bone above the other eye, pausing Hubbard and Mr. Hinshavv have a a ' very seriotn injury. The sight contract to build a house in the of the eye can be saved. Basin. Another Home Wedding A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lew is Sunday June 20, at high noon when their daughter, Gladys was united in marriage to Mr. Floyd Seymour. Rev. B. L. Hicks performed the ceremony. Guv Lewis and Miss I. V. D eW itt acting as best man and maid, with little Miss Gwendoline Hooker bearing the ring on a tray o f flowers. The bride was tastefully g ow n ­ ed in white serge with silk trim ­ mings. The home was beautifully de­ corated with ferns and marguer­ ites. Immediately a fter the cere­ mony the wedding breakfast was served for which plates were laid for about thirty. Those present w ere: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis, parents o f the bride, Mrs. CLloe A. Seymour, the groom ’s mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. S- S. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Sern Lewis and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. VV. Brown, Guy Lewis, Miss I va De Witte, Bert Iverson and w ife o f Falls City, Mrs. R. Î?u? hef o f Brand Forks, N.Dak.. T. B. Hooker and w ife, Wilbur Lewis and w ife o f Dallas, R. B. Wade and w ife o f Suver. The bride and groom spent their honeymoon in Portland re­ turning home Thursday night.