THE FALLS CITY NEWS. JI NK SO, D'lf. professional Carte ®hr 3Falili <£iti| Nrum I ' l l VX|I IAN D. L WOOD A SON. Publisher*. Cntprpd • • iv.ywil vi«N nutll at th# (MMtoffi.v • t rail« City. Polk County. t>ra*i>». wod*r th# A t of tVngraaa of M«rvh S. lS7t Ttlfphonf News Office, S3. F. M. HELLWARTH PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON DON’T FORGET Office one door east of I*. O. «"îSaîiï Phone Stili PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON That we pay top prices for BUTTER and EGGS. F a lla C i t y , O r e g o n o # « e Brat liuu.r wail uf lloapltal 1*1)011« 44! Justness Carte O rriC IA L DIRECTORY OF TALL» CITY f n V Conncilmen I. 0 . Singleton. C L Hopkins. R. A. Titus. C E McPherreu. Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L Thompson. Treasurer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Offlcer. 1 lie Council meets in regular session on the first and third Tuesday nights o f each month, at 7 30 o'clock . In the office o f the Falls City News. S a t u r d a y . J i nk 20, 1915 If the members of the water board should happen to meander down north Main street some balmy day and listen to the songs of the bullfrogs and the gurgling of the water in the gutters as it hurries to the Luckiamute, they would get an inkling as to some of the causes of scarcity of water. The old wooden mains crack open on a hot day like a niggers heel and the water oozes out like an oasis in the desert. OKLAHOMA DEMOCRACY The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States holding that the Oklahoma “ grandfather” amendment was a violation of the 15th Amendment to the Constitu­ tion of the United States was a severe jolt to Democracy. Like many other Southern States, Okla­ homa was Democratic only by virtue of the “ grandfather clause’ and manipulating the count. No one knew better than the Demo­ crats that the law was unjust and could not stand before an honest court, yet they held on with a tenacity of purpose worthy of a better cause. That Oklahoma is to be purified and rid of incompe­ tent and dishonest officials by the “ nigger” vote will be particularly ga'ling to some of the ‘ ‘ befo’ de wah” aristocracy. I <7 E. KIRttIGESSNER, M. U. Copy for new ads and changes should be sent to The News not later thsu Wednesday. H J. Oriffln. Mayor. R SI. W ouderly. Councilinsn-at Large t'htlltp tiottfreid H. C Brown. Oregon I'll VSlt'l AN Subscription Rsiss Onsysnr. H OC; six months. SO esnts. thrss months. 26 c e n t s . ■ln*ls copjr. S t ts A d rsrllitu f Rstss Display. IS cen tssn inch: B unices Notices, s cents e line For Sale. Rent. Ktchange. Went end Fey Entertainment No nets. Scte s lln e . C en tolT h an k s U M i I r i s Notices, legal rates. Fall. < lit, mirici. jfallôCitçlbotel BEST SERVICE GUARANTEED S a m p la R o o m s B oa t A o s a m m a S a tlo n s F. O roasa P r o p r ie to r HAKOKH HHOPH Falls City Lumber Company Store WE CLOSE AT 6:30 0 CLOCK P M . EXCEPT SATURDAY. Suggestions for S u m m e r W h e re T o Go r i A N O Tl' NKH Newport T i l l a m o o k S e a s h o r e R es or ts Wonderful scenery, dense forests, e n t i c i n g trout streams, miles and miles o f glorious sandy beach. F.very charm for an out­ vacation. Surf bath­ ing. fishing, boating and pleasant social recreations Has returned to Kalis City and will tune your piano. Call Phone 434 at K. Paul’ s residence. door Speoial Low Round Trip Fares Special I, ound Trip Fares from all points with long limit. Daily and week end trains. Ask (or further particulars and copy of booklet "Seashore Tillamook County." LEE PERIN, Piano Tuner A Oolightful Seaside Retreet Sfn.nii n ' i » k E n d -B u n d er I'HUNI U 1 Daily Train tv rv ice and spec­ ial Sunday Excursions. Ask ncaroet agont for c spy of booklot on Newport S u m m e r E x c u rs io n s East Round trip tickets to East­ ern destinations via Cali­ fornia with stop-overs in either direction to visit the Expositions on sale daily from all points Full information from nearest agent You can stop-over at Shasta Springs C aliforn ia’ s Expositions A World’ s M a r v e l. Every­ thing com plet*' The great­ est event of the Century XLhc Special Low Fiourtd Trip Faroe Daily (O regon Splendid train .service, at­ tentive em ploy aw , delight­ ful scenery. A s k for b o o k ­ let “ California and Its Two World E x p o s i t i o n s " and “ Wayside N o te s -S hasta Route. C W . M a tth e w s , P r o p r ie to r What’s It To You Our Agents will be glad to furnish full particulars in rega rd to any of theabo >« outings and make “ The rural sociology class of reservation, outline your trip or give you interesting l;,ter ature on the various jjSaces vou can \ isi P 1*77 the Normal is taking a bath tub census of the State for the pur­ pose of ascertaining the “ social condition.” Freak ideas and ac­ John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. tions like this is the cause of the much criticism of our public schools and colleges. — Independ- ■— —— — — Beware o f Ointments fo r ence Monitor. own product. Here is how they List of Letters Catarrh That Contain Mercury Does the Monitor forget that did it and you may try your hand Remaining uncalled I or in this; m„rcUTV W|1I ^ „ l y d destroy the «on»© sense estr oy the we are living in an age of pro- at this piece of chemical agricul- office for tilt! week eliding June! of »melt snd completely deran^ethj» CM AM. M IX , 1» mm » nsarron 19 1D1~ I evkoia .u.«am « h e n entering u inrou^n gress? \ \ hile we, old fogies, can’t ture. Dissolve a teaspoonful of S r E a w s : a a r s « g B see the point, it is doubt'ess very sugar of lead in a pijit of water L a d ie s . they w ill d o la ten fold to the «o o d you (¿■dines, Mrs. Archie necessary for the students to know and put the solution in a tumbler, |can rxisslbty d e riv e f r « B J h f l B . H all s if the general public use porcelain Suspend, by means of a piece of G e n tlem en . T h r n /v A C * T oT edo^O 00 ^ . 1 ^ . n o mere u ry ,*an d ia t a k e n ’ I n t r r ^ l l y a 'tln F I Allen, R. W. lined bath tubs, common wash thread, a strip of clean zinc so dire« tly upon the b lood * ndhl? X i r H alTs fa c e » o f the stem In h 'ly ln a H an » fact»* th© sy «yMtem. tubs or bathe in the creek. We that the zinc will stand midway in Jones, E. C. C ( atarrh T o r e I be C It la should all be willing to make such the vessel. After a few days a These letter* will isi »<|;t l" lb« V ns o. b y F . J. C h en ey A Co. T es- " olerlo, Ohio. o niais free. _ 1!»16 tlm sacrifices in the interest of socio- beautiful crystalline formation dead Utter office Ju|» 3, 8«.ld hy D r u « r is t». P r ic e 18c p er bottlo. If) logy. Why not take the census of will appear sprouting from the if not delivered before In ■'* 11 B T oka Holl a Family r u le for aonstlpotloo. * 1} other household untensils and bed zinc. Sugar of lead is poisonous, for the above, pints«- , H„y “ At Iver- A. Dodd t lilted his son Percy al room paraphernalia. Think of the and should be handled with care, tiseil,” giving date <„f |iH, pleasure it will afford the average Throw the glass away, after using Burnette Tuesday. I ra C. M EHHL1.NO, P - k '* house wife to have some Normal it, or wash it thoroughly. The Mr» Martin of Black R>ck was student prying into their private zinc may be obtained by cutting a visitor here Thursday. U bile b’ jrr ,jllR alashings nt ( Janjp affairs. It will stimulate the stu- off a strip of a worn-out dry hat- Mrs Harry Starr was a passen­ dents nerve and at the same tery case, about one-half inch ^ ^ re g it from ui der co itrol ger to Dallas Wednesday time help to reduce the surplus in wide and three inches long.—The •I“ * ^ (ot into the timber. The Ifg- Mrs. Maude Hall and children the school fund._________ American Boy. g engine took :t crew up tti flh« Ice Cream Soda ' amp Wednesday and after a ha.rd were Dallas visitors Saturday. HARRINGTON oye ^ree Mrs. Hatch and children wh 1 fight got the fire under control. C. L. Hopkins has been working o The ancient alchemists discov- have been visiting her mot' Good house fur sale in Falls at Black Rocfc getting out the Mrs. Sibley and daughter of *ier, ered how to grow a “ tree” in a I Mrs. Cobb lias returned t City, part’ time. Enquire at News school house bill for the Great r her Dallas spent Wednesday in tumbler which rivaled nature’s 'koine in Willamina office. hone SOUTHERN P A C IF IC TL\X ffc a b 'lily. Western. 0 i *