& » FALLS CITY NEWS VOL. XI FALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 2«. l' dinner together in regulation pic­ nic style, soon after which Mr. Evans’ two nieces, Mrs. M. C. W il­ Suprime Court Dioidei Southern liams und Miss ( ’dadys Evans be­ came violently ill from ptomaine Mr*. Allot Palmer Found Dead on Reetrlotione Illegal. poisoning. Then followed com­ Cabin Floor at Baldtrao'i plaints from the others until the Washington, June 21. In prob­ entire party was affected. Mr. Camp. Small Child Play* ably one o f the most important Evans alone escaped. He having ing Hoar the Body race decision« in its history, the been run down by a horse earlier Supreme Court today annulled a« in the day, receiving quite severe unconstitutional the Oklahoma con­ injuries to his back, he did not QEOROE IEMIEUX HELD AS SUSPECT stitutional amendment and the An- partake of the cause o f the trouble. na|M>lis, Md., voters' i|ualiflcation Inquest Failed to Show Evidence of law restricting the suffrage rights Foul Play. Stomach Sent to o f those who could not vote or Chemist for Analysis whose ancestors could not vote prior to the ratification o f the 15th amendment to the Federal Consti­ A t Balderee’s camp, last Satur­ tution. day afternoon Mrs. Lamn and Chief Justice White, a native of Mrs. Iitirsen found Mrs. Alice the South, und an ex-Confederate Palmer lying on the floor o f her soldier, announced the court’s de­ home in an unconscious condition. cision, which was unanimous. Thinking that she had fainted they By holding that conditions that called Mr. Charles who found on existed before the 15th amend­ examination that she was dead. N v w York.—A fte r fifteen yearn o f ei- ment, which provides that the lieriuieutalion marked by tunny re A small child was playing near FIX UP IN OUR STORE AND YOU WILL BE right to vote shall not lie denied verses anil ilUu|i|Kilutmeiita. Charles the body unconscious that any­ FIXED RIGHT. IT ’S JUST A PICNIC TO BUY or abridged on account o f race, II Stanley, an electrical m aim er. au- thing out of the ordinary had hap­ uouucc^l that he hail |ierfected an X GOODS IN OUR STORE. OUR LINE IS SO LARGE color or previous condition o f ser­ ray device w hich will uiurk us areal an pened. George Lemieux, the man AND OUR GOODS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. vitude, could not be brought over advance In the science o f surgery and with whom she had lived and was to the present day in disregard o f IhcruiMHitlcs us the original X ray of supi>osed to be her husband until BUT WE SHALL NOT REPLENISH OUR SUM­ this self-executing amendment, it Koentgen. he stated otherwise, was called A cleiimnM ration o f the machine In MER STOCK. SO COME THIS WEEK. IN THE NICK is generally believed that the court Stanley's laboratory made It u|ii>enr from his work. The body was OF TIME. AND MAKE YOUR PICK. went a long way toward invalida­ that the forecast by tiugllelmo Mar­ brought to this city that evening, ting much of the so-called "gran d ­ coni that one would some time be able the coroner notified and later in to look from one room Into another f a t h e r clause" legislation o f | through the dividing walla Is about to the night the body was taken to Y o u can n ow b u y n ew est $ 3 .5 0 and $ 4 | he realized. Southern States. Dallas where an inquest was held. la d ies O x fo rd s a t $ 2 . 2 5 U tz &. D u n n m ake Through an ordinary door an Inch und The immediate effect of the an eighth thick and twelve feet from Lemieux was held pending an in­ too. In fa c t you can b u y m o s tly a n yth in g court’s decision was to uphold the the ruy generated by the electrical mu- vestigation but as the inquest did you re q u ire fo r fix up at the lo w e st prices conviction of two Oklahoma elec­ chine u reporter was able to distinguish not show any evidence o f foul play w e have e v e r m ade. tion officials who denied negroes clearly the bom * iff the hand o f Stan- play he was released. The stom­ ! ley moving on the other side, as well the right to vote in a Congressional as lo see the outlines o f his hand. ach was sent to chemist for analy- j election and to award three Mary­ This lest was mode simply to Illustrate sis. land negroes damages from elec­ I the Immensely gustier power o f the Mrs. Palmer was about tw enty-' new machine over the old X ray ile- tion officials in Annapolis who re­ ! rices. It Is only one o f the Improve­ six years old and letters found in­ F A L L S C IT Y D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E fused to register them. The court ments claimed by Stanley. dicate that she had separated The principal value o f the discovery held that these election officials from her husband and that her lies tu the fact that the rays tuny be could not ignore the potency of applied to patients fo r extended pert- mother was living in Texas. the 15th amendment in wiping out oda o f time without the slightest dan­ Lemieux said that he had in­ Teachers’ Examination o f state constitutions the w ord ; ger o f burns resulting The danger of tended to marry the woman as Children Under 12 hums, often Incurable, has been one “ white” as a qualification for vot­ o f the most serious drawbacks to the soon as his finances would permit. Notice is hereby given that the Blinded by Movies ing. use o f the old X ray and often has off­ It is understood that parties will County Superintendent o f Folk In the Maryland case the court’s set the advantages accruing. adopt the child. County, Oregon, will hold the re­ The ttoentgeu rays are ordlnurly ap­ decision established the |K>int that gular examination o f applicants! Doctor Says Pictures Are Serious plied only long enough to obtain a pic­ the 15th amendment applies alike ture o f the wound, fractured boue, dis­ for State Certificates at Dallas, j Menace to Sight of Children While to municipal as well as to Federal I location or diseuscHt portion o f the as follows: Eyes Are in Formative Period. hotly on which It la projmsed to op­ 710 NEW MAIL ROUTES. elections. ■ v Commencing Wednesday, June erate. With the new rays a photo­ San Francisco, Cal., June 19.— Discussing the Oklahoma cases. graph Is not necessary, as the rays Rural Fre* Delivery Exteneiona to 30, 1915, at 9 o ’clock a. m.. and “ Children under 12 years old Benefit 87,850 Familiee. Chief Justice White said the suf­ may l>e continued an Indefinite length continuing until Saturday, July should not be permitted to enter a o f time on the putlcnt, and the sur­ Washington.— Establishment o f 710 frage amendment to the state motion picture theatre,” said Dr. geon may work directly in the ray. uew rural mnll delivery routes to serve 3, 1915, at 4 o ’clock p. m. constitution first fixed a literacy L H. Lanier, of Texarkana, today S2.31I0 families ami tbe extension of Wednesday Forenoon at the annual convention o f the existing service so as to reach 15.400 standard and then followed it with JESS ORDERS BIG SHOES. additional families were announced the Writing, U. S. History, Phy­ seventh Pan-American Medical a provision creating a standard, other day by Postmaster General Congress. . based on the condition existing Measurement Show* the Champion Hae Rurleaon. Nearly all o f the new routes siology. “ Under that age a child's eyes “ Some Feet.“ went into operation June 15. Wednesday Afternoon January 1, prior to the adop­ are in the formative period, and Olathe, Kan. — Jess Willard, the Enlargement and extension o f the tion o f the 15th amendment, and world's champion heavyweight, for­ rural service were made possible, a Reading, Composition, Methods are absolutely unable to with­ eliminated those coming under merly a cowboy In the west, ordered a post office department statement ex­ in Reading, Methods in Arithme­ stand the effects of films. pair o f ‘ CowlfSv boots," »eliding his “ Since the introduction o f the that standard from the inclusion measurements by mall to n cowboy plains, by a readjustment In April and tic. motion picture America is begin­ May resulting In a reduction of operat­ of the literacy test. boot factory her:. Thursday Forenoon ing expenses amounting to *511.262. ning to wear glasses more and The boots are number MF-j o f regu­ The court had difficulty, he said, Orders are now awaiting the postmas­ Arithmetic, History o f Educa­ more. This country, through the lar boot width, nnd the calf measure­ medium of movies, will eventually in finding words to demonstrate ment Is twenty inches, the largest by ter general's signature providing for Methods in new rural automobile service In many tion, Psychology, become a weakeyed nation, unless more clearly its conviction that two Inches o f any o f the 130,(UK) pairs localities, as authorized by the last Geography. there are great improvements in this action o f the state recreated of boots made by this firm, who have appropriation bill. People on these the mechanism of projecting ap­ been In business here thirty-five years. routes, when living within a radius of Thursday Afternoon and perjietuated the very condi­ Every stitch Is hand sewed, and be­ twenty-five miles, will enjoy local paratus.” Grammar, Geography, Am er­ tions which the 15th amendment fore the |mIt- Is completed they will rates. The first of the routes will go ican Literature, Physics, Methods was intended to destroy, than the have passed through the hands o f six Into operation on Aug. 1. Notice to Water Consumers teeu shoemakers, each o f wbovn does in Language Thesis for Primary language used in the amendment. one particular jmrt All users o f city water are LIVING COST LAID TO WOMEN. Certificate. —Oregonian. hereby notified that owing to the Friday Forenoon $2,000.000 HOUR WAR'S COST. Durand, Ex-Csntus Director, Says scarcity o f water the following Homes Lack Efficiency. Theory and Practice, Ortho- rules must be observed: Parties POISONED EATING CHICKEN Total For First Yoar W ill Be *17.400.- St. Paul.—Dr. E. Dana Durand, for­ g r a p h y , English Literature, living on the south side o f the 000,000, Says French Economist. merly director o f the United Stntes river may use water for sprink­ Chemistry. Pnrls. — Captain Edmund Tl very, Eating Cold Pressed Chiokon Results widely known as an economist. i>stl census bureau nnd now In the depart­ ling and irrigation between the ment o f economics o f the University of Friday Afternoon hours o f 7 o ’clock P. M. and 8 in Ptomaine Poison. mates that the total military expel. *11- Minnesota, placed the chief blame for School Law, Geology, Algebra, o ’ clock P. M. on Mondays and ttircs for the first year-of the war w 111 the high cost o f liTlng on the consum­ I h II hs O b « rv»r: lie 50.tKXI.000.000 francs ($10,000,001 V ers. And those, he said, were prima­ Civil Government. Thursdays. Those on the north “ While attending the Shady 000) for the seven allies ami 37,000, • rily the women. side at the same hours on Thurs­ Saturday Forenoon I ¿me picnic last Saturday a num­ 000,000 franca ($7.400,000.000) for tier " I f the home continues lo be reac­ days and Fridays. tionary and spurns efficiency no amount ber o f persons narrowly escaped many, Austria and Turkey. Geometry, Botany. All delinquent users o f city This makes an nrernge o f tSSO.OOO.- o f law or theory will alter conditions," water are notified to pay up by serious results from eating press­ 00O francs (*1,440,000,000) a month. he said. "Even if tbe women began Saturday Afternoon the first of July or the water ed chicken, eight being under the 242.000. 000 francs (I4S.400.000) n day. «-hanging their ways now solution of General History, Bookkeeping. service will be discontinued. care o f a physician for a short 10.000. 000 francs 1*2.000.000) an hour the problem will take nbout fifty years, He believes the economic powers o f Signed: for a complete revolution I d the moral Yours truly, time. The families of Ed Evans, Great Brltnln. France nnd Ilussln can character o f the public Is necessary to By Order o f Water Board, H. C. S eymour , Jasper Bagley and Edward Dun- support the strain much more easily eJectuully reduce the cost o f living.” R. M. Wonderly, Chairman. County School Superintendent. than their opponents. , ckle, the latter newly weds, took V O T E D EC ISIO N G IV EN $ No. 43 1915 WOMAN DIES ALONE NEW X RAY SNOWS HAND BEHIND UÜ0K Danger of Burning Eliminated by New Invention. ► 'Ï N. S E L IG ’S \ I « i V