¥ FALLS CITY NEWS V O L. X I F A L L S C IT Y . O R E G O N . S A T U R D A Y , J U N E 19, 1915 SUBMARINE BASE OFF IRISH COAST? I fuel supply ami Ihcn sinking I hem I Hgulu, unii that It was easy lo Imagine that they have constructed large tanks thut could be towed under water. Tills officer admitted that this w u h possible, though he did not believe It hud been done lie suld (hat tho use of such tanks was proposed some time ago to this government, hut lie better­ ed, lu tho light of u grout deal o f In ! formation that ho hail received, that the Germini submarines were not fo l­ 17687634 lowing the secret buso practice. Ho poluted out lliut II was necessary for ■iilimiirlnos lo replenish tln-ir supplies o f torpedoes, soiueililng Hint could not ! tie done from a secret base as easily iih replenishing gasoline stock, mid thut, ! what was even more Important, the S u b m s rg sd T a n k s In In ls U C o u ld F u r ­ work of the men who operated German submarines was so exacting and the n ish Q aso lino to U nd orsoa C r a ft . strain upon them so tcrrlllc that It How owor, T o rp s d o s s M ust Bo R a p ltn - would lie necessary for the crews to lahsd and C ro w s M u st H a v a R o st Off return to their German liases after th s B o a ts. their raids to recuperate. This officer also said that, while It was barely I sis Wnahlngton.—Speculation as to tits slide that the Germana might he mak­ Gt-rtuaii* having «.•stubllsUwl secret sub­ ing use o f some remote Island or cove, marine buses lu Isolated rovva along there were lis* many persons OH watch tin* Irish roast was revived lu semi around tho Irish const for such bases official circles lu Washington by the to remain easily a secret. Speculation as to Hew Raid­ ers : r r ‘# ' * NAVAL MEN DOUBT THEORY V * v ♦ publication o f a (lls|tutcb froui Crook haven. Irelnuil, which tobl o f u auburn ARCHDUCHESS AT T H E FRONT. rlue having been sighted uud tired D a u g h te r of A u s t r ia n C o m m an d er In tiI »on near that place. C h is f H o ad s R ed C ro s s C o rp s. For sumo time there baa been a Vienna.— Tho Archduchess Isabella, strong belief here that there have been secret submarine bases o f this eliarac duughter o f Archduke Frederick, com­ ter somewhere along the western or mander In chief of the Austrian forces. southwestern coasts o f Irelaud. It was Is now seeing uctuut service ut the bat­ definitely nsrertiiIned, however, that no tle front. 8bo is lieutl o f one o f the Information had been received by the Austrian Bed Cross corps and »(»ends navy department from its Intelligence a great deal o f time at her father's sources nlirond confirming the discov­ headiiuarters. The Austrian Bed Cross Is an admi­ ery o f any o f the au|>|»o«ed secret buses. I f there ure any such buses the In rably organized body o f workers and dentations In the shores uf Ireland muy have liccu conveniently utilized by the tiermuns for thut purpose. In the absence, however, o f definite knowledge that such a base has been established, well iuforuied naval ottl ceru cast doubt ou this explanation of the facility with which (ieruiun sub- marines have been able to operate lu the stretch o f water between Fastnet rock, the first lighthouse seen by trans atlantlc passengers bound for Queens town and Liverpool, and Bishop’s rock, where they catch their llrst glimpse o f n lighthouse when going to Booth ampton. Naval ottlcers apparently lire agreed on one point that none o f the subiuu rlnea that have uttacked merchant ships off the south and west coasts of Ireland have gone to those sections ol the Herman naval war zone around the British Isles by wujr o f the strait of I lover or the English channel. The British have so effectively protected the approach to the English channel by a mine held extending from Ostend to the entrance to the Thames that no German warship. Hunting or subma­ rine. lias yet been tdiowu to have pass ed that obstruction. Naval officers here do not believe Photo by American Press Association. that submarines could successfully pass through this mine Held. They A IIC - m iP K B F K K l i l l . l C K A S P P A l 'l U l T U t , also point to Iho announcement recent­ ISABELLA. AT rttONT. ly made In parliuiuctit thut England ts carrying on Its humane work In a had bceu able successfully to trans­ quiet but very effective manner. port about 750,000 soldiers from Eng Archduke Frederick has been one of land to Franco anil Belgium across the the most conspicuous figures in the channel without the lose o f a single war. He has been directing the opera­ transport or the death o f a single man during the cross channel Journey. If tions against both the liusshins and Italians and is now confronted by an­ German sulmiarlnea were able to go other emergency, the possible entrance to the south coast o f Ireland by the o f lloumiiuin into the w ar on the aide chunncl route and there sink merchant o f the allies. It Is stated that the Itou- ships. It Is pointed out. the same sub inanlun army consists o f 1,000.000 well marines could have sunk British troop trained and well armed men, who will ships, which would be o f greater mili­ be stationed along a 000 mile frout in tary advantage to Germany than the event o f her participation In hostilities. mere sinking o f merchant ships, which curry only iionconitmtunts. W ith the English channel approach to the west and south coasts o f Ire­ land as well ns to tho Seilty isles closed. Iho Gorman submarines would have to lake the North Hon and norih o f Kcotlnnd route to the western shores o f the British Isles. Having once sent submarines to (ho Irish coast. It w-as said here, tho GerinatiH might obviate the long Journey around Scotland, to and from Ireland and Germany, by es­ tablishing secret bases on the Irish coast, and the theory Is very strong that this has been doue. Grand Junction. Colo. — Coming to The naval experts, however, believe Grand Junction to examine the skele­ that the submarines have made the ton o f the dinosaur found south o f the Journey back and forth around Scot­ city recently, Professor J. D. Flgglna land. One high naval officer suld that tho Germans were known to huve sub­ o f the City Purk museum in Denver marines with a steaming radius of j found another while searching the 4,000 or 5,000 miles, which could easily hills. He expects to have It excavated negotiate the long Journey. It was and removed to Denver to be mounted suggested to him that If there were se­ In the museum. Professor Piggies, with two guides, cret bases on the Irish const there might lie submerged tanks o f gasoline viewed the pile o f bones o f the petri­ which tho submarines could visit at fied dinosaur recently located nnd n|ght, raising them to replenish JJielr found the bones much M attered and DINOSAUR FOUND BY A DENVER MAN Scientists at Work Trying to Collect All of the Bones. « > disintegrated. -Home were carried away by specimen hunters. H e found several hard, round rocks which he declared to lie the stones a dinosaur swallowed to grind food with, as a chicken swallows pebbles He kept ou the trail and toon found small silvers o f boue and a large Joint sticking out o f the ground. He slaked the place and returned to Grand Junction and states that he will Immediately atari the work o f having the huge skeleton uncovered. Judging from the formation where the bones were found, there la every reason to believe that the skeleton can be taken out In more than ordinarily tine condition. Professor Flgglna said It has always been tho case that when petrified skeletons o f dinosaurs have been found In Colorado some eastern museum has swooped In and captured the prize, while Colorado's own museum stands devoid of any o f the specimens found In Its own state. I f this prove« to be a fairly good specimen It will be placed lu the Denver museum as rapidly as the work can be accomplished. While there Is no way o f determin­ ing the size o f the saurian until some excavation Is made, the size o f the Joint fouud protruding from the ground Indicates that the animal was as larga as the largest ones found tn the valley. CUPID BRO KE UP C LU B. S t . P a u l B a c h e lo r G ir ls ’ C lu b Is N e w a N am e O n ly , St. Paul.—The Bachelor Girls' club rtf 8t. Paul danced Itself out o f exist­ ence at the armory. Sixth and Ex­ change streets, after ten o f the origi­ nal thirteen members had fallen before the marksmanship o f Dan Cupid. It was the twelfth and last dance given by (he club, nnd at the stroke o f 1 a few mornings ago the last vestige o f the club as an organization vanished like Cinderella under the spell o f the fairy. The club was organized five years ago. nnd the members, bound by sol­ emn oaths o f bachelorhood, remained Intact for u time Cupid battered at tho ramparts, and one after another of the members capitulated until five alone wore left. Suddenly two o f these fell, and n double wedding announce­ ment carried dismay to the hearts o f the remaining three. No. 42 GOOD FITTING % GOOD WEARING 1 \ KINDS • r* b OUR STOCK OF SHOES IS BIG. WE CARRY THEM IN ALL WIDTHS. T H A T ’S WHY WE CAN FIT YOU. OUR SHOES ALSO MAKE THE FOOT LOOK NEAT AN0 TRIM: TH EY WEAR A LONG TIME. THE BRANDS OF HOSE WE SELL HAUE STOOD THE T E S T AT WEARING. ALL SHOES AND HOSE FOR THE SAME MONEY ARE NOT THE SAM E QUALITY. TRY OURS JUST ONCE. THAT’S (IL L WE ASK. N. S E L IG ’S FALLS CITY D E P A R T M E N T STO R E SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 57, POLK COUNTY, OREGON LINER’S CREW ACCUSED BUDGET FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1915-16 LACK OF D ISCIPLIN E ON LUSITANIA County Superintendent of Polk County, Oregon, will hold the re­ IS CHARGED F o r w h a t p u rp o »e to b e ra ise d A m o u n t to t e ra ised Teachers’ salaries $7,405.00 Fuel and lights 237.00 Janitor 600.00 Chemistry 300 00 Encyclopedia 100.00 Supplies for Domestic Science and Manual Training 100.00 Interest 400.00 Water 100.00 Other miscellaneous expenses 500.00 Notes to be retired 1.500.00 Total to be raised $11,242.00 Less Credits its follows: From State and Hijfh School Funds estimated at $4.079.12. Balance to be raised by tax $7,- 162.88. Total valuation as shown by assessment roll, $896,360. Unpaid warrants and bills to be paid for year 1914-1915, estima­ ted at $2,650, which will be cover­ ed by uncollected 1914 tax. The above budget adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of School District No. 57, held at the J. C- Talbott Furniture Store. Wednesday May 26th, at 8:15 P. M. J. J. Sammons, N. A. Lunde, { N. Selig. A ttest : J. C. Talbott, Clerk. I, J. C. Talbott, Clerk of Dis­ trict No. 57, hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the budget made up for 1915 and 1916 as submitted to me by the above School Board. J. C. T albott , ’ Clerk District No. 57. Teachers’ Examination Notice is hereby given that the gular examination of applicants Saving of Selves Intimated as Chief for State Certificates at Dallas, Interest: Percentage of Women as follows: and Children Saved Is Commencing Wednesday, June Smallest. 30. 1915, at 9 o ’clock a, m., and % London, June 17.— The public in­ quiry into the sinking of the steamer Lusitania by a German submarine w as ended today. W hen the attorneys connected with the case were asked for their opin­ ions today, A . C. Edwards, M. P., representing the Seamen’s Union, said it was obvious that if a zig-zag­ ging course were an element o f safe­ ty, as an Adm iralty expert had testi­ fied, then the captain and owners of the steamer “ showed grave culp­ ability.” "H a d it anything to do with the calamity?” asked Baron Mersey. M r. Edw ards replied that I he evi­ dence disclosed the company was ec­ onomizing in the consumption o f coal. The only question on which Baron Mersey desired light was the state­ ment o f D. A . Thomas, the coal oper­ ator, that while the first and second- class passengers were calm and the stewards and stewardness brave and helpful, the steerage passengers were in confusion and members of the crew were mainly interested in sav­ ing themselves, giving a general ap­ pearance o f lack o f discipline. Solicitor-General Smith presented statistics o f those saved, showing that 41 per cent o f the crew, 38.8 per cent of the male passengers, 38.6 per cent o f the female passengers (Concluded on page 4.) continuing until Saturday, July 3, 1915, at 4 o ’clock p. m. W ednesday Forenoon Writing. 17- S. History, Phy­ siology. W ednesday Afternoon Reading, Composition. Methods in Reading, Methods in Arithme­ tic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Educa­ tion, Psychology. Methods in Geography. Thursday Afternoon Grammar. Geography. Amer­ ican Literature, Physics, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Ortho- graphy, English Literature. Chemistry. Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. Yours truly, H. C. S eymour , County School Superintendent.