THE TALLS CITY HEWS JI'N E 12, 1916 llc w s Of f a l l s (Tit? IRJUREDBYFAUIA6TREE S A LIM , FA LLS CITY & WESTF.RN Puiuungor Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4,1914 WMTIMK'MI S a lem . . . D a lla s , . . F all |( t t y . B l’ k R o c k lABVKOUNlf IM a m i * i an. 7:<»o 9.46 II 07 8.50 11.41 Kir. 1*7 pm . Mr«. Warren Waid i» on the nick lilt. 3.25 6.00 5.36 B. K. B>ugliey Monday, i’» pm . Mia. Ira Mt'liilii V /. «1 Uli »ID *) 11 n vfo Portland visitors this week. r*_.. - a ___ ..t.... „ » o . u except Saturday and payday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bobimon, Tuesday night, oigirl. George I,oftus and wife went to the Bose Festival in Portland Tuesday. TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU Your vacation no matter where you go will be doubly pleasant if you Kodak. Then too the little picture made ho easily will Bhow the homefolka the splendid times you had. KODAKS $*j to $60 BKOWNIES $1 to $12 THOMPSON, Drug Store. Swiss Style Milk Chocolates. The best money can buy at Ellis Confect. D r . W . L . H o llo w a y C H IR O P R A C TIC OF DALLAS, ORE. Phone 822. W I L L BE A T F A L L S C IT Y H O T E L A L L DAY M O N D A Y, W E D N E S D A Y A N D F R ID A Y E AC H W E E K All chronic and acute diseases treated. I f you are afflicted with any ailment call and we will talk it over. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS GIVEN QUIOK RELIEF Pain leaves almost as if by magic when ou begiu using "5- )rops," the famous old remedy for Rheuma­ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, N e u r a lg ia aud kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get (OinK f I a U m la u t "5-Drops" H today. A booklet with each bottle gives full d ir e c tio n s for use Don't delay. Demand , '‘5-Drops ” Don't ac- | cept anything else in place of i t Any drug­ gist can supply you. If you live too far from a drug store send Ona Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co , Newark, Ohio, and a bottle o f “ 5-Drops" will be sunt prepaid. i For Hale— Second hand folding bed, selte and lounge. Inquire at drug store. FISHING SEASON OPEN Carl Anderson H s t Shoulder Oislooated by Fslling Tree RAondsy Afternoon. We carry a complete line of Carl AnderBon, age 27, a rig ­ 1 ging «linger at Pow ell’ « camp was caught by a falling tree Mon­ day afternoon about three o ’clock and seriously injured. The don­ key engine was dragging a log when the hook o f the cable caught a tree about 8 inches in diumeter pulling it down. An­ derson was given warning and started to run, but the sun was shining in his face blinding him and he miscalculated just where the tree would fall. The tree struck him on the left shoulder dislocating it and otherwise bruis­ ing him. That he was not killed outright is due to the fact that the tree fell across some logs keeping the weight off him. He was taken to this city and thence to the hospital at Dallas on the 5:40 motor. FISHING TA C K L E Fishing and Hunting license For Sale. W E CTO S E AT 6 :3 0 0 C LO C K P . M J. C. T A L B O T T &. CO. R. E. W illiams , M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N i c h o l s , President Vice-President F alls C it y Does a Gei.era! Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. SCHOOL CLOSES The public school closed a very pro£table and satisfactory term Friday, June 4 with graduating exercises at the Wagner hall at night. The following program was rendered: Overture— High School Orchestra Invocation—Rev. M. A. Marcy Address— M. S. Pittman of Oregon Violin Solo "Simple Confession"— Leona Hanson. Class Prophecy—Conrad Cocker­ line. Piano Solo, "Alpine Glow” — Helen Treat. Valedictory— Edith Johnson. Presentation of Diplomas—Supt. H. C. Seymour. Benediction—Elder B. L. Hicks. The graduates are as follows: Elvin Snider Winfield Johnson Mae Hanson Hanvey Deal Mildred Chapin Conrad Cockerlir.e Edith Johnson Helen Treat Fay Wells Katie Barnhart Loraine Hailey George Otte Lester Bowman Geneva Sayre The faculty and students are justly proud o f their work during the past year and the receiving o f diplomas is the reward worth the price. An education is as Treasures laid up “ where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break th io ’ nor steal.’ ’ Fortune may frown upon you and deprive you o f all worldly goods, but an education is with you always. Work for the coming year is being planned and it is the aim o f the faculty to profit by the ex­ periences o f the past year and, if possible, make a better record this year. While we may be di­ vided on the subject o f politics, religion and many social ques­ tions, we should all tie as one on the question o f education. Give a girl or boy a practical education and he can take his or her place in this hustling, bustling world with a feeling that they will be able to meet any emergency. FOB B E N T — 7-rooni house with bath, $10 per month. See Bohle Mrs. Addie Montgomery visited at Barber Shop." her daughter, Mra A C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. N. Belig motored at Dallas the first of the week. to Portland Wednesday to attend Work started Monday on laying the Bose Festival. the foundation for a new $1200 Mr. and Mrs. Snider of Dallas school building at Black Rock. atlendtd the graduation progiam Mrs. J C. Talbott i f Brooklyn, Friday of last week. Iowa who lias been visiting her Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Lies, grandson, Josh Talbott returned and other bakery goods, every day home Wednesday. Mrs. Fred T a l­ at the Falls City Bakery. bott accompanied her to Portland. Miss Helen Treat and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Redfield of bchroedeker attended the graduat­ ing exercists at Airliu Wednesday. Cashmere, Wash., are visiting re­ Alfie Ferguson is laid up with latives in this city. Mrs Redfield blood poison from an ax wouutl be is a sister to Mrs. 8. H Tetherow, received on his leg three week's Mrs. Win. Ford and F. K. Hub­ bard. They have been motoring in a g ". eastern Oregon and will lake in Mrs. Cbas.. Mi* and children the ranama Exposition before their went to Portland Tuesday to visit return. It has been ten years relatives and attend the Bose Fes­ since they were here and they are tival. much impressed with the groat im­ Austin Titus left Thursday for provements that have been brought Dallas where he will assist in the about in that time. work at the garage of Black & Three men were seen coming into Bobbie for several days. town late Wednesday evening and Wanted— 20 to 80 acres of land, at first they were takeu to be with or without improvements. tramps. A close look, however, Must be good soil and price reason­ revealed that it was W. B. McKow- able. F. Droege, Falls City, Ore, an, Morris Fowl and F. K. Hub­ W. P. Lewis and family left bard. It appears that F. K. had Monday for a few days visit near invited them to take a ride with Silverton. They expect to returli him iu bis “ Hup-Mobile” over to and attend the picnic at Bickreall Kings Valley where he hied him­ today. self with a load of berries. On the H. F. Smith and wife and son return trip something went wrong Earl of Moscow, Idaho were visitors with the “ Hup’s" pulmonary apar- at the Bev. H. A. Walters home atus and it refused to even cough. Sunday. They are intending to There was only one thing to do, locate in Dallas. and they proceeded to do it. Bli­ A small fortst fire at Camp 1 thely huminiug the old familiar set a house afire belonging to Albert tune, "Tram p, tramp, tramp, the Teal Sunday. The fire was dis­ boys are marching" the trio head­ covered and extinguished before ed for town where they arrived hot, dusty and thirsty. Falls City much damage was done. Cecil Ouderkirk, the young man is blest w ith an abundance of cuol, who lost an arm at the mill recent­ delicious and envigorating water ly retuteued homo Wednesday. that was used both internally and The aim began bleeding and be re­ externally with very gratifying re­ sults both in outward appearance turned to the hospital. and inward feelings. The renimns Hank Brown, timber falter at of “ Hup" was towed into town camp No. 2 was injured Wednesday Thursday afternoon by another noon by his ax glancing and in­ automobile and taken to the hos­ flicting a severe wound on bis right pital where Dr. Brown will per- leg. The injury is not fatal, but is , form a surgical operation. ery painful. R. G.W hite , Assistant Cashier , P o lk C o u n t y . O regon Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Preachii.g 11:00 A M. Class meeting 12:00 P. M. Evening service 8:00. H. A. W alter , Pastor. Card of Thanks Cashier Bank of Falls City Free Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson are At this time we wish to thank the proud parent« of a baby boy, the many friends who assisted and born June 8. comforted us in our bereavement Mrs. Oliver Baker of Black Buck and for the many beautiful ftowers, was taken to the hoipital at Dallas also the 6tb grade of the Falla City last Saturday. school for the beautiful floral offer­ Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Hubbard at­ ing. tended the Bose Festival at Port­ M rs. L E. Sheppard and chil­ land Tuesday. dren. EXC EPT SATURDAYS. “ Big Eats" The Ladies Aid o f the Christian Church will serve one of their famous dinners at the basemeiit of the church Thursday, June 17, from 11:30 o'clock, a m until 2 p m I t is not given out at this time just of what the “ feed" will consist, but it was told, confidentially that it will ho great, and that everyone that pertakes of its boun ties will look "pnaperoua" ere they leave. The cost will be only two bits. Mrs. Tetherow visited in Dallas last week. Dodd-Brown Wedding A pleasant wedding took place Thursday noon at the home o f Elder A. H. Dodd and w ife when in the presence o f twenty-six re­ latives and friends their daugh­ ter, Cecil Muriel was united for life with Mr. Fred Grant Brown o f Crystal. Klamath County. During the ceremony the couple stood on the front porch before a large heart o f white roses attend­ ed by Mr. Francis Brown o f Cry­ stal and Miss Myra Hukill o f Corvallis. The impressive mar­ riage service was officiated by the father o f the bride, assisted by Elder Hicks; the signing w it­ nesses being Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hopkins, the same parties who, twenty-nine years ago were w it­ nesses at her parents wedding in Michigan. The groom is a young man o f sterling moral worth, a graduate o f the State College at Corvallis, a surveyor and civil engineer, and an energetic business man. The bride was reared in this city, educated at the Falls City and Corvallis school, a successful teacher and is too well and fav­ orably known in this community for the News to add a word o f commendation to her Christian integrity. If the wishes o f their friends can avail, they will have a suc­ cessful and prosperous married life. IN MEMORIUM Lambert E. Sheppard was born in Lewisville, Oregon May 12, 1879 and lived in southern Oregon until his marriage in Oregon City Oct. 11, 1900 to Mollie Leather- wood. He came to Falls City in 1908 and had been working in the camps until the time of his death June 3rd, 1915. Lambert Sheppard was a large hearted man and well liked by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn his loss, a w ife and five children, two sisters, one brorher and feur half brothers. Funeral services were held Sunday at the M. E. Church. In ­ terment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery. He 1« not here. but ter swsy The noise ol life begins stain. Ami ghastly thro' the d rU jlln g rain On the bald street breaks the blank day. I stretch lame hands ol faith, and grope. And gather dust ami chaff, and call To what I feel is Lord of all. And faintly trust the larger hope. —From Tennyson in Memorlam. # The Spaulding Logging Co., have Born June 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed received a uew “ donkey.” Brown, an 8J pound boy. Miss Edith Gardusr was a Dal­ Mrs.Fred Saxby has gone to Port las visitor the first of the week. land to attend the rose fair.