% T H E F A L L S C IT Y N E W S . JI N K 12, 191ft &hr ¿Falls (Xitif Nrute profcootonal dnrt>o 1‘ IIY R IC IA N F. M. HELLWARTH D. L. W OOD & SON, Publishers. Knr«*r< it «• i mutt at th* ««> at Fall« City* N k « '»uuty, (><• *.»a. ttrnlrr I ' • Ait of (Vu|r«M f M m h I\T:» Ttltphoiir .NewsMfkt. «3. Subscript ion Katas: Oneyaur.fi. ". six month.. 50 cents, three months. 25 cents; single copy, 8 e ls Ad vert iai its Katfb Display. 15 i ent» an inch Busineaa Notices S can t** line For Sale. Kent Exchange Waut »n-1 Kay K liter tain me it t N tlces. 5 ett. a line. Card of Thauks 50cts:l.ega Notice*, legal rates. Copy for new ads. amt changes should be sen« to Tt\e News not later than Wednesday. O FF IC IAL D I R F C r O K Y OF F A I L S A N D SURGEON k "Î5, w Î 1 Phone 8H8 Kalla I II*, Oregon Buetneee tra ilo I That we pay top prices for BUTTER and EGGS. HOTEL Sam ple R o o m , Boat A oea m m od a tlon, 1. Orottfa, Proprietor CITT H. J . Griffin. Mayor. R M. Wonderlv. Couueiltuau at Large Fhilltp (»o ttfre ii H. C. Brown. C. J. Bradley. Comici ime n I. G. Singleton. C. L. Hopkins. . R. A. Tltu*. C E MePherren, Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. loose Jr.. City Attorney. Fat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L Thompson. Treasurer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth Health Officer. th e Council meet* in regular session on the ft r>t and third Tuesday nights of each mouth, at 7 30 o'clock, in the office of the Falla City News. S aturday , J une 12. 1915 REFUSES TO ARBITRATE DON’T FORGET P H Y SIC IA N Office one door ea»l of I’ . O. HAKi.KR 81IOPH BEST SERVICE GUARANTEED Falls City Lumber Company Store William Jennings Bryan has be­ come private citizen again. Rather than surrender and become party WE CLOSE AT 6:30 0 CLOCK P. M . EXCEPT SATURDAY. to that which he believed to be a national wrong he retires from the high office o f Secretary of State. W hatever differences one may have with Bryan politically, they can not but admire him for being AM TK A C TK K H true to himself in standing firm for that he believed to be right. SIBLEY & EAKIN, Abstractors, 516 Court St. D allas, Or. President Wilson, who has receiv­ ed praise from both Democrats A c omplete Ml ol AbatiacU ul Polk Co. K.i«i)li.lio.| iu nut«. Prompt m i vie« and Republicans for his “ Peace KeatoM bls Halt-,. at any price” and “ Watchful | waiting” policy, now refuses to P IA N O TUN EH arbitrate the difficulty with Ger­ N ew port T illa m o o k S e a s h o r e R e so rts many. We do not admit that any LEE PERIN, Plano Tuner A Delightful Seaside Retreat Wonderful scenery, dense man or set o f men are infallible, Every charm for an out­ forests, e n t i c i n g trout Has returned to Falls City and will and it is often said that a man door vacation. Surf bath­ streams, miles and miles tune your piano. Call Phone 434 ing. fishing, boating and not willing to arbitrate a difficulty o f glorious sandy beach. at R. Paul's residence. pleasant social recreations with his fellow man has something Special Low Round Trip Fares Special Round Trip Fares wrong in his makeup. Why should from all points with long Week End-SuiuUy limit. Daily and week anyone who loves peace and his Daily Train service and spec­ end trains. fellow man refuse to arbitrate the ial Sunday Excursions. Ask for further particulars and copy of booklet difference and avoid a possible Ask nearest agent for copy of booklet on Newport "Seashore Tillamook County." war with all its horrors. It has C a l i f o r n i a ’s E x p o s i t i o n s been hinted, by his enemies, that S u m m e r E x c u rsio n s E a st A world’ s Marvel. E very­ Wilson answers to the beck and Round trip tickets to East- thing complete The great­ call o f Great Britain. We are est event o f the Century • ern destinations via Cali­ loth to believe th t these United Special Low Round Trip Fare» Daily fornia with stop-overs in Splendid train service, at­ either direction tp visit the States are ruled by George V ’ Expositions on sale daily tentive employes, delight­ Should Germany or any nation ful scenery. Ask for book­ from all points C. W M a tt h e w s , P ro p rla to r attempt to invade our land there let. "C alifornia and Its Two Full information from nearest agent would be no lack for defenders, World Expositions” and yet we do not imagine that much You can stop-over at Shasta Springs “ Wayside Notes Shasta Route.” enthusiasm could be aroused to avenge the sinking o f a British Our Agents will be glad to furnish full particulars in regard to any o f the above outings and make reservation, outline your trip or give you interesting literature on the various places you can visit ship and the loss o f a few impru­ P 1217 dent Americans who rushed into danger knowingly. Should war be declared, consider the thous­ ands o f o f brave that would be John M. Stott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. sacrificed on the altar o f bigotry and lust for revenge. Would it be worth the price? Would Wil­ son go to the front and lead the “ Go to the aunt thou sluggard,! there are fifty-tw o weeks in the Such advertising is like the Irish­ charge, or like David, send Uriah consider her ways and be wise” is year he can take each department man’s flea killer; catch your flea to the battle front. W e believe a trite saying, and to the non-ad- separately. Commence with cloth- feed it the powder and choke it to C H A i . M I X . 1‘ r o k m i b t o n Bryan was right to wash hands vertising merchant we would say: ing; then take up shoes, hats or death. The newspaper hunts the customer up in his native lair and o f the whole matter so long as he “ (Jo to the mail order man, doubt- underwear, and so on through was powerless to prevent. ing merchant, consider his ads and the entire itock giving the most argues the case with him after he important items and choicest bar­ has ‘embezzled’ a good meal and do likewise.” The Mail Order House Take up the average mail order gains in each department. Get it in a receptive mood. And then The mail order house is an evil catalogue and you will see that to your goods before the people in a the w ife and daughter will read that threatens the very life and say, “ Men’s Blue Worsted Suits favorable light and the sale is the bargains, tell their neighbor and the ‘ battle’ is won. being o f the local merchant. For $21.00” is not sufficient. They will nearly mr.de. I f the merchant who says, Oh, many years the local merchant was elaborate on the subject something Often some fakir comes along people don't read the ads’ will run indifferent to the encroachment of like this: and works the merchant, who will a line in his home paper thus:— the mail order house, believing “ An elegant dark navy blue pure not advertise i n his home paper, that it was only a fad that would wool suit, one o f the handsomest for some sche» ne such as a hotel 100 pounds Berry sugar for $6.50, soon wear itse'f out and pass on. suits in our extensive line. 100 directory, corner post or window we will guarrantee that his stock In the last few years, however, Tier cent wool, coat made in the advertising, c osting more, perhaps o f Berry sugar will vanish like a three button sack style with usual they have begun to realize that pockets. Six button single breast­ than a good s ized ad in a news­ frost on a hot day in July. Adver­ these concerns have come to stay ed vest without collar. Latest paper for a w hole year. Window tise R E A L bargains and the pec- and that the mail order habit, like style pants with hemmed bottoms advertising oi rather display o f pie will read them. all other bad habits, is easily form­ and can be worn in cuff effect. goods is all rij cht, after you have Mail order houses adopt Ice Cream Bricks ed but difficult to break. Thous­ Price only $21.00.” caught your c ustomer. Had you methods and few o f them ever HARRINGTON The local merchant will say, ands o f dollars from every com­ fail. I f the country merchant “ Oh, it will take too much space.’ realized that it is necessary to get munity go to these concerns that Good house for tale in Falls This would be true should he at­ the prospectiv e customer to pass expects to stay in business he rightly belongs to the home mer­ tempt to describe his entire stock your post or v/indow, and then he must use heroic treatment for the City, part time. Enquire at News chant. in one issue o f the paper; but as may be on the r un and not see it. mail order habit office. S u g g e stio n s for S u m m e r W here To Go t Zhc O re gon muni SO U TH ERN P A C IF IC Zh c ITfcabo such ♦