THE TALLS CITY NEWS. JI NK 5, 1915 ~ BUILT TOWN FOR WHEAT. fiKLraO-SCIEHTfnC SKETCHES >N HUMAN PROGRESS Kansan Wanted a Markst and Braton Bsc.into It. Colby, Kau.--Because he niNed 150,- 000 bushels o f wheat In liti I and need ed a place to market It without u long haul Ben Koster, a large landowner, built u town of his own. He erected an elevator, lumber yard, coal yard ami store; also residences for Uls em ploy cos. He named the town Breton, aud now It Is getting away from his first Idea. Other people are moving there, and Foster Is In u good way to become tho proprietor o f a thriving country town. He refuses to sell the lots, hut rents them mi long leases. WATCHING THE SITUATION. j APAM W Chairman Washington.- In the event of a con trorersy lietwccu this country and any foreign power Scuator Stone and Con greeamnu Flood will lie two o f the most important members o f congress. They are chairmen of the committees on foreign relations. In the senate und house o f representatives, respectively. All International mailers o f any great Importance are handled through 'hose MOTHER EVE CREATED As fhe Creation of Adam »a s at the close of the Sixth Pay, the Creation of Mother Evu Is Imllcated as Inning been accoui pllshed In the beginning of the Seventh Day However we view the matter, the tlrst pair were created approximately In the be­ ginning of the Seventh Day or Epoch, uhlcb is now nearly completed. Mother Eve was merely a portion o f Adam sepa­ rated from him for a special purpose—for the propagation of a race. Adam possessed originally In his own person the qual ities masculine and fcuilniuc which subsequently were divided between him and his wife, when she was taken from his side — Geuesls 2:21-23; 1 Corinthians 11:8. Adam for a time was alone In Eden, finding no congenial companionship In the beasts and the birds. Mother Eve was bis mate, bone o f bis bone and flesh o f his flesh. Their very differ­ ence o f quality and disposition made them the more compan­ ionable to each other, because each found in the other the de­ sired complement. They twain were one; neither one was com plete without the other. The feminine qualities of Adam's per­ fection he still possessed—In Mother Eve. Adam was the father of the race and failed to give It life Jesns Is to become Its second father, the Second Adam, through whom everlasting life may bo attained.—1 Corinthians 15:21. Eve was associated with Adam in the sin and disobedience which brought the penalty. So the Elect Church, the Bride of Christ, when completed, glorified, will be ills Joint-Heir In His Kingdom, and His associate in the "regeneration" o f the world during His Messianic Reign.—Homans 8:1 J; Matthew 19:28. Another suggestion has been offered: Jesus declared that those who attain to that resurrection will neither marry nor lie given In marriage As Adam originally possessed all the qual ities o f character, masculine and feminine, so humanity, when fully restored to the image ami likeuess o f God. will re-nttaln perfection o f individuality Sox divisions will then lie no more Earth will be filled with sufficient population —I.uke 20:35. 3«. je o a o c : S A V E T H 'S IT ,1 yj 3000000 -xx: C O U PO N . of Committaaa on Foreign Relatione Hold Important Posta. EVE til EPE« IS W O R T H F IV E CENTS. No. 9. Send thl* coupon with eleven others from this paper, each bear­ ing a di^If-rent number, and 15 cents in stamps for packing and post­ age. to the IN T E R N A T IO N A L B IB LE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION. Dept C. 124 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, N V., and receive F R E E a copy of “ B IR T H ­ DAYS OF MY F '.tIK N D S “ price 75 cent». This beautiful book is published to do good—not fer profit Jt contain» an appropriate Scripture text and comment for ever-, day f a 1 opposite, etc 1 Um i- somely bound; '^iit edges. Sample on display at the office of this paper Photo* by American Press Association. S E N A TO R HTONK (T O P ) CONOUBSSM AN PI.o oW (liLLoW J. eoniuiltti‘i‘8 whi'u congres* I* In session und o f coline congres* will bc < alled to ineet lf development* tunke itila nec- csfuuy. NO MOKE WAR MATERIALS. Would-Be President Nelson Announc­ es Ills Intentions. Exportation o f war materials to the w arring nations o f Europe will be prevented, if N. F. Nelson o f Brownsville, announced candi­ date for president o f the United States, wins out in the presidental election next year. Keeping strict­ ly up to date in his campaign to succeed President Wilson, Mr. Nelson has given forth his views on the latest great question of national public policy. He is in accord with President Wilson, however, in his peace policy. “ When in the course o f human events,” reads a statement which Mr. Nelson has given out, “ it be­ comes necessary to declare that which is best for the welfare o f humanity, he it known that, as a candidate for the presidency of the United States in 1916, I be­ lieve it to be my duty as such to announce my firm determination to forbid exporting all war mater­ ial to countries engaged in deadly conflict, this policy to remain in force from and after having pass­ ed both houses o f congress. “ Furthermore,” says Mr. Nelson who feels he can couch public messages in the language in which presidential messages are writ, “ I approve o f President Wilson’s e f­ forts in tendering the good offices o f the United States in bringing about an honorable peace. W’e, as a nation, are not governed by dollars and cents, but by principle —love to God and good will toward I men.” —Dallas Observer. Both Senator Htone und Cougre*»mail Flood liave beeil In Washington n great part o f the time *lnee President W il­ son uddressed bi* tirasi le note to Ger- muuy and are in close touch wttb all development*. It is just jiossible that Mr. Nel­ son is the Moses that will lead the people o f the United States out of the Wilderness. Some of the EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. ablest men have come from the Subjects of the most vital Importance “ common herd” rather than from are discussed in an cntertalnin« fashion In the following studies—none of the old, those “ reared in the lap of lux­ dry theological essays: Weeping All Night.” ury.” It frequently happens that “ “ Our Lord’s Return.” •‘Two Salvations.’ the man educated for a preacher, “ Necessity For Messiah’s Kingdom.’* a doctor or a lawyer proves to be “ What God R« quire« of Ua." “ Cardinal Gibbons' Bermon and Reply.” a dismal failure while the youth “ Thousands of Demons Infest Earth.” struggling on the farm or in the “ Jesus No Longer a Alan." “ ResiK>riMibility lo Creeds." shop, devoting his spare moments “ Christ’ s Sacrifice Ignored.” “ The Lost Key of Knowledge.” to study rises alxwe all difficulties “ Many Ministers Breaching Without and outstrips his more favored Divine Authority Should Htop Breaching.” “ Foreign Mission Facts.” fellows. This is a big nation and “ Jesus Preached to Hpirits In Prison." “ What Is Baptism?” needs a great big man to guide “ Philosophy of the Deluge.” and Unpardonable 8ins.” it, keeping clear o f all entangle­ “ “ Forgivable Preaching to tlie Dead.” “ Darwin Evolution Theory Exploded.” ments with other nations yet with “ Errors of Death-Red Repentance.** firmness enough to protect all cit­ “ Infants Saved From Torture.” izens, where protection is deserv­ Name ...................................................... Street ......................................................... ed, be they common laborers or City and State............................................ “ John D ’s.” Upon receipt of the above coupon we Comes to Grief I> Bins Observer will send any one of these Bible Studios F R E E ; any three of thorn for 5 cents (stamps) or the entire 21 for 10 cents. BEND A T ONCE TO B IB LE A N D TR ACT SOCIETY, 17 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The Observer on Friday paid the “SPITE UMBRELLA” DID IT. penalty for stealing “ news” from its esteemed contemporary across Landlady Kept It and Had to Pay the way by having the wrath of $ 102 . the parties misrepresented fall Anthony. Kan.—The famous Harper heavily upon its bald pate. In county umbrella, which ha* been In giving the filing o f an action for litigation for several months, became divorce in the circuit court here the undisputed pro|»erly of Mrs. Mary by one Mrs. Bennett it was stated Schoenernan o f Harper a few days ago that the defendant is the pub­ when a Jury in the district court as­ sessed her $2 for the property rights lisher o f the News at Sandy, Chas. attached thereto, together with the Bennett, a former resident o f Dal- costs In the case, which have mounted 1 is. This proved to lie erroneous, lo $100. Mrs. Bennett herself making this Mrs. 8clioencninn Is the landlady at fact known to The Observer. a rooming house In Harper. Mrs. I.ll- Mrs. Zlypha E. Bennett, w ife of lle Smith, with her daughter and two grandchildren, contracted for a room the publisher of the Sandy News, with the Schoenemnns. Mrs. Smith is in the city visiting, and Mr. says tho contract price for the bed for Bennett will follow within a few four was DO cents. Mrs. Schoenernan w U 75 eetttfk days. i HONEYMOONERS WALK ACROSS THE COUNTRY Took Pair Two Years to Mako the Long Trips. HarrUburg. I*». Journeys aerosa the continent twice on foot within n (io- rlod of two years marked the unique honeymoon trip taken by Mr mid Mrs John Hroxinuu. who I I 'e uour here. In the twenty-four mouths Unit they have lH-en away the young murrled eouple have traversed the parched sa ml* of the seiultroploal countries of the »outb, the fertile valleys of the mid die west and the rugged mountain paths of the far western states, They are liuppy und have returned lo their home without reporting u mishap. In making their long Journey on find Mr. nud Mrs. Hroxninu have won both fame and fortune, for not only were they cordially welcomed In all the towns ami citine through wlileli they passed, hut as tile resUn “ f their long hike they have been presented with a large suui of money by a brother In law of Mrs. Hroxmau In California, and henceforth they will make their home on a farm which Inis been purchased by the bridegroom near Harrisburg. Mr aud Mrs. Hroxmau were murrled two years ago and hud planned to spend their honeymoon quietly In the east. But Mrs. Broxuiuu's brother In­ law In Sanili A u a , ' al l o g tin nì (luit he would present them with a sutmtan- tlul sum of money If they would take as their honeymoon trip a "stroll" from llurrUburg to California und back ugaiu They decided to try to win the prize held out to them, ao Imme­ diately after the wedding ceremony was is-rformed they uturted on their long hike. Pat Collie a Haro. Wallace. Ida. Were dog* entitled to receive medals a six mouth-old Hootch collie owned by Horace Langdon would t»e entitled to recommendation for such honor. The cabin occupied by I.nugdon and Charles Haro win de­ stroyed by fire. I.iingdon was roused by the dog frantically clawing and scratching his neck and shoulders. He hastily broke a window and. grasping the dug, jumped outside and awakened Bare, who slept tu an adjoining room M r . H o m e S e e ke r- [ C O M I TO F A L L « C IT Y . O M Q O N and Buy O r c h a r d Land Notice to News Subscribers A b i u * - p s n o l l oroee m a r k , n th is no tic e m e a n s t h a t y o u r s u b s c r i p ­ tio n to T h e N a a s h a s a s p i r e d e n d nsad a f i r i n g D o It n o w . Bills Allowed by City Council for May. \V. I*. Lewis, salary city marshal uml fees........ .937.00 W. I*. Lewi*, watei »ifpt .... 33.00 Kreil Zuver, laimr.............. LOO L T Murphy, hauling junk 10 00 K. C. KIrctric Co., light* and supplies................ 89.0ft Tom Robiuatn, lib o r ......... 3.00 G W. Brentner, time check 3 00 A. C Fleming, “ " 1.80 G. W. Brentner, “ “ 4 00 G, O. Clemeat, “ " 1.00 ChM. Mix, “ “ 6 75 B. L. Kill*, “ “ 2 75 Chas. M il, “ “ 9 4ft l\ Mt'Convill, hauling junk 11 00 K. Sampson, “ ** 4 00 R. A.Tilue. *' “ 9.00 K. C. Hotel, meal« at jail.... 2 00 ? C. Warehouse, tile......... 80 »1 L. Thompami, salary ami merchandise ............. 76 3(1 Falls City Nous, printing and rent....................... 10.00 N. A. Lunde, labor and imlee 1.15 G. O. Clement, «alary......... 28 00 Walter L Tooge, salary...... 80.00 Ci Oakdale Items. Mrs, Dunn haa returned from Salem where she was visiting her daughter, Carrie. Mrs. Wright was a Falls City visitor last Saturday. Roy Graham and family hate gone lo Portland to attend the An* mini Adventist camp meeting. A number of young people gave STOWAWAY ALMOST DEAD. W. L. Barnhart a birthday sur. Seattle Man Hadn’t Food or W ater prise last .'Saturday etching; cake, For Eight Day*. -trawberrics and cream were serv- Sewurd, Alaska.—l-cliiml F. Farmer, ed. a young drnftsmau who stowed away on the steumer Admiral Evans of the I'uclflc Alaska Nuvlgatlou company at Scuttle, was fouud In the lower hold. He hud been eight days without food or wuter. but will recover. When dis­ covered he was wedged head down­ ward between two hales of bay. Furmer had heard that there are ex­ cellent op|K>rtuultles for draftsmen at Ship Creek. Cook Inlet, where the gov­ ernment Is assembling men and mate­ rial for building the federal ratlniad In Alaska. Cork L *g No Holp to Him. Cleveland. U.—Owen Kelley's cork leg Instead of acting as a life preserver a few days ago when be fell luto the lake from the pier at the foot of East Ninth street came very near being a life destroyer. Struggle as he would he could not raise his head to a level with lit* leg. which floated buoyantly. Commander Kelly of the Ohio naval inllltin steamer Dorothea wag coming ashore aud drngged tbo drowning man out How’i This? W e offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and bolleve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and Hnanclally able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actinic directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces o f the system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Drucirlsta. Take Hall's Family n ils for constipation. ‘4 * « • • Correspondent* wanted hi every neighborhood in this section ol the country. G ¡od house for sale in Falls City, part time. Enquire ut News office. FALLS CITY PEOPLE HELPED Falls City people have discovered that ONE SPOONFUL of simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, relieves sour stomach, gas and constipation AT ONCE. This remedy is well known as the appendicitis preventative. M. L. Thompson, druqgist. Mr*. Smith would pny only DO cents when she left, and It was accepted. She forgot her umbrella. Mrs. Schoe- neman held It for the twenty live cent bain nee. Mrs. Smith sued. The Justice court gave her n verdict for $3.50 and $7 at­ torney fees. Mrs. Schoenernan appeal­ ed to a Jury, and It found again for Mra. Smith, and Mrs. Schoenernan paid the costs and qu it V To Head-Off a Headache Nothing It Bettor than Dr. M ile»’ Anti-Pain Pill* They Give Relief Without Bed After-Effects. "I can say that Dr Miles’ Rem edles hava been n godsend to ms and my family. 1 usod to have such terrible headaches I would a l­ most be wild for day* at a time. I bcnan using Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills and never have those hend- aches any more. I can speak highly of Dr. Mile*- Nervine also for It cured one of my children of a terrible nervous disorder. I can always speak a a"od word for your Rem­ edies and havs recommended them to a food many of my friend* who have been well pleased with them.” MRS. G E O H. BRYAN, s Janesville, Iowa. Fer Sal* by All Druggists. 25 Dos**, 25 Cents. M IL IS MEDICAL CO., glkhsrt. Ind. **L . t