* TIÏE FALLS CITY NEWS MAY *2», UUf> fRELIGIOrSCIENTinC SKETCHES HUM AN / PROGR 36C6CÛC26C ir ■ C R E A T IV E D A Y S B ì T H E "Â L M IG H T Y 7XlU>QO~ *♦0.000 VU» POUND A DESERT: FUTURE IS DARK THE SEVENTH DAY OB EPOCH In th is p resen tatio n , we a re follow ing a line of th o u g h t which seems to be grow ing In acceptance am ong Bible s tu d e n ts We a re living In the S ev en th C reativ e Epoch, or D ay—th a t began w here the S ixth D ay closed, a fte r C od had c re a te d Adam Ui Ills own Im age a n d likeness —O eu esis 1:20. 27. God th e re rested from Ills w ork—from creatin g He fo re knew th e perm ission of Sin an d its d ire effects upon bum aulty. H e foreknew the step s li e would ta k e In providing ultim ately a R edeem er fo r th e race, and th a t th e R edeem er would select a little com pany of believers, figuratively sty le d the Bride of C h ris t To th is R edeem er an d U is B ride, God Inteuded to give th e dom inion, control o f E a rth God purposed th a t M essiah's K ingdom of R ighteousness should e v en tu a lly u p lift th e willing an d o b ed ien t from Sin an d D eath conditions. G od retted from H is w ork o f c re a tiu g In th a t H e did not a c ­ tively em ploy H is P o w e r to o v erth ro w Sin and u plift m auklud God rested th e m a tte r In th e b an d s o f th e R edeem er, Jesu s, to be accom plished th ro u g h Ills sacrifice for sins an d Ills glorious Reign fo r th e release of m an k in d from Sin an d D eath. T he C hurch, G od's new creatio n of th is rett period. Is H eavenly, not e a rth ly ¿—2 C o rin th ian s 5:17; H e b re w s 3:1; 4:1-4. It Is claim ed th a t, according to th e Bible chronology, six th o u sa n d y e a rs from A dam b a re a lread y p a sse d If so, the th o u sa n d y ears of M essiah's R eign, w hich Is to close th e g reat S eventh E poch-D ay, is n e a r a t b a n d A ccording to th is b e a u tifu l th eo ry , th e w ork of M essiah In H is th o u sa n d -y e a r R eign soon to begin will com plete the Crea tion. N ot only will th e race be bro u g h t to hum an perfection, b u t In cid en tally m an w ill have o b tain ed th e needed experience In resp e c t to good a n d evil. M eantim e, also, th e E a rth will be g rad u ally com ing to a sta te o f p erfectio n —P a ra d ise restored w orld-w ide Both h u m an p erfection an d th e perfection of the E a rth w ere fittingly re p re se n te d In Eden, w hen A dam w as In his M a k e r's Im age—a K ing J w ac. SAVE T H IS COUPON. IT 18 W ORTH F IV E CEN TS. N o . 8. ___________ S end th is coupon w ith elev en oth er« from thle paper, each b e a r­ in g a d i f f e r e n t n u m b e r , a n d 16 c e n t s In s t a m p s f o r p a c k i n g a n d p o s t ­ a g e . t o t h e I N T E R N A T I O N A L B I B L E S T U D E N T S A S S O C I A T I O N . D e p t G. 124 C o l u m b i a H e i g h t s . B r o o k l y n . N. Y., a n d r e c e i v e F R E E a c o p y o f “ B I R T H ­ D A Y S O « M Y F R I E N D S . ” p r i c e 75 c e n t s T h i s b e a u t i f u l b o o k fa p u b l i s h e d to d o g o o d —n o t flor p r o f it It c o n t a i n s a n a p p r o p r i a t e S c r i p t u r e t e x t a n d c o m m e n t f o r e v e r y d a y In t h e y e a r , w i t h s p a c e s f o r a u t o g r a p h s o p p o s ite , etc . H a n d ­ s o m e l y b o u n d , g ilt e d g e s S a m p l e o n d i s p l a y a t t h e office o f t h i s p a p e r Neutrality ( Continued from page 1 ) To Caesar A. Rodney. FIRMNESS; ARE WE LACKING . . . Their (the English) mer­ A reputation for firmness is a chants established among us the valuable asset, not only for an bonds by which ouf own are indù ¡dual, blit for a nation also. chained to their fe d and the There was a time when an order banking combinations interwoven or ultimatum issued by the United with the whole, have shown the States government was taken se­ extent of their control. . . This is the British influence to which riously by other nations, knowing ! am an enemy, and which we Uncle Samuel was always ready must subject to our government to enforce bis demands. This or it will subject us to that of j reputation has, hertofore, kept Great Britain. This was written in March, i her at peuce with the world and 1815. It was prophetic. E. K.) yet command respect. During the civil war the French invaded Mexico against the pro­ tests of the United States. When the war was over and America had control of the seas and her armies were ready to he turned Into Mexico the French promptly retired. In the boundary dispute be- Every Second Man In the Coun­ teween Great Britain and Vene­ zuela the former proceeded against try Is Now a Reiugaa. the latter in defiance of the ex­ pressed wish of America until PEOPLE IN WANT OF FOOD. 1’resident Cleveland sent his Ven­ ezuela message, ' ‘Arbitrate or tight." 'I he British chose the for­ R o b e r t C r o z ie r L o n g M a k e s E x t e n d e d mer. T o u r o f C o u n t r y e n d F in d » G re e t Germany hoisted her flag over D e v a s t a t io n and Much S u f f e r in g . T e lle E x a c t l y W h a t H e H a » S e e n a n d the customhouse of Venezuela W h a t P e o p le Fa ce . against the expressed wish of London.—B obert C rozier Long, an- i America. President Roosevelt as­ tlior an d special correspondent. 1ms sembled our w hole fleet at Guan- w ritte n an account of tils extended tamo, then requested Germany to to u r o f th e w ar d e v astated district» of haul down her flag. The request Roland. In It lie say s: '“ F iu ls P olonlae,' K osciusko's epl was complied with. Huerta shook his fist at the tap h on bis country, has been real- | Ized. American flag. President Wilson "A to u r o f cen tral nnd south I’olaud ordered him to salute it. Huerta a n d th e Polish p a rts of G alicia con- laughed in his face. Today Huer­ Vinces m e o f th at. I visited all the j ta is an honored guest of this c h ief to w n s nud m any villages, or ruins of villages, tu 10.000 squure m iles country. o f country lying betw een tbo Austro- During the present European G erm an Hues and the Vlstulu tn a war, England has seized American sem icircle from the ltzuru to th e Nida. i i visited ulso the basin of th e D uuajec ships on the high seas carrying an d W illoka, the th e a te r o f th e sau non-contraband goods, holding g u iu ary M ay day ou tb reak . T he couu- 1 them contrary to International try is a desert, the hom o of nom ads 1 g o t my first glim pse of it ou th e laws and against the protest of Bzuru, w est of W arsaw , w here during the United States. n fo u r m onths' artille ry duel every j Protest after protest has been h a b ita tio n has disappeared. sent to Germany in regard to the “ I reach ed this b a ttle frout first a fte r d usk an d from uu o b servation tow er rights of neutral ships on the high saw th e re m n an ts w ere g au n t, erect seas. pillars. T h is Is typical of b u rn t out It is hinted that our battleship Poland. A stre e t o f fram e cottages, o ften stra w thatched, catches lire from fleet in its cruise around the world th e first shell an d only ugly row s of was permitted, (by Japan) to go brick chim neys a re left. “ Iso lated facto ries all have becu de­ to the Pacific Ocean only on the stroyed. m ostly by a irm en 's bom bs on assurance that it would be out of th e suspicion th a t they w ere staff h e ad q u arters. T h irty villages eith er that ocean by a fixed date. That w ere burned or blown up. peace with Japan to this date has “T he governor of Rndoin assu red me been secured by the present ad­ th a t in bis province 50U villages bud been burned. R efugees assu re me th a t ministration and war averted by In a circle ex ten d in g th irty m iles the assurance that America would aro u n d Lodz only five villages w ere speedialy retire from the Philip­ spured. “ P o lan d 's population Is suffering as : pine Islands. no E uro p ean s have suffered since th e ; There is certainly a reason for T h irty Y ears' w ar. E v ery second m an j such a change in the attitude of is a refuge. W arsaw has 00,000 re fu ­ gees, n th ird o f th em Jew s. In Radon, j nations toward the United States, I found 15,000 refugees, in K lelce 20,- \ and there is reason to view it with 000. alarm. On the frontier in early “ A W arsaw rab b i assu red m e th a t 100,000 Je w s from th e tow ns of Lodz, days a man was respected accord­ P lo trk o w an d L o w k z a re w ithout ing to the size of his six-shooter hom es. M any refu g ees still tra m p the and his disposition to use it. This roads, begging despairingly from peo­ ple them selves beggars. M any thou holds good with nations as well. der, to restrain our citizens from embarking individually in a war in which this country takes no part; to punish severely those persons, citizens or aliens who shall usurp the cover of our flag for vessels not entitled to it, in­ fecting thereby with suspicion those of real Americans and com­ mitting us to controversies for the redress of wrongs not our own. Mr. H s m * Ssshsr [ C O M I TO TALL« CITY. O R E G O N a n t Buy O rohsrd Land Notice to News Subscribers A b l u e * p t n o l l o r u e e m a r k o n « h ie n o l l o o m o n n e «ho« y o u r o u b o o r t » - I «lo I nootfo f i x i n g D o I« n o w . FALLS CITY MARKET REPORT Flour, per »nek $1.85, $2. $2 10 Bacon, per pound 20-22 cents Hants, per pound 22-cents Picnic ham*, per pound 15-ctnts Choice Dairy butter 26-cents; Hull 50 cents. Creamery, per pound 85 cents; Roll 70-ceot*. Kgge, p»-r iloini 18-cents Coffee, per pound 26 to 46 cents Sugar, 18-p mud for $1 00 Beans, small white, per pound , 8 cents L h d, per 6-Mi pail 86 cents; per 10-0» pal I I 05 Pntslii. m , p, r piiiiml 2) * * l- Food Wheat, per bus he $1 80 Bran, per sack 11 16 Shorts, per sack $1 75 Barley, Midd per mi k $2 26 Rolled Barley, p*r sack $1,75 Alfalfa meal, per 100-!be $1 75 Post Office Time Card Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Mail arrives, from Salem 900 a in . 5:46 p m. Dallas, P oo a M . 6:46 p M Portland and Dallas train No. 351, 1 : A M. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. Mail closes for: Salem, 8.50 A.M., 1 P. M. and 6 P. M. Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5 P. M. Portland-Dallan train, 358, 1 P.M Black*Rock, 11 A. M. S unday O nly Office hours: 9:30 to 10:110 a.m: Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 a. in. Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. m. Effective May 13, 1915. I k a C. M k h k u n g , Postmaster For Rent—Dwelling house. Ap­ ply at News office. authoiized act of Great Britain Extra copies of The News are into a war in which we meddle printed each week, and will be sent not and which we wish to avoid to any address desired, postpaid, if justice to all parties and from for 5 cents per copy. all parties will enable us to avoid it In the case where we found ourselves obliged by treaty to withhold from the enemies of Woman Finally Recover« France the right to arm in our To Thos. Pinckney, Sept., 1793 From Nervous Breakdown ports, we thought ourselves in . . . The loss of our produce Impoverished nerves destroy many justice bound to withhold the eopie before their time. Often be- destined for foreign markets, or same right from France also, and fc ore a sufferer realizes what the san d s a re huddled In th e to tte rin g fra g ­ trouble is, he is on the verge of a we did it. Were we to withhold j that loss which would result from m ents o f cottages, w hile 10.000 are complete nervous breakdown. It IMPORTANT NOTICE from her supplies of provisions, ) an arbitrary restraint of our mar­ sh iv erin g In the abandoned tren ch es is of the utmost importance to keep n d te rra c e d R ussian dugouts a t Ska- I We have never before sold a rem­ your nervous system in good con we should in like manner be kets is a tax too serious for us to a ryszom . dition, as the nerves are the source bound to withhold them from her acquiesce in. It is not enough Mrs. Rosa “ I m et m any refugees w ithout food edy with the QUICK action of simple of all bodily power. enemies also, and thus to shut to for a nation to say we and our or m oney and m ostly III clad. N ear buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as Bonner, 825 N. 18th St., Birming strow lee w as a d reary procession of mixed in Adler-i-ka, the appendicitis ham, Ala., says: ourselves all the ports of Europe friends will buy your produce. ! O men in thick sheepskin coats w ithout ! T have been suffering with nerv­ where corn is in demand. This We have a right to answer that o th er clothing, w om en in m en's trou- j preventative. ONE SPOONFUL re­ ous prostration for nine or ten lieves sour stomach, gas and consti­ is a dilemma which Great Britain it suits us better to sell to their sers an d ch ild ren In dresses Im provised I pation AT ONCE. M L. Thompson, years. Have tried many of the best doctors in Birmingham, but they alt enemies as well as their friends. from shaw ls. has no right to force on us, and failed to reach my case. I w o u lJ druggist. "S uch Is P o lan d ’s p re s e n t T he fu- j feel as if I was smothering: finally for which no pretext can be Our ships do not go to France to tu re will be even w orse. T he country. J I went int o convulsions. M My l little return empty, they go to ex­ ravaged and irreclaim able, begins to found in any part of our conduct. girl saw List of Letters She may indeed feel the desire change the surplus of our pro­ resem ble th e prim eval H nrm atlan Dr. Mile«’ Nervine w aste. Roads, fo rests and even fields Remaining uncalled for in this duce for surpluses of other kinds of starving an enemy nation, but advertised in the papers and f at have vanished. oftice fur the w ek ending May once began to take It. I continued she can have no right of doing it which they can spare and we “T h e roads w hich have been repair- ! 22, 1915. to take it for some time and now I want, and which they can furnish ed c an n o t bring food to civilians, for at our loss or of making us the am well.” L a dibs , all a re crow ded by parallel tra n sp o rt on better terms and more to our instruments of it. If you are troubled with loss of ns. T h e fields w ere destroyed Nellscn, Mrs. Nellie mind than Great Britain, or her colum appetite, poor digestion, weakness, by tra n sp o rt and artillery train s, Extracts from the Third Annual M es­ G entlem en . inability to sleep; if you are in a friends. We have a right to w hich, finding th e roads too narrow , general run down condition and sage of Thomas Jefferson (Ford Hestler, John spread rig h t and left, o b literatin g judge what market best suits us, unable to bear your part of the Ed. V III, 272) October 1803. s. Lynch, It. T, daily grind of life, you need some­ and they have none to forbid us farm “ W in te r g rain w as not sow n, and thing to strengthen your nerves. Waltrip, II. B. 1) Let it be our endeavor, as it You may not realize what is the mat­ th ere Is no seed g rain fo r spring. Te James Madison, (1785.) These letters will l.a sent to the ter with you, but that is no reason is our interest and desire, to cul­ “T he w orst, because It is Irrem edia­ tivate the friendship of the bel­ Nothing will bring the British ble, is th e fo rest d estruction. Home dead Utter office June 8, 1915 why you should delay treatment. ligerent nations by every act of to reason hut phyaicial obstruc­ woods h av e been hew n w holesale to if not delivered before. In calling Dr. Mile«’ Nervine * m ake cau sew ay s th rough m orasses, justice and incessant kindness, tion applied to their bodily senses. som e to pave roads, som e to m ake a for the above, please say “Adver­ has proven its value in nervous dis­ orders for thirty years, and merits receive their armed vessels with We must show that we are cap­ clea r field fo r a rtillery , som e shelled to tised,” giving date of list. a trial, no matter how many other bits because they afforded sh e lte r for able of foregoing commerce with remedies have failed to help you. hospitality, but to administer the I k a C. M e h k l i n o , P. M, troops, gome drenched w ith petroleum Sold b y s il d ru g g ists. If first bo ttls means of annoyance to none. To them, before they will be capable and burned. T his fo rest devastation fa lls to bsneftt y o u r m s n s y Is rstu rn sd . Get your butter wrappers print-1 establish in our harbor such a po­ of consenting to an equal com­ m eans fo r P oland g en eratio n s of beg- [ M I L E S M E D I C A L . C O . , E lk h a r t , In * . ed at ths News office. gary.’ lice as may maintain law and or­ merce. V I