Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 08, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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( I n h u m a n progress ^
“And God made firo great light», the greeter light to rule the
d a ; and the lesser light to rule the ulgbt,”
It Is not necessary to suppose that the Sun and the Moon
were created after our Earth
Instead there Is a much more
reasonable way of viewing the matter. The Sun. the Moon and
the Stars were created long before, but had never, up to this
time, cast their light upon the Earth because of the Uupenetra
ble veil which canopied i t
The appearance of the Sun and the Mooo on the Fourth Day
Implies that another ring broke at that time and precipitated Its
great mass of water and mineral upon the E a rth Great gullies
were washed between the mountains.
The atmosphere, heavily charged with carbon, was very fa
vorable to the development of plant life.
It la supposed that the Earth still bad considerable heat tn Its
crust, that oceans were warm and highly carboniferous, aud
that the air was surcharged with carbon to the extent that no
breathing animal could have existed. Hut those very conditions
were extremely favorable to gigantic growths of vegetatlou
This giant vegetation presumably passed Into a condition
resembling that of the peat-beds of our day. These beds of
Incipient coal afterwards came under great pressure, as oue
sfter another the rings of Earth came down In deluges, burying
vegetation under slimy deposits. Our coal-delds are the result.
We are not to assume that the Sun and the Moon sboue on
the earth then as now But they were discernible even through
heavy banks of fog and carbon laden atmosphere. Tbe tntlu
ences of the Sun and the Moon were uecessary to prepare for
higher forms of plant and animal life.
We may as properly lay stress on tbe word rule as on tbe
word made I d this text. God caused the Sun to rule the day aud
the Moon to rule the night Besides, symbolically. It Is claimed
that the Moon represents the Law Covenant rule, and tbe Sun
tbe New Covenant rule.
■ nw si .
No. 5.
n ------- w
Send this coupon with eleven others from this paper, each bear­
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age. to the IN T E R N A T IO N A L B I B L E S T U D E N T S A S S O C IA T IO N . K ept O.
Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. N. Y.. and reewive F R E E a copy o f " B I R T H -
DAYS O F M Y F R I E N D S .” price .» c e n ts. T h is b ea u tifu l book la published to
do good—not for profit. I t c o n ta in s an ap p ro p rl ite S c rip tu re i*-xt OAd
for every day In the year, w ith sp a ces fo r a u to g ra p h s opp< ;e. e tc Hand­
somely bound; gilt edges Sa m p le on d isp lay a t th e utUce o f this paper
Opening Day at Panama-Pacific Expo­
sition Broke All Exposition
Attendance Records
LL attendance records for expo­
sitions were broken at the open­
ing of the Panama-Pacific Inter­
national Exposition In San Francisco
on Feb. 20. Vast crowds thronged the
grounds when President Wilson press­
ed tbe button In Washington, and each
day since tbe attendance has been enor­
mous. The huge buildings and beau­
tiful thoroughfares bummed with ac­
tivity and have continued to do so.
The Exposition has already demon­
strated at this early date that it will
be a great success in every way.
Left to Right Are Shown the Pai»ce of Education,
Palace of Liberal Arts and Tower of Jew els.
Notice to Eletric Light Users
Good fiouse for *ale in Falls
City, p art time. Enquire ut News
SENIORS SP EN T S1.079.111.
Diffsrsncs In Expsnsss of Hichsst and
Poorsst Yals Studsnts.
New lluven - llie members of the
Yale oluss of 1015 will gel their diplo­
mas lu Juue at u lotal coat of $1,071».
l i t , according lo the expense accounts
of the men who gave the figure» In
their |iersouul atutistks published iu
the Yale News.
The llgures show the great difference
lu the llimuclal resources of the men
who go to Yale ami testify lo tlie
eouiiuued existence of democracy there.
I11 frcslimuu year, which Is the most ex ­
pensive. the most affluent man spent
$1.S(X>, while the most frugal got his
edueatlou for a cash outlay of $200.
IVrh.tps due to pareulal conferences
over frvsbmau year's expense uccouuta
or to the Uuancu.1 depression, the rich­
est urau In sophomore year spent but
$2.XUO. while the poorest uiuu spent
$200 «‘ash. The average for the year
was $1.07(1 a urau. Last year the aver­
age extieusen a man were $1.H>(1. lmll
vidua I expenses vurytug from $ 1,000
to $200. This year the rlehest mau
ex|a.H-ls to s|>eud a total of $3,100 au>l
the poorest mau $250.
|.> I c advised by Id» wlte of a serious
leflrlt lu tbe pantry neither flour nor
meal. Ilundley'a horses were nut »hod.
the »list and Ice were too rough for
the animals, the family's strong box
was empty, and the farmer r e s id e d six
tulles from town.
But John met the emergency
constructed a lurge alisi, hitched nine
fox lumnda to It. loaded on live busbel»
of »lock pen» ami hit tbe trail for Cam
den A fier a couple of hour»’ rr«t
Hundley returned home, the dog» pull­
ing a bag of meal and a barrel of flour
thruiiyb the snow
Demooratlo Blunders
(Continued from page 1)
Flour, per »ack
42. 42 10
Bacon, per pound 20-22-ctnls
Ham», per pound 22-coiits
Picnic hams, per pound Ifi.eint»
Choice Dairy butter 25-crn ls;
Roll .Ml-cenln,
Creamery, per pound !l.r> cent»;
Roll 70-oenU.
Egg», per dosen 18-oenta
Coffee, per pound 20 to 45-ccnts
Sugar, 13-p mud for $1.00
Beans, »mall white, per pound
8 cents.
Lard, per <
r»-lb pail 85-cent»; per
10-11) pail *1 (15.
Potatoes, per pound 2-cei,ta
vessels to carry our products to
foreign m arkets.”
Y et although they fully realized
Wheal, per bushel $| 80
the tremendous importance of this
Bran, per sack $1.15
measure which they suit! involved
Short«, per sack $1 75
millions iif dollars, they lucked the
Barley, Mold per sack $2 25
foresight to consult their own At­
Boiled Bariev, p*r ««ok $1,75
torney General as to the possibility
Alfalfa meal, p^r hXI !b» $1 75
of enacting it into law. They had
PIED PIPER ENOUGH "PIE.” a vague idea of what they want­
Quits Rat Catching Whan Hs Buys a ed. adopted a vague method of
Post Office Time Card
trying to secure it, and by care­
Galveston. Tex.—Charles Itertollua. less guess.work threw the whole
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­
the Galveston I'ieO I’lper, lias turned
lu his budge aud will not be seen catch m atter into the courts.
day, 8 a.m. to 11.30 p.m.
lug rats along tbe water front und the
Furthermore, even if the prin­
beach for some time. Charles Is the ciple of discrimination had not
Mail arrives, from
champion rat catcher of Galveston.
Salem 8.50 a.m , 5:H5 p.m.
For the past several mouths he has boon questioned by the Attorney
been taking the rodents ut the rule of General the provision was so clum­
Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50
2,000 per mouth.
sily drafted that three different
Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 a in,.
For this service he received the regu­
lar prlee paid for ruts and In addition interpretations have been placed 1 p id ami 5:00 p. m.
was given a bonus of $10 provided he upon it. Counsel for the imfwr-
Mail close» for Dallas 9:00 a. m .
caught as many us l.ooo lu thirty days.
ters claimed one interpretation, and f>:00 p. m.
When Charles beguu Ids career as a
rat catcher be auid he would i|u!t when government attorneys
Muil closes for Black Rock 11:00
be had made enough money lo buy a another, and the Board of General
a. in.
boat and a gasoline engine. Recently
Appraisers furnish a third differ­
be made the purchase and then up
Mail arrives from Klack Rock 2
IH-ared at the health offlee aud laid ent from all.
p . ID .
down his commission.
During the debate in Congress
The latest record made by Charles
S unday O n ly
this provision. Republican mem-
was 1.02S ruts In sixteen days. For
Mail arrives from Salem , 8:50
these be was paid ut the rate of 8 aud liers repeatedly warned the Dem­
j 10 cents each and given a bonus of $IO ocrats that, quite apart from its a. m.
Mail closes for Salem , 9:00 a. m.
j ixilicy, its phraseology was mean­
hours: Sunday only, 9:30
ingless and should be corrected to
to 10:1)0 a.m ;
become elective.
Effective September 4, 1914.
It was so much breath wasted.
I ka C. M EH RUMO, Postmaster
Th° majority stubbornly refused
to accept either caution, sugges­
tion or amendment. The result
Walter L. Tooie, J r ., Lawyer,
has been that this very im|x>rtant Dallas, Oregon.
clause has thus far proven mere
For Rent— Dwelling house. Ap­
useless verbiage, except to cause
litigation and expense to all con­ ply at News office.
Washington.—The value of American cerned. About the only purixise
Correspondents wanted in every
I cotton exports lias t>eeii cut in hulf and
in Ibis section »1 trie
the shipments o f wheat and flour have
j nearly trebled during the eight months
I of the present fiscal year, ending with of Democratic legislators have
February, which period embraces the
made it impossible for them to put
flrst seven months of tbe Kuropoau
their own ideas into effect.
war, when compared with tbe corre­
Wheat and Flour Nearly Tre­
bled In Last Fiscal Year.
------ -
sponding period of tbe year before.
The value of the cotton cx|>orta for
Ahboob Bil Bryan
the eight month period ending with
Ahboob Bil Bryan (may his jaw have
last February was $243.1100.000 against
$ 198,000.000 for the same mouths of
the year previous, »bowing a loss of Awoke one midnight from a dream­
$255,000,000. The wheat and Hour ex
ing fest
ports Jumped from $100,200,000 to And in the alcove where he kept his
$288,000,000. a gain of $1.81.800.000.
Meat and dairy products gained only
$11,000,000, increasing from $102,700,- Likewise his grape-juice and some
other drinks—
000 to $114,300,000.
The vulue of
horses showed a big gain in cornpnrl i He saw un angel in a nighty clad,
sou will) I be year before, tbe Increase Who banged a battered Remington
being from $1,800,000 to *32.000.000.
like mad.
A comparison of tbe value of tbe priu
clpnl exports during tbe eight months Excessive speech had made Bil Bryan
of the tbit flaggl year and the IMA
fiscal year, tbe latter period embracing So in his deep Chautauqua voice he
1 the flrst seven months o f the war, as*
furnished by the bureau of foreign n»d
“ What typest thou?” The Vision
domestic commerce. Is ns follows:
snarled, “ Go hence!
Com m odity.
Cotton ................................. MW,900,000 1243.900.000 I write the names of future pres­
W h eat and flo u r............. 106,‘JA1.0U0 288,000.000
M eat and d airy prod-
u c ts .................................... 102.700,000 114.300.000
is mine one?” asked Ahboob,
f lo r ie s .................................
"Nope, not yet,”
C otton m a n u fa c tu re s .. 34,800.000 42,700.0no
H arn ess and sa d d le s..
1,600/100 17.1*10.0)))
C ars and c a rria g e s , all 83.600,000 31.700,000 R plied the writing Angel.
should fret.”
17,600,000 22/100.000
C h em icals, d ru gs, etc.
Upper le a th e r ................. 14 *>0.000 30,800/100
4.100/00 12.300.000 And Ahboob, though his inmost soul
E x p lo siv es .......................
».mooo 12.100.00U
C otton seed oil .................
was vext,
C om m ercial
st swallowed hard and muttered,
bllea ..........................
B oots, shoes, slip p e rs.. 12,300.000 12,900,000
“ Put me next.”
W oollen m a n u fa c tu re s
3,100.000 17 400,000
4.700/100 LA 000,000 The Angel wrote and beat if. The
Sole leathf r ...................
Refined su g a r .................
1,300,000 19,000,000
next night
»O0.000 3.900,000
M ules ...................................
Copper and m an u fac-
He came illumined by a tungsten
ture.4 ................................. 96.100 Q
UO 68.000/100
L u m ber
UO 22,000/100 And guve to Ahboob, with n loud
m a n u fa c tu re s
........... 68.400 Q
A gricu ltu ral i m p l e -
m en ts ............................... 20 .800 000
M ineral oils ..................... 99 700,000 86.000,000 A carbon copy of his screed, and—
6,800.000 I Gee!
N aval sto re s ................... 13,900.000
P assen g er au to m ob iles 14,900,000
7.600, OflO
C o a l ...................................... 42.200,000 86.800,000 Bil Bryan’s name stood first of any
Iron and steel m anu-
fa c tu re s ............. ....... .. 1
17.700 uuo 12,300,000 Among the list of famous Also-rans.
E le c tric a l m ach in ery
T o b acco and rnanufnc-
tu res .................................. 43,100.000 32,300,000
—T. R. in The Conning Tower.
All persona owing the Falls City
Electric Light Co. for service prior
Read ou.r subscription proposi­
to April 1, 1914, will please pay
on pagt three.
the amount to D. L. Wood at The
News office.
FO R S A L .K — Victor talking nia-
«.arder Empty, Horses Unshod, Dogs
¡chine. $10 w ill buy a Victor talk-
Filled the Gap.
Get your butter wrappers print- j ing machine » itb 10 records. Can
Camden. Tenn.—John Hundley, a
| farjper. awoke ope moiuing recently
ed a t the News office,
( be seen atiNew^ office.
Extra copies ol The News are
printed each week, and will he sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
| for 5 cents per copy.
We have never before sold a rem­
edy with the QUICK action of simple
buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as
mixed in Adler-i-ka, the appendicitis
preventative. ONE SPOONFUL re­
lieves sour stomach, gas and consti­
pation AT ONCE. M L. Thompson,
A Nervous Woman Finds
Relief From Suffering.
Women who suffer from extreme
nervousness, often endure much
suffering before finding any relief.
Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Tiffin, O.,
had such an experience, regarding
which she says:
"S ix month» I
was bedfast with
nsrvous prostra­
tion. I had sink­
ing spells, a cold,
clam m y feeling,—
could not stand
t h •
no lea. A t times
I would almost
My hus­
band Insisted on
my taking Dr.
Miles’ Nervlns, and I begun to Improve
before 1 had flnlahed the first bottle
until I was entirely cured."
2«2 Hudson St.. Tiffin, Ohio.
Many remedies are recommended
for diseases of the nervous system
that fail to produce results because
they do not reach the seat of the
trouble. Dr. Miles’ Nervine has
proven its value in such cases so
many times that it i t unnecessary
to make claims for it. You can
prove its merits for yourself by
getting a bottle of your druggist,
who will return the price if you
receive no benefit
E lk h art