THE FALLS CITY NEWS. MAY 8. 191f> 2 professional darte $hrJFallß (£iti| Nrim* I’ll Y fllt'l AN ................... “ r— D. L. WOOD A SON Publishers. Ent*r*4 «««totH) uia«s tuall at th* poaloffior at rail« City. Polk Counts. Oregon, aud*r Xbr A t* of CV'OgroM of Marvb 3. 1ST» Telcphste Ntws Office. S3. — - - --------------------------------------- ............................... ■■ --------------------- F. M. HELLWARTH PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON 1-Pound Royal Club Coffee Olfiett mitt door east of I*. O. OftU’a T he C ouncil m eets in reg u lar session on th e first an d th ird Tueaday n ig h ts of each m o n th , a t 7 80 o'clock, in the office of th e F alls City News S a tu r d a y . M ay 8. 1915 W. P. Lewis, ex-City Marshal retires with a record of having been the best officer the city ever had. If it is consistent for individuals and corporations to furnish food and munitions of war to the allies, by the same token it is consistent for the Germans to destroy it be­ fore it reaches its destination. ||> Q,.u Fall« i'lty , O r t ig o ti »110111000 Carte 3*Pound Can For $1.00 HOT Kl. jfa llô C itç lb o t c l Sample Roams Bast A c c o m m o d a t i o n s Copy for new ads. a n d changes should be sent to The News not later th a n W ednesday. OJTICXAL DIRECTORY 0 T FALLA CITY H. J. Griffin. Mayor. R. M. W ouderly. C ouncilm an a t Large P h illip G ottfreid H. C. Brown. C. J. Bradley. C ouucilm eu I. G. Singleton. C. L. H opkins, R. A. Titua. C. E. M cPberren. A uditor an d Police Judge W alter L. Toose Jr.. City A ttorney. Pat M urphy. M arshal an d W ater Supt St. L. T hom pson. T reasurer Dr. F. M. H ellw arth. H ealth Officer. aii «| Kuttiiivucr Phone3GH for 35c, or S u b s c rip tio n R a ta s : O n e ro a r . 11.00; s ix m o n th s. 60 c a n ta ; th r e e m o n th « . 26 c a n ts ; s in e la c o p y . 6 eta. A d ra rtia in f Rates D isplay, 16 cauls a n inch . B usiness Notices. 6 can ts a l i n e . For Sale, Rent. E xchange. W ant an d Pay E n te rta in m e n t No ttcea. 5 eta. a lin e. C ard of T h an k s SOcts Lega Notice«, legal rates. — f . O r a s s e . P r o p r ie to r Through the pleading of the merchants the roasters have allowed one more month in which to sell Royal Club Coffee at the above reduced prices HAKi.KIt SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops Folio C ity, Oregon Shtrt you css f«t a i h m . Heir Cut. Beth er ‘Shlst’ Itesi 1er Pelles ilteis Leusdry Hu nt il «* L u Vhu n t o t i 1 ti f i t i « ) « v e i l i n g MONUMENT» Falls City Lui nber Cor npany Sto re .V i THE POLITICAL SITUATION - H - H -H - H -H - !i Washington, May 5.—The Na­ tional campaign of 1916 has al­ ready begun. Democrats—both deserving and desiring—have re­ Popular voting contests are always the source nominated and reelected the Pres­ of much dissatisfaction. A big prize is offer­ ident; and half a score of Republi­ ed and of course only ONE can win and the can “ favorite sons” are emerging others naturally feel sore that all their time, into the presidental arena. energy and money goes for naught so far as The personal phase of the can­ they are concerned. Then the newspaper vass, however, is not yet acute— putting on the contest is the loser. They nor will it become so for many have to give the bulk of the amount collect­ months. That the President will THE NEW COUNCIL ed to some company promoting contests and receive a renomination is certain. The new members of the coun­ He wants it, and his power of pa­ have to send the paper to the subscribers at cil have entered in upon their tronage will give it to him. There­ a loss. duties with m u c h enthusiasm. fore, whoever may be the Repub- C. W . M a t t h e w s , Pr o p r i e t o r For the next sixty days we propose to give The policy as outlined by the May­ | lican nominee, the opposition lead- every one the opportunity to get$l in adver­ or is to render a fair and impar­ I ership is settled; and the issues of tising absolutely free. The proposition is tial and economic administration. I the canvass of next year are de­ this: Quit commendable, and it is hoped termined. They are, broadly To N ew S ubscribers : Send $1 to this office that success may crown their speaking, Republicanism against and receive T he F alls C ity N e w s one year efforts, Democracy, Wilson against some and receive credit for $1 in advertising to be In the management of the af­ Republican who is thoroughly rep­ used anytime during the year. fairs of a progressive city like resentative of the party as it is To O ld S ubscribers : Pay up all arrerages this, there is more expense than and has been and will be, the pol­ if there be any. and one year in advance and the average person would imag­ icies and practices of Democratic you will be entitled to an amount in adver­ ine, and if per chance the treas­ administration and legis 1 a t i o n tising equal to the money paid. ury be depleted, some will exclaim: against those of the Republicans. “What in Thunder have they You will want to advertise something during This phase of the next Nations' done with all the money.” the year and in this manner you will get contest is already under discussion. your advertising free. It sometimes happens that peo­ The Republican Publicity Associa­ ple mistake parsimony for econ­ tion is now gathering and distri­ omy. Nothing stands still; you buting information regarding Re­ are either better or worse; you are publican principles. Republican FALLS CITY, OREGON. going forward or backward. In policies, and Republican achieve­ the past year much street improv- ments, with incidental reference, ment has been done, and notwith­ it may be remarked, to the com­ standing the dissatisfaction with parison which may readily be in­ ment. This is an age of inquiry. the carrying on of both public and the quality of the work, we doubt stituted between the Republican The man who wants to know is private business. These are only a few of the if any of the property owners and the Democratic record. more numerous now than ever be­ questions which will be presented affected would accept a release Such an exposition begun now fore. and he wants to knov, why to the people GIVEN QUICK RELIEF before thev register and have the streets placed in the and continued until election day, so m/any of the Democratic cam­ their judgment on the Democratic ( Pain leaves almost condition the were a year ago. will result in a more intelligent paign pledges have been violated; administration of public affairs. as if by magic when you begin using “5- There is much more work needed. verdict at the polls in 1916 than why the present administration That judgment is probably already Drops,” the famousn!r| made up, but the discussion of We can not afford to go backward has ever been taken from the not only abandoned its declared remedy for Rheuma­ these and kindred subjects will tism, Lumbago, Gout, but should do some work each American electorate. There are policy of economy but why it fails render the decision a seasoned one Sciatica, N e u ra lg ia year. no personal elements in the equa­ now to make an excuse for so do­ — which makes all the more likely and kindred troubles. It goes right to thn Street improvement does not tion which must be eliminated. ing; why the diplomatic service that it will be unfavorable to the spot, stop* the aches party in power. add to the general taxes. The The President, of course, and Mr. has bi Jen revised to make places and pains and makes D l i f e worth living. Get cost is paid by the property abbt- Bryan, and McAdoo and Daniels for lib eral contributors to Demo­ i IQ)W JM H a t»ilile of "5-Drops" How's T h i s ? t ^ / i H today A booklet wilh ting and if advantage is taken of and Burleson and the rest remain cratic campaign funds and for We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re­ S ich bottle gives full the bonding act the yearly cost is as constant factors in the problem, “original Bryan men” who have ward for any case of C atarrh th a t d ire c tio n s for use. i cured by H alt's C atarrh cannot k j Don't delay. Demand so small that the benefits derived which is, in its main lines, the de­ no oUher claim upon a Democratic Cure. "5-Drops " Don’t nc- overbalance all costs. termination of how they have administration; why a helpful and F . J . C H E N E Y U CO.. T oledo. O. I cept anything else in e u n d e rsig n e d , h a v e k n o w n F . J place of it Any drug­ However, there are some dan­ dealt with the trust which they productive tariff was destroyed, C h W e e. n ey th fo r th e la e t 15 y eara, an d believe gist can supply you. If you live too far p e rfe c tly h o n o ra b le In a ll buelneee gerous leaks of which the council have administered. ent riling to American industry a him from a drug store seod One Dollar to tr a n s ii- tlo n s a n d fin a n c ia lly ab le to c a r r y y o b lig a tio n s m a d e by h it firm. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co, Newark, has no say. Perhaps, sometime, The answer to this question havx« which even a European o u N t A a T n IO N A L B A N K O F COM M ERCE, Ohio, and a boltle of "5-Drops" will he wr.r has not been able to undo; the scales will fall from the peo­ should turn, in the last analysis, sent prepaid. Toledo. O. the postal and other services H a ll’s C i t a r r h C u re Is ta k e n In te rn a lly , ples eyes and they will arise in upon the candor and accuracy and wny w'hicli touch the people in their a c tin g d ire c tly u p o n th e blood an d m u ­ u s s u r f a c e s o f th e sy s te m T estim o n ial* their might and smite the “ blood­ good temper with which the facts diaily dives have been permitted to co s e n t free. P ric e 75 c e n ts p e r b o ttle. Sold Gel your butter wrappers print ell D ru g g ists. sucking” vampire. are submitted for popular judg- deteric >rate and thus to hamper by T ake ed at the News office. H all s F am ily P ills fo r coosU patioa. F. K. Hubbard surrenders the office of mayor to his successor feeling that he has served the city long and faithfully. Progressive and aggressive, he has always stood for that which he believed to be for the best interests of Falls City. During his regime much good has been accomplished. ! Our Big Contest Now On! Z\x © regen T H E F A L L S C IT Y N E W S , R H E U M A TIG SUFFERERS I