THE TÀLLS CITY NEWS. NM Y t, 1015 4 DEAF MUTE, FIVE, A WONDER. .1 was notlis-d limi when Buster ran FALLS CITY MARKET REPORT through the house he made an mid Though Almovl Blind, St. Louia ta d la sound like pieces o f broken china Jing­ Flour, per sack $1.85, $2, $2.10 Making Remarkable Prograaa. ling One day Mr Nnhser rubbed Bua llncoii, per pound 20-22-C*iil* S t 1.0uW. - Krue-t Smith, live years ter'* «fumarli It Jingled Mania, |*-r pound 22 cent* old. leaf, dumb amt almost blind, was Veterinarian T. A Kragnesa was l'ionio lianni, per pound 16-t:t nt* tnknu from the t'lty ho.-pitul three called and removed nine mnrhlea. years ago. after his mother deserted Choice Dairy butter U0-centa; him. by the Missouri Branch Interna Seagulls at Scautt. Roll 80 canta. tlonal Buushlne society ami Is In a fair Guidon Seagulls, frightened h.T the Creamery, per pound 85-centa; way o f becoming ns remarkable as sudden rising of a German submarine Helen Keller, according to medical uu pertoeop*. arose In a cloud and thus Roll 70-oenta. thoritle*. specialists and Instructors In warned and snved n British cruiser Egg*, per dogali 20-centa the Missouri School For the Blind nnd Wki men o f the North sen fleet Coffee, per pound 20 to 46-centa Thu child, who three years ago was not expeeted to live and who waa do Sugar, 13-pound for $1.00 dared to he mentally defective, la nn Beans, small white, per pound MAY excellent proof of what euro, the prop 8 cent*. er treatment and skilled attention will In May th«» Imivfuot Itoy ap- Lard, per 5-lb pail 85-cents; per accomplish At five years o f age he peara, reminding us o f bygone displays n healthy derotlou to the 10-lb pail $1 05. years when we, too, suffered al' sports Indulged lu by boys of his age I'oiatoee, per pound 2-ceola (he world over mid an alarming Inter the woes o f busting brickbats •st lu the carrying out of mls< hlevous Fati! with our toes. The sweet girl pursuits. Wheat, per bushel $1.80 graduate will come and tell us how Since nn operation performed several Bran, per sack $1.15 months ago. u bleb restored to him In a the world should run. Orations slight measure the use of his left eve. on both war und peace will startle Shorts, per sack $1.75 he has displayed a sense of touch and Barley, M itivi per sack $2 25 M t ’s perception which has sot Ills elders men from Maine to Greece. Boiled Barley, per *aek $1.75 wondering and which lias determined hope the kings will comprehend 'them to secure for hlui the host ad und bring their present strife to Alfalla meal, per 100-'b* $1.75 vantages obtainable to make himself end. other than un ordinary mute. Speaking of war and peace, the lie recognises colors readily. Is able Post Office Time Card to distinguish his Sunday clothes from month o f May seems always to those o f the everyday variety, he Is have taken u pretty free hand in Offico hours: Daily, except Sun­ quick to notice anything new lu the wearing apparel or speech o f the vis­ both: A man named Dewey, you day, 8 a m. to 6.30 p.m. itor In the home lu which be Is being will remember, pulled olT quite a Mail arrives, from cared for. and be makes known bis stunt in Manilla Hay once. It was Naletn 8.60, 5:85 p.m. likes and dislikes In mi emphatic man­ ner In everything, running the gamut May 1. seventeen years ago. The Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50 from foodstuffs to persous. treaty o f Aix lu Chapelle was RELIGIO-SCïFNfinCS THE THIRD DAY OR EPOCH "And God »«Id. Let tbe icater» under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let tbe d r ; land of tbe Earth ap pear; and It was *o And God called the dry land earth; and the gathering together o f the waters called He aeaa. And the evening and tbe morning were the Third I'ay.” Tbe beautiful simplicity of this statement might mislead us Into thinking that tbe gathering together of the oceans and the erection of mountains were works of magic. While Divine op e rat Ions are all great and wonderful, they are usually accorn pllsbed by reasonable methods, called the "course of Nature" And Nature's course must be marked out by Nature's God Tbe ring theory o f Cosmogony Is that several rings had pre ctpltated themselves upon the Earth durlug this Third Epoch Day. These, according to tbe Divine Intention, so Increased the pressure on the crust of tbe Earth as to cause U to buckle or wrinkle. These depressions became ocean beds, and tbe up beavals became mountain ranges Thus was the work o f the Third Day acoompllshed. The waters were gathered Into seas and oceans, the dry land wag upbeaved and begao gradually to drain off In preparation for vegetation This draining must bave required a long time —Genesis 1 :b. 10. We need not assume that all tt>e continents as we now know them were thrown up on tbe Third Epoch-Day. lo all prob ability the American continent was thrown up much later than were Europe, Asia and Africa. Earthquake disturbances to our day bave changed the surface of the land. They give us a reasonable conception o f how the Divine command was execut ed on the Third Day. preparatory to Earth's vegetation. Appropriately we next read: "And the Earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yield Ing fruit." That Is to say. vegetation began on the Third, or Carboniferous Day. though It did r.ot reach its perfection until after tbe tight of the Sun penetrated There are grasses and other vegetation which prosper best in darksome shades signed May 1886. Ji ED SAVE TH IS COUPON. IT IS W ORTH 2, l*i*58. Chicago's HER “ BABY" PAST SEVEN TY. Haymarket riots occurred in May, FIVE CENTS Send till» coupon witn eleven others from Ih l» paper, each bear­ ing a different number, and 16 cents In stamps fo r packing and post­ age to the IN T E R N A T IO N A I. H1BLK F T U D E N T 8 A S S O C IA T IO N . Dept C. 124 Columbia Heights. Brooklyn. N Y . s id receive F R E E a copy o f “ B IR T H ­ D A Y S O F M Y F R IE N D S .“ price 7^ cent- Thin beautiful book le published to do good—not for profit, it con tain » an appropriate Scripture text ar.d comment for every day in the year, with apace* for autographs opposite, etc Han l soroely bound, gilt edges Sample on display at the office o f this paper The war god persuaded Mrs. Breaus, 110. Belisvad to Be Old Diaz it was a good time for him to ast Mother. Thtbodaux. lot. I,u foil retie parish Is to quit Mexico four years ago this boasting o f the oldest mother In the month. Ticonderoga surrendered south. She Is Mrs. Paul Breaux. 110 years old. She has children, grand­ May 10, 1775. The last bloodshed children, great-grandchildren uiid great- of the Civil W ar is said to have great-grandchildren Her descendants been on May 22, 1865, and the In tbe direct line arc so fur estimated at from five to six generations and ex first declaration of war in the cced 1.000. scattered over the eutlre colonies was made May 28, 1072. stup'. These historical facts, however, Her youngest child is In Ids seven ties, mid one o f her children, still llv are mere incidents compared with Ing. Is more than ninety the real battles the little Love God The oldest mother still gets about is framing up all over the world her premises unassisted, nnd while her | eyesight Und been bad. It Is now sutil this month. clently good to permit the threading of Hut why talk of marriage and a needle. She finds pleasure lu getting war, when both fishing and base­ out in her yard and feeding the cbl< k eus mui iHJultry. She was married ball are at hand? I f Europe had when thirteen. three or four good baseball leagues she wouldn't have to go to war to attract attention. And if it was­ n’t for her inter-marriages the ruling heads wouldn’t have so much to scrap over. But we should worry over them; w e’ll let 'em fight it out, and then when devastation is their lot we'll sell 'em everything w e’ve got. So while tis May go sow- the seed to raise the grain the world will Hereford. T e x . - T h is Is to lie ibo need, and while we’re sowing let greatest yeur for stockmen of the south us pray and thank our God for west lu half a century, according to Dr. George A. Llpp of the bureau of U. S. A. BIG LIVE STOCK YEAR FOR 1HE SOUTHWEST Best In Halt a Century, Say> Government EiperL Fountain of Energy When President Wilson Opened the Panama- Pacific Exposition HE Fountain of Energy when the water was released by President Wilson pressing a button at Washington on tbe opening day o f the Panama Pacific International Exposition at Ban Francisco. This fountain Is the work of A. Stirling Calder and la between tbe Tower of Jewels sod tbe main entrance aEBcott street T Get your butter wrappers print­ ed at the News office. Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer, Dallas, Oregon. tf. Good house for rale in Falls City, part time. Enquire at News office. animal Industry o f the department of agriculture, who recently made a tour of parts o f Texas mid New Mexico. "Taken as a whole, lust winter was hard on both cattle mid sheep." says Dr. Llpp. "but the loss lias been coin paratively small, less even than In less severe winters, been use the stockman has learned how to take cure of his stock. They have come to realize that they must feed; that winter range- alone will not produce the income to which they are entitled. “ Cattle and sheep are worth too much these days to lose. Ewes are worth $0.50 a head and wool Is likely to be worth 18 to 22 cents a pound this year. The proa|>ecls for a big spring crop of lambs is better than It has been for a long time. It would take a miracle to prevent the stockman of the southwest making some money this year. There Is very little scab and little Infection on the open range.” Conditions In the western part of New Mexico and In Arizona have not been good, particularly among the Moqul nnd Navajo Indians, who have been heavy losers of sheep from cold weather nnd deep snows The govern­ ment has begun the erection o f wind mills on the Indian reservations o f New Mexico nnd Arizona to foster the live­ stock Industry. BUSTER QUITS JINGLING. Ha Used to Until Doctor Took Marbles From Stomach. C hicago—Buster Is back nt home FOR S A L E — Victor talking ma­ again, romping and feeling much light­ chine. $10 will buy a Victor talk­ er In spirits nnd weight. Buster Is n ing machine with 10 records. Can prize Boston terrier belonging to J. Nnhser. One o f tbe dog’s tricks la to be seen at News office. retrieve n ball thrown by four-year-old Extra copies of The News are Earl Nnhser. Some time ago Karl nnd Buster be­ printed each week, and will be sent gan playing marbles. Earl would lo any address desired, postpaid, throw one and Buster would tear through tbe house after It. But some- for 5 cents per copy. bqw Buster„peyer brought them hack. ASTONISHES FALLS CITY Mail closes for Salem, 0:00 a in,. 1 p. m. and 5:00 p. m Mail closes for Dalla* 0:00 a. in. and 5:00 p. in. Muil closes for Black Bock 11:00 x. m. Mail arrives from Black Bock 2 p. in. S unday O nly Mail arrives from bulem, 8:50 a. hi . Mail closes for Salem, 0:00 a. m. Office hours: Sunday only, 0:30 to 10.150 a.m: Effective September 4, 1014. I ra C. M k h k l in u , Postmaster For Rent— Dwelling house. Ap­ ply at News office. Correspondent«) wanted in every neighborhood in this section ot the c nintry. H o w ’s This? W e offer Ono Hundred DoBara Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall'B Catarrh Cure. F. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business trnnsii' lions and financially able In carry out any obligations mado by Ms firm. N A T IO N A L B A N K O F COMMERCE. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of tho system Testimonials sent free price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family ruts (or constipation. The QUICK action o f buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc. as mixed in Ad- ler-i-ka, the a|)|N-ndicitis preventative astonishes Falls City people. ONE SPOONFUL of this remedy relieves sour stomach, gas und constipation AT ONCE. M.L.Thompson, druggist --------- 4 » • Bead our subscription pnqios - tiou on page three. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice ¡3 hereby given that the undersigned M. L. Thompson, ha3 been duly appointed by the County Court o f the State of j Oregon for the County o f Folk, administrator o f th f estate of W. B. Officer, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having c l a i t nB against the said estate are here­ by required to present them,duly j verified, with the proper vouch­ ers, within six months from the date o f this notice, to the said j administrator, at his drug store: in the city o f Falls City, in said County. Dated and first published, March 27, 1915. M. L. T h o m pso n , Administrator o f the estate of W. B. Officer, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney for administrator. F o r N a u r a lg la , noth ing lo b e t t e r than Dr. M i l e » ’ * Anti-Pain Pills U s o d b y th o u s a n d s f o r a g e n e r a tio n Those who have suffered front neuralgic pain* need not be told how necessary it is to secure re­ lief. The easiest way out of neuralgia is to use Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. They have re lieved sufferers for so many years that they have become a household necessity. "I have taken Dr Miles' Anti Pain Pills for five years and they are the only thing that doe« me any good. They have relieved neuralgia In my head In fifteen mlnutee. I have also taken them for rheumatism, head­ ache, pains In the breast, toothache, earache and pains In the bowels and llmba. I have found nothing to equal them and they are all that la claimed for them." J. W. HEDGE, Blue Bprlnga, Mo. A t all druggists—25 doses 29 cents. Nevsp sold In bulk. « MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart Ind.