THE FALL8 CITY HEWS. MAY 1, 1915 M r. H orn« S t t h t r — C O M E T O FALLS CITY, ONEGO • nd Buy O r o h a r S Land 3 Notice to News Subscribers Calendar— fllaç 1015 Mas. T iki . «fri Than. fri Sat. 1 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 5 II 12 18 19 25 26 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 8 15 22 29 Edison Phonographs $32.00 Up Sold on small monthly pay­ ments. New records always stock. in THOMPSON, Drug Store. _____________ Get a wild blackberry ice cream soda at Ellis'. Ask for scrip. POULTRY BREEDER S. C. Brown Leghorn», Barred Rocke, Mottled' Anconas. English Penciled Indian Runner and Pure White Indian Runner Ducks. Eggs, Day-old Chicks and Ducklings. W M. LEE. Falls City, Oregon. Try Our Ice Creams HARRINGTON D r. W . L. H o llo w a y ChriMaln Church Service on next Lord’s Day at I l a . in , and 7:80 p. in. 'I bo boat allow at the Goui tonight Bible School at 10 A. M. Mr«. Addin Montgomery wont to Morning: ' Salem Tuesday. Theme— “ Elijah.” Junior Endeavor at 3 P. M. Willord llit lit roll was a visitor Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. at Dallas last Sunday. Evening: Thu flag-pole at tbo Kola school Theme— “ The young man in a house was split by lightning Iasi far country who found himself.” nook. A sermon for young people. Loyd Miller visited ul the homo A cordial invitation to everyone. of W. 1). Walker near Gilliam last Sfrangile made welcome. Sunday. B. L. H i c k s , Pastor. A b l u * * p a n o l i o r o * * m m rk o n thl* n o l l e * m e n n i that y ou r * u b * c r l p - l i o n l o tT h * N a w i h a * a s p l r a t f a n d noafl* fining D o II n o w Ssa Hews of Jails (Tit? Henry Fern of near Gilliam wait tianaecting business in this city Tuesday. Mia, Goorgo Reece has gone to Modlurd in hope of benetittmg tier rheums tiain. N. Helig is having liits store building painted. R. Paul la do­ ing the werk. We carry a complete line of F IS H IN G T A C K L E Fishing and Hunting License For Sale. We Qive “ S C R IP " "A mile of Travel for a dollar in Trade Cash J. C. T A L B O T T & C O Free Methodist Church Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Preaching U :00 A . M. Class meeting 1:00 P. M. Evening service 7:30. H. A. W alter , Pastor. R. E. W illiam s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R .G . W hite , President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier W. R. Uinshaw went to Dallas Friday. Bank of Falls City Our ad ou page three tells you Mis* Ella Mehrling le much im­ how you may get $1 worth of ad­ proved. vertising free, Mrs. R. A. Titus was in Dallas Mrs. Geo. Hutheilin and daugh- Thursday. lei visited in Salem Saturday, re­ Mrs. Paul Shepherd is visiting turning Monday. in Portland. The automobiles have come out Mrs. C. L. Hopkins was in Dal­ of winter-quarters and are buzzing las Thursday. around liku busy bees. Mrs. Alvin Rains is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cates of The Homer Links. Dallas Observer motored to Falls Eloyd and Mrs. Seymour drove City Tuesday afternoon, ; to Salem Thursday. C. C. Pugh is building a Logan­ Alvam Rains has secured a posi­ berry manufacturing plant on his tion in Detriot, Mich. lit near the school house. Mrs. L. M. Robinson who lias Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, l ies, been very sick is improving. and other bakery goods, every day B. F. Bdezley has moved his at the Falls City Bakery. family from Newport to Portland. Miss Edith Johnson is attending Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lewis were the annual Sunday School conven­ in Dallas and Independence Tues­ tion al Portland this week. day. Mayor F. K. Hubbard went to W. E. Thomas of Salem was in the city Wednesday putting up a Gilliam Friday to Conduct an es- trny sale. tombstone for Mrs. Harrington. Frank Bradley and family left Mrs. J. 1’ . DeWitte of Monmouth visited her daughter. Mrs. I. G. Wednesday for Panhandle, Texas where he gues to take charge of a Singleton Saturday and Sunday. grain and stock farm. They have Mrs. Emma Uinshaw left Tues­ been here about three years aud day morning lor Portland to visit we regret to see them leave. htr sister, Mrs. Edwards who is The Governor has set May 4-11 very ill. as cleau-up week. Mayor Hubbard The show at the Gem Monday beat him to it in Falls City. How­ night given under the auspices of ever, there are quite a number of the ladies of the Christian church j places that escaped the cleau-up at was well attended. that time and it would be well to Mrs. C. S. O'Brien of Black Rock continue the good work. There is visited her mother, Mrs. J. P. De- nothing that speaks better for a Witte at the Singleton home Sat­ community than to see the streets, urday and Sunday. alleys and yards clean and free C. M. Munson is going around from tin cans and all refuse mat­ on crutches. He slipped off a log ter. Join the Governor in his good last week and as a result lie has a work and clean up badly sprained ankle. The C. W. B. M. Auxiliary take Wanted— Horse to cultivate one this opportunity of making public acre of potatoes. Have one acre acknowledgement of ther indebted­ ness to C. J. Pugh for his kindness to pasture horse on. John Dunn in granting them the free use of on Mark Siddel place the “ Gem” last Monday night, J. L. Brown of near Dallas was’ and they heartily thank him for same. in the city Wednesday? He had Through it their treasury has not been in Falls City before ill six been enriched to the extent of years and was impressed with its $0.15. Chloe A. Seymour, Pres. growth. F alls C it y , P olk C ounty . O rkoon Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Dr. Helwarth is having the foun­ dation laid for a new bungalow to be built near his office on the corner of Main and Second street. R. M. Wouderly his the contract. A bunch o f Dallas baseball players, who for good and suffic­ ient reasons ask that their names be suppressed, went to Falls City last Sunday and there took on the baseball team o f that place, the game resulting in defeat of the county seaters by a score of something like 18 to 8. The rep­ resentative o f The Observer was not sufficiently supplied with paper to accurately take the score. —Observer. Dallas seems to have delin­ quents on the street improvement proposition. The Observer says that a curb constructed on Mill street over three years ago has not been paid for by the property owners. Falls City is not alone after all. J. C. Talbott