è FALLS CITY VOL. XI RUSSIA SEEKING AMERICAN TRADE Manufacturers Are Advised to Go After This New Business. NATION STRONG FINANCIALLY Haionoff, M l m . t . r of Porolgn Affairs, Point* O u t Opportunitio* F o r A m s r - Icona— Mono/ Ones Span! on Vodka N o * Uaod F o r A g r i c u lt u r e — Bank Savings Maks Rooord. Cblcajto.— From its corn*»|xmulntlon. except being a marvel In englutqtring. the road In the Immediate war area, has more Is one o f the most scenic and pictur­ actual money tliau ever before, owing esque In the nest, passing, as It does, to the prohibition of voilku drinking. through lied Buck cauyeo. Dead Man's This Is shown by the I an miry savings canyon and muny other ruouutalo beau­ deposits, » hielt were more for the ty spots. Tbo roud averages eighteen feet In otte monili than for the whole o f the width and Is perfectly crowned and previous year. “ It Is declured III Itusnla that any In­ dralued. Although It offers a succes­ sion o f climbs, so skillfully was tha en­ dependent peace with Austria must In­ gineering work done that heavy gradca volte the questlou of neutral trading have been eliminated, and the motorist with Germany, for at this time Aus la confronted with only one grade as tria us a neutral power friendly to Ger­ high as 0 per cent many might prove more dangerous to Under the Colorado system each con the allies than Austria actively hostile, rlct Is allowed ten days off hts sen­ but disintegrating through defeat. tence for aacb mouth o f labor on the "A separate pence. It Is said, must roads. This la In addition to the utual contain n chiuse giving Ute allies con­ reduction for good behavior. The cost trol during the war of the Austro Ger­ of building many o f the mountain man frontier. In addition, the ulllee roods would be almost prohibitive If cannot guaranteo weakened Austria the state were compelled to construct ugalust attack by Ituly." them under ordinary conditions. The entire country baa reaped the F a rm in g In Belgium, benefits o f Colorado's pioneering be­ Berlin.—The German auttiorltlea In cause It has been able to open to trav Belgium will try to ranke the country elera from all sections o f the country self supporting by raising corn, pota- aome o f Its most splendid mouulaln | toes, etc.. Instead of sugar beets. scenery. Thomas J. Tynan, warden o f the ROYAL PO RTRA ITS FOUND. stole iwnltenttary. under whose super vision tbo work o f the last three yean Prlnesa W h o T a lk s d W ith Chsope end has been done, anys: S aw P y ra m i d » Rita Excavated. "Basing our figures on actual expe Bouton.—Four portrait heads of an­ rieuce, we nre confident that we can cient Egyptian princes, discovered In construct In the next teu years more excavullou o f the royal cemetery at tliau 3.000 miles of the very finest road ^>Us, will be sent to the Boston Mu­ ways for l«>xx than $3UM sni . and this seum o f Flue Arts, according to word without adding anything whatever to the burden o f the taxisiyers. from Dr. George A. Iteisner. In charge "T h e innii who Is allowed to leave o f explorations for the museum In the prtsou fur the road ramp has proc Egypt tlcnllj »ccii l lie last o f prison life If be They uro port o f n group o f eight on conducts himself properly Hts f«xid earthed In u pit previously examined and clothing ure better: bis self re by a European archaeologist and tup s|s*et Is preserved. During the Inst posed to have been exhausted. Four three years we have tind more than will he placed In the museum at Cairo 1.000 unguarded Individual prisoners tn Dr. Iteisner writes: the convict camps Lets than 1 per “The Importance of these portraits cent have violated their pledget sod from (be artistic, the historical and the made succ«*ssful e»«*n|ie." merely human point o f view makes the groups a find almost equal to tbo Warrior Marriea at Eighty. group o f statues fouud In the Mycerl Colfax. W asb .-B . ft? laike. aged nils temples. eighty, a veteran o f the elvll war and "The men and women whose faces d resident o f Colfax for noarly forty they show us bad spoken with Cheops years, after an absence o f tw o years and Cbepbren and had seen the Oral ’«'turned to Colfax with bla bride. He nud second pyramids In building." snirrled Mrs. Anna Wells o f Port Or- Dr. Iteisner thinks that gome o f these ,'bnrd. portraits support the theory that Egyp­ tian rulers o f the fourth dynasty, IDOO- 2730 B. C „ had negro blood SAYS DESCRIPTION WAS CORRECT On«* o f the h«*ads o f a princess he de- srrtbes as “ o f a distinctly negroid l y p e . " ____________________ No. 35 WHAT STYLE HAT DO YOU WANT? FURNISHINGS TOO / ' */: * c wm \X ' J i V ' Photo by American Press Association. M. SAZONorr. IIPKHIAN U1NISTKR OF POB- RION AFFAIR*. inal Huckleberry Finn o f Mark Twain's books, has Just celebrated bis ninetieth birthday at hts ranch on the McKeuxle river near hero and Is hule and hearty lie has n vivid recollectlou o f Murk Twain, with whom he vvorke«! on a Mississippi steamboat, but says Twain really didn't get much from himself of what he wrote about Huckleberry Finn except the nam«*. “ W e called Clemens Charley In «hose days,” said Finn. “ He and I both u orked on the steamer Shot well, run­ ning out o f S t Louis. 1 was nick­ named Huckleberry, and Clemens seemed to take a fancy to the name. Toni Sawyer was my chum, but 1 was well grown before Clemens knew me.” Finn has llv«*«l on the McKenzie riv­ er here for forty years past and seldom emerg«*s from Ids retreat alun government will lend cordial aid to all Auicrlcau (Irma wishing to trade with Russia. “ Even before the war Busala hud cstiihll.sliisl a line o f steamers trading directly from Libau with New York. It will encourage more such ltussian companies and will also encourage American companies trading to Rus­ sian ports." The ltussian government, the cor­ respondent points out. Is the largest single purchaser In the world. He also says that Russia offera not merely a market formerly monopolized by Ger many, hut au added market due to the abolition of the vodka truffle. The Russian peasant now bus his vodka money to put Into agricultural machin­ Colorado Springs. Colo.—The Colora­ ery. He baa already become a more productive man, and even In this war do Springs and Canyon City highway and the Pikes peak ocean to ocean time Is a greater consumer o f manu­ road In Uto pass are two o f the best factured urtlclea. mountain roads In the United States The London Dally News correspond­ ent In Russia sends from Kiev the fol­ snd two o f the best examples o f the re­ sults o f couvtct labor. lowing dispatch: The first named Is a fine example of "Th e situation tn Russia from the For twenty military, economic and political points scientific road building. miles south o f Colorado Springs tho o f view Is better today thnn It has been road winds around the foothills and nt nny other time since the first retreat mountains, practically the entire road- o f the Gcrmuus from Itusslnu Poland. “ The country outside the war zone bed having been cut out o f the hillside and in many places blasted out o f solid has suffered astonishingly little mate­ rock. For the remntnlng twenty five rially from the war. Jhe purchasing COLORADO CONVICTS BUILD GOOD ROADS Boll! Stale and Prisoners Bene­ fit Dy New System. A re|>ort o f council meeting in Fa'ls City News of April 24th credits Attorney Tooze with the statement, that owing to an error o f the City engineer in his descrip­ tion o f the property involved in the Mathews condemnation suit they are unable to reach the river. The engineer made no mistake and as proof we have the ruling o f the court: “ Objections have been made to Mr. Tooze’s claim of 252 feet as belonging to Irving Mathews as he owns but 200 feet and no greater number o f feet can be condemned than actually belongs to Irving Mathews. To obtain land belonging to another party or parties seperate, condem­ nation proceedings must be insti­ tuted.” The engineer’s description cover­ ed all o f the property belonging to Irving Mathews and 2 feet more and this was all Mr. Tooze’s bill asked for. I f there has been a mistake it is because separate condemnation proceedings were not instituted against W. H. Mathews, father of the defendant and owner o f the 52 feet necessary to reach the desired point Certainly your engineer is not responsible for their neglect or oversight. S. V /. / m i GENTLEMEN: YOU WANT A STYLISH. NEW HAT. DON’T YOU? THEN COME TO US. YOU WANT YOUR UNDERWEAR. HOSE. SHIRTS AND TIES TO FIT RIGHT. FEEL RIGHT. BE RIGHT AND WEAR A LONG TIME ALSO. THEN COME TO US. TONE. STRENGTH AND A LOW PRICE FOR HIGH QUALITY IS WHAT WE GIUE YOU WHEN YOU BUY FROM US. COME IN. N. S E L IG ’S FALLS CITY D E P A R TM E N T STORE THE WEEK IN HISTORY sleeping lad. Then they suddenly discovered that he was dead. It turned out that his sleepiness was caused by heroin, and that his death had resulted from an over­ dose o f that deadly drug. Subse- covered, 1858. i quent investigation revealed that Wednesday, 28.—San Francisco the boy was addicted to the use of earthquake and fire, 1906. First the drug, that he had acquired steamboat in Ohio river, 1812. the habit at the public school, and Thursday’ 29.—Sewing machine that many other boys, like him, patented, 1862. Joan o f A re were confirmed dope fiends. It was a sorrowful home-com­ begun siege o f Orleans, 1429. ing to the New York parents. It Friday, 30.—Washington inaugu­ was a fearful fate to fall over a rated, 1789; Louisiana purchas­ bright-eyed, promising lad o f 17. ed from France, 1803. But these tragedies are all Saturday, May 1. Dewey captur­ around and everywhere. The ed Manila, 1898. England and cigarette kills hundreds of fine Scotland united, 1797. boys to where heroin kills one. Sunday, 2.—Constitutional conven­ We are tumultuously vocal over tion convened in Philadelphia, the destruction of life in the Eu­ 1789. ropean war, and properly so. But we are sweetly oblivious to the red­ AT SEVENTEEN cheeked sturdy boys in their 'teens P ortlan d Jo u rn al. who are gradually killing their Kenneth Nell, aged 17, was morals and killing their bodies cabin boy on the American liner with nicotine. A police authority in Philadel­ Philadelphia, sailing between New phia recently stated that most of York and Liverpool. His mother was waiting to greet the crimes in that city are com­ him as he arrived at the New mitted by boys o f 16 to 22. Cigar­ York docks from a recent voyage. ette smoking by young boys is the She wanted him to tell o f his ex­ preparation for those crimes, and periences at sea. and he beg,an preparation for the Kenneth Nells telling her, but went to sleep, then to die while unsuspecting parents watch over them while they sleep. begged that he be allowed to rest before talking more. NOTICE The father returned from work A ll persona knowing« themselves at 7 o'clock, and aroused his son to be indebted to the late Dr. W. to talk to him. The boy convers­ B. Officer, are requested to gettle ed for a short time, and fell asleep at the Drug Store. M. L. Thomp­ again. son, Administrator of the estate of Until after midnight the father W , B. Officer, «leceased. and mother watched over the City Engineer Saye That Description Monday, 26.—Odd Fellows Societv Furnished Covered AU Property H U C K LEB ER R Y FINN AT 90. organized, 1819. Surrender o f Owned by Irving Mathews. Johnson's army, 1865. O ri ginal of Mask T w a i n ’» Haro Telia Tired of Being Scapegoat H o w It C am e About. Tuesday, 27.—First oil \?ell dis­ for Others Blunders. Portland, tire.—B. F Finn, the orig­ 7 f. r= G L0VCS