2 THE FALLS C.^Y NEWS. April. 21 . 1915 p ro fe s io n a l ila rto iTljr Jíalla (£iti| Neuis I'll YMt-'l AN Trleph**« Newt OfTkt. S3. Begir ining Apr il 1 s t Subscription Ratos Ouo jrour. »1 00: sis mont ha 50 conta, thrw months. 25 conta, alna I# copy. 5 eta. We Will Sell L. WOOD A SON. Publishers. R n te m l •• •»«»m l -c- t a « mall at tb# peatofflcv • t Ralla P ity. Polk C o u n lj. O r#§on. lindar tb# A it o f CV t k g f m o f M arth S. IN T9 AdvartUiug Ratta Display. 15 canta an Inch Rutlntaa Notleaa. 5 canta a lina : Por Sala. Rant. Bxchangt. Want and Par Entertainment No­ tices, S eta. a Una Card of Thanks SO eta lega S’ otlcea. legal rata* F. M. HELLWARTH ! PHYSICIAN AND SUKCKON Onion one door «tini ol I’, O. Office aik I tj> « ahi H n liten n » WOllO o O o Pall# Lily. Oregon S w i n e * * H a rto HOTEL 1-Pound Club Coffee Royal S em el* Roam s for 35c, or Copy for newada. and change* ahould ba aani to The Newt not later than Wedueaday. Boot A c c o m m o d a t i o n , t D r o i.* P ro p rie to r OFFICIAL DIRECTORT OT PALL* CITY P K Hubbard Mayor. T D Hollowell. Councilman at Large Phillip Gottfraid H C Brown. Albert Teal. Coum ilmen 3-Pour id Can Fo r : $1.00 IIAHi.KK SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops Falls City , O r e g o n A. Sam pson. C. L. Hopkint. R. A. Tttua. <1. O. Clement. Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. Toose J r . City Attorney. W. P. Lawit. Marshal and Water 8upt. M. L. Thompaon. Treaaurer J. J Aammona. Engineer Dr P. M Hellwarth. Health Officer 1 ha Council meats in regular aeaaion on the Aral and third Tueaday nighta of each m onth, at 7 SO o ’clock. In the office of the Falla City New». S a t u r d a y . A p r i l 24. 1915 The allies are laboring under difficulties that the Germans do not have. The allies are a divid­ ed people and each nation will easily believe that the other fel­ low is not doing his part. The Germans are as one man and like the “ bundle of sticks" will be dif­ ficult to break. « ........ - Hurry up and try it as this offer lasts but 30-days. Hhm yoe ca* |«i * Jkovt, hur Cst. Baik or ‘Shla«' A|r*l (or •alle* Sltom Laundry llundlea furw arded lueaday evenl nlng MONUMENTI! Falls City Lur nber Cornpany Stoire ............... .... ..... Japan's conduct with regard to the stranded cruiser in Turtle Bay. Lower California is repre­ hensible to say the least. It has been stuck in a mud bank ever since December, and it is said that they refused help to pull her out. The crew seem to be very com­ fortably and permanently quar­ tered on land and no indication of moving soon. Japan is a treach­ erous nation and seems to be try­ ing to get into trouble. She has made demands of China that have been refused and the indications are that she will try to force the issue. Not only does she look toward China with covetuous eyes, but California and Mexico look good to her and it would be noth­ ing strange if the cruiser sticking in the mud banks of lower Califor­ nia would result in something more than the United States has reckoned on. THE WEEK IN HISTORY Monday, 19.-B a ttle of Lexington, 1775. Tuesday, 20.—Siege of Boston be­ gun, 1775. Wednesday, 21.—War declared against Spain. 1898. R o m e founded, 753 B. C. Thursday, 22.—James Buchanan born, 1791. Oklahoma opened to settlers, 1889. Friday, 23.—Shakespere born, 1564 Saturday, 24. —Boston News letter 1st newspaper in America, 1704. Rnsso-Turkish war began, 1877. Sunday, 25.—Work begun on Suez canal, 1859. AB8TUACTKK8 COUNCIL M EETING The city council met in regular session Tuesday night with Mayor Hubbard, Auditor Clement, Coun- cilmen Hollowell, Brown, Titus and Gottfreid present. There was no business o f special impor­ tance transacted. The committee selected to examine the electric light franchise and ordinances failed to report and as this is a matter o f great importance and vital interest to the future of Falls City it was deferred for further consideration. A report was had from the street committee in regard to the repairs begun on Dayton street bridge. After several days work some o f the beams gave way and it was found that the bridge was in such a condition that it would not be profitable to repair it. A motion prevailed to close the bridge indefinitely and board it up so that teams could not cross and put up lights and notices to pedestrians that if they crossed they did so at their own peril. The status o f the Mathews con­ demnation proceedings was dis­ cussed. Attorney Tooze stated that owing to an error of the city engineer in the description of the property that they lacked a few feet o f getting to the river. They secured the right of way from South Main street 200 feet to­ ward Third street and that he had made overtures to Mathews through his attorney with a view o f settling the difference o f the few feet to the river. SIBLEY & EAKIN, Abstractors, You May Stop 615 Court St. Dalla*, Or. 10 DAYS San Francisco A completo «et o! A bititi U of I'olk Co. Ketabllahed In la«*. Prompt service. Hot*oit*tile Kate*. AT Ebc AND O re g o n 10 Days LOS ANGELES C. W. M a tt h e w s , P r o p rie to r AT Patotas 1U7 En route to the East. Why not see California and its Two World Expo­ sitions on your way East? C a ll on nearest A g e n t fo r fu ll in fo r m a t io n , lite ra tu re , Z\x tic k e ts Ytobo re serva tio n , train sche d u le s , e tc . SOUTHERN PACIFIC C H A * . A l i x . 1‘ aora itT o John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. — After Judge Teal’ s Scalp Wrought up over what he charg­ ed was a deliberate policy of dis­ crimination on the part of the county court against the city of Dallas, Councilman Cha3. West over, at the meeting of the city council Monday evening, stated that, in his opinion, the time was ripe for a recall to be invoked on County Judge John B. Teal. He further intimated that he would be one of a number to circulate such a petition.-Dallas Itemizer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS IN P O L K C O U N T Y . The following is a complete list of realty transfers recorded dur­ ing the week ending April 22d, 1915, and reported to the News by Sibley & Eakin, Abstracters, 515 Court Street, Dallas, Oregon: T. M. Word and wife to J. C. Ainsworth, Trustee, Trust Deed, J interest in 480 acres in Sections 3 and 4 in T. 9 S. R. 6 West. Violet A. Kersey and husband and Maude Butler and husband to R. L. Turrell, W. D. 62 acres in Sec. 12, T 7 S R 6 W. $825. A. A. Wade and wife to Isaac and Mary C. Bumgardner, W. D. 20 acres in Sec. 20, T. 8 S. R. 6 W. It might not be premature at this time to discus* the advisability ol celebrating the Fourth of July. The celebration laat year was a very credible affair drawing large crowds from the country and near by towns. It was late before it was finally decided to celebrato and if we begin early the crowds $ 10 . Croisan and Albert to Loraine will be greater. Falls City is the ideal spot to hold a picnic and but and Dora Pugh, W. D. 48.94 acres let the word go out that there will in T 7 S R 4 West. $6306. be a celebration arid any nearby L. B. Frey and wife to J. H. towns with incipient notions in that i and Blanche S. Eaton, W. D. 18 direction will will gladly give way I acres in Sec. 33 T. 6 S. R. 4 West. to Falls City. $ 100 . mmm Deafness Cannot Be Cured Hartung’s Voting Contest For a Free Trip to the PANAMA-INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION Candidate Leads by 10,000 Result of 3d count April 17 3450 Hattie Tice 5660 Grace Hansen I. V. DeWitt 12500 16275 Edith Johnson Edith Ellis 17250 Bertha Frink 27200 11650 Bessie Cleveland 200 Lelia Frink Mae Nichols Maggie Talbott Blanch March Nora Burbank Nettie Hunter Millie Chapin Sylvia Phillips Lucile Tichenor Jessie Thompson CHAS. HARTUNG, CLOTHIER AND TAILOR. FALLS CITY, OREGON. 8700 425 2700 850 475 1500 375 576 200 by local application*, aa they can n ot reach the diseased portion o f the ear. There la only one w ay to cure dcafnea*, and that Is by constitu tion al remedies. D eafness Is caused by an Inflamed con d i­ tion o f the m ucous lining o f the Kuata- i chlan Tube. W hen this tube la Inflamed you h ave a rum bling sound o r Im perfect hearing, and when It I n entirely closed. Deafness Is the result, and unless the In­ flam m ation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its norm al condition, hearing will be destroyed forev er nine CMRS out o f ten are caused by C atarrh, which Is nothin g but an Inflamed con d i­ tion o f the m ucous surfaces. We will five f)ne nnndrwd Dollar* for any ea*e of V e* bj cV mrIh'*bat b* cored by Uall • Catarrh Core. Send for circular* free. P J Cfl BN IT. A OO. Toledo. Ohio, •old by Druggists, ?5e. Tmkel • B a ll’* k 5 a ami ly Fill* for coo«Up*Uon. NOTICE OF ESTRAY SALE Notice is hereby given that on or about the 1st day of July, 1914, there came to my place the follow­ ing described animal: One grav Jersey heifer about 16 months old; no earmarks or brands discernible. Said estray will be sold at public auction for cash in hand at the farm of W. F. Gilliam in PeDee Precinct, Polk County, Oregon on the 30th day of April, 1915, 2:30 P. M. W. F. Gilliam. (