FALLS eiTY NEWS VOL. XI i ALLS CITY. Ol PEGOUD IN AIR BATTLES. Brought Down German Tauba and Made Two Prlaonera. I'arla. Another daring exploit haa been added to the long Hat of those luciossfully carried out by Adolph» 1'egoud, the famoiia French aviator, who I n reported to have attacked and brought down a (iertuan Uailw near ML Mcnehould while he waa alone on patrol duty, The refairt o f tho Incident aaya tbnt when t'cgoud auw the tierinnn ap preaching lie (lew rapidly toward the boat lie air craft aud "ent It to earth with a few well placed abut». I ’egoud then landed bealdo the taobe and took SATURDAY, APR IL 24, 1915 time. It la the Inanition o f the tread­ mill, the life of hard. Incessant labor without reward." Mom.- of the letters have au element of humor. One says: " I t la the womeu's own fault If they aro Imposed on. I get nearly every­ thing I need. I f I don’t get It one year I keep on until 1 do, and I don’t think I urn a very nagging woman.” Another writes: "Invent some kind of an adjustable aluminium cbuln shirt so ua women Says Woman Should Ba Kiaaad on tho won't have to be always patching.” Htlll another: j Chaak— Ha Waa Navar In Dangar. "W e need a luw to prevent a doctor I Chicago.—Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, pure from using an oplute for everything food expert, »h o la oil a tour urging from the toothache to cancer.” better care o f the nation's teeth, took Again, there are pleas for Instruc­ up the queatkin of kissing In an ad­ tion In cooking. One letter contains dress before the City club. "Girls must have good teeth If they the following: "In one home the mother put eggs waut to be klssnble." be said. "Babies should lie kissed, too. but not on the to fry for supper before abe put her mouth, und women may be safely biscuit Into the oven to bake, aud fried kissed on the cheek unless they ore them Ktcadlly during the entire time beautified with isilsouous paint or the btaculta were baking. The next day I auw her. while getting o quick lunen, rouge. " I f there Is any danger In kissing." place a frying pun over the fire with at he concluded, "nobody ever threatened least a pint o f lard In IL nnd as soon as It was warm, but not all melted, me." break three eggs Into IL from wbicb she Anally took them tough, leathery and altogether Indigestible." Perhaps the most general complaint la that the w ife benefits loss than any otber person, or even nnlmal on the farm, from the progress made In labor saving del Ices aud other Improve meuts As cue puts it: ~A sheep dip. but no bathtub: a tine buggy and a poor bn by carriage " The letters, as a whole, paint coun try life in America anything but the roseate hues with which It Is usually ph-tured The reason» ii sorlI>od nre many. but. as one farmer's wife, prob­ ably the most philosophic of all, ex­ presses It: “ Jt seems to me. after all. It Is Just according to the man we live with." Tho document of the department o f Department of Agriculture In A t ­ tempting to Batter Their Opportuni­ agriculture Is prepared In four re­ ties Will laouo Special Instructions. ports. dealing with the social nnd labor, Lettors From 2,241 Woman on the economic, domestic and educational needs o f farm women. Farm Say Thoy Aro Overworked. God und to France nothing more beau tlful, nothing more pure, nothing more generous, than that child. Wo are proud o f him. but after the war we ahull mourn him until death. “ I carry with me In my new mission (Ilia pain, engraved deeply lu my licarL as au example o f eouruge und as a great reason to hope you may never know tho pain that we have suffered.” W ILEY DEFENDS KISSING. FARMERS’ WIVES ARE NEGLECTED They Picture Their Lives as One Long, Dull Grind. TELL OF HOME CONDITIONS Photo by Airi-rtcan Praaa Association. AOO L1UB I X O O I I >. prisoner the Germau pilot und observ­ er, neither o f whom waa Injured. Earlier In the aame day t'cgoud la re­ ported to have .driven ofT three other Herman aeroplanes, ono o f which had dropped ulna bomba on u railroad stu- tlon. I’egoud, who Oral gained fame In 11113 as the originator o f the feat o f flying upside down In an aeroplane, was awarded the French military med­ al early In March for services rendered to the army during the war. PAIN ENGRAVED ON HEART OF D’AMADE Son Died In Battle Just Before He Left For Dardanelles. raria.—General A. O. L. d'Amnde. commuuder o f the French expedition­ ary forces at the Dardanelles and hero o f many lini'd fought campaigns, has lost his youngest son, aged eighteen, who was a second lieutenant o f Infan­ try. A friend o f the general has Just received from him the following let­ ter. written while be wns ou the way to the Dnrdnuellcs: "D ear Sir—l am very late In ac­ knowledging the receipt o f your letter. The cause o f the delay Is n great mis­ fortune which has come upon us I have lost my youngest son. Gerard d'Amadc. a second lieutenant, o f eight­ een years, who hud ouly Just been re­ ceived at St. Cyr In tho last competi­ tion or July, 1014. "H o fell gloriously for France during a night reconnollerlng expedltlou In the Argonne. Mortally wounded, he fell upon tlie very trenches o f tho ene­ my which he had received Instructions to reconnolter. “ T w o German generals who were witnesses o f his bravery and courage wrote me expressing spontaneously their admiration nnd Informed mo that our poor child had been burled near V—, In tlie great forest o f Argonne. " I have no need to tell you that It (a a great pain, but we could offer to j No. 34 Washington.—A picture o f furm life In the United States which has never beeii equaled aud perkups never will be, because It Is told lu the testimony of thuusunds o f farmers' wives. Is con tallied In a document which lias luketi the department o f ugriculturo a year and a half to prepare and w hich is now only Just complete^. It Is an appealing, human and In many respects a pitiful story. It re veals lu a vivid way the truth of a complaint that lias been frequently made In past year»—that o f all the fuetors lu tho rural problem the one tliut lias been most neglected Is the farmer's wife. Tills wns called forcibly to the atten­ tion o f the department lu a letter tn the summer o f July, 1913. Secretary Houatou decided to And out for him self. He wrote to 55,000 farmers' wives throughout the flitte d States asking them to tell him their greatest needs and what they thought the department of agriculture could do to help them. He received 2.241 replies, representing, however, the opinion o f many thousand women, because many o f the writers had submitted his Inquiry to their neighbors or women's clubs, graugesor church organizations. One MUhigan woman expressed her hopelessness In tho following: “ The farm Is run for the benefit of the farm-ami not the family. O f what use Is It to buy more land to raise more corn to feed more hogs to buy more land?" Interesting extracts from otber let­ ters from north, south, east aud west arc ns follows: "N ot one fuifftier lu 100 watches Ills w ife to see tf she Is overworking, ns he does his horses." " I would have a law passed whereby no man should be allowed to have a farm unless he would provide for his w ife as well ns ho does for his stock.” “ The busy housewife can get along with any old thing ns long ns she lives, and n tine monument at the grave Is enough for her.” "G et out n government bulletin on ‘The Care o f the W ives and Daugh­ ters,' to be sent out ulong with the stock bulletins or poultry circulars.” "Taxes and interest are our undoing. Put the taxes upon the rich man, the millionaire, tho woman who wears dia­ monds nnd velvets nnd give us poor farmers' wives a chance to buy a 'best dress' a few times In our lives.” “ The farm woman Is about the only Individual we know o f who earn» an Income and doesn't get I t ” “ It Is not the lack o f cosmetics that ages us women o f tho farm before oqr Fifty-ons Relatives In Army. London.—Private Mooney, sixty. In a British convalescent hospital, haa flf- ty-one relatives In the army. Including four of hls idneteen children. CERTIFIED BABIES GIVEN IN CHICAGO Dispose of Homeless Children to Worthy Foster Parents. UNDERBUYING ENABLES US TO DO UNDER­ SELLING. WE BUY IN BIG QUANTITIES AND GET THE LITTLE PRICE. WE GIUE A LITTLE PRICE. OUR FILMY. BEAUTIFUL UNDERMUSLINS WILL PLEASE YOU IN DESIGN. QUALITY AND PRICE. OUR FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENTS. FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. ARE STRONG ONES WITH US. JUST COME IN AND SEE WHAT OUR GOOD STORE TELLS: YOU WILL BUY. N. SELIG’S FALLS CITY D E P A R T M E N T STO RE “ Mentally be should be as follows: “ Three to four and one-half months, grasp an object that Is placed before him. Hold bis head erect, unsup­ ported. "Seven months, sit alone, unsupport­ ed. and reach for toys. “ Eight to ten months, start to creep. Some babies never creep, but start to walk Instead. "Ten months, start to stand, holding some objecL At eleven months, stand entirely nlone and at from twelve to fourteen months start to walk. “ One year, say 'mamma' and 'papa "T w o years, talk quite plainly. Ofnon names o f animals, persons and objects aud put tw o words together " Chlcaga—Tbe city o f Chicago Is giv­ ing away officially certified babies— brown eyed, gray eyed aud blue eyed little beauties, quite chubby aud per­ fectly healthy—und they are intrusted to the care of highly recommended and thoroughly worthy foster parents ouly This is a new Idea, tn which Chicago leuds tbe way. Medical officials of other large cities are watching Its de­ New York Governor Signs Bill Allow­ velopment with close lutereat and with ing Constable to Forbid Him Drink. a view to Its udoptlou. Albany. N. Y.—The town drunkard Chicago, like every other municipali­ must reform In spite o f himself Gov ty, finds on its bunds dependent little ernor Whitman nnd Senator Jones ones tjho have no parents to care for have conspired to bring this about. A them, no friends to vouch for their bill signed by the governor provides good behavior. Chicago takes them that n pence officer or constable o f a all under Its brond wing—Chicago leads town shall have the power to forbid among the baby loving cities—exam­ the sale or giving away o f liquor to ines them physically and mentally and certain persona by notice In wrlrinp then offers officially certified Infants for adoption. What home needs a baby? Many a household is ready and anxious to w el­ come a healthy and happy youngster, but not every ono Is worthy of the new arrival. A t least so Chicago thinks, and thereupon proceeds to examine the Imlustiinl News Bureau would be foster parents. A t Portland the other day an Dr. William J. Hickson o f the psychopathic laboratory o f the munic­ Inspector broke up a dance three ipal court o f Chicago Is the originator high schools o f that city were go­ o f tbe plan. Dr. Hickson Is a baby specialist also an ardent student of ing to give at the Multnomah the problem o f mental deficiency. Here hotel. »re bis fixed standards for a certified It was clearly a case where the baby: police department had more sense, “ At birth the certified baby must weigh at least six pounds and measure and a higher standard o f morals twenty inches. than the Portland Public School “ At one year o f age he must weigh system. twenty-one pounds and measure twen­ There is scarcely a week that ty-seven Inches, Increasing three Inches during the second year, and from hls some Portland high school does third to tenth year two Inches annual­ not put on a theatre or a minstrel ly. Hls fontanelle, or 'soft spot.' should show or dancing exhibition. close at jihout the nineteenth month TOWN DRUNKARD DOOMED. The Top-Heavy Educational System A high-pressure Parent Teacher association keeps up a continual round o f agitation for new ideas and progressive schemes that raise taxes. A week ago a lot o f high school students went on a week’s tramp to Celilo and in another part o f the state high school soldiers had a pitched battle with guns. Nowhere are children being thoroughly drilled in the common­ est rudiments o f good English, and a majority fail in the eighth grade. College professors go over the state at public expense lecturing on wild flowers, the Bluebird, Prehistoric remains and mental science. They all get big salaries and have their travelling expenses paid and the Lebanon Criterion, April 2, says editorially: “ He ithe professor) thought it was entertaining to a Lebanon audience to fill at least one-half o f o f his time reading dry and unin­ teresting prose from a book.” “ It was better than some o f the others but it did not leave a favor­ able impression behind, and to­ gether with those that preceded it achieved no beneficial result for the college.” The above are some o f the reasons why people are revolting at our top-heavy educational sy­ stem that is constantly seeking to heap up new burdens on the tax­ payers, and is spending large sums without any adequate re­ turn.