Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 10, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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If you do not want seporate
stationery for each member of
the family, at least you should
have the name of the head of
your family on it.
"T he rev eren ce of Jeh o v ah Is th e beginning of w isd o m ”
Only th e foolish say In th e ir h eart. ‘T h e r e is no God.” “ Day
un to day u tte re tb speech, an d nig h t unto n ig h t show etb know l­
edge.” “T h e heavens d ecla re th e glory of G od.”—I'su lm s 111:10;
14:1; 18:1. 2.
An ap p reciatio n of th e Infinite P ow er of th e C reato r au d of
o ur ow n little n e ss should m ake us teachable. T h e stu d y of
C reation Is th e "K ey of K now ledge.” U sing th is Key we begin
to realise th a t th e only w o rth y am bition Is to co o p erate wltb
o u r C re a to r's beneficent d esig n s resp ectin g U ls C reation.
The p la n e ts of o ur S ystem com pared w ith o u r Sun are as
Im agine the S u n ’s d ia m e te r th a t of a large flour bar
rel: J u p ite r would co m p are as a sm all orange. E a rth aud Venus
a s peas, and M ercury a n d M ars as ra sp b e rry seeds.
T h e Sun Is th re e h u n d red th o u san d tim es th e sire of our
E arth . A tra in a t th irty m iles an hour could go aro u n d the
E a rth In one m o u th , b u t n early leu y e a rs w ould be required for
It to tra v e l th e circ u m fe re n c e of th e Sun.
O ur d a y and n ig h t a re th e re su lt o f th e E a rth 's ro tatio n on
tta ow n ax is, w hile its m otion around th e Sun m ark s o ur year
P la n e ts n e a re r th e Sun have s h o rte r o rb its, and hence, shorter
years, w hile rem ote ones have longer y e a r s A y e a r on the
p la n e t M ercury w ould equal th re e o f o ur m onths. On N eptune,
fa rth e s t oft, a y e a r eq u a ls 1<M of E a rth 's years.
Yet o u r Sun Is only one of th e /Lred ila r t, o f w hich th e most
up-to-date astronom ical m e th o d s estlm u te th e re a re one hundred
an d tw enty-five m illions. A round each of th e se ilsed i t a n un
doubtedly revolves a p la n e ta ry S ystem like o u r own. T hus
reckoned, th e re a re o n e th o u san d m illion w orlds. E ven this is
n o t th e lim it. I f we should sta n d upon th e fa rth e s t an d dim
m eat s ta r, w e should no d o u b t from th e re see as m any more
beyond. W e a re ap p alled a t th e g re a tn e ss of th e U niverse.
T h e sodiacaJ sig n s Illu stra te v ario u s sectio n s of th e heavens
visible a t d iffe re n t sea sons.
If it is a private letter the
printing heading could be just
your name and below it the
name of your town, thus:
James W. Andrews
Bath, Mo.
« # •
Then all members of the
family could use it for their
private correspondence.
The cost is no greater than
you art? continually paying for
stationery m hen you buy it in
small lots.
• • •
We make you low prices on
lots of 260, 600 or 1000, with
envelopes to match, and also
• # #
You can have it either plain
or fancy, and in single sheets
or the fashionable fold, as you
T H IS !
Fashion is inexorable in its decrees, und
fashion has decreed that you have your name
and postoffice address neatly printed on your
• • •
This does not apply alone to the business
or professional man. but to every man and wo­
man or young man and young woman who
writes a letter.
Of course not every person obeys the dic­
tates‘of fashion, but to be considered up-to-
date you should do so.
It is but question of time when your print­
ed stationery will be as much a part 01 youf
personal equipment as your hat or your tie.
It is better to lead than follow, for the
being of u leader indicates that you have both
character and iniative.
Neatly printed stationery is an assurance
that your name will be correctly spelled, that
there will be no mistake in your postoffice ad­
dress. and that your mail will be returned to
you in the event of its non-delivery.
• • •
Strangers to whom you may be writing
will not be required to puzzle over your signa­
ture, or your address, and errors will be few.
Witch this space! Beginning next week, it
will contain a coupon each week for six months.
Each coupon will be worth five cents to you. Watch for them
and save>them.
No. 1.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned M. L. Thompson,
has been duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Polk,
administrator of the estate of
W. B. Officer, deceased, and has
All persons having c l a i m s
against the said estate are here­
by required to present them,duly
verified, with the proper vouch­
ers, within six months from the
date of this notice, to the said
administrator, at his drug store
in the city of Falls City, in said
Dated and first published,
March 27. 1915.
M. L. T hompson ,
Administrator of the estate of
W- B. Officer, deceased.
Oscar Hay ter.
Attorney for administrator.
No. 1. 71-2 acres adjoining
Falls City on County road. Good
7-room house, city water; barn
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ and chicken park; young orchard
day, 8 a m. to 6.30 p.m.
in hearing, small fruit. All fenced
Mail arrives, from
and 3$ acres in cultivation. No
Salem 8.50 a.m., 5:&5 p.m.
waste land. Time on part.
Post Office Time Card
Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50
Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 a m,.
1 p. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Mail closes for Dallas 9:00 a. in
and 5:00 p. m.
Mail doses for Black Rock 11:00
a. m.
Mail arrives from Black Rock 2
p. m.
No. 2. 80 acres mountain land,
11 miles out on County road. 25
acres in cultivation, 20 acres big
second-growth fir. Good 5-room
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
and berries; 125 prune trees. Al­
so, good team, wagon, harness
and some household goods. Will
give time on part.
S unday O nly
No. 3. 35 acres near town. 15
Mail arrives from Salem, 8:50
in cultivation. Good 8-room house
a. m.
barn and henhouse. Bearing or­
Mail closes for Salem, 9.00 a m.
chard. Some good second-growth
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
fir. Time on part.
to 10:80 a.m:
No. 5. 160 acres in Lincoln Co.,
Effective September 4, 1914.
from railroad, on County
I ka C. M eh k lin g , P ostm aster
road. Small cabin and barn; 4
acres in cultivation and 60 more
R H E U M A T I C can
be cultivated. 350 3-year old
S U F F E R E R S English walnut trees. Good spring
Good house for rale in Falls
1 that would furnishs fine water
City, part time. Enquire at News
Pain leaves almost i power. School 3 mile, 8 month
as if by magic when
term with contract for two more
you begin using "5-
This will make an ideal
W alter L. Toole, Jr., Lawyer,
remedy for Rheuma­
dairy ranch and can be
Dallas, Oregon.
tism, Lumbago, Gout,
bought at a bargain. Terms.
Sciatica, N e u r a lg ia
FOR SALE—Victor talking m a­
chine. $10 will buy a Victor talk­
ing machine with 10 records. Can
be seen at News office.
Get your butter wrappers p rin t­
ed a t the News office
For Rent— Dwelling house. Ap­
ply at News office.
Extra copies of The News are
printed each week, and will be sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 5 cent6 per copy.
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, stops the aches
and pains and makes
life worth living. Get
a bottle of "5-Drops'’
today. A booklet with
each bottle gives full
d i r e c t i o n s for use.
Don't delay. Demand
"5-Drops ” Don't ac­
cept anything else in
place of it. A ny d ru g ­
gist can supply yon. If you live too far
from a drug store send One Dollar to
S i inson Rheumatic C ure Co . Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle of “5-Drops” will be
sect prepaid.
No. 6. 153 acres near town.
Good house and barn. Will sell
all or divide to suit buyer.
No. 9. 20 acres } miles from
town. Good 6-room house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; 11 acres in apples, 21 acres
in peaches, cherries, pears and
strawberries. Plenty of wood for
No. 10- Six lots 50x150, three
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash andterms.
No. 11. 130 acre ranch. 60
acres in cultivation, 25 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, barn
and other outbuildings.
No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva­
tion, 5 room house, barn and
chicken house. T w o springs,
water piped to house, hot and cold
water and bath. 6 acres in young
orchard. 2 acres big second
growth fir. Spring affords water
sufficient to irrigate onehalf of
the land. This land lays just out­
side of the city limits of Falls
City. A bargain.
8-room house with 5 lots. Price
$1800; part time.
For further information, call on
or write to
D. L Wood.
Falls City, Dreg.
♦—♦ • ♦—•--- ---
Correspondents wanted in every
iitugliborliood in this suction ul me
Whole Family Benefited
By Wonderful Reined;
There are many little things t
annoy us. under present condition
of life. The hurry, hard wort
noise and atrain all tell on us an
tend to provoke nervousness an
irritability.. We are frequently a
worn out we can neither eat, slee
nor work with any comfort. W
are out of line with ourselves an<
others as well.
A good thing to do under sue!
circumstances is to take aomethini
Dr. Mile«' Anti-Pain Pill»
No. 13. 12 acres 1J miles from to relieve the strain on the nerve!
town, all under fence and in culti­ Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 8j Plum St.
vation; 8-room house and barn. Atlanta Ga., writes:
"I have on several occasions beat
This plate can be sold one-third vastly
relieved by the ura of your mad
cash, purchaser to assume mort­ iclnes, espe. tally the Anti-Pain Pills
which I keep constantly on hand to
gage now on the place. Can give the use of myeelf, husband and twi
sons. Nothing In the neorld equals than
you a bargain.
as a headache rented)/
Often I an
No. 14. 33$ acres of land, 21
acres plow land, 7 acres in timber
balance pasture. 8-room house,
woodshed, chicken house; 6 acres
young orchard in bearing. Price
$4,300. Will take one-half in Dal­
las or Salem residence property
and give time on one-fourth.
No. 8. Two good 8-room houses
and lots, some fruit trees with
one. These are among the most
desirable residences in the city.
No. 15. Six-room house, wood­
They are of modern construction
with about one acre land.
and desirably located. Reasona­
$300 cash, balance on
ble terms on part if desired. Will
Main Street. One
sell one or both.
anabled by the uae of one or two o
the Pills to continue my housewor)
when otherwise I would be In bed Mi
husband joins me In my praise of thi
Anti-Pain Pills and Nts-vlne.”
Dr. Mile*’ Anti-Pain Pill*
are relied upon to relieve pain,
nervousness and irritability in thou
sands of households. Of proven
merit after twenty years' use, you
can have no reason for being longei
without them.
At all Druggists, 28 dots« 24 cents.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.