9 THE FALLS CITY NEWS A PK! I- 10 , 11 * 1 ?» prof egg to nal carte üfyr JFaÜH (City Nrimi I'll YSllTAN D. L WOOD h SON. Publish«**. Kotor*»? at •»«'ond-ctfttt moil at tit* poolerfir* at r»N| City. Polk t'oanty. Otago«. wk!*r th* Ait of IVayroo« of klarvb 3. 1ST». Ttltphsne N«»i Off!«, *3. Subscription Rat**: On« yaar. HOP; aix month*, SO cant*: thro« month*, ¿t cants, aingl* copy, g eta. AdrarlDing Rat*» Pi»p:»T, 15 t . n l u n Inch Rmln«*» N o tte» 5 cent» » line Por Sete, Reni, ttaehang». Want end F a r Eniartalnm an» No- • ce». S et». » line Card ef Thanlra M e t t i .» « , Notte»» te t ti rete» L'opr lor new »de >nd ahange» »hould b* te st to Th» N»w» noi 1»t»r th tn Wednaaday. OFFICIAL DIBECTOBY OF FALLS CITY P K R ubbtid. Mayor. T P Hollowel). Councilm tn t t l .t r « » Phillip Gottfreid H. C. Brown Alb«rt Te»l Councilmen A. ham peon. C. L. Ropkint. R A. Tltut. 6 . O. Clement. Auditor and Poll- # Judge »Valter L. Too»» Jr.. City Attorn»», W. P Lewi». Marahal and W ater Bupt. M. L. Thompaon. Tr»a»urer J : J . Sammons. Engineer Dr. P. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer. 1 b* Council meet* In r»«ul»r te u to n oil th» flr»t • nd third Tuesday night» of »»oh m onth, e t 7 SO o'clock. In th* office ol th» Pall» Clip New» S a t u r d a y , A p r il 10. 1915 ELECTRIC LIGHT FRANCHISE P . M. H E L L W A R T H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Beginning April 1 s t Office on« door ol P. O. puh ! otite» »ml u . ____ u u u Haaldauc* I noliti JBH Fall» City, Oregon We Will Sell »110111000 carte l-Pound Royal Club Coffee HOTEL .f a lls Œ itçlb o tel Sam ple Room» for 35c, or ■ e e l A t« o m m e » itl» n i F 3-Pound Can For $1.00 O reep e, Prop rieto r HAHi.KH s u o r* hurry up and try it as this offer lasts but 30-days. Falls City Lumber Company Store The question of granting a fran­ chise to the electric light company will soon come before the council. This is a m atter that should be given careful consideration and not passed hurriedly. A franchise usually runs for a long term of years and any mistake in granting term s might prove to he a calam ­ ity. The average councilman 40 acres near Independence. $1. F. R. Hedrick t<* E. W . Bai nes, knows but little regarding such m atters and in good faith might q. c. cL T racts Nos. 105, 106 .in Broadmead. $10. do the wrong thing. J . P. Anderson to Anna E. An- 1 derson, his wife, q.c.d. 18.71 acres WILSON PROSPERITY ON THE WAY sw of Dallas. T 8 S R 6 W. $10. That there were exactly 25 J . F. Draper to Percy H. San­ more hoboes on 11:57 south bound derson. w. d. All sec. 11 and sw Southern Pacific train last night 1 sec 7 T 10 S R 8 W. $10. than there were passengers was S. H. Tetherow, wf. to Claud W ashington.—An exchange of letter» the declaration this morning, of Hoisington. w. d. 40.47 acres in T between President Wilson nml two Ut­ Constable Catlin. “ We decided 9 S R 5AV. $10. ile Height 1« In Brussels, In which the to check up just for curiosity” thanked the president for A. F. Courier and wf. to Claud children food sent by American* and the presi­ said the constable. ‘ The count Hoisington, q.c.d. 40.47 acres T 9 dent expn-ssed his appreciation of disclosed the facts that there S R 5 W . $1 their gratitude, has been mude known were fifty hoboes on top, along the at the W hite House The children, G. W. Patterson and wf to J. M. sides and underneath the train, Chappell, w f, q.c.d. 84.67 acres in twins, nine years old, wrote: D ear Mr. W ilson—T han k you very m uch while there were only twentyfive T 6 S R 5 W . $50. for th e g o a t bread. T he poor people In our v illag es wi re starv in g , fo r they have passengers.—Albany Herald. Chas.A. Robertson to Mabel E. nothing to eat, but now th a t you have Bodecker, deed, lot 18 blk 16 in sen t o v er tw our d e a r little coun try a big' provision o f w heat, bot h rich and poor King wood Park. $375. can live—th» nka to th e 'A m erlcane. b est POLK COUNTY REAL ESTATE Fred E. Seachrist, wf, to L H, love and wl» hea from little PU S S Y D E 8 P O E L B E R C H . Rice, w. d. 8,39 acres sec 34 T 6 S TRANSFERS Pussy's brother added, "I Join In R 5 W. $587. Realty transfers recorded for week with my «lister In thanking you. too. Oscar H ayter and wf, to B. F. for It If* Jolly good bread, enough to ending April ¡7. 1915, reported by Wells, w f, w.d. lots 10, 11, 12 blk satisfy any schoolboy's hunger." SIBLBY & EVKIN, Abstracters. 515 12, City View add to Dallas. $125 In regdy the president sent this let­ Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. Christina E. Fellows to J . C. ter In .bisaown handwriting: Ernest E. Rowe, wf to Joseph 0 . My Da or L ittle F rie n d s—Y our letter Michalaon, wf. W. D. lots 1, 2, 3,4. 5 Tracy, w. d. lot D blk 9 Miller’s touclsed rnc v e ry deeply, and I th an k you Lacreole Homestead add to Dallas for It wV.th :