THE TALES CITY NEWS. APRIL 3, 1915 4 NOTIOE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Monday, the 5th day of April. 1915. in the city of Falls City. Polk County. State of Oregon, the ANNUAL GENERAL CITY ELECTION will be held for the purpose of electing the following officers and voting upon the following measures (herein designated by their ballot titles' referred to a vote of the people by the city Council of Falls City. Oregon, to wit; OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED 1. 2. 8. 4 . 6. Mayor Marshal Auditor and Police Judge Councilman-at-large Three Councilmen MEASURES TO BE VOTED UPON FOR AN AMENDMENT to Section 5 of the charter of Falls City, changing the date of the general city election from the first Monday in April of each year to the First Mon­ day in December of each year, providing for the expira­ tion of the term of office of certain officials of said city, and providing an annual meeting of the city council on the first Monday in January of each year; and repealing Sections 16 and 23 of the Charter of said city. Vote Y’es or No. 300 YES 301 NO FOR AN AMENDMENT to the charter of Falls City. Oregoi. amending Section 30 of said charter, and providing th? time and manner in which ordinances, resolutions, and franchises shall go into effect and become operative, and providing further for the exercise of the initiative and referendum powers within said city. Vote Y'es or No. 302 YES 303 NO FOR AN AMENDMENT to Section 51 of the Charter of Falls City, giving the city the right to improve streets, al'eys and public squares, and providing for the filing of written remonstrances against the making of proposed improve­ ments, and providing for the construction of bridges, and the repair thereof, out of the general fund of said city, and authorizing a tax for that purpose. Vote Yes or No. 304 YES 305 NO FOR AN AMENDMENT to Section 63 of the Charter of Falls City, providing for the collection of improvement assess­ ments. and incorporating into the charter of Falls City provisions permitting the payment of improvement assess­ ments, and assessments for laying of sewers, under a bonding act in said amendment provided, and authorizing the issuance of such improvement bonds, such bonding act being patterned after that certain Act of the Legisla­ tive Assembly of the State of Oregon commonly known as the “ Bancroft Bonding Act” . Vote Yes or No. 306 YES 307 NO FOR AN AMENDMENT to Section 64 of the Charter of Falls City providing for the collection of delinquent improve­ ment assessments, defining the duties of certain officers, and providing for the manner of executing a w arrant issued for the purpose of collecting such delinquent assess­ ments. Vote Yes or No. 308 YES 309 NO FOR AN AMENDMENT to sub-division 28 of Section 26 of the Charter of Falls City providing a method for opening, laying out, extending, widening, and straightening, wholly or in part, any street, square or alley within Falls City, and for vacating the same; and providing a method for the appropriation, purchase, and condemnation by said city of real property for street and other public pur­ poses. Vote Yes or No. 310 YES 311 NO DIRECTION TO V O T E RS ; (X) in th« apace at th« whieh you wiah to vote. Mark your ballots by placing a oroas right of the number of the propoeition for Said ELECTION will commence at Nine (9:00) O’clock in the morning of said Monday, the 5th day of April, 1915, and will run until six (6:00) o’clock in the evening of said day, the poDs being closed, however, between the hours of one (1.00) o'clock in the afternoon of said day and two (2;t*0) o’ckx’k in the af­ ternoon of said day. The City Council of Fulls City, Oregon, has appointed the fol­ lowing Judges and Clerks of Election, hih I designated the following place within said city of Falls City as polling place for said election, to wit: JUDGES OF ELECTION:- J. R Moyer. D. L. Wood. Mrs. A. E. Seymour. CLERKS OF ELECTION:- G. D. Treat. Mrs. Win. Hinahaw. ROLLING PLACE: Council Chambers, (Officeof Falls City News.) CITY TICKET FOR FALLS CITY For Mayor Vote for ONE 12 H. J. GRIFFIN 13 J.C . TALBOTT 14 ALBERT TEAL 15 R. VANDENBOSCH Dared at Falls City. Polk County, Oregon, this 24th day of March A. D. 1915. F»>rt'ouncilman-at-Ijirge Vote [ L. S. ] G. O. CLEMENT. Auditor and Police Judge 16 R. M. WONDERLY of Falls City. Oregon. The Claimant By EUNICE BLAKE Ou th e e s ta te of Lucten M urlvaud. In Fra no*. lived a poor tnau ntitued Sou blse ami tila wife. Murte. the couple having a little aou. FraucoU. M Marl vaud hud extensive vine» ¡ml«, from the product of which he m an u factu red wlue Soubise had c h arg e of the gni|*e growing, an d Martvaud not ouly val ued his services highly, hut was very fond of him. Soublae» wife died, aud he soon followed her. leuvlug little Francois w ithout a home. M M artvaud had u sou. Victor, about Francois’ age When the hitter was left an o rphan he was tnkeu to the chateau an d becuuie a playm ate of Victor. T h ere was a bro th er of t u­ tor. lands, much younger than either of these tw o boys W hen Victor w as eighteen he euter ed the military school an d became an arm y officer. Upon graduating he was ordered to Join bis regiment In Tou kin F ran cois was uuxious to see serv­ ice and. enlisting 111 the sam e regl ment. w ent ou t with Victor, who agreed to Interest himself iu his pro motion th a t he m ight become au ntt! cer. A y ear later a ft e r a tight Lieutenant Martvaud w as reported missing This m eant th a t be had fullen into the h an d s of tLe Chinese. In which » use It w as »pilte likely th a t he hud been niur dert-d. W hen nothing w as heard from him for several years be w as given up by his family, and when hts brother. Louts, cam e of nge be Inherited the fatally patrim ony. Ids fa th e r h a rin g died w ith o u t a will M. Murlvaud h id purposely omitted to make one bceause be n ev er ceased to hope th a t his sou would one day tu rn out to be among the living Ten y ears a fte r th e departure of Vie to r Marlvaud, when there w as tu> mem her of th e family living. Lout*. who bud for some time possessed a n d man aged th e wtne business, becam e engag ed to H orteuse Villa ret. the duughtei of a neighbor Mile Vlllaret belongml to un aristocrat!-- family, hut the »■« ta te had been confiscated during one of th e m any ebangi-s In the sovereign ty of F rance. a,ud she wus very poor She a n d Louis w ere much In lo re with each other, and her fa th e r favored t h - match because L u ll s w a s wealthy and could enable Ilortense to re tu rn to the style o f living to which the family had formerly been accustomed All w ent happily for the lovers till a few weeks before the day set for the w »siding T h en one day a m an appear ed a t th e chateau claiming to tie Vic­ tor M arlvaud 1-ouL w as but tw elve y ears old when his bro th er left home and. g ran tin g th a t this man w as Vic­ tor. he would not hn»e rem em bered him. T h ere was uo o th er person at hand who had been fam iliar with Vic to r to Identify him. But th e claim an t w as able to tell ot m any Incidents th a t had happened on th e estate, which w en t fa r to prove th a t he w as what he clalme»! to be lie explained his long absence In tbls wise: D uring th e tight In which he w as re ported missing he w as knocked on the head by th e b u tt of a m usket In the hand s of a C h inam an and stunned When he cam e to him self he rem em b.-red nothing of the past, not e ' e n hi» name. T he dead were lying abo ut him; th e w ounded had been removed He arose and walked till he came to a city, where he eventually entered the service o f h French merchant. After passing through » arlous vicissitudes be w as taken suddenly III and w as reran'- ed to a hospital. After having been eared much s u r ­ prised He had returned to a norm al state, rem em bering th a t be w as Vic tor Marlvaud. Ills appearance wus a terrible blow to th e lovers, for, according to the French law of Inheritance. Victor Mo- rlvaud wus the o w ner of the estate. In eluding th e wine business. He told Louis so m any things th a t had occur [ed du rin g the la tte r’s childhood th a t Louis became i » n ' lin ed that the »Iran ger w as bis brother Nevertheless It w as not to be expected th a t he would be pleased to see a brother of whom he hud no rem em brance and who wouhl dispossess him of Ills property Hut the severest blow was th a t M VII laret Immediately w ithdrew hla con­ sent to his d a u g h t e r s m arriage unless It could he proved th a t th e claim ant was an lm|ioator T here was an old blind woman lie lug on tlie place, who. on hearing of the clalmunt. ile a lm l Unit he b* broeght to her She n»k»-l him a few »luestlons. which «eetned to trouble him, though he an sw ered them eor rectly. T hen the old woman directed thut he be iinctieered to the walat. This was done, and her hand was giildi-d to h!s cheat She slid her hand around to his side under his right arm . mid It rested on n small lump the size of n pea "Tills Is Francois Soubise." sh e said ’I 11»ed w ith his mother when he was a little hoy and often dressed and un dressed him I know him by this lump ” T h a t ended the pretense Louis M n rltau d a ft e r th is attem p t to Impose on him w ent to T onkin ai d made n search for hts brother, Victor But. nlthough he spent much time