2 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. APRIL S. 1M* iilljr J F a ll H (£ itii N Iprofcoelcmnl Cart*© p u ib PHYSICIAN I*’. M. HELLWARTH O. L WOOD A SON. Publisher«. B n trre d • • ae . offio« • id I III „ Fie.il Ri’alritMicti • h e m « tltlH Kalla i lly. Ore gon Ttltpk«** N m Ofltte. n . We Will Sell S u b s c rip tio n K atea: O ao n u . »1 00; » is m o n th » . M con to. th ro * m o n th * , t t co o t* , . m » l . copy. I ctn. fiu e tn c o d Cart*© notai. AdTprtUiii* lUtc* Piep lar . 15 r o n t a n n In ch . Rualneae Nolle«« ' c « n u « ltu« For Sal*. Rant, ex ch an g e Want am t Fay I n t a r t a l n m a n t No tie««. » e t a a Itna. Card ol Thank« SO e t a . leg« Notlcaa. lafal rat«» 1-Pound Royal Club Coffee Copy lor new t d a a n d change» thould ba **Dl to Tha New« not latar t h a n W«daeedar for 35c, or j f a lte C i t y fc o tc l Sam p l« Room* Bast A ooom m odattons F. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALL* CITY F K. H u b b a rd M ayor. T. D Hollowall. Coun cilm an at Large F hllllp Oottiratd H C. Brown. Albert Taal. Councilman A. dampaon. C. L Hopklna. R. A. T ltu a G O. Clement. Auditor a n d Police Judge " alter L T o o k Jr.. Ctty Attorney. P Lewia. Marahal an d " 'a t e r S u p t . M. L Thompson. Treasurer J. J. Sammons. Engineer Dr F M Hellwarth. Health Officer. 3-Pound Can For $1.00 D ro « a « . P ro p r ie to r n u t i . n t shops hurry up and try it as this offer lasts but 30-days. « 1 h 4 C o u n c il m e t u i n re g u la r M itio n o n th a flr«t a n d th ir d T u e sd ay n ig h ts of e a c h m o n th , a t 7 S) o 'c lo c k , 1n th e office of th e F a lls City News. Falls City Lumber S aturday , A p r il 3, 1915 „ g '. i r 1 1 — — — — BBS “ ON THE EAVE" “ For many moons we have been told, at regular intervals, that this country is on the eave of great prosperity. Strictly speaking, we are on the eave of calamity, waiting for prosperity to arrive. Business men are clutching the eave with bleeding finger-nails, holding fast—waiting, waiting for that promised tide of prosperity. We are prepared to slide off the eave into the wave, taking the tide at flood and letting it lead on to fortune. But the tide does not come. If we let go, the hungry clutch of receivership awaits, or the cold cobblestones will get us. And so we watchfully wait. And waiting, clutch. As we wait and clutch we are in­ formed in sonorous, rolling rhet­ oric that ouF fears are merely psychological and that our cramp­ ed attitude on the eave is the New Freedom. Meanwhile, as before stated, we clutch the eave rather than take our chances on the cobbles; and to divert ourselves from the peril of our position we try to ad­ mire the unctuous literary style of the pedagogic great ones who threaten not only to sting us, but to hang us high as Haman if we let go. To let go and allow Sir Isaac Newton's Law of Gravitation to have its way, in the hope that we wi<] slide safely into a passing “ Ford,” were an idle dream, a barren ideality. We admit we are on the eave, and the danger is that we will re­ main on the eave until we look like a gargoyle and take on the rigidity of the cornice. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick—that, too, is psychology, altho not merely psychology.—The Philistine. Company Store A PAPER FOR ALL HANDS with power and the high co3t of burden of the small land owner. living would remain only in mem­ I The man that owns a small farm In every family where The Youth’* ory and the “trusts” would fade and takes pride in improving and Companion is taken tt ie read by away like mist before a summer beautifying it is “ fined” for so everybody. The late Justice Brewer doing. He is taxed for improv­ of the United States Supreme Court sun. In an evil hour “ Teddy” and ing, while his neighbor has land used to say that if he could take only “ William’-’ fell out. The gap was equally as productive, bul unim­ 1 one paper, it would be The Youth's laid down and the Democrats proved, and only pays a nominal Companion—"a little of everything in a nutshell, and unbiased.” Jus­ tax. walked in. tice Brewer had some of the best Grade all lands regardless of There is no question about a brains in the country, and he kept improvements and tax them ac­ change being brought about. The them in tine Conditina partly by read­ cost of living went up by leaps cordingly and it will not be long ing The Youth'* Companion. One and bounds; wages were cut and until you will see the country dot­ never needs to unlearn what he reads factories closed. The Democrats ted with happy homes. Holding in The Companion. It does not fill vast tracts of land for speculative the mind with knowledge that is claim this was brought about to purposes will not be profitable hind side to. But that is not all discredit the administration. But when forced to bear their share there is to The Companion. If you the great reduction in expenses want solid enjoyment, read some of of the taxes. did not materialize. In fact the the yarns about t3aleb Pesslee that Encourage Home Building. “ faithful” had to be provided for appear every little while; read C. A. and there could be no reduction Stephens’ stories of the good old Fur Rent—Duelling house. Ap­ times down in Maine; read J. W. in appropriations. The tariff re­ duction was disastrous, revenues ply at New* olliee. Schultz's stories of the far-off days fell off alarmingly and there was E xtra copies o l The News are when he was a boy among the Black- much grief at Democratic head­ printed each week, and " ill be sent feet who had adopted him The quarters. to any address desired, postpaid, Companion is $2.00 a year—52 week­ ly issues. If yyu want to know more In this, their hour of travail, for 5 cents per copy. about the paper before subscribing, the European war burst forth and let us send you some sample copies. saved the situation. A “ war tax’ D ea'ness C annot Be Cured THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. could be levied. Although every­ b y local n plications, 03 t V v ' an n o t r e a c h t h e d ise a se d p o rtio n of t h e ear. 142 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. thing imaginable was placed un­ T h e r e is on ly o n e w a y to cur.- tL-afnegs, by constitutloj- .1 r .tn e d l j . New Subscriptions Received at this der the “ war ban” the leak could a D n e d a f n t e h s a s t Is U ciu3eel b y a n Inflamed • ondi- tlon o f t h e m u c o u s lin in g o f t h e K u jta - Office. not be stopped. Something must clilan T u b e. W h e n l i d s t u b e -13 Inflamed you h a v e a r u m b li n g s o u n d o r l m p - r f A done. Perhaps a little brush with h e a r in g , a n d w h e n It la e n t i r e l y el s Is t h e re s u l t , a n d u n le s s t h e In ­ Mexico would afford an excuse to D f la e m a f m n e a s tio NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS n tfifU. cannot r> -curedbj 8«;nd fo r circulars free. Polk County, Oregon, on Thurs­ good, leaving the people in about H all s C atarrh C F m ra. J.CT1 BN ICY,* CO. Toledo. Ohio. Bold fcy !)mggi«'», 75c day the 8th day of April 1915 at the 3ame state of mind as i3 the Tsko H all s FaaUly P ills fo r coostlpatloc. 2 o’clock P. M., for crushing ana “sinner” after having listened to putting in the bunkers at Falls doctrinal sermons of the various City, Oregon, of 3500 yards of Churches. „ R H E U M A T IG rock more or less, according to In times of panic and financial S U F F E R E R S • specifications on file in the office stringency, all great business con­ GIVEN QUICK RELIEF SOMETHING WRONG of the County Judge. Also for cerns seek to reduce expenses to Pain leave* almost hauling and delivering same on The Republican party ruled the the minimum. Every department a* if by magic when County toad at points to be de you begin using "5- United States for a number of is examined and every possible D ropa," the famousold signated by the Court. years with more or less satisfac­ expense reduced. Every employee remedy for Rheuma­ The Court reserves the right tism, Lumbago, Gout, tion to the people and prosperity must earn his salary. Is this true Sciatica, N e u ra lg ia to reject any and all bids. to the country. There were many of government officials? How- and kindred troubles. By Order of County Court, It goes right to the things done not pleasing in the many officials drawing a salary of spot, stops the aches J. B. Teal, County Judge. sight of the people. The cost of $3,000 to $6,000 per year with ex ;jnd pains and makes - — — ^ life worth living. Get living was out of proportion to the penses and clerk hire, could if (ffidjBB I a bottle of "¿»-Drops’ Walter L. l'ooze, Jr., Lawyer, today. A booklet with earning power of labor and the j pushed out into the cold world and Dallas, Oregon. tf. each bottle gives full masses laid the blame to the party made to shift for themselves, AbFvWirHr» d ire c tio n s for use. / PtNctiOn» FOR SALE—Victor talking ma­ Don't delay. Demand in power, the “System” as our earn $75 per month? In many " 5 -D ro p a D o n 't ac­ chine. $10 will buy a Victor talk­ instances the official is wholly in­ Socialist friends would term it. cept anything else in ing machine with 10 records. Can place of it. Anydrug- The Democrats said that they competent and but for the clerk be seen at News office. gi»t c a n supply you. If you live too far were possessed of the secret of the office would be swamped. from a drug store send One Dollar to Correspondent« wanted in every Why not keep the clerk and Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark, eternal happiness and prosperity, Ohio, and a bottle of "¿»-Drops" will be neighborhood in this section ot the the balm of gilead that wouldheal kick the official out. gent prepaid. country. all political ills, But clothe them Taxation has become the great Harrington’s FOR H o m o M a d e C a n d ie s Ol the Beet Hr ii lid S O F T D R IN K S O F ALL K IN D S . P e a n u t and P opcorn S t a n d in C o n n e c tio n . ------— C The Real Tobaoco Chew can now be purchased at Ellis' Coi f. List your farm land with D. L. Wood at the News office. Get your butter wrappers p rin t­ ed a t the News office.