Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 27, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV E N , That on Monday, the
5th day o f April, 1916, in tin* city o f Falls City, Folk County,
State o f Oregon, the A N N U A L G E N E R AL CITY ELECTION
will hi' held for the purpose o f electing the following officers
and voting upon the following measures (herein designated by
their balk't titles1 referred to a \ote o f the people by the city
Council o f Falls City, Oregon, to wit;
Auditor and Police Judge
Three Councilmen
FOR A N AM END M ENT to Section 5 of the charter o f Falls
City, changing the date of the general city election from
the first Monday in April o f each year to the First Mon­
day in December of each year, providing for the expira­
tion of the term of office o f certain officials o f said city,
and providing an annual meeting of the city council on
the first Monday in January o f each year; and repealing
Sections 16 and 23 of the Charter of said city.
Vote Yes or No.
FOR A N AM END M ENT to the charter o f Falls City. Oregon,
amending Section 30 o f said charter, and providing the
time and manner in which ordinances, resolutions, and
franchises shall go into effect and become operative, and
providing further for the exercise of the initiative ffnd
referendum powers within said city.
Vote Yes or No.
FOR A N AM E ND M E NT to Section 51 o f the Charter of Falls
City, giving the city the right to improve streets, al'eys
and public squares, and providing for the filing o f written
remonstrances against the making o f proposed improve­
ments, and providing for the construction o f bridges, and
the repair thereof, out of the general fund o f said city,
and authorizing a tax for that purpose.
Vote Yes or No.
FOR A N AM END M ENT to Section 63 of the Charter o f Fails
City, providing for the collection of improvement assess­
ments, and incorporating into the charter o f Falls City
provisions permitting the payment o f improvement assess­
ments, and assessments for laying o f sewers, under a
bonding act in said amendment provided, and authorizing
the issuance o f such improvement bonds, such bonding
act being patterned after that certain Act of the Legisla­
tive Assembly o f the State o f Oregon commonly known as
the “ Bancroft Bonding A ct” .
Vote Yes or No.
FOR A N AM END M ENT to Section 64 of the Charter of Falls
City providing for the collection of delinquent improve­
ment assessments, defining the duties o f certain officers,
and providing for the manner o f executing a warrant
issued for the purpose o f collecting such delinquent assess,
Vote Yes or No.
FOR A N AM END M ENT to sub division 28 o f Section 25 o f the
Charter of Falls City providing a method for opening,
laying out. extending, widening, and straightening,
wholly or in part, any street, square or alley within Falls
City, and for vacating the same; and providing a method
for the appropriation, purchase, and condemnation by
said city of real property for street and other public pur­
Vote Yes or No.
DIRECTION TO VOTERS; Mark your ballots by placing a cross
(X) in tho space at the right of the number of the proposition for
which you wish to vote.
Said ELECTION will commence at Nine (9:00) O’clock
in the morning o f said Monday, the 5th day o f April, 1915, and
will run until six (6:00) o'clock in the evening o f said day, the
polls being closed, however, between the hours o f one (1:00)
settled, waiting for higher bidri;
coffee, considerably mixed; fresh
fish, active and slip|>ery; egg,
quiet, but expected to open soon;
whiskey, still going down; onion»,
strong; yeast, rising; breudsttiffs,
heavy; boots and shoes, those cm
the market are sold and constant­
ly going up and down; hats and
caps not so high as last year, ex­
lD D J N G PLACE: Council Chambers, Officeof Falls City News.)
cepting foolscap, which is station­
Dated ut Fulls City, Polk County, Oregon, this24th day o f March ery; tobacco, very k»w and has a
A. D. 1915.
I downward tendency; silver close
but not close enough to get hold
[ L. S. J
'o f . " - E x .
Auditor ai d Police Judge
o f Falls City» Oregon.
OPPOSES TAUNTING GERMANS, tion. But happen to get in the
o'clock in the afternoon o f said day and two (2;<*0' o'clock in the a f­
ter noon of said day.
The City Council o f Falls City, Onyon, has appointed tla> fol­
lowing Judgt and Clerks o f Flection, ai d designated the following
place within said city o f Falla City as |H»lliiq place for said election,
to w it:
JUDGES OF ELECTION; J II Moyer. !>. L 'tte o d , Mrs. A.
E. Seymour.
CLERKS OF ELECTION: G. D Treat. Mr.- Wm. Hinshaw.
.of th<*. bright young f e ' l o w ; In two tlnngs Tlic Youth'» Com­
is washing a window uttd he panion is first ami foremost—capital
I a > u U od . Cuu*kl«r.ibK> «■uuuiiciii ban he will hand you a package that stories mu! useful information.
B u h o p of
c .^ iu
W ould
R c c o a n it.
F o b ' s B ia v e r y .
w av
j w ho
bey,, . « u m .1 hero Uvuuse lliu "b*bo,. I w i ,| n lu k e y o u r bkxal l H>il.
of (.'aleu!tu, I»r. I.efro.v, bua ullcucit
hmiM'lf « Itti thè nrcbbUbop of York
tu «(tvocaUuji ic orninoli iiuiouu tho aud the cub at the depot may have
RliiilUh peoplc of thè q llllltlf» of udv unced until be is a breuknuin
bravery dUpIttycd by III«* Milioni cult)
•.oblierà o f tie riu iiiiy . « Ilo , fi ir u tluie
ut leuat, w etv belUtlod Iti Ilio publk'
p rilli» unii by publtc meli ip'ueiully.
I»r. I.efroy In u aertuou preiicbta! re­
centi)' lumie some « u n ii to tu iu ciiU 011
thè B ru isti prows, c -|K c ln lly ou Ilio
com ic papera, w hlch, be subì, "in d u lse
co u tin u a lly tu l u m i, rid lvule and
snei r." il o s ta tisi tb at In bis oplulou
tbc “torrible sp lrlt of I T u ì - iu u uilil-
tarlsm , u b lc b bus luvo lved c.s In tbl»
confllct, m e si L - uttcrl;.* t . 1 . •>." bnt
ho uditeli tbat to sci uro even tuully u
tim i and Instili;: p eate thè bitter ne**
eugcm lered by abuse of ibi* ciiem y
m ust be replnceil by a broad a ud
C b iis t la u appi cela Itoli of C ìcn u .iii uuil
A u stria n vlrtu cs.
“W # deeply need, If
are tu auy
scuse to be true to h lm ,” tic coucludoil,
"to be more earnest In eultlvatlU K ilio
iem|a>r. sp irti and In ib ii of m im i of
tlie F r in ì« o f i'eace."
Play* Classical and Popular Pieces, but
Never Had a Leaton.
Marquette. Mieli Marquette Is be
lloveil to bave u musical prodigy in the
person of Theresa Mahoney, four-year
old daughter of John !.. Mahoney and
u pupil tu Ilio li Indurita rien of the III
colt Reboot. Tho other day before her
»«hoot teacher, a Marquette musk
teacher and a small assemblage she
performed the remarkable feat o f play
Inc with ease and exprc-slon the alls
of several classical and popular »elee
flous. As she has never bud a day’s In
structlon her performance on the piano
« a s the cause of much astonishment.
The child's playing Is not tliut of the
usual child wttli musical Instinct who
picks out the air with hut one finger.
She uses ull five fingers of the right
band, and when playing rarely glumes
nt the- keybourd. One person present
merely hummed an air and the j o i i n g
ater played It without glancing at the
keyboard of the piano.
on the I" t i ! freight and th 1 win­
dow washer will likely be driving
on«1 of the delivery w agons for the
store. The presidents o f railroads
and the managers >f big concerns
are the fellows who in flowery
day8 o f their youth acquired the
habit o f returning soft and cour­
teous answers. 'I hat is one o f the
reasons they bejame railroad
presidents und managers of big
concerns. The cub who knows
more than the president o f the
railroad w ill always I k * a cub. and
the alecy window washer will still
I k * polishing glass in the autumn
time of his davs.— Ex.
Girl Who 3at Still G iis $20 000.
N ew York —In menmry of thè llttle
girl who wem tl-lilng wlth bim fifteen
fo rra ago. ami who u l« iys snt very
still In file* boat v.hlle Ile ilreiv In liis
linay catch, Jacob Il.vniiiti. a retlred
Jewelry dealer, who ilied reeently. loft
h ilf o f bis estate lo Misi Bertha
R retaci» of Brooklyn. The glrl's sinne
I estimati d nt nun • thuu 125,000.
Boys, Read
142 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.
New Subscriptions Received at this
The Office Devil
The editor w as busy when he
was asked: "H o w are the mar­
kets?” The man was referred to
the office devil, who looked w ise
and said: "Young men unsteady;
girls lively and in demand; papa
lirm, hut declining; mamas, tin-
Good house for halo in Falls
City, part time. Enquire ut News
Correspondents wanted hi every
neighborhood io this section n! me
c »untry.
No. 1. 7 1-2 acres adjoining
Falls City on County road. Good
7-room house, city water; barn
and chicken park; young orchard
in bearing, small fruit. All fenced
and 3J acres in cultivation. No
Fo od Q u a lit ie s of L u s c io u s C a lif o r n ia
waste land. Time on part.
F r u it W ill Be T o ld to th e W o rld .
Sun Francisco. In order to call at­
tention to the scope of the olive Indus­
try California ripe olive day will lie
observed on Wednesday, March 31, ac­
cording to mi auuouttct ment Just made
.by the Panama Pacific International
exposition officials.
Tills action was
taken at the request of the olive Inter-
e-ts. On that day attention of all the
nation will be called to the food «jiinli­
t i s o f the ripe olive o f this state.
From uow ou th • go- pel o f the Cali­
fornia rl|s* ollre «111 I,- c a n i d to all
parts of the eurtji. il ueral headquur
tors for a great national campaign have
been established ut Orcivllte.
There are stories for hoys that de-
light their fathers, stories for girls
tliut charm their mothers. There
me stories that make you hold your
sides, and stones that move you to
tears. And it is a liberal education
to read what The Companion offers
you in sound, practical, trustworthy
information. All of it— Action and
information— is chosen and printed
with the one aim o f leaving the
reader better and witwr, if possible,
than he was before. Hundreds of
t lousands of readers will cheerfully
sty that o f The Companion. How
many periodicals can honestly Hay
that of themselves? Only u hand­
ful. Test the mutter for yourself.
Send for sample copies. Better yet.
s *nd |2.00 for the 52 issues o f the
coming year. You won’ t regret it.
No. 2. . 80 acres mountain land,
1 1 miles out on County road. 25
acres in cultivation. 20 acres big
second-growth fir. Good 5-room
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
and berries; 125 prune trees. A l­
so, good team, wagon, harness
and some household goods.
give time on part.
one. These are among the most
desirable residences in the city.
They are o f modern construction
and desirably located. Reasona­
ble terms on part if desired. Will
sell one or lioth.
No. 9. 20 acres i miles from
town. Good 6-room house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; l j aetjes in apples, 2) acres
in peaches, cherries, pears and
straw berries. Plenty o f wood for
No. 10- Six lots 50x160, three
room.house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash and terms.
No. 3. 35 acres near town. 15
in cultivation. Good 8-roorn house
barn and henhouse. Bearing or­
chard. Some good second-grow th
fir. Time on part.
No. 11. 130 acre ranch, (X)
acres in cultivation, 25 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, barn
and other outbuildings.
No. 4. 10 acres J mile from
town; all fenced, 8J in cultivation,
6-rccm louse partly finished, good
barn. Can be bought at a bar­
No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva­
tion, 5 room house, barn and
chicken house. T vv o springs,
water piped to house, hot and cold
water and hath. 6 acres in young
orchard. 2 acres big second
growth fir. Spring affords water
sufficient to irrigate onehalf of
the land. This land lays just out­
side o f the city limits o f Falls
City. A bargain.
No. 5. 150 acres in Lncoln Co.,
5 miles fro.n railroad, on County
road. Sn ail cabin and barn; l
acres in cultivation and (?) more
can be cultivated. 350 3-year old
English walnut trees. Good spring
that would furnishs fine water
power. School 5 mile, 8 month
term with contract for two more
years. This will make an ideal
stock and dairy ranch and can lie
bought at a bargain. Terms.
Have you ever noticed that the
fellow that ru ns most o f the big
concerns of the country are the
ones who always return courteous
answers. I f you address the
president of a railroad he will lis­
ten attentively and make a decent
reply. But you ask a civil ques­
tion o f the cub at a depot in a
No. 6. 153 acres near tow n.
country tow n and you will get a
house and barn. Will sell
smart and flipping reply. Go into
divide to suit buyer.
a big city store and ask for the
manager. He will talk pleasantly
No. 8. Two good 8-rootn houses
and give vou the desired informa- and lots, some fruit trees with
No. 13. 12 acres 1J miles from
town, all under fence and in culti­
vation; 8-room house and barn.
This place can be sold one-third
cash, purchaser to assume mort­
gage now on the place. Can give
you a bargain.
For further information, call on
or write to
D. L Wood,
Falls City, Oreg.