« THE TALLS CITY NEWS. MARCH 27, 1»15 p ro fc o o lo n n l o ¿Ti)f JFalla (Eitii Nrum PHYSICIAN L WOOD * SON. Publisher«. K n trrrd F . M. H E L L W A R T H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Iiflii'M one door fieest ol I*. <). omer «ntl I e*. KslU niv, •«•«'orni • u s s n u l l at lb # • t ralla Cttjr Polk tVunty. O rr« ^ . umlrr lb« A ct o f iV n g ro a a <»f M a n 'll 8. I8T» Tslsphons Vwi Offk». M. Call Up Subscription Ritta Onnyonr. *1.00; six month*. M cant*, thr*# month*. 26 c*nt*. «Inai* copy. Set*. Advertising Rites Duple) 15 ceniseli liuti Business Notices 5 cents e lin e . For Set*. Kent. Kxcbenfe. Went end Fee Knterteinment No- "cee. S ete.elin e. Cardol thanks S0cts:l.e«e Notice*, legel ret**. Copy lor new eds. end cbeii(*sshould be sent lo The New* not Inter then Wsdnesdey. S am p le H oom s B ast A ooam m odatiana T H E F D respe. Proprietor ItAKs.KK BHol'H Falls City Lumber Company Store Bohle’s Barber Shops F a l l . City, Oregon Whrrt yea can get « Shisr. Heir Cui. Seih Striti 1 er Dallai Siram I sundry er ‘i h ! « « ' Hundías fu, va,dad 1 usada) evening MoNCMKNTH G. L. H A W K I N S M ARBLE AND G RA N ITE MONUMENTS Men ere April when they woo: December when they wed " Shakespeare FUNK RAL DIRECTOR R. L C H A P M A N Funeral Director We stlsad le ell work grumpily. Dallas ssd Fell* Cit f . O r In a prosperous rural commu­ nity the village doctor was also superintendent of the Sunday school. Incidentally he taught a class of small boys. “ Willie” impressively remark­ ed the doctor one Sunday after­ noon to a bright-faced youngster, “can you tell me what we must do in order to get to heaven?” “Yes. sir.” was the prompt re­ sponse of Willie, “we must die.” “That is very true. “ said the doctor, encouragingly, but can't you tell me what we must do be­ fore we die?” “Yes. sir.” was the startling rejoinder of Willie; “we must get sick and send for you.” — Philadelphia Telegram. THE WEEK IN HISTORY Monday, 22.—Stamp act enacted. 1765. Patent for inoculating soil granted. 1904. Tuesday, 23.—Toronado kills 200 in Omaha, 1913. Sheet copper first made, 1802. Wednesday, 24. —Rhode Island purchased from Indians, 1638. Great Seal of England stolen, 1784. Thursday, 25. —Great flood in Dayton, 0., 1913. Friday, 26.—Samoset welcomes Pilgrims, 1621. Bismark per­ manently quits Berlin, 1890. Saturday, 27.—Scott captures Vera Cruz, 1847. Great earth­ quake Colabria, 1678. Sunday, 28.—Canada ceded to France, 1632. Stenography in­ vented, 1817. r h e u m a t T g S U F F QUICK E R RELIEF ERS GIVEN Pain leaves almost as if by magic when yon begin using "5- Drops,” the famousold remedy for Rheuma­ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, N euralgia and kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get iy p lm M H a b o ttle of T> U ro j today A booklet u ith LITTLE WILLIE KNEW ™ each bottle gives full directions for use. Congressman Robert M Swit- Don't delay. Demand er, of Ohio, smiled when the I "5-Drops " Don t v I cept anything else in onversation turned to the bright place of it Anydrug- emarks occasionaly made by the f t n . If yon live too far store tend One Dollar to tile folk. He said he was re- from a drug Rheumatic Cure Co , Newark, linded of an incident that hap- Swanson Ohio, and a bottle of “5-Drops" will be in his home state. Dalle«, Oregon For Good Service APRIL iened O re go n » u o ln c e o d n rto 27. 1915 > Our loyalty to our sex compels us to take issue with Bill. We do not believe the man lives who is so fickle as April or so realistic as December. Of course, both sea­ sons and men may have been dif­ ferent when William was chin­ ning the girls some three hundred years ago. but his comparison is wholly out of plumb in these days of political strife and suffragettes. Men no longer woo. They are often wooed—and sued; and. while these two accomplices some­ times burden them with house­ hold expenses or alimony, they rarely become so intimate with the Mrs., that she could swear as to their temperamental thermo­ meter. So. envying Will the tranquility of his courtship days and the many April buds with whom he seems to have had at least a speak­ ing acquaintance, we pass on to the month— Literally; During April, the sun is technically said to pass through Aries and Taurus, but the pre­ cession of the equinoxes makes him. the sun, really traverse por­ tions of Pisces and Aries. All of which intrest us about as much as will the European war after base­ ball gets started good. * To us, the month of April brings no sil'y thoughts of love; we turn a deafened ear upon the cooing of the dove; the microbe is not work­ ing now, and this is why, we ween; We fell for it some years ago, and now the house's to clean. We rip the carpets from the floor and hang them on the line; at noon we squat upon the floor and from the floor we dine. At night we sleep upon the stove, or in the cupboard there and dream of ta­ bles, chairs and things go danc­ ing through the air. And then, when this is over and a rest we fain would take, the Missus introduces us to shovel, hoe and rake. The garden must not be delayed another single day, for all the neighbors have theirs in—at least that's what they say. And so, with great humility throu April we are led, but all the same it makes us sore to think of what Bill said. lic it i» 8 H 8 HOTEL OFFICIAL DIRECTOR Y OF FALL« CITT F K. Hubbetd Mayor. T. IV Hollow#!!. Councilmen et Large Fbillip Uotttreld H C. Brown. Albert Teel Comici Imen A. Sampson. C. L Hopkins. R. A. Titus. G. O. Clement Auditor end Police Judge Welter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney. W. P. Lewis. Marshal end Water Supi. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer J. J. Sammons. Engineer Dr F M. Hellwerth. Health Officer. 1 he Council meets in regular seeslonon the Brst end third Tuesday night* ol each month. *t 7 SO o'clock. In the office ol the Fells City Newt. S a tu r d a y . M arch K e « I it c i ice sent prepaid. Two World Expositions Now Open Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs at all points in either direction, to the Panama Pacific International Exposition. * San Francisco, and to the Panama Calitornia Exposition. San Diego, on sale every day to November 30 Via Hie Scenic Shasta Route Three Fine Trains Dally Shasta Limited : San Franclsoo Express : California Express Stop-overs on One Way Tickets Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed at San Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pacific. “California and It’i Two World Expositions9’. A new booklet (leacnbiriK tbe trip from Portland to San Diego Including the two Expositions, the scanlc beautlas of Oregon, the Siskiyou« and Shasta Mountains, San Francisco, the bench and outing resorts of ('all forala, the San Joaquin Valley and Yosemite National Park. Eree on application to nearest Agent S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC John M. Scolt, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. •Mtt-jfinccoe 131 *||1J /ittcvR «.tr*!! # V 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 3,1 ‘sjstdniua *1 pl“d Notice i« hereby given to whom 1 -o 'vpttoi, ' CO O A a .M Z H J r ¡eenp|>T '«I e piotati e in in a jp lo j puag a in j 0 » S||«j it may concern that bids will be It -eo| pu a X ub jo j kjv¡¡jp pBipunq euo is go Xeqx ui3|*X* eqt jo eeoBjin« enoonui pue opened by the County Court of ' poiqq oqt uo A||OSJ|p «joe t | |n;u>od« -ea) e oi td ;ip ot uiuij *«iop u| X ||oui»| Polk County, Oregon, on Thurs­ ! -U| U3HT.1 f | lj teqinui oqt uo B i n o |ttuo|| day the 8th day of April 1915 at -m u xauvqo tu o j /quo ' 0 |q o 'opopx o in j f j oqi Xq *| puni.injnunui 2 o’clock P. M., for crushing and BoiinDoi qiiB i».) e.ltBH tuouiiBBii luuoijniiisuoo o io jaieq t puw ‘ssBoeip |cuo |tn i putting in the bunkers at Falls -llBuoo u oq ot q u e llo us.yoid tuq oou» -jog orinili u| t| poounounid r villi m City, Oregon, of 3500 yards of pUB |Bso| qi|M runo o | B u|||uj XnuBjeuoo Xq CO pDUIOJ I Boot p.oqiiosaia PUB 0«GM|p rock more or less, according to veux |n /Ot 11 it p .tinounid Slut .'ip sinoX Xunui i i i • |Bin..u| oq ot p.txoddne I s * specifications on file in the office «jenA /V.-J t l t j eqt Itiun p us 'Jiq io io i tnd cotnoetp ||B uetn Xitunoo eqt of the County Judge. Also for to uottooa *|qi joqyo U | q iiB teo eioui *| eieq x hauling and delivering same on County road at points to be de­ FOR SALE—Victor talking ma­ signated by the Court. chine. $10 will buy a Victor t v Ik­ Jhe Court reserves the right ing rntichine with 10 records. Can he seen at News office. to reject any and all bids. Mrs. Cltas. Hutton of Puyallup. By Order of County Court, who was called here last J. B. Teal, County Judge. Wash., week liv the death of her brother, Dr. Officer returned home Monday. Walter L. Tooze, Jr , Lawyer, VV. T. Grier went to Portland Dallas, Oregon. ti. this week. A V Buy Your Ice Cream At ELLIS’ Confectionery. 5. B. Taylor CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveying Room 10 Nat. Bank Building Phone 453- - Dalian. Notice to Eletric Light Users All peraonn owing the Falla City Electric Light Co. for service prior to April 1, 1914, will pleaae pay the amount to D. L. Wood at The Newa office. 4