Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 27, 1915, Image 1

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e iT Y
W i*.onitn l«>v«*tiMation SI iomi » W hst II
Cotta Girla lo Liv*.
Muiilsoti, Wla. TUi> liuluxttiiil nuu
■ uHMoli, ita a rosult o f un liivuHIgutlon
untivi 1 Uni vu m irti‘a uilnlinuui miiiiu ucl.
.'i.i-i O ollrrlril U j ' iii >• 4 « li li li nliuv» lim i
Uni luwrNt wiiKo 00 n-Ululi u muuiiiu
Murkvr cali |>rot**rly iiminiu'.ii liurxvlf
Iti M ilw aukee unti utlno |ilatm In Wla-
causili la J 0 .D 0 |>ur w tck
Ila uouulu-
alou un itila |iulut sa)»:
Tukllltf »<>.•'<(! ua Ilio luu r 4 in.e t i r i
{illco ut trillili 11 |iio|ier nl.milm i of
rooni unii titilliti cuti lui arru i’rtl In Mll
tt.m l.tr unti uiltjiiiu tini r < I bua Ulti
uluuunt fm o llirr li,mie uri 1 stile*. ( 11 .
1 in* intuì uUmvaiitu for n tvtck tvoultl
lir kD.fxi, illHtrlIiutrtl ua fulluwa:
»tulli nini rutilo......................... .
Iti .'i
t'Iuililna ............................................... Il»
Luuudry ..................................................
UaitlMI ...................................................
Cur tuia ...................................................
T o u i ........................................................ B M
••Tilt* llltOTi! i-sllttiati* iltM’U noi III
ululiti uuyllilu;: fo r slckui*.** or utnrr
ifrueloa. Infuniti ut* Iirnnluuia or h u i
Ina*, ri stimi Iloti or vuratlou cxpoitsts.
il nllotva onlv for turo ut*craanrisa,"
auya Un* rrjiort.
It ttu t tlui hluirl.m i o f IIvltiàc «In-
ni t II hm I uliore tIme tlu* nilnlmuni Mago
In tv ttita ni inni lo pul tv It tilt» m u l i o f
Mimimi trorlim i. T o itarrrtnln Ilio tvniii 1
nrrraanry to imiliitnln It tilt’ rudimla-
n I oii , tu lli n NtnlT o f Investigatore,
ro t ri tti forty ritira unti I IH cHliitillsti
iiii *11 1 .*4 rin p lotln « lkl,l.'l 7 wntueti. or
nlioiit Imir Ilio lutili utitiilirr em pio)rii
In Ilio aiate. TI irti* tvaa ulto un in-
Vruiluriilou o f Ilio coat o f utuiitlanl ar­
ti Ira o f fimtl nini rlotbllig. ailub ua
are tuost frrt|uru lly untai.
Visitor Tells ol Fine Work He
Has Done In Thai Country.
riilluilelpblu. Muir. K la v k o tin n ii» h,
w ife o f (lit* u o tlrru firlM i t o f foreign
Hifulra In Servili unti s p e l a i pleutlrr
fo r tbut uountry'a relief in Ilila city,
tolti tilt* Hior.v o f tvbut a boro In lúl
will'll T Ryiiu o f Srnintol). I‘n.. bua be-
com e in lu*r n lo p m l rountr.t
“ lie la i| ti 111* one o f tby biggest m m
III Bclgi'iiiie n ow ," :..iIti Muir tiruultcb.
uf Ilio popolarli) Aniertcu Ina woti In
our country alure thè wiir beitau "
Ì'r. Il) un I h follow liig olii) li I h UHtU
rul b r u t In luto:; In tln* llilrk uf tho
Srrvlun Ughi. Ile « III Iti* irm ru ilieied
Hi ItelUK ibit center o f u iiuiulier uf «tip
loliintlc irp ii . iitiilluii:! w liru ibi trou-
bli* w llb Mexico wiib ut II* wor»! limi
Hjirlng 'I b r llu e rta follower« Inni hliu
thiuw u Itilo Juil. UK'U.llig bini o f Itelng
n Villa lincili
l ’rcsldent Wllnon III
■ trneti-d Consiil S iili.11:111 to obtaln In»
» Ira :*o. and tlil* tv uh tioiir a fte r u con­
sideratilo nuiuuiit of urgotiii Iloti unti
uot a few tlurut.*
Ile t u .4 relaiisr*!
tiuly tm bla promise of nliHolutely ri*
fraliiluu frolli un) iiftrt dlaeusslou.
ai ti Adirti br gol back botile In* lutd 11
long r o n f i m i r e v. 1 h ibi* pìimldrUI. Ilo
p il i o f u lilrli r i i r mo * inaile putiti«*
Pi.vuto W cdding In liunk Vault.
Houston. T re
In lioite lo br wed.
dui In order lo . un ii u trulli. Hit* Itcv.
i. F. Jittira o f Spur. TVv . bHuled bla
fi Iri.d. Hit* U n Mi. V\ III 1. ma of tlu*
SI. r o f Uopi* inlasloii of lilla city. Ili il
io . I 1. nk miti M.n- tua ir Irti by bini lo
MI* I dna Ciirrnivay The rrrn uu ny
n 11.4 |M*rforuied In ib e aufrty dr|Miait
ruoli o f tilt* batik to Inniri* p rivacy.
‘ .-In* v..
urn blind. W e did not
reull/r at o,,' r that sbi* could not and
■ night n ever * - H er eye* bud the ap-
P -a run i* o f * i t w hich have cataract.
T b ri
■ . lord to be 11 I tills, white,
opuipio »11! *1.iic e o ver llie
"N o one s ■ *i 1 in l to I now w hat the
Mult r m i
II.it be grew up blind.
Whrlt h I u * u* nine year* old Me aent
her to tin* IV rklug lustltulu For the
llllnd. and Hbe w»» there n'liu yenra
unit received an cdiirntlou. T''ben M’e
look her It one. mid s h e bu* lived here
alin e, helping mr ua sbu could. When
ahe m . is r . Milled by Dr. F. I I’crklna
ut lb I’rrklna inatltutu
years ago
be fold her never to have uuytblng
dour to her eycx, never to put anythin g
In thi'iu, that Nome day ahe Mould see.
and b r M-na right."
Then MrN. Lincoln told how Night
rauu* to Hie girl ua she w ent to the
closet to put u|i the dl-h.-a.
"J nr (unity beard auinetblng snap.”
hu <I
Mrs. Lincoln.
"She sort of
arrcHUted uml trem bled all over.
•S h e cried.
don't know w hat alls
me, but Isn't everyth in g light
railed the fam ily physician lit mire,
m id'wi* have kept her in darkness all
We could so 11* to be ante and uot have
tb« ry e s injured.
"She bus alw a y s been able to toll
light from darkness ami c mid Olid her
in i) around tho liousj. but she has
never uctually seen."
Famed Meeting Place of "Bad Men" In
8 t. Lome to Be RcmodHsd.
SI l.iml.; -''The UucUet o f Rlood.”
one o f H.o most notorious resort* of
the m iddle w est, known 1 1 "bail men"
all o ver t i e west f i r the l i st half
century, lias been sold to the lllveriildc
m ission and w ill be remodeled for a
Tw enty live )e a rs ago the 'T hicket of
Blood" wax the Mecca for all of the
rough characters that cam e to St.
Loui* A saloon w as ou the first lloor.
W hile Mis» Maude Lincoln W aa A t ­ above that u cheap lodging house, a »
tending to Household Duties Som e­ proprlutrly termed "T h e M orgue." and
thing Snapped In Right L ye and She alxivc* that a dance and gam bling ball
T ra p doors, secret passage w ays and
Saw — Two D ays Later Vision Came
sliding panels w er* used for " g e t­
to Other Eye In a Sim ilar Manner.
a w a y " purposes. T w o o f the most no­
Marblehead. Muss.—Slo w ly recover­ torious bad men o f the river days.
ing from the n ervous shock o f sight Red E ye Dalton unil Mickey Mark,
a fte r tw euty-one y e a rs o f blbidueax, wen* captured In tlie place a fte r a
Maude Em erson Lincoln, d au gh ter o f hard tli'lil In an underground tunnel a
quarter o f n century ago.
W illiam I' Lincoln o f this city . Is get
ting her bearings In a at range w orld of
I ohir mid moiiou.
R ecently the darkness suddenly lift
rd from her right eye. and then Hie
left e ye cleared also, both unexpected­
ly mid w ithout rational explanation,
according to apcciu lisis w ho liuve bveu
■ liicstloucd on th e ease.* From a cuinll-
Hun lu m liicli only niijht and d ay could
be different lateil she suddenly aw oke
11 Hie sunlit w orld o f w hich she had
heard so much.
In an Instunt one afternoon ns she
v.: 1 about household duties this seem ­
ing lulrucle cam e. W ith a simp the
coverin g w aa ren t from the rig h t eye
.is alic w as putting dishes in the china
Berlin.—G overnor Flngree’s potato
T w o d a y s lulur. lu the evenin g, us patch plan, tried by the M ichigan g o v ­
she sat w ith her iru c u ts tho other eye ernor m any y ears ago. is bring copied
tvii, uncovered, uud sight w as given In Berlin, where a movement, support­
ed by many wom en o f high position, to
lo It.
‘ I w en t to the closet to put tip some utilize all available garden plots uud
dishes." Nhr said. " O f course, there vacant land lu grea ter Berlin as truck
■ .van no ligh t In the clo set and It all 1 farm s fo r the Immediate raising of
I, uUcd dark to me. T h e top o f my vegetables lias been set on foot. It lx
head did not feel good. It hurt. It the consensus o f opluiou that tho pres
w as a s h eav y ns—us a load o f brick-. rut w ar requires som e surb step.
,To accom plish this purpose It Is pro­
T h a t's Just th e w ay It felt. I reached
up w ith th e dishes. T hen suddenly posed to enlist tho ulil o f all available
: in e lliln g snapped lii lay right eye. truck farm ers and agricultural experts
T h a t Is the only w a y
can describe uii<l to got tbem to give instruction lu
vegetab le raisin g mid ax far.u s possible
II like tbut."
j assist I11 the actu al work, it Is expect-
A nd she snapped lu r lingers.
‘T h e n .” sbe said, "e v e ry th in g seem I i*l that It w ill not bo difficult to Inter
cd all light to m e and brightness. I ^ list women I11 large numbers to carry
\lld not know w h at to m ake o f It. I ' 011 the w ork o f feeding the people.
Women w illin g to assist, it is pro­
could not 10.1 lire w h a t had happened.
I looked around th e room. 1 ran mid posed, w ill first tak e a short free course
looked out the w indow . And I could at the Royal H ardening Institute. The
in stallation and preparation o f courses
"S h e weirt out w ith mo tho othor are lu tin* hands o f the w ar com m ittee
evening, heavily veiled ,” said Mrs. I.ln: on vegetable raising. Interested I11 the
m ill. "W e passed u boy leading 11 man. m ovem ent are such women its the w ife
I isnlil nothing, th in kin g
would uot o f tin* m inister o f w ar. Frau W ild von
flohen born ; Countess von Brookdorff.
rail her irt trillion lo It.
" 'M other,' she sai l, 'w a s that boy the im p ress' ch ief lady in w aiting;
F rau leln von C! cruder IT and Frau von
lending tlir m an?'
Boettleher. the w idow ot tho late min­
" 'Y e s,' l replied.
‘“ Oh, the limn Is blind?' sh e asked ister o f state.
Berlin Is the scene a t this time o f nu­
again. And I laid her be w ax. She
paused a m om ent, then said. ''W bat a merous meetings, largely Rttended by
wom en o f every class, a t w hich w ays
pity.’ "
Miss Lincoln Is (all. slender and fair mid m eans o f more economical living
luilred. H er e yes are blue, lik e those are discussed by prominent physicians.
T h e women are being urged to cut
o f her parents. Slu* bail on a gow n o f
deep red. w ith little black b o w s on It. dow n the consumption o f meat by at
per cent mid to resort more to
mid xhe talked cntcrtalulnrd.v mid a l­ least
w ays she laughs w ith Joy u t her “ mir­ tho use o f milk. T h e wom en are asked
to think o f the men in the field and the
hardships they have to endure. If econ­
In eutlng seem s to be too dllllcult.
xnbLMrx. Lincoln.
Blind For Twaniy-ona Years,
Sl;e Now Sees Cloariy.
"Maude was born on April L2, 1X91,"
"W e till call lil hi T n lily o t r r there—
T rilli) li.viin. Ile lina iniiile friends xo
(inirUly w ith e ve ry one, unit people Just
look to tilín uh it natural lemtur
"W hen the Auatriuna first uume Into
the c ity In the late autum n they ttere
bent on violating nil decent m ir» of
w ar. Lir. R yan stopped tliut. They
hud been lim iting turn quite Indtaurlm-
Inutely w ith ou t even pretending to give
tbrin n trini
T he doctor sniil n slyp
bud to lie put to that kind o f practice,
mill be sought out thu »commander o f
the Invaderà und Just told him w bat
w as what. A fte r that there m i i b no
fu rth er urtlon o f that kind.
"O ur people In Servia like to tuke
him na a puttcru for nil Am crlcaua,
and he la responsible for a great deal
l'lmtii by Amoriran Puna Avaoilatlun.
Woiíidii oí Nobiiiiy Aid In Rais­
ing Aii Kinds of Vegetai] es.
No. 30
Spring Opening
Now G oing On
N. S E L IG ’S
w aters she will be able to starve
OU f BY MT. LASiEN England and France into submis-
! sion.
Boulder "As Big as a House" Was
Belched Saturday and Relied Down
Mountain Side for Mile and a Half.
Ship Yards Are Booming
The most remarkable change
since the time of the Napoleonic
Redding, Cal., March 24.—A wars has come suddenly in the
rock "as bijr as a house,” visible American ship-building industry.
for 10 miles, belched forth by Sat­ The last day of December, 1914,
urday’s big eruption of Mount dosed one of the poorest years the
Lassen, lies at the timber line on American shin yards have had in
the side of the volcano today, ac­ a decade. Today every shipbuild­
cording to George Munkettrick, ing concern from Bath. Me., down
arriving here from Macomber to Newport News, in Virginia, is
working to its fullest capacity,
Flats, near Lassen’s base.
The boulder rolled down the says the New Republic.
mountain side a mile and a half, One of the largest companies
plowing its way through 15 feet of has orders sufficient to keep 6,000
snow and cutting through the men employed full time for two to
earth to bedrock, leaving a cre­ three years. Contracts have been
vice 50 feet wide, Munkettrick de­ closed for forty-eight ocean ves­
sels, and negotiations are pending
for sixty more. Prices have been
15 per cent, although
not significant. A
WILL WIN GREAT WAR British company
has placed an
order for the building of two ships
Qonotal Pearson. American, Just Back in an American yard, a thing
From Europe, Piophesics Fleet of never heard before, and is likely
160 Will Starvo Out the Allies.
to order two more.
New York. N. Y.. March 2 4 .- Apparently the American mer­
Germany already has 160 sub­ chant marine has entered upon
marines and is working 40,000 another period of expansion. The
men night and day to build more, ships ordered and those for which
according to Brigadier General marine architects are now draw­
Samuel Pearson, who arrived in ing plans embrace not only pas­
New York today from Germany. senger vessels for the coastwise
trade, but freighters for the Pac
He said:
"I believe Germany will win the ific and South American service,
war with subm arines. Whpn she big cargo carriers for the trans­
gets her great under-sea fleet into atlantic business and oil tankers
operation in British and French to go anywhere and everywhere.