Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 20, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    T H E F A L L S C IT Y H E W S
IM otcootcmnl C n it'o
(Ehr ^Fallii (£iti| N r urn
F. M. H E L L W A R T H
W O O D A SO N .
P u b lis h e rs .
PH Y SIC IA N a n i » h u r c e o n
(»Hirt« m in d o o r c u n t o l I*. t>.
d i u m all at tha poatoffio
• t Kalla C ity . Polk i'o vntjr. O rrso a . undar tb*> !
A r t o# ('m ir t e a of U a n b S. 1ST»
•»ate. ■ml . . .
Ho.Maiiia r i m i l e .»*>1»
Call Up
Nfwi Office. W.
S u b s c rip tio n K ata* O n a v a a r I I 0C: aix m o n th s.
SO c a n ts : th ru « m o n th s. 2* c a n ts : t i n f to co p y . * <*ts.
r a i l , «'lly,
» u e t n e w tln rh o
A d v t r t u m f Rate» Duplay. 15 cants An inch
Business Noticas s cents s line For Salt. Rent.
Exchange Went ami Pay E n te rtain m en t No
t^ces. S cts. a line Card o! Thanks 5 0 cts:L efa
Notices, legal rates.
Copy lor new ads. an d changet should be sem
to The Sews not later th an Wadnesday
S im p la R oom s
B m I A o c o m m o d lllo n a
O ro o y o , P r o p rie to r
O F F IC IA L D I l t C T O l T OF F A L L * C1TT
F. K. Hubb ar d Mayor.
T. D. Hollowell. Councilman at Large
P hillip Oottlreid
H. C. Brotm.
Albert Teal
K v.
C. L. Hopkins.
R. A. Titus.
G. O. Clement. Auditor an d Poll** Ju dge
Walter L. Tooie Jr.. City Attorney.
W. P. Lewis. Marshal an d Water 8upt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J. Gammons. Engineer
Dr F M H e l U a r t h Health Officer.
Bohle's Barber Shops
Falls City Lumber
Company Store
F olio C ity , O r r g u n
h h t r f you can get a ih iv r , Hair Cul, la th
or 'ik l u c
A lc n t (or U allai Strain Laundry
HuiiTlloa forwav>*J Tua«.l*)r « v .iilii«
1 he Council meets in regular session on the first
a n d th ird Tuesday n ig h ts of each m onth, at 7 JO
o ’clock, in the office of the Kalis City News
G. L. H A W K I N S
S a t u r d a y . M a r c h 20. 1915
A Denver paper has made it so
hot for the Colorado legislature
that an investigation has been
called to inquire into some of their
methods. As a retalitory meas­
ure the House voTOd to exclude all
representatives of the paper from
the House.
For Good Service
Funeral Dlrectot
W « ■Maud t o a l l « a r t p r o m p t l y .
D a l l a s « o d F alla C ity . O r
iveie thoroughly gijrte»;v*i ngnin.
That Col. Roosevelt was right in Font Holfbwell was uf the opinion
denouncing the Bryan treaties is that it th e women werecarefHl V and J*
becoming more apparent as com­ did not b^mp th e ir'b a b y buggies
plications between the allies and against it th at it would, i rtsaittly
American commerce begin to loom stand for several years
up. The treaties bind the United
The folliiw'ing election Judges
States and each of the nations en-i aud Clerks were appointed to serve
tering into the treaty to devote a; af the April ebetiou: Judges J. R
year of inquiry by a commission Moyer, D. L.IWood, af.d Mrs. A E.
into the merits of any controversy SeTtiimr: Clerks, G. D. Irear and
and during that time to make no Mrs. Em m a Hiuehaw.
addition to her armed forces in ,
preparing for war, but they leave
each nation free to arm against
other nations. Should England
■ Mar Cli 18, 1915
decide to seize all American ships
I lit 0 ’Brian family -prut Sun-
not destined for her ports all the 'in.)' a t Spauldings camp with Mr
United States could do would be and Mrs. O'B rian’s sou, Claience.
to call an investigation and spend
George Grave» and faiuilv ale
a year in peaceful “ watchful
Visiting Mis Grumes’ parents.
waiting” while England and her
James Day mowed from Falls
allies debauch American com­
City to bpaulding^ Saturday and
merce. If at the end of the year
it should become necessary to will have chuige of.Camp Nv 2
Mr Nelson made a trip to Inde­
fight, England will already have
pendence Friday of {a.-l week.
her trained soldiers in the field;
Sut Talbott was ii^town Monday
and her navy in fighting trim; but
still wearing a smile that don't
the United States will have only
. » “> t
an army of about 25,000 men and cotoo Mi .
Mr. S a je r of Fal^s City will I
no preparations made toward
equipment. Verily, verily, Bryan preach he/e iiuwiay afternoon at
is a great man.
Mr. And Mrs. Claud»* Clevelaud
wish to express their thanks to,
Iriends for kindness shown through
the illness ami death of their lilt.e
VV. B. McKowau has bfeeu till­
able to attend to his duties at the
school house this week on account
of an attack of the grippe.
Kt'MCHAl. muKi Tull
R. L C H A P M A N
England seemingly does not
think that the United States will
Council Meeting
fight from the way she has re­
Ti e council met Tuesday i ight
garded Mr. Bryan’s “ notes.”
While Roosevelt was considered, in its regular semi-monthly meet­
somewhat rash in enforcing his ing. Mayor Hubbard. Auditor
demands, a good bluff sometimes I and Police Judge Clements, C’ouu-
beats a fight or a footrace. Bryan cilmeu Hollowell, Hopkins, Sam p­
is in a position where he will have son, Titus and Gottfried were
piesent The meeting was a i^eiy
to engage in one or the other.
uneventfuL one " Peace and Hal'**
~-= .
While the sitaation in Mexico tnony pjevjiling.” Thei*> waa some
needs attention, the common discussion on the interest duo on
people are not very much enthus­ the Improvement Bonds, the bond
ed with the idea of killing off attorney and Toolfc'"agreed t h a t,
greasers in order to protect John the bank ewed the city interest"
D’s interests. If Uncle Samuel from November TO to February 4."
would dispossess some of these old amounting to something oVer too. •
“ philanthropists” t.h-e trouble rfiii Tbifd Mieet i vH b Was
ed. The good a n d ■ tMnf qnkHtjes
would probably cease.
Card of Thanks
D allau , O royon
1‘M o m b u t
Two World Expositions
hi m
■ m a n
Now Open
-lut >
Kednred fare round trip tickets, permitting
stop-overs at all points in either direction, to
the Panama Pacific International Exposition,
San Francisco, and to the Panama G*liWfnia
Exposition* ¿an Diego, on sale every day TO ■t. n
— • November 30
•«n t l>T
Via the
1> i
O re g o n
W. M a l t h t w i , P r o p r ie to r
1 • *
I ••
.% A
Three Fine Trains Daily
V' ’.lv '»W *"
Shasta Limited : San Francisco Express : California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed at San
Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets
sol I to Eastern Cities when routed via the
Southern Pacific.
“ California and It’s Two World Expositions” .
A new booklet desert bln* th e trip from Fort land to Han Diego Including
the two Jtxpoettloiik. the * * n t c beautle« of Oregon, the HUklrnti« and
Sha*ta Mountain*. Ben Frat:»«l*oo, th* beach and outing resort* «»I Cali­
fornia, ttx«» Stiii J«»Hifuin Valley an d Yo*eratte National Lark. Free on
application toturaieat Ag-;ut
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
P ain I-jav«« alm crt
as it by magic « h e n
you begin using "5-
Drops," thofum ousold
reme«ly to r R heum a­
tism, Lum bago, Gout,
Sciatica, N e u r a l g i a
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, stops the aches
and pains and makes
life worth living. G et
n bottle of "5-IJrops"
today. A booklet with
each bottle gives full
d i r e c t i o n s fo r use
D on't delay. D em and
"6-D ro p s" D on't
I c ep t anything else in
p lace of i t A n y d ru g -
f i a l c a n su p p ly you. If you live too far
from a drug store send O ne D o llar to
Swanson R heum atic C ure Co , Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle of "&-Drops” w ill bo
te n t p repaid
i; Paul wei.t t i Dallas Tit tra-
d »
Pugh \v—ni to D a llo riitiri-
div i»> insl.e M'i'sir-. on the Ula.k
telephone lin**s
J. 1 t'"id left M ediiee.lay fpy
Eugene to visit hi« son
M is . E t |l. Lewis nini soil left
Tuesday fora visit w it li her put ente
at Mot.mouth
C. M M uuspii will start up hit«
mill Motidgy. This i» welcnme
news to i veryone.
A F. Courier went to Bjuwne-
ville, Oregon Tiiilrsday.
P a rs u t-1 eacl.eis m*»»tiiig will be
held Saturday ygaRing. Superiti-
teudent Seympur will-meet with
Ut^ An»I bring a magic lantern and
alides on the subject. Everybody
Mrs. H utton of Pyallup, Wash.,
cdtne Thin »nay tn respume tu a
Mrn. Price gave M ih . ^living k
telegram stating' tb»« ihntjh ol her
huipfiee birthday party " \Yednei-‘
brother, I)r. VV. ti. Ofiicer.
day. About fifteen were ..present
Many more intended to come hut
Mrs Mary E. Pugh and Misses
were prevented ou account of the
and Audrey Stewart left
Mr». Nellie Sears returned Sat-
Thursday for Vancouver, Wash.
uiduy from a visit ut Eugene.
Buy Your ice Cream At
ELLIS’ Confectionery.
S. B, Taylor
Land Surveying
Room 10 Nat. Bank Building
Phono 453-
The little «on of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Cleveland died Monday.
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church
Hicks officiating. Intern ent was
made iu the city cemetery.