è FALLS CITY NEWS FORM LEGION FOR NATION'S DEFENSE Many Noted Men Are Back of the Volunteer Movement. TO TAKE IN TRAINED MEN. F o rm e r S o ld ie rs and Sailor* A r t In lh * F irs t L in * — M a jo r C o n tro l L e o n a rd W o o d a n d C o lo n a l R o o . e v e lt A r a t n - lh u * ia *t io 8 u p p o rto ro — N o M ilit a r is m A ro u o o d . No. 29 KALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 20, 1916 VOL. XI S p ir it of New York.—The tlr*t tluflult«» stro|ile o f tills country with tho vntbuslastlc Indorse oient o f former I ’resltlent Theodor« ltooaevelt and Major General I-eounrJ Wood. Ita plan* and purpose* hare been worked out at Governor* Island under the guidance o f Cnptulii Gordou John- •ton o f Genera! Wood's stulf und Com­ ma taler ltotiert K. Crank o f the United Slates navy. There Its headquarter* nre tem|Hirarlly located, and from there will come presently an aunouneoment o f the IIIIme* o f those who are to serve ns member* o f tho executive commit- t-o and board o f honorary adviser*. Colonel Roosevelt hua already accepted the rhnlrmunHhlp o f the latter body, it Is the answer o f patriotic and prac- tleal men to tho ugltutlon which ha* been going on ever since the outbreak o f the Kumpcnu war called attention to the fact that the Unlti-d State* 1* not prepared to defeud Itself. It I* the purposo o f this organization not only to enroll the tlichtIn*; men of the couutry, the tncu who have seen service ns soldiers or sailor*, but also to enroll the men who have special training lu any one o f the half hun died calling* which under the condi­ tions of modem w arfare nre ns essen­ tial to success ns nre military nud naval equipment The membership o f this organization Is to be made up not 1 of uteti who are annually drop|>ed tram the service, either by leslguuiloii or by 1 expiration o f term o f inllstmeuL They simply melt away Into the great body of the population. • It Is o f course gem rally known that lu tills country no da t are kept of the I activities o f citizens Hint would enable | the government lu tin e of war lo pick out at tun e the man or h sly o f men ....... loliy adapted fo ra part culuraerv- |ee T h * S i lection Is I.I m V after the mail enlists and Ills professed qttall- llealloiis uro discovered only by ac- Ben ton llarbur. Mich.—In an Isolated tuttl trial o f III* abllll es In the sortie* shanty, set down in u secluded spot on nf his country. The Amortean legion p n\ ■> es to do the lake shore. Jacob Goldstein died u beforehand Jn»t what the government day or two ugo. lie wna a leper, an outcast, a menace would have to <|o after It had enlisted .i great volunteer army and nary. to mankind, a creature to be shunned Men who have been f-allied ns soldiers Vet when bis spirit left his tortured or sailors will be el as- (tied In detailed body Ills weeping mother and bis tie records as to physique, education, clcir- 1 Vottd father were by Ills side, lie could not see them, for the disease that actor o f I r ' nli■ : nml lenrth o f service Men o f special training lu other fields claimed him hail destroyed Ills eyes will I k - classified lu the -ame way and | But earing nothing for any risk they every applicant for membership will ran. mother und father were faithful to lie carefully questioned and the nature the eud. That hi* sou from some mysterious o f his qunllflcntlou* thoroughly lnve«tl cause had develo|H-d leprosy« caused gated. the elder Goldstein's tluuuelal ruin aud WHO SWALLOWS DICTIONARY? hts family's ostracism. He kept a small general store In suburban Benton flar bor. nnd hoi and bis fnmily were In Question Disturbing Missouri L s q is I s comfortable circumstances w hen — toro— H*vo Already Lost Thr**. The whisper. "Young Goldstein is a Jefferson City, M<>. The house 'll» covered recently that It was struggling leper.” swelled to a cry that echoed all along without a dictionary when a res over Beutou Harbor and far beyond Its Overnight Goldstein's little olutlon was Introduced to buy a new limit*. business was ruined; former customers one for use o f members "I'd like to know what treonme of hurried by on the other side o f the street; former friends suddeuly forgot the Idg dictionary wo bought two years they had ever known the Goldsteins ago?" Representative J. M. Bowers Goldstein tried to provide for bis fam ­ asked. ily b 7 peddling. As be trudged the No member volunteered Information. road* the frightened warning went “ I'd like to know what became of abend o f him. "H ere comes tbe leper'* the dictionary we had four years ago," father!” All doors were closed to him Bowers persisted. Tbe local health authorities asked Silence. the state o f Michigan to care for the "I'd like to know who took the dic­ leper. The state refused. There Is tionary we bought six years ago,” be nothing In the health ordinances pro­ demanded. viding for such a case. The Univer­ More silence. sity of Michigan was ready to furnish "W ell. It’s getting pretty tough when Isolated quarters tor young Goldstein they steal a dictionary from a Missouri so Its medical students might observe legislature." remarked the gentleman tbe progress o f tbe disease, but Ann from Wayne. Arbor emphatically refused to admit a Whereupon the house bought anoth­ letter within her confines. er dictionary. So the shanty was built In the se­ cluded *^pot among tbe bills near by There the pareuts o f the doomed boy I joined him In exile. Tbe most loatb- j some, tbe most dreaded o f all human { ills, the disease accursed, could not drive his parents from the boy. Under -constant surveillance, these three ex- | Isted like prisoners in a stockade until the merciful end came PARENTS FAITHFUL TO LEFER SON TO THE END Father's Business iluined and Aid Raiused by All. WOMAN NEVER SLEEPS; AWAKE SEVEN YEARS Sits Up All Night In Chair and Tries to Rest. M AJOR U I.N K IIA I. L E O N A lli> WOOD. of those who are willing to defend their country, but o f those who can de­ fend It. Those who nre behind the organiza­ tion nre not Imbued with the spirit of militarism. They agree with those who say that at a word front the pres­ ident of the United States millions of men would swarm to the colors nnd that II Is not necessary In time of peace that (Ids country maintain n great standing army such ns one as­ sociates with tlie word militarism. No military training In time o f pence Is Involved, no Increase In standing arnt.v, navy or militia, but there Is contem­ plated a taking stock o f resources so that In time o f war the government would be able to lay Its hand Immedi­ ately upon those who would be best ■innlltled to cope with the emergency. There will lie two active branches o f Iho legion. The line o f the legion will be composed exclusively o f men who have had army or navy service or who can handle a high power rifle nnd nre seasoned In taking care of themselves In the open. It Is n fact not generally known per­ haps that the United Stales nrmy and navy keep no account of the thousands OPENING OF OUR NEW “ S P R IN G GOODS Seattle, Wash.—Mrs. Edward llauck of this city says she has slept only half an hour lu the last seven years. Her husband substantiates her state­ ment. Seattle physicians say It Is Impossi­ ble; that If Mr*, llauck hasn't slept for seven years by all tbe laws o f nature she would have l>ecn dead long ago. T w o or three years ago one night she dozed oil. she declares, and slept for fully half an hour. Oftpn now she feels sleepy aud Im­ mediately lies down In the hope that the longed for unconsciousness will come. But It never does. She weighs twenty-five pounds less lhun she did seven years ago. when her k>hg period o f sleeplessness began. She suffered severely for ttie first tw o or -three nights, she says. That's all. " I t has come to be « sort o f matter o f fact condition with me now." she went on. "There Is no pain, only a kind o f dull feeling that weighs down on me. And the uights, you know, are so long when one Is alone and every­ body else In the world Is sleeping." She passes little o f her time In tied. Early In the evening she lies down with her little daughter, Irene Bell, aged a year nml n half, until the child Is In slutnberlund Then she gets up. dears away her work and prepares for her long slcgo against the coming of daybreak. Edward llauck, the husband. Is em­ ployed as a cook. He works nights. " I worked In the daytime until recent­ ly, though,” ho said, "and slept here at home at night, and I know my wife Is not mistaken when she says she spends her nights Just as wide awake as she Is during the day. Occasionally, when she tried going to bed, I'd wake up and find her tossing beside me, al- ways awake. Generally, though, she would be sitting In our one rocking chair, with the shaded lamp beside her, reading.” THE OPENING OF OUR NEW SPRING GOODS MEANS THE SHOWING OF THc. LATEST DECREES OF FASHION. WE INUITE EUERV WOMAN. MAN. GIRL AND BOV. TO COME. SEE OUR NEW SPRING GOODS. OUR STYLES ARE RIGHT: OUR MATER­ IALS ARE RIGHT: OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. YOU WILL LOOK NO FURTHER FOR W HAT YOU WANT FOR SPRING WHEN YOU SEE OUR NEW GOODS: YOU WILL BUY AND BE PLEASED. N. S E L IG ’S FALLS C ITY D E P A R T M E N T STO R E would be a “ back number” in every sense; and it may be sur­ prising to learn that many o f its Mrs. Hauck says she find* she can news paragraphs would not ap­ get more physical relaxation In a chair pear to be out o f place in a paper at night than In bed. She makes the of today, while the subjects o f its chair comfortable with bedclothes, par­ tially disrobes and lies back to count leading articles are just as much off the hours. in the public mind now as then. "She's such n plucky little person," For instance the progress o f the her husband explains, “ that she hardly ever complains about It and seems anx­ European war, in which we read ious only that baby ami 1 get our o f the “ Allies,” intrenchments, rest.” the prospect o f peace, and the Mrs Hauck sought relief from physi­ cian* in the east before coming to intimation that Great Britian is a Seattle, three years ago from Berlin, little too ambitious about “ ruling tint., but could get none, she says. She the waves.” Other subjects dis­ has bought drugs nnd sleeping pow­ ders nt vnrlous times, both with nnd cussed are the situation in Mexico without the advice o f physicians. But Prohibition laws, “ The Horrors of nothing has helped, she says. W ar,” the need o f more enlist­ ments in the United States Navy, B o y P la n s O w n F u n e ra l. and “ Submarine Explorations;” Minneapolis. —Kenneth Booth Merrill, student at West High school, was bur­ these last were by means o f an led recently In a casket o f his own se­ improved diving bell. lection. Flowers used at the funeral In the article on prohibition the nnd the music were chosen according to his expressed desire. Merrill hnd editor is confident that such a law known more thnn a year ago that he will be passed in Pennsylvania could not recover, and during the last He believes that few weeks hnd mnde all arrangements within a year. for his own funrral. the best possible means o f con­ trolling the liquor traffic, and con­ siders it only a matter o f time when it will prevail for the entire country. Doubtless, however, he The Allies, Mexico and Prohibition | did not foresee how much time. Subjects ot Newspaper Com­ The war. o f course, was the ment Then at Now Crimean, in which the Allies, En­ gland and France, were combined against their present ally, Russia. “ th e well-worn saying “ history W e see by the market reports that repeats itself," was never better it had the same effect as the pres­ illustrated than when reading a ent war on the price o f grain,only copy of a newspaper called “ Gra­ more so. Wheat is quoted at ham’s Daily Mail,” which fell in­ $2.50 to $2.75, flour. $11.50 a bar­ to our hands the other day. The paper was dated at Philadelphia, rel, rye $1.50, corn, $1.10, oats, ,79c. Cotton was selling from six Pa., April 21, 1886. One might to ten cents a pound; sugar at think that a periodical o f this date SIXTY YEARS ACO about present prices. But coffee is quoted at ten and eleven cents, and bacon eight to ten, hams ten to twelve and a half a pound. Another very modern touch ap­ pears in the market report, where against certain items is, “ Nothing doing.” —Ex. BOARD JOB BARS SALES School Director Must Not Soil Sup­ plies to District. Ruling. Salem, Or., March 14. —Attor­ ney-General Brown, in response to a query by Frank Steiwer, Dis­ trict Attorney o f Umatilla County, held that it is unlawful for a school director, who is a merchant or a stockholder and manager o f a corporation, to sell supplies to a school district. The Attorney-General quotes section 4052 and section 4063, Lord’s Oregon laws, to sustain his opinion. For violation the penalty is a fine o f not less than $25 nor more than $100, or imprisonment in jail not less than six months, or both fine and imprisonment. THE WEEK IN HISTORY Monday, 15.—Caesar assassinat ed B‘. C., 41. Tuesday, 16.—James Madison born 1751. Wednesday, 17. — St. Patrick's Day. Grant takes command of army, 1864. Thursday, 18.—Cleveland born, 1837. Friday, 10. — Bryan born, 1860. Saturday, 20.—Great Boston fire, 1760. Sunday, 2 1 ,-F irst day o f spring.