Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 15, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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SNAKE CAUSES AUTO WRECK. Devastating Eel worm Eound Again
The conflict between Evolution and the Bible has been sharp
Nevertheless, unnecessary friction has been generated
Only In respect to man does the Bible declare a special, direct
creation o f God. The statements of Genesis In respect to the
lower creatures rather favor something along the lines of spe­
cialized Erolutlon. God said. “ I.et the waters bring forth abuu
dantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may
fly above the Earth." (Genesis 1:20. 21.i This is exactly In
harmony with our scientific findings that the beginning or life
came from the waters, and later extended to the birds, and
later to land animals
- ---------- 1
Send this coupon with eleven others from this paper, each oesr
mjt a different numuer. and IS cents in stamps for packing and post
134 Colurnoia Heights Brooklyn. N I , and receive FREE a copy of "BIRTH
DAYS OF MY F R IE N D S , price is cents This beautiful book Is published t-
do good—not for protU It contains an appropriate Scripture ter.t and commer
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somely bound, gilt edges Sample on display at the office of tnta paper
No. 6.
-'.-¡■■ h - m - h - x -:-!-!-
Our Big Contest Now On!
Popular voting: contests are always the source
o f much dissatisfaction. A big prize is offer­
ed and o f course only ONE can win and the
others naturally feel sore that all their time,
energy and money goes for naught so fa r as
they are concerned. Then the newspaper
putting on the contest is the loser. They
have to give the bulk o f the amount collect­
ed to some company promoting contests and
have to send the pajher to the subscribers at
a loss.
Wheat, per bushel $1 HO
Hrao, per sack 1115
Shorts, per sack $1.75
Harley, Midd per sack $2 25
Rolled Hurley, per saek $1,75
Alfalfa meal, per 100-lbs $1 75
Post Office Time Card
Office hour#: Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.in. to 6.30 p.m.
Mail arrives, from
Salem 9.Oli a.in., 5:16 p in.
Dallas, 9:00 A M , 6:46 IV M.
Portland and Dallas train No,
851, 11 ;55 A M.
Hlaek Rock, 1:80 P M
Mail closes for:
Salem. 8.50 A M . 1 P M and 6
P. M
Dallas, 8:50 A M and ft P M
Portland-Dull»» train, 353, I P M
Hlack Rock, 11 A. M.
S unday O nly
Oilice hours: 9:30 to l'LJiO a.in:
Mail arrives (ruin Nalem, 9.00
a. m.
Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a m
Effective May 13, 1916.
I ha C. M khui . inu , postmaster
Walter L. Tooje, Jr., Lawyer,
Dallas, Oregon.
For Rent—Dwelling house. Ap­
ply at News office.
(jet your butter wrappers print­
ed nt tlm Ni office.
Correspondents wanted in every
neighborhood in this section «I me
Good house for sale in Falls
City, part time. Enquire at News
Extra copies of The News are
printed each week, and will tie sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 6 cents per copy.
anybody touch the basket and could
not lie lured away by tempting offers
of food-
Once a crop has become infest-
Mrs. J. J Wilkins carried food and (.d wjth the3e nemato(ies, there is
water to the dotf ami gave it a Rack
to lie upon. King Ambler, fourteen no known Cure.
fact there is
year-old son of Arthur Ambler, made no known Way o f absolutely era-
overtures to the .err; r f„, a long time ,J jca tin ? a n y o f th e soil-in h a b itin g,
before he won Its confidence sutholeut-
ly for it to permit him to take the has plant-infesting
nematodes. The
For the next sixty days we propose to f i v e
every one theoppo rtunity to g e t$ l in ad ver­
tising absolutely free. The proposition is
most effective measure is tostarve
W ho °'v“ s |! dog »m l the basket the pest out either by allowing tho
could not be ascertained. and young
Ambler said he hoped the owner would land to lie fallow, or by planting It
not turn up.
to crops that furnish little or no
To N ew S u b s c r ib e r s : Send $1 to this offk v
and receive T he F a l l s C it y N ews one year
and recei ve credit for $1 in advertising to be
used ar.ytime during the year.
To Of_,D S u b sc r ib er s : Pay up all arrerage.s
if th.ere be any, and one year in advance and
y o 'j will be entitled to an amount in adver­
ts ising equal to the money paid.
nourishment to the eelworm. Corn
and barley are among the crops
re, om:.tended for this ptirpOM. It
Cattle Creek (Mich.)
School» Is Crowing Desperate.
¡3 cheaper, however, to prevent
Battle Creek. Mich - William G. Co- the pest.; gaining a foothold titan
burn, superintendent of schools, com to fight them in thi.-i way.
plains of the Inroads that Cupid makes 'diseased plant should he uprooted
on his i ups <>r teachers. An amazing an,j turned at once, and no bulbs
proportion o f them b-ave each year to o r sf, „ ] should be purchased from
Tills year nineteen teachers
localities where the devastating
are wearing diamond solitaires.
is known to exist, for the
Professor Coburn has made many
visits to normal schools to fill vacan­ pest is most commonly spread by
cies. and he says that next year he shipments o f infected bulbs and
seeds. flhe eggs and larvae of
will have to do It nil over again.
Last year he warned the connty this species o f nematode have been
clerk against issuing marriage llrenses known to revive after having been
to schoolteachers under contract, lie in a lethargic condition in the up­
declared that "a woman who will per layers o f the soil for years,
i break her contract with tbe school g nce a nematode has gained a
hoard would not hesitate very long footj
jn an y |(x.a |jty it may
You will want to advertise something during
the year and in this manner you will get
your advertising free.
F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N .
f-M-H -I- H-KX-H-v
Flour, por sack $1.86, $2. 10
Haoou, per pound 20-22 cent*
llama, per pound 23-Miiti
l'ionio ham*, per pound I A. (tills
Cinico Dairy butter 25-eetils;
lòdi All cents.
Creamery, per pound 115 cents;
Hull 70-ocnts.
Kggs, per dozen 18-cunts
Coffee, per pound 2ft to 15-eel its
Sugar, 13 - pound for $ 1.00
li"nns, Minali white, per pound
8 cents.
I.ard, per ft-1W pnil 8ft-ccnts; per
10-|l> pail $1 05.
Potatoes, per pound 2|-tei.ts
Runaway K «IU k i Cv. sr’» Ellort to
Kilt Copptrlivad on So.it.
East Orange, N. J. Jauus Morrison
of Oraupi- went nutouiolillln : with Ills
family ttio other afternoon unit wlion
over tho Sci-oud ui autau» drove Into a
flirt mail so that In - w ife anfl two chll
Aren coulfl plok wild flowers. They left
the car under a laige oat, tree anfl
sauntered off.
ila lf an hour later Mra. Morrison anfl
her two children returned to the ear for
tho return trip. Colled up on tho front
seat was a large copiierbettd snake.
The mother and children, dropping the
flowers, ran away screaming
Mr. Morrison returned to the ear aud.
us the branches bung low over It.
pushed It buck to the in tcmlnui rood o f
Eagle Ilock avenue. Getting a stout
club from the woods, he swung at the
snake, missed it and accidentally gave
the car a push, and down the hill It
The grade was very steep, and the
automobile ran through n wooden fence
Into the farm o f Jacob Miller, sirlkiug
a ealf. killing a couple o f chickens and
finally hailing after It had toru away
part o f Miller's back porch, lly this
time there was not much left o f the
car. and Mr. Morrison, with his w ife
and two children, walked four miles
home. The snake esc aped,
The carboniferous qualities of the «rater and the atmosphere
baring been absorbed Into the cretaceous organisms or the sea.
«vhlcb formed beds of limestone, and Into the rank vegetation
which went to form the coal beds, the atmosphere of Earth
began to be pure enough to permit life In breathing animals
T o this period, therefore, belong the amphibious developments
o f animal life, such as the crocodile and other animals which
can lire either on land or In the water. Birds belong to this
period, and In the latter part of It appeared the great Mammoth
and the Sloth.
The Darwinian theory has disappointed those who swallowed
It without a sufficiency of demonstration as to Its truth. <1 Tim
othy tJ:20.i Recent demonstrations show that every mixture ot
species and kind, even wnere partly successful, means s njver
slon to the original standards within the third or rourtb geuer
ation tn plants, flowers, fruits aud In animals.
The correct thought would seem to be that under Dlvtne su
perrlslon various orders of creation were Drought to a state ot
development and a fixity of species, not fo be turned aside nor
thereafter altered. Not one suggestion is offered respecting hu
man evolution from a lowei creature; but quite tbe contrary
The Bible furnishes merely a basis for faith, “ that the man ot
God may be thoroughly equipped '—2 TimoHIy 8:17.
Washington, 1). ('. The devas­
tating eel worm, or, to give it its
scientific name, the Tylenchug de-
v a.-tat fix, lias U rn found again in
the Pacific Northwest several hun­
dred miles from the iioint where it
was discovered in 1913. This tiny
threadlike organism is u member
o f the great family o f nematodes
and is remarkably destructive to
many forms o f bulbous plants.
Commercially, itachief importance
is due to its ravages in onion
fields, but it also feeds to a great
extent upon flowering bulbs such
as hyacinths and upon such crops
as rye, oats, hemp, potatoes,
strawberries, etc. Hitherto, the
United States appears to have
been practically free from it, but
the new infestation in the North­
west following u|xm that o f two
years ago indicates the existence
o f danger that it may establish
itself hire. The devastating eel-
worm thrives best in moist regions
where the temperature varies to
USE FOUND FOR BEAR GRASS. a comparatively small extent.
Fiber Obtained From It Converted Into These climatic conditions are found
Cordago, Matting, Etc.
in Holland and in the areas in the
Tucmncarl, N. M.—Gathering the
spear-Ilke leaves o f the wild hear grass Pacific Northwest where the peat
that grows profusely over a large area has been discovered. On the other
o f western Texas and haling the tiher hand, there is reason to believe
that Is obtained therefrom Is a new
that this particular nematode will
industry for this part o f the country
A large plant for preparing the fiber not survive cold winters in which
for market has b en • > abllshed here.
the ground is frozen solid for a
The product Is shipped to I'lii-ago.
where It Is tnanufuctnivd Into rope, considerable depth, or that at least
cordage, matting aud other products. it will not become a serious men­
The nvntlable supply of the raw ma­ ace under such conditions.
terial Is said to lie practically Inex­
The devastating eelworm is so
Up to the time It was discovered that small that although under the
the leaves contain a valuable fiber mast favorable circumstances it
bear grass wns considered worthless by
the ranchmen.
It Is now proving a may occasionally lie detected with
source o t considerable revenue for the the naked eye, it is practically
laud owners and the men w ho are ein certain to escape observation. As
ployed in marketing It.
in the case o f micribes its presence
is usually made known only by its
IN BIELE PROPHECY, ‘;,r?cttf The young • nematodes
Undreamed of pu?Miutts have bum fortit. hatching from eggs laid in the in-
devouring the land« that patient hand j tested plant feed on the juices
have beautified and made tortile, and cei.
turks haw «tucked with art trea; ur«« 1 o and tissues o f the plant until it is
the entire a «»rid the war ha« coon* as a
complete surprise because the) have in * | destroyed. They multiply with
read our book <v«0 pages cloth) telling j extraordinary rapidity so that the
that lust such conditions w< uul exist, onlj
to be followed by tit
till great« : dev.t- [ bulb soon swarms with them, and
lation of anarchy The flmt edition can.*
j they also often find their way into
from the press in ISIFi
Of vaster interest and importance is Us ! the upper leaves. In the case of
promise of better thing« in.store for this
earth, when the wrath of nations has of the onion, the leaves o f the a f­
run its course. Bend thirty-four cents in
stamps (with this coupon) to cover post­ fected plants become swollen and
age. to The Temple. No 26 W. £ir«l Hi . New flabby and the bulb soft and puf­
York City, and receive a copy promptly
fy. The whole plant has a pecul­
iar stunted and distorted appear­
Twenty-four ance, and ultimately the bulb rots
away. I f a portion of the bulb
Hours Before Yielding.
S t Louis. — Ignoring all blandish­ or one of the swollen leaves be
ments. a Skye terrier guarded uu cm
placed in a dish of water and ob­
pty banket f««r twenty-four bourn al
Taylor and Aduma streets. Kirkwood, served under a magnifying g ’ass,
until finally a boy made friends with tiny transparent worms may be
the dog and coaxed it to his home, to
seen escaping into the water.
wbieii be
Persona n*iug in the neighborhood 1 his is perhaps the most conven-
first observed the dog at its vigil the ¡ent method for the farmer to as-
previous afternoon
it refused to le t j ceiq a jn w hat is killing his onion
-;-M- * ♦
Gooseberries for sale, F. K. Hub­
y number 0f ways.
Falls City, Ore.
. .•bout
. breaking
. , , a marriage contract.” rea(, j Jn w an
Tl «e county clerk couhjn t see his way ^
a te r the
- -
All persons owing the Falls City
Running water, the feet o f men
Electric Light Co. for service prior FOR S A LE — Victor talking m»- T l r bi'turri ibiwn'mi'niiidienid"^»
and animals, and infected plant
to April 1, 1914, will please pay chine. $¡0 will buy a Victor tulk- Mr Coburn has been superintendent material blown about by the wind
the amount to V>. L. Wood at The ing machine with 10 recordn. Can of sehoiMs here for twenty years, nnd are among the most common
be B e e n at News office.
recently he was ro-elected for another means.
News office.
Notice to Eletric Light Users
Guard Your Children
Against Bowel Trouble
Many children at an early age
become constipated, and frequently
serious consequences result. Not
being able to realize his own con­
dition, a child’s bowels should he
constantly watched, and a gentle
laxative given when necessary.
Dr. Miles’ I.axative Tablets are
especially well adapted to women
and children.
The Sisters of
Christian Charity. 531 Charles St.,
Luzerne, Pa., who attend many
cases Of sickness say of them:
''Some time ago we began using Dr.
Miles’ Laxative Tablets anil flml that
we like them very munh. Their notion
la excellent and we are grataful for
having been made acquainted with
them. Wo have had good result* In
every case nnd tho Slstera are very
much pleaaed.’’
The form and flavor of any medi­
cine is very important, no 'matter
who is to take it. The taste and
appearance arc especially important
when children are concerned. All
parents know how hard it is to give
the average child "medicine,” even
though the taste is partially dis­
guised. In using Dr. Miles’ Lax­
ative Tablets, however, this diffi­
culty is overcome. The shape of
the tablets, their appearance and
candy-like taste at once appeal to
any child, with the result that they
are taken without objection.
The rich chocolate flavor and
absence of other taste, make Dr.
Miles’ Laxative Tablets the ideal
remedy for children.
If the first box fails to benefit,
the price is returned. Ask your
druggist. A box of 25 doses costs
only 25 cents. Never sold in bulk.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.