Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 13, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TBE TALLS CITY NEWS. M A n C H * lfl,"M B
Town Wiped Off Map by Appointment
of R eceivere F o r B io C u n te tn .
Sioux M IN . s l< TIvW u frontier
vlllnitv In l»«‘i>iiln«l"ii com ity, la ri»
Closing up of tho a Sutra o f the Con
sumera' Supply company here by n re
• elver «unrk.st the passing of the town
and also one of lire unV|Ue store» of
the west
• f o r years the store stood on Ilio
prairie several miles from the nearest
neighbor amt forty th e tu lle, from a
railroad. The store w as equipped like
a departm ent store to a city of -o.OOO
T h e company was fo rm el In IUOS.
! following the settlem ent o f the sur
rounding country by boniest e iders In
the boom days, t.eorgo I-. t h i s , for
Our Efforts Will be to Pleas»'
whom th e town, consisting of the store,
In Quality and Price. : : :
was named, had lama In the country
many years and had conducted a small
1 store on hl* rauch
§ *5 ' I.a te r he formed the Consumers' Sup-
“JS ply com pany, with a capital o f ♦fiO.OOO.
oJS and built a uiagnltUcnt store, ucwspn
I |>or office and bank building T h e store
• jfcr was stocked with everything from
vmi thrashing m achines a ml traction eo
glut's to groceries
TtvU recently disappeared, and the
appointm ent o f the receiver followed
Ha it the homesteader», who occupied
the surroumllug region l>ven able to
Monday, 8 .—Niagara susjiension raise good crops each year the city
(Continued from page P
store on the prairie" might have suc­
bridge opened. 1865.
Many of the beutest cadets
Now just one parting shot for Tuesday, 9. —Battle between Mer- ceeded
were unable to m ake farm ing pay and
your own individual information.
left the country.
rimae and Monitor, 1862.
tlhceuslng ami so netIhie» I ask my
K K t L I S T A T E S 0 K S A l, K
self, when I have time to tenllse It at
alt, how Ione I »hall be aide to aland
the strath.
W e must do nnr work. 1 No. 1. 71-2 ucrw adjoining
however, and I'm proud I" do It for FYdtsCity on County routl. Gotxl
those grand men the •Tomm ies’ "
You Do Not Need to Send Away
We Are Prepared To L)o It
And Know How
You are a good newspaper man.
but you should remain a news-
Daper man. and not take too many
flights into the realms of the law.
You stat® that the Common Law
holds all contracts with minors
void. The comm >n law does not
hold all contracts with minors
void, but at most merely holds
them voidable. LTntil avoided by
proper authority they are as bind­
ing as any other contracts.
Thanking you for the space
given me. I am
Very truly yours,
W alter L. Tooze, Jr .
City Attorney.
The last “ shot- affords us con­
siderable amusement as it shows
that Mr. Tooze is but human and
could not resist the desire to give
us a poke in the slats. However,
if Brother Tooze will carefully
read that part of the article deal­
ing with the common law he will
probably see that we did not use
the word “ ALL” at all, he lays so
much stress on. To be sure, we
understand, and took it for grant­
ed that everyone else did also,
that some action must be taken to
render any contract void. Laws
are not selfacting. Action must
be brought before some tribunal
with power to pass on unlawful
acts. It is unlawful to steal, to
kill, to burn, yet some action must
be brought before any results are
obtained or punishment meted out.
We would hardly expect such a
quibble from an attorney, but of
some pettifogger, or perchance a
“ newspaper m an.”
We desire to sav that in the above
“ flight into the realm of law ,"
that we are speaking only as a
newspaper man, and not as a dis­
ciple of Blackstone.
Sincerely yours,
D. L Wood.
For Rent— Dwelling house. Ap­
ply at News office.
For Rent:— Tht Loud aril house
nice large garden. Apply to News
Good house for rale in Falls
City, part time. Enquire at News
Correspondents wanted in ev*ry
neighborhood in this Section ol trie
Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Lies,
and other bakery goods, every day
at the Falls City Bakery.
FOR SALE— Victor talking ma­
chine. $10 will buy a Victor talk­
ing machine with 10 records. Can
be seen at News office.
Wednesday, 10.—Spaniards at­
tack Mobile. 1780.
Thursday, 1 1 .- London’s first daily
paper, 1702.
Friday. 12.—United States buys
Alaska. 1867.
Saturday, 1 3 .- Standard time es
tabiished, 1884.
Surgeon Tells H uw ho&ly Sol-
diets Bear Suilemis.
Sunday, 14. —Whitney patents cot ■
ton gin. 1794.
A New Sign of Surrontler
I f a German soldier finds it
necessary to surrender to a
Frenchman, he neither waives a
white flag nor gives up his sword.
He sits down and takes off his
boots. The Germans are much
better shod than the French and a
French soldier invariably forces
an exchange of shoes if he is for­
tunate enough to capture a Ger­
man. The Germans have learned
this and several bodies on finding
it necessary to surrender have
seated themselves and begun tak­
ing off their shoes at the approach
of the French.
L o n d o n .-8 o lutcntly 1.» tho MleuUon
of the public com vntintevl on the ileeilst
of the troop» ou the tiling Hue tint!
recognition o f the valuable work per
formed by the metUcul t.cr\ Ice ou the
battlefields o f Europe has been by uo
means udequate outside o f official clr
ties. Hourly the gallant arm y of pby
slciaus, surgeons, nurses ami medical
troops o f all the uatlous Involved In
the titan ic conflict respond to u n c i
amplt-d demands
In a recent letter
published In the Edinburgh Scotsm an
a medical officer of the B ritish service
relates som e o f the Interesting luci
dents which occur dally ut the several
receiving bases In France
"W e get the wounded here at prnc
ttcnlly first band.” w rites the officer.
‘They are brought In with all possible
speed, dealt with at o n e * and sent out
The Earliest Artillery
We think of eighteen-inch artil­
lery as distinctly modern. Yet
the first cannon ever taken into
the field were of that caliber. A
crude mortar was fired at the |
battle of Crecy, fought in 1346.
The early eannon balls were chis-
led from stone, and the projectile,
which fits the ancient mortar, is
made of solid granite. Two pow­
erful men could scarcely lift it.
These ancient projecti'es remain­
ed in use for a surprisingly long, j j
time, for it is recorded that in
1807 a British man-of-war engag­
ed against the Turks had her
mainmast severed by a seven-
hundred pound stone shot from a
Turkish battery.
Notice D hereby given to whom
it may concern that bids will be
opened by the County Court of
Polk County, Oregon, on Thurs­ P h o to by A m e r ic a n P r e a s A an o ciu tton
day the 8th day of April 1915 at ambbican ubu cboss m : mih n* takis
2 o’clock P. M., for crushing ano t0 tb„ hospitals am i.in to tbo bn ml* of
putting in the bunkers at Falls ! «non and women o f nil nationalities.
City. Oregon, of .3500 yards of
rock more or less, according to ,ners o r e n t «tuff; too good to lose,
specifications on file in the office They are brought to us ¡It nil hours.
exhausted, covered with mud. hastily
of the County Judge. AI 30 for hut well bandaged on common sense
hauling and delivering same on principle*, and aye the quiet, plucky
County road at points to be de­ grin or the p atient set o f the Juw.
“ ‘W hat price this little lot. doctor?"
signated by the Court.
and xthe q u erist Indicates where the
The Court reserves the right bullet entered bis thigh 'And me fut-
hall leg, too!' growled another, brought
to reject any and all bids.
in dripping one night. 'And who the
By Order of County Court,
«excision by censor) will do the scorin'
J . B. Teal, County Judge. fn r the ould tam e now? All the sam e,
sir, I scored ag’ln the man th at did
Extra copies ol The New* are
this or wan av his side.'
For P. A O. plows for stubble
"And so It goes on. It's a great e x ­
printed each week, and will be sent
to any address desired, postpaid, and sod, call at N. A. Lut.de's perience this) As a surgeon, I know
Its value. B u t I wish It was over. It's
blacksmith shop
for 5 cents per copy.
aw ful. T h e stream o f jtv o u ty le d je em s
7-rtxMii house, city water; burn
ami chicken park; young orchard
Cardinal at th t Freni.
t endon Cardinal lh airn r and Mar in lieorinjr, small fruit. All fenced
Jack m an have gene to the British flr
and 3t aerett in cultivation.
lug line In I ran e and Belgium by «l>e
• lai permis l >n >t the war departm ent waste land. Time on part.
to Investigate the p r rlalo n * f-»r ehsp
No. 2. 80 acres mountain land,
Inins for Catholics Pi the aervh-0
11 miles out on County road. 25
MON F Y TO LOAN — Privale moni y acres in cultivation, 20 acres big
at 7
M u st Luve first c la s s second-growth fir. Good 5-room
l a m i la m i s c c n r it ; fi is t iiio r t- house. Imm. outbuildings.
g a g i.
W ill lo a n in a iim tllila ul and lierries; 126 prune trees.
$ J.itHI a it up
l arg er
lo a n r so, good team, wagon, harness
p ie le iie l.
W ill lud lum i lu e x - and some household goods.
c .c i l u t i e - ll i il t i ol v a lile n( la m i
give time on part.
U o r iu n e i lu tisi p»v a ll i x p e n se r,
No. 3. 36 acres near town. 15
in c lu d in g a g e n t 's c u m in ia a iu n .
in cultivation. Good 8 -room house ^
A b a t t a it ul t ille m u s i be furnish
barn and henhouse. Bearing or­
ed .
W a l t e r I. T u o « » , J r . , la w ­
chard. Some good second-growth
y e r , D illa - 1, O ie g o tt.
6 -1 3 .
fir. Time on part.
a • • • ♦
No. 4. 10 acres } mile from
l ist y tir fami lami w ith D. I.
all fenced, Ht in cultivation»*
W unii a t tin* News I d ik e .
house partly finished, gixxl
Git tour Lutter wrappers piint-
burn. Can be bought at a h a rjf
ed at III») Ne >v s ottico
No. 5. 160 acres in I-ancoln (To.,
5 miles from railroad, on County
Flour, prr »aik $1 7"> l" 42 00-
road. Small cabin and barn; 4
llicoii, pei |i" 4 lid *25 cents
acres in cultivation and 60 more
llama, per pnun 1 -2 cent#
can he cultivated. 360 3-year old
Picnic Lane», per pouml JlLctuls
English walnut trees. Good spring
Cl,'dee Dairy l>utt*r llO-ccnt*,
that would furnishs fine water
Roll till cents.
power. School I mile. 8 month
Creamer y, per pulirti 40 centa,
term with contract for two more
Roll 75 < e'ds
years. This will make an ideal
Egg», per di z-n 20-cenls
itiK-k and dairy ranch and can be ♦
t 'i ffi e, p< r pound ‘2 0 Pi 45 • ••nt»
liought at a bargain. Terms.
S i g a r . Id p tn d fur $1 l« l
No. 6 . 153 acres near town.
Beans, small white, per pound
Good house and barn. Will sell
8 cents
all or divide to suit buyer.
I.a d, pei ó 11 » p a d 8 5 c e t ile ; p ci
No. 7. Good 7-room house and
10 lb p a il #1 6 5 .
in city. Straw berries, lo­
l’ululo*-», per pound 1 3 I cr..ts
ganberries, gooseberries, apples
and pears. A bargain.
Wheat, pei bushel $1 Ml
No. 8 . Two good 8 -room houses
Bran, per sack It 15
and lots, some fruit trees with
Shorts, per sack $1 75
one. These are among the most
Barley, Midd per r-uck 42.'25
desirable residences in the city.
Rolled Barley, per sack 41.76
They are of modern construction
Alfalfa meni, prr ltX)-!bs $1 75
and desirably located. Reasona­
ble terms on part if desired. Will
ove r es v c a r » ’
sell one or both.
No. 9. 130 acres i| miles from 4
Itown. Good 6 -room house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; H acres in apples, 2t acres
I HAD! hmiaieu :»
in peaches, cherries, pears and
CoPvmoHTS A c.
strawberries. Plenty of wood for
-LH >'h and dAMMrtPtfcMI WtBf
quli kly
n r «♦rt.iiu o u r o|»ini<»n fnn^wriwfh#f4an
Ilf fl*«'*....................
»• pr«>nnnif
pr<>Itrtbly piii
«jnj ft Ö»A _ ' ■ ”»i • nt '» nlot ■
ire n llo n ia
HANP 800 K nn I »i***»m
nil ntH
If confi
nttmnrf i fo
la n f _
r . p a ____
_n t ---------
fr*«. Oldest
__ r aecu 'o
No. 10 - Six lots 50x150, three
Mu iiu k Co. . racalaa
______ taaan
tirouun llu
clal notice, without ch a rte. In the
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash and terms.
Scientific A m e ric a n .
P atents
0N P
A hand«' in e '. r'M s fr a * e i » . ‘» k 'r
! s rv a a t «*• L
• uluttoM *>f anf »öletHide tournai. Teno». »T a
y#*ar : four niontba, $L Nora bf ill Mwalssisr«.
New York
J 3 6 1 Hrnadwa»
neh Ö fBra. ffÄ
t»t^ W aah tu at'in . I>. U
Constipation, if Neglected,
Causes Serious Illness
Constipation, if nrfilectfd, leads
to almost innumerable complica­
tions affecting the g< lierai health
Many cases of
t yphoi d fever,
appendicitis a n d
other severe dis­
eases are trace­
able to prolonged
clogging of the
bowels. Regard-
tli e effects o f
constipation, C.
E. Ayers, 6 Sabin
S t . , Montpelier,
Vt., says:
‘•I wan afflicted
with constipation
and blllouaneaa for
years, amt at times became ao bad I
would become unconscious. L have been
found In that conditio- roany times.
Physicians did not seem to he shle to
do me any good.
I would become
weak and for days at a time could do
no worn
Not Ion# s *o I got a box
of Vr Miles' laixatlve Tablets, and
after using them found I had never
tried anything that acted In sii'h a
mild and effective manner. I believe
I have at last found the remedy that
suits my case.”
Thousands of people are sufferers
front habitual constipation and
while possibly realizing anmething
of the danger of this coi (ition, yet
neglect too long to employ proper
curative measures until serious ill­
ness often results. The advice of
all physicians is, “keep your bowels
clean,” and it’s good advice.
Dr. Miles’ Laxative Tablets are
sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a
box containing 2 5 doses. If not
found satisfactory, your money is
E lk h a rt,
No. 1 1 . 130 acre ranch, 6 0 ^
acres in cultivation, 25 in timl>erW
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, barn
and other outbuildings.
No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva­
tion, 5 room house, barn and
chicken house. T w o springs,
water pi|»ed to house, hot and cold
water and hath. 6 acres in young t
orchard. 2 acres big second
growth fir. Spring affords water
sufficient to irrigate onehalf of
the land. This land lays ju st out­
side of the city limits of Fa7ft
City. A bargain.
No. 13. 12 acres 11 miles from
town, all under fence and in culti­
vation; 8 -room house and barn.
This place can be sold one-third
cash, purchaser to assume m o r t-T
gage now on the place. Can give
you a bargain.
For further information, call on
or write to
D. L Wood.
Falls City, Oreg.
Notice to Eletric Light Users
All persons owing the Falls City
Electric Light Co. for service prior
to April 1, 1914, will please pay
the amount to D. L. Wood at The
New* office.
Walter L. Tooze, Jr ., Lawyer,
; Dallas, Oregon.