Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 13, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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(Ehr J ailli (£iti| Nram
IProfcootonnl <Inrt>o
I'll VlllCl AN
W. B. Officer, M. D.
Rater*« ••
at rail« Cits
unto* uvei Thompson's dru| stör« Hu
tual phoue IVI Phon« Nlghlt all ««I
mall «I «*• p ra tn ffl»
Poll laaafjr. O r«*«. under th#
S.t of Cessna* of Kmb ». 1 * 7 »
Tt If phone
Call Up
Newt Off*«. S3.
tabaartptkxi R at«« <>n« r * »r (1.00; ala laoalRa.
(0 M ats: tkraa months. ( ( N a i a : «Ir«I« eo o ». » eta
Advartlstn» Rato* Display. 14 cam s an lach
Butin««« Notica«. (can ta a lina Tor Bai». Rant.
C achant« Want and Par B nl«rtalnm «nt No­
n e««. ( età. a line Card o f Thank« 40eia lega
Noti«««. I«»al rat««.
Office oue door end ol P. O.
Cop» for n«<r ad« andch«n»«sahould ha ami
10 Th« S«w« not later than W*dn««da».
Offici im i
I b I
Hiildiiici * none Olio
Fallt • It y.
»uelncee d a rto
V K Hubbard. Mayor
T. D Hollowall. Councilman at Lar(*
Phillip Oottfreid
H. C Brown,
Albert T«»l
A. Sampson.
Falls City Lumber
Company Store
C. L. Hopkln«.
R. A. Tltut.
G. O. element Auditor and Polio« Jud*«
Walter L. Too«« Jr.. CHy Attorney,
w. p. Lewie Marshal and Water Supt.
M. L Thompson. Treasurer
I. J. Sammoni. Kug>neer
Dr. T. M. Hellwarth. Health OBcer
the Council meets In rafular sMsionon the (lr«t
and third Tuesday nights of each month, at 7 i 1
o'clock. In the ofltce ol the Pall* City News
jfall 8 Cit\? 1 footcl
S a m p ls R o o m «
B aal A c c o m m o d a tio n *
D ro ss«. Prearlator
Bohle’s Barber Shops
S a t u r d a y . M a r c h 13. 1915
The United States has issued
another "final- ' warning to Mexico i
to be good.
For Good Service
City, Oraaan
Nhtrt I on eg* gat « Skive. Hair Cal. ta'h
ar Shine
A|*at lar Osllsi Slegm Lsasdrv
Buiidl«« forwardad luatday «»suing
Friend Walter Tooze. Jr. does
not relish a joke when he happens
to be the b u tt-b u t he is growing
older every day.
President Cleveland did not levy
a "w ar tax” in times of peace,
but he did cause to be issued
$250,000,000 gold bonds to meet
Mr. Dooley, who gained consid­
erable notoriety in trying to start
an “ infant’s” club here has closed
up shop and gone back to Salem.
It sometimes happens that public
.opinion is stronger than the "law ".
The “ sufferers" of drouth strick­
en portions of the State, such as
Salem and Dallas, are flocking to
Falls City to allay their thirst.
Like Joseph's brethren going down
into Egypt for corn, they too are
after "corn”
"Prosperity is knocking at our
door." says President Wilson.
Probably so, but since the door is
barred, nailed, locked and ohained
by Democratic Free-Trade, how
in the devil is it going to get in?—
Hopkinsville (K y.) News.
The cotton growers of the south
have about all lost faith in the
great benefits of Free Trade, and
if the politicians could be restrain­
ed from getting out the band and
playing “ Dixie” the “ Solid South”
would be broken at next election.
The democratic newspapers are
still heralding the approach of the
great wave of prosperity that is
threatening to engulf the whole
country; in the meantime the
special revenue tax to make up
the deficiency is being collected
with painful regularity.
There i3 much being said of the
great benefits the farmers are de­
riving from the high price of
wheat. The fact is that the ma­
jority of the farmers sold their
wheat for less than a dollar and
are now buying their flour at the
advanced price.
Candidates for the various city
offices are springing up like grass­
hoppers on a sunny day in Kansas.
The office of Mayor seems to be
the choicest morsel with that of
city marshal and water superin­
tendent a close second. It is said
that there are three out for mayor
with a possible fourth to be held
in reserve. Politics are thrown to
the winds, but the question of
“ wet” and “ d ry" will figure
largely in the coming fray.
So long as the farmer sells his
wheat and buys his flour, sells his
hogs and buys meat, sells his
cream and buys butter the cost of
living will be high. Rig up your
old churn, bacon your hogs and
combine and put in a custom grist
mill. Grind your own flour. It
may not be so white, but it will
contain less alum and the house­
wife will be able to bake some
good wholesome bread, l i k e
“ mother used to bake". Bacon
your hogs and then instead of a
sobby chunk of fancied “ rubber-
oid” that increases in size the
longer you chew it, you can have
a nice savory piece of bacon to
grace your table fit for a king
(farmer). Churn your own cream
and no more hoary-haired cream-
ery to offend your olfactory ner­
ves. Produce as nearly as poss-1
ible a>] that you consume and the
high cost of living is solved.
Two World Expositions
Now Open
Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting
stop-overs at all points in either direction, to
the Panama Pacific International Exposition,
San Francisco, and to the Panama California
Exposition, San Diego, on sale every day U>
November 30
Paon* 01
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
© re g o n
Three Fine Trains Dally
M s t t h i w a . P r o p r ie t o r
Shasta Limited s San Francisco Express : California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed at San
Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets
sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the
Southern Pacific.
“ California and I f ’s Two World Expositions” .
A new booklet describing the trip from Portland to 3*n Diego Including
the two Exposition!, the aoanlc beauties of Oregon the biskiyout and
8 ha*ta Mountains, Han Francisco, the beach and outing resort» of fa ll
fornia, the San Joaquin Valley and Yoaamite National Park. Fiea on
application to nearest Agent
When the present European
war shall have died of exhaustion
the world’s attention will next
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
be called to the eastern coast of
Asia. Since before her war with
Russia, Japan has been dreaming
o f being to Asia what Great Brit­
lv. She will sav: "W hy certain-1
ain was so long to Europe the ly. we acknowledge our promise
dominant power.
Indeed she that the open door to China must
has not stopped at that.
Her never be closed.” but she will by
ambition has marked out for her, that time, by her demands on
Pain leaves almost
not only the trade of the Pacific,
u if b y'm a gic when
ions from China which will in ei-
you begin using "5-
but the virtual sovereignity of| fect give her the industrial and
Dropa," the famous old
Her war with Russia commercial control theio which j
rem edy fo r Rheuma-(
tiam, Lumbago. Gout,
taught her a few things, and her of eouise she cannot be expected,
Sciatica, N e u r a lg ia
present idea is to give Mongolia to surrender.
and kindred troubles.’
It goea right to the
to Russia,the great central val­
some real courage and sagacity
spot, »tops the aches
ley to Great Britian. leave France will be needed in Washington. It
and pains and makes
j — _ ^ _ _ i
life worth living. Get
in possession of her portion of will be a case where "watchful
'S SM gM
a bottle of "5 -D ro p v’
the great empire, and take for waiting" will not do.
| today A booklet with
It will have to be decided then
I each bottle give» full
herself the rest o f the vast coun­
d i r e c t i o n s for use.
whether the United States is to
D on ’t delay. Demand
With the settlement of the he a world power or a country
" 6 - D ro p s " D on ’t ac­
European, war she will not be like Switzerland, only not sur­
cept anything else in
place o f it A n y drtig-
slow to announce her intentions.
_ tm. If you live too far
She will know that Great Bri­ crouching behind her own oceans gist I
from a drug More send O ne D ollar to
tain and Russia, while not openly and beggitrg to be let alone.
Su anaon Rheumatic Cure C o , Newark,
That is, unless the belligerents Ohio, and a bottle o f *f>-Dropc'l will be
endorsing her program, will not
aent prepaid.
oppose it, and her attitude
toward the United States will be volving our country in their war.
in all outward ways most friend- —Goodwin’ s Weekly.
1'stoxm 137
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S. B. Taylor
Land Surveying
Kuom 10 Nat. Bank Building
Phone 453-
V »