Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 06, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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profcaelonal tlnrfre
ü lu ' f a l l i i C íitii N r u i »
W. B. Officer, M. D.
Phya lalan and B u r« a a n
HiiDrvü « » art^udM*!««* mail at ttw postattlf*
Otti, u nvkt T h 'im p ioti'e dru g «to r *
At ralla 1‘ltjr. IMk Onan».v. i*rva«»a. ««ntar th*
A> t of l!Yt\gi**** «.if Mar< ü Ä. I s71*
Call Up
Iclrphunr New* Office. S 3 .
Subscription Rattw: On# yaar. II.OG; six month*.
SO cants; thnw* months, 2&c*nt*;*»miU» copy. &,«ta*
I 'l l Y H lr i A N
F . M. H E L L W A K T H
AivartUiug Hates Duplay, 15niitlinloci»
Huaincsa N ot i coa, % canta a lin a ; For Bale. Kent.
R»ctuw i*e. W sut t u l Fay Knteriaim u eu t No
Ucea, & eta. i Une. Card o f Tb au kt 50e l » ; Lega
Notices, le ta l rate».
p h y s ic ia n
an d su k ck u n
* »Ilici» ont* dour rant of I*. O.
Otfl< i' end j»»
itiHitdcucu » none «in«
<>« «un
Copy lor new a«J». an«i changes should be seni
to The N ew s uot later than Wednesday.
tß u om co ö C a r t a
F. K. H u bbaid. Mayor.
T I>. Hollow ell. i'ou n eiliu au at Large
F h illip O ottlreid
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal.
Coaucilm en
A. Sampson.
C. L Hopkins.
K. A. Titus.
t*. O. C lem ent A u d itor and P o lice Judge
W alter L. Tooxe Jr C ity A lto n »*? .
W*. I*, l ewis. Marshal and W ater Supt.
M. L. Thom pson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammons. Engiueer
Dr F. M. H ollw arth , H ealth Officer.
¿vi Phone Night rail 441
Falls City Lumber
Company Store
I f alte City» Ih o te l
S a m p le Hoorns
Beat A o e em m o d atlena
D ro ege , Prop rietor
iuiu.ru aiMiet
1 lie Council m eet» in regu lar session on the ttret
and third Tuesday nights of each m outh, at 7 SO
o ’clock, in the office o f the Kails C ity News.
S aturday , M arch tí. 1915
For Good Service
Richmond. Ya.,
legislation thut may have to be
enacted by “ dry’ ’ States in order
to uphold their Prohibition laws,
the State Senate o f Virginia on
Saturday adopted without a dis­
senting vote resolutions offered
by Senator Saxon W. Holt o f the
Newport News.
These resolutions make an" ginia, the House o f Delegates
open season agains all individuals concurring, That the General
operating airships engaged in the Assembly o f Virginia warns all
transportation o f liquors into | persons who may contemplate
“ dry” territory. The protection the transportation, from any
accorded to “ ornamental and use- j point beyond the borders o f this
ful birds” will be lilted and hun­ State to áhy point within the
ters will be at liberty to fire on same o f ardent spirits, malt liqu­
the airships just as i f they were ors, wines or other liquor con­
taining alcohol, by means of aer­
predatory birds.
Senator G. W alter M appof Ae- oplanes, balloons, Zeppelins or
comac, leader o f the “ d ry” force other aircraft, that should they
in the last Legislature, immedi­ embark upon such a Mighty en­
ately saw the trend o f the reso­ terprise at any time, but more
lution and moved its adoption. especially on or after the sacred
Senator John A. Leaner o f Nor­ and memorable first day of No­
folk, leader o f the Senate “ w et” vember, 1916, then in that event
forces or local optionists, caught the protection now provided by­
the humor o f the resolution and law for buzzards and other orna­
mental and useful birds will not
voted “ aye.”
be held to apply to such purveyors
The resolution grew out of
o f contraband, but that there will
news from Ohio that an enterpri­
oe established an open season o f
sing liquor-dealer o f that State
continous and unlimited duration
was preparing to get around the
for hunting all such aerial intru­
strong Prohibition laws o f West
ders, provided such hunting be
Virginia, recently held constitu­
done in good faith for the pur­
tional, by transmitting liquor
pose o f Tlestruction and not for
from Ohio into West Virginia by
the purpose o f acquiring the
areoplane. The Senators o f Vir­
spoils o f the cha“e; and
ginia regretted that West Virgin­
Resolved, further, That all of
ia was to be invaded by a wet
the good people o f Virginia are
aerial fleet.
earnestly enjoined never to lake
The preamble and resolution
a drop from any o f the aeroplanes,
ran thus:
balloons, Zeppelins or other air­
“ Whereas. The General As­ craft aforesaid, as the fall might
sembly o f Virginia has learned be disastrous.”
with regret certain citizens o f
Senator Andrews o f Roanoke
Ohio have undertaken to convey said he thought the resolution
intoxicating liquors to ihe citizens should be amended to provide
o f our sister State o f West V ir­ that liquor could not be brought
ginia by means o f an aeroplane; into Virginia by means o f pipe
lines and subterranean caverus.
“ Whereas, We deplore the fact
that one o f the cherished indus­
tries o f said State o f Ohio ap­
pears to be up in the air; and,
A farmer in the community
Whereas, we sympathize with
the suffering citizens o f our said
sister State o f West Virginia be­
cause o f their liquor coming so
high; and,
Whereas, We feel that such an
underhand and overhead method
o f irrigation should not be encou­
raged, lest some o f the inhabi­
tants o f our own Commonwealth
o f Virginia, after the first day o f
November, 1916, should acquire
the habit o f gazing upon the sky
ar.d thereby walking unsteadily
upon the earth; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate o f Vir-
S i f t s »
Two World Expositions
Now Open
Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting
stop-overs at all points in either direction. t<>
the Panama Pacific International Expo ¡lioni
San Francisco, and to the Panama California
Exposition, San Diego, on sale every day t°
November 30
Via Ihe
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily
Shasta Limited i San Francisco Express : California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed a t S i i
Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets
sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the
Southern Pacific.
“California and It’s Two World Expeditions”.
A new booklet describing the trip horn Portland to Kan DI« k meludtm \
tha^vro Erf>o»ltlon», the acenlc benutle« of Oregon the*- ki'-.u «!>••
8lia»ta Mountains, Han Francisco, the bench ■«»»•* outing r*
fornla, tha San Joaquin Valley and Yosemtte National f A i k . Hue on
application to nearest Agent
* /
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
offers, and although not exactly
such as he wanted, he accepted
one o f them
Notice to News Subscribers
—i n
A t
A blue
■ ■
p o n e it c r o s s m a r k o n t h i s
The first farmer did take the'
notice m e a n s th a t y o u r s u b s c r lp -
Pain leave, almost
tlon .to T h o N e w a haa e x p ir e d a n d
home paper, and o f course did j
ns if by magic when
n o o ’d s f i x i n g
D o It n o w .
you begin using "ft*
not see the little ad., o f the man j
Drops,' Urn famous old
remedy for Rheuma­
who wanted a horse and who
tism, Lumbago. Gout,
once had a horse he wanted to would have purchased his amflnal!
Sciatica, N eu ra lgia
sell. It was a valuable horse at a good price.
and kindred troubles.
It rocs right to tho
and should have brought a good
By not taking the paper he
spot, slope tho aches
price. For months he tired to saved $1, and likewise lost $24
and pains and makes
life worth living. Get
sell the animal, but could not by not seeing the other fellows
Land Surveying
a bottle of "5-Dri)ps"
find a buyer at his figure. He ad.
today A booklet with
each bottle gives full
finally sold it for about $25 less
Room 10 Nat. Hank Building
Such occurrences are happen­
d irectio n s for use.
than its value, rather than carry ing every week in this commu­
Don I delay. Demand
I'lume 453.
"6 Drop«" Don't uc-
... ..
it through the winter.
— n i —
nity, in which people actually
J cept anything el-o in
Now it happened that in anoth­ lose good money because they do
place of it ’Any drug-
For Runt— Dwelling house. Ap-
« i . t can supply you. If you live too far
er neighborhood a few miles dis­ not take their home paper, and
from a drug store send One Dollar to ' plv at Natari nfTirer —»
*% .
tant there w as a farmer looking hence do not know o f many o f
Swanson Rheumatic Cure C o , Newark,
Extra poples of The News are
for just such a horse, but was
sent prepaid.
before them.
printed each week, anti will lie aont
unable to find it. He inserted a
“ Penny wise find pound fool­
to nny addresa desired, postpaid,
little ad., in the home paper ish,” is exemplified in many
Get your butter wrappei | h i h ( -
for 5 cents per copy.
ed at the Nown office,
which brought him a number of ways.— Ex.
S. B. Taylor