t FALLS CITY NEWS PALLS CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1915 VOL. XI NEW "DOPE” LAW TO LESSEN CRIME 1.138,100 pounds aa against an tmpor ta Hon o f 8,|8S,fi2S pound* for lb* dec ad* 1000-0 , aa lucre#*# o f M l per cent TMe be# not taken Into account Upturn smuggled during Ibis period The*, as against a 188 per cent In­ crease la the total population in the Bra decades, there waa an Increase In too Importation and ronaemption of aptom of SOI per cent It la claimed that thin enormous In­ crease is directly due lo lb* facility with which the drug may be Imported, manufactured Into Its various deriva­ tives aad preparations and placed with­ in tha reach of the Individual. “Thara haa beta In tbla country.“ ■ays the report on tb* Harrteon bill, laa almost aba me I sea traffic In these Criminal classes bare been TI m « • Per Curt H drag* created, aad the use of tba drags, with mack accompanying moral and eco­ dieted to V m af Opium |n t o w a# nomic degradation, to widespread Ito Fawns Ow r 40M00 Pound* Can­ among tho upper ctaaeee of soctoty. in Thin Cwirtry Annually. Wo ara an opium consuming nation to­ day.“ _________________ AnU-inratlc M Halt) M k it Ml Hinafol Drop. 118 INCREASE I« IMPORTS. «otic net. effective Muck L win Austrian Physicians In Army. ty decrees* U m i n at Vienna.—Austria In an Imperial de­ to I n m crime la thli country if It cree haa ordered an pbyMctana under •fly to Joto tb* army. prove* aa effective aa Its sponsor* Thl. measure, bar, provldaa la effect that on u t aft- ar March 1. 1010, no dealer aha II ba al­ to wad to M il or glv* array habit form- lag drug* wit hoot a phyetde*'* pre­ scription ar direct laatraettoaa front a doctor. Drag* thna placad a odor the baa ara optam. coca loaves or aay coua- pouad. mannfaeture, salt, derivative ar praparatloa mad Remedies which two grains ad opium or fourth of a grata of morpfctna. or owa- otghth of a grate of horota. or oaa grain of codotao ara taeladad la tha Hot — ’Thar* la ao reason for of aaroottca which cannot ha aay healthy woman to walgh more d*rad^>y a phyetetan. A apodal tax of than 130 pounds If aha haa aay moral •1 a year B oat ha paid float March 1 coniuga," said Mm May Bella McAr­ hr all paaaoaa who a*U or dlapaaaa thur. “Look at ma. *Thto Is my twenty-third day of fasi- aueh drug*. Aay poraoa who falla to eoatoly with tha requirements of tho lag. I'm cheerful; t*m bappy. 1 weigh tow la aohjoct to a daa of not aaaaa t r * pound* lata than whaa I than «1000 or tmprlaocmoot tor a t m I haven't aay Intention of of five years. or both. op en til I'm down to 128 approprlatad tlBdfiOO to ha hy tha caBBtoaloaar of In­ “I aspire ta 128 pounds bocaui ternal roToono to anfarca tha now law. cant think so wall as medium According to atattodca faralahod cow They cast look ao beau­ i at tho time tho Bantooa bOI waa tiful or tael ao well.“ aldoratlon. « par cant of tha la tha twanty-thre* days of bar fast la largo tolls and atoto Mm McArthur ate two stalks of celery i ara addicted to tha apian hohtt a day. Oaa glam of water a day to In soma ono of Ua forma, and of tha Flu only Iloti Id täkm. general criminal population. 40.it par “Celery la all I’ve eaten for almost a coat ara habitual oaara of tho drag. la month." ehe said. *T don't mind the tho modi cal profaaaloa of fasting much.“ territory thara appaara to ha aa ar “What do you sat for breakfast. Mm of S.M par cant who o n optam and MeArthnrV waa asked. 1.83 par coat of trmlnad nuraaa ara “Nothin*." aha replied. Ukawlaa addicted to drug* la oao farm “For luncheon T“ or aaothar. “Nothing. Sometime# a glam of wa- Statistics furnished by msnufactor- ara ahow that tha oao of morphias la “For dinner r* tha rural dlatrtcta of aoma aastorn McArthur. “A h r breathed Mm atatao has Increased 100 par B at la 'TW o stalk* of celery. tha last tea yearn Aa estimate made “I don't exercise except to walk. I toon tha oalaa book of oao Arm ahow* walk aavaml miles every day." that la oaa or two of then atataa tha “Do you think all women, If tn good oaa o^ optam has Increased 180 par health, coaid reduce as you '‘have cant d o *# r Aococdtog to tha arguments made hy “Absolutely. The trouble with wom­ tha proponents of tha law tha United en la cowardice. They Ilk* the sensa­ ■tatae gorarameat la bound by tha eon- tion of eating too much. Ttoey would ▼entlon signed at Tha Megan Jan. 21 rather taste a chocolate drop than bo U1X to control tha aala of optam aad a Me to think rapidly or mow* about allied tratoca la tola country. It haa gracefully." bean pointed oat that daring the last "Do yon consider dieting Infallible?" twanty-dra roars opium, morphine, I do. Look at mo. My Bg- coca laaraa and cocaine bar* bean Im­ lmproved every day since I ported Into this country, manufactured aad there to little room left and placad upon to# ganaral atorkat la for further Improvement Most worn- each forme aa to ha available to aay r * are laay—downright laxy. They oaa who deal tea them or who daotraa ■tart to exercise, keep It up for two day* or a week and them atop. They to trade la them. The report of to* latornattonal opi­ •tart to diet, keep It up for two meals um coramiaston ahow* that Italy, with or two days aad than slip. handicapped a a population of 33.001X000, Imports aad la Ufa. H they are tndtf- cooaumea but 3,000 pounds of madlct- nal opium each year; that Npala. with fereat about their weight and haiWF In a population of 1X000,000, Imports aad ■pita of It wen and good. But those uaoa so Utile that It la not separately who long and dream of getting thin entered In cnatoms or ether returns. a## more to be scolded than pitied. All have, to do to to sat celery and Germany, whose population la 80,000.- watermelon, drink water and 000, Imports about IT,000 pounds for Tk*y*ra bound to reduce." home consumption aad HoUaad about 3.000 pounds a year. These dgurao Show that the t r * European countrtoa. BHIF SHOWS IDENTITY. wtto a total population of 16X000,000, Import aad coasuma I s m than 30,000 Mailand-America Ui**r gquipped WKh panada of opium annually. Hugo BlaatHa Sign. According to dgurea laid before eaa- Haar Tort.—In accordanc* nlth tb* tha United State# Imports *44 eftar frem tb* govnrnment, of Th* orer 400,000 pounds of Opi­ Nafherlaada tb* Holland-Arxetlcan iln- um each year. It haa bean ctahaad *r Nlauw Amsterdam, front Rotterdam. that tha Importation of opium aad 4 bar »am * patnted on aach ekle tn morphine Into the United States dur­ hugn Capital lettara befrr* ab« atartad ing tha last fifty yearn hag not been for tha otbsr std*. excess! ra, but haa simply grown with O f tim asm* ata* aa tb* palnted let- the Increase la population. Adrocatas «tag will ba arranrgod bog* slactrlc of the law which haa Just bean with eigne apalllng tb* nam* o f tb* tan upon tha statute hooks deny tola Theas will b * tocated amldships amsrtion Figures la their pnsaaartim and coa b# read U a distanoa of aav- •how that tha Importation of optam aral tho decade of 1360« * M IF YOU W 0ULD6ET THIN, EAT CELERY CMufi W m m H is Reduced Tmtj-fln Poinds. Ä S v ! \ N o. 27 WOUNDED, STICKS TO POST. Direst* British Ship Frem Chair In Turkish Attack on Sues. London.—Tha Cairo correspondent of tb* b elly Chronicle telegraphs aa fol­ lows: "A stirring little story o f quiet hero­ ism displayed during a battle against Turkish Invaders tha other day haa been told me here. The hero o f the Inci­ dent to a pilot named Carew, who waa on board the Ilardlnge. one o f tb* ablpe on the canul helping to repel tb* Ottoman attack. "Carow'a ship cam# under the beer­ iest 8re, and be waa severely wounded in an arm and a tog. *11* would not however, leave hi* poet although suf­ fering terribly. " ‘Bring me e chair and prop me up/ be said to one o f lb# crew. *1 will ae* you through.' “The gallant pilot to now In a hos­ pital, w h e re It waa found neceoM ry to amputate on* o f his lags. Happily be to making good progress, and his re­ covery to a M u re d ." HOW TO CURE HAY FEVER. Plek Your Favorite Pollen, Brow Vae- oin* and Inoculate. Bo#ton.—Summer trips to high alti­ tudes will be no longer necessary to hay fever sufferer* if the experiments announced by Dr. Harris P. Mosher at the Harvard medical school fulfill hto expectation*. Dr. Moeber baa been experimenting to find a vaccine for hay fever, and at a public lecture before the medical school ha explained that I f a bay fever patient oould decide on the particular Bower or weed pollen which caused his ■auction ha had only to Inoculate him self with a vaccine made from extract* o f this pollen to become Immune to Its effects. The only effect thus far noticed from Inoculation with pollen serum, the phy­ sician said, way a local raah, which vanished in a short time. MODERN ENOCH ARDEN RETURNS, BUT ALAS! WHEN WE M EA SU R E YO U WE FIT YOU IN A SUIT AND OVERCOAT. LET US MEASURE V0U FOR THAT NEW SUIT AND 0UERC0AT YOU NEED. THEN YOU CAN GET A FIT AND NOT HAVE CLOTHES LIKE A DOZEN OTHERS. YOU CAN GET HIGH-GRADE. MADE-TO-YOUR- MEASURE CLOTHES FROM US FOR ABOUT HALF WHAT ANY TAILOR WILL CHARGE YOU. IT TAKES ONLY A FEW DAYS FROM THE TIME WE PUT THE TAPE ON YOU UNTIL WE TURN YOU OUT A WELL-DRESSED MAN. N. S E L IG ’S F A L L S C IT Y D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E Stirn Jüdin Teli) Htm tn Get cities for which the Russians and Aus- tro German forces have been strug­ Out of Town nt Onci. gling. Binghamton. N. Y.—Because Adam Rundel o f Lestershire took twenty-one year* to return with a List o f groceries for which bla w ife aent him In 1894 be baa lost bla w ife and has been exiled from Lestershire. Rundel walked into his home the other ulgbt with the groceries. HI* daughter, grown to womanhood, thought he waa a burglar and scream­ ed with fright. He reassured her, dis­ closed bla Identity and aaked for her mother. H er mother waa dining with friend* at a downtown restaurant, the girl told him. Rundel found the restaurant and easily Identified his w ife snd her party. “ Hello, Anna!" said be cheerily. T v * brought the groceries borne. Let's go up and have supper." The w ife fainted, but a man at her side ordered Rundel ou t "W h y ? " aaked Rundel. "Because abe'a my w ife," said Hen­ ry Pickering, who married M r* Run­ del ten years after she bad given np hope o f Rundel's return. Then they mixed. When tb* police arrived Rundel waa on the Boor. Later he waa arraigned in police court "1 Just went aw ay." he told Judge In gal* “ I went to Warren Center. Pa., where I ’ve been ever since. I thought I ’d like to ae* my family again and came b o m *" “ Go back to Warren Center, and nev­ er come here again. Ton ar* discharg­ ed." aald the Judge battlefield there, and’ she wandered lor several days over It, hoping to find some trace o f him. Sbe called her experience a "night­ She waa tn Warsaw on Nov. 27. she mare” and did not wish to talk o f I t said, when a Zeppelin flew over the city and dropped bomb* one o f which | She made her way from Cracow to Kleff, to Petrograd, to Sweden, to N ew ­ killed her brother, who waa a soldier. castle and thence to London. Sbe now A fter the death o f her brother ahe de­ believes sbe will soon hear from the young Austrian officer, having learned that bla command escaped. ROCKS IN STEAMER LANE. One Found O ff Alaska Coast “ a Sub­ merged Wachington Monument." Washington.—Tw enty one uncharted, dangerous pinnacle rocks bave teen dis­ covered by tbe coast survey in forty- tw o miles o f the Inside passage usel by all steamers going up and down the Alaska coast One Is 000 feet high, comes within seventeen foot o f tbe surface and was described by tbe en­ gineers as a "submerged Washington monument" Tbe rocks were discovered by tbe nae o f a wire drag suspended from buoys. TME WEEK IN HISTORY Monday, 1 — Nebraska admitted to Union, 1867, Tuesday. 2.— Declaration o f T ex­ as Independence signed, 1836. Wednesday. 3— Florida admitted to Union, 1845. Circular saw invented, 1780. SOUGHT LOVER IN WAR ZONE. Vaung Girl Describes Experience* an Cracow Battlefield. N ew York.—A slim, pink cheeked, bright eyed young woman wearing medahi she had picked np on battle­ fields o f the Russian war front arrived her* from Liverpool with a story o f hm wanderings to find her i^voetheart, an officer In the Austrian army. She la Isabel Siellga Struslnska, a Pol*, who cornea her* to rest and re­ cover from the shock to her nerves due to fter experleucpjn W arsaw antLothqr Photo by American Presa Association. ISABEL aXBLIOA STB CS INS I A. elded to make an effort to find ber sweetheart, who abe says to the son o f a "celebrated Austrian general." She walked from Warsaw to Lem­ berg, passing over places where there had been bard fighting and gathering memento* From Lemberg abe went to tbe outskirts o f Cracow. Sbe aaya ahe became obsessed with tbe Idea that her xwegtheart bad.bgen killed on the Thursday, 4.—Lincoln inaugurat­ ed, 1861. Cortez lands in Mex­ ico, 1519, Friday, 5. — Boston massacre, 1770. Westinghouse patents air-brake, 1872, Saturday, 6.— Dred Scott decision 1867. Sunday, 7.— Bell telephone pat­ ented, 1876. Luther Burbank born, 1849.