Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, February 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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I 'll YRH 'IAN
D. L.
W O O D ft SON.
W . B . Officer, M . D .
P h yatotan an d S u r g e o n
Ri>t*»r*d «* •e«N'ii*l i 'U n M i l ftt Ih*
• t Falt« City PwU Cou a t} Or«*oa. undar the
Act o f CVngrtat of March $. IÄT9
Offica n **i Thumpum'* drug etui* Mu
tuet phone i*i Flume Night ( ell set
Call Up
Ofbtf. 83.
Suberrtptioa R it M ü n « n u . U N ; ú i month».
SO «on t», thro» month«. US root»: eincl* cony. l e t « .
A ir e r tu in * Rate» Display. 13 c»nt< an Inch
Business Notte»«. 3 cent« a Un* For Salt. Rant.
Kxehaug*. Want anJ Pav Entertainment No
ttc«e. 5 ctl. * Une. Card ol [hanks 30ct*:Leg*
N o lle «« le*al rata»
p h y s ic ia n
F. M. H E L L W A R T H
O ffic e on e door east o l P, O.
Copy lor newadt. end cheng*« should ba aant
to Tha Nana not later than W* tnaaday
Offiva awl n i __ uuu
Ke.ldeiic« I MOD# 84M»
Falla 04»*,
Bu0tnc00 darto
F K. Hubbard. Mayor
T D. Hollowall. Councilman at L ett*
Phillip Oottlraid
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal.
A. Sampson.
C. L. Hopkins.
R. A. Titus.
0. O. clement. Auditor and Police Judge
'Valter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney.
W. P. Lewis. Marshal and Water Supt.
11. L. Thompaon. Treasurer
J. J Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F. M. Hellwartb. Health Officer.
Falls City Luimber
Company Stc ire
H o t ICI.
S am óla R oom s
B o st A o e e m m e d a tle n a
F. O ro a ia . P ro p rie to r
1 he Council meets tu regular session on the first
and third Tuesday nights o( each month, at 7 30
o'clock, in the office of the Falle City Newe.
S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 27, 1915
A Belgian
War Romance
For Good Se rvice
One quiet evening in the summer of
1913 a pair of young lovers stood on
a bridge tbat crossed the river Lyt, In
Belgium. They were there for a part­
ing The young man was to leave for
the coast early the next morning and
thence for America. Nothing could be
more peaceful than the sieue about
A young moon stood in the
west. I f an occasional breeze stirred
the leaves on the trees they were stir
red lightly. As for sound, there was
only a slight gurgle beneath then as
the current passed the abutment o f the
“ Mina,” said the young man. "cheer
up. It will not be long before In Amer
lea I shall have saved enough money
to send for you
That we may have
a definite time to be reunited I prom
Ise you that one year from today, if
not before, you shall receive the pas
sage mouey to bring yon tp me.”
“ And l, Hans, will work and save
so tbat if you do not succeed In gain
lng enough to send for me I may have
enough for the journey."
When the year had passed a great
change hud come over Belgium
Germans were pouring Into tbe coun
try from the east, the French from the
south. Wilhelmiua had received let
ters from her lover in New York that
money would be scut her for her pas­
sage, but before It was dispatched the
war had stopped the mails.
On the anniversary 'of their parting,
at evening. Wilhelmlna went to tbe
bridge on which they bad stood a year
before. It was now a ruin, more than
half o f it having been destroyed Here
and there across the fields were flashes
followed by a distant roar o f guns
while searchlights sent their columns
o f light across the sky like tbe tails of
nearby comets.
What should she do? Her home had
been that day in the line of Are and
was a ruin. Before leaving it she had
snatched up her savings, and these she
had with her. Standing there in the
identical spot where she bad stood In
quiet with her lover, she resolved to
go to him i f possible
There was no way of announcing her
oomlng beforehand. She had neither
writing materials nor a way to send
a letter. Indeed, it was doubtful If
even she could break through the line
o f war to reach the coast
And if she
arrived at a port would she find a ves
sel? Nevertheless she turned her face
toward Holland and set off I d the d irk
H er adventures are a long story by
itself. Fortune favoring, she reached
Rotterdam In safety and there found
that she had the means to buy a steer
age ticket o d an outgoing steamer to
New York.
On tbe arrival o f the vessel the eml
grants were landed at Ellis Island, and
Wilhelmlna among others was brought
before the emigration commissioners
There she was asked how she would
be provided for In America, and when
she said that she had no money she
was told thut she would be sent hack
to Holland.
Her modesty, the consciousness that
she was coming to marry a man with­
out a special bidding, bad caused her
to conceal what she expected.
sides, suppose Hans had changed!
But the prospect o f being sent back
tA a land running Ip Jtlood, w b erj e ve n
Wr *
the little home 1u which she h ul been
born and always lived had been level­
ed, overcame her reticence, and she
told a love story that no |>eu. however
Inspired, could put on paper
"Hans must be found!"
Such were the Instructions given to
a messenger, who departed on his er­
There is a committee of Belgians In
New York whose purpose It Is to look
after their incoming fellow country­
men The head o f the committee was
f-fonnd. and he in turn started n hunt
I for Hans
Ever since tbe war had broken out
Hans bad been anxious about bis Wll
helmtna. He bad not dared to send her
his savings for fear they would lie tost
j Indeed, one o f the troubles brought on
by the war was the inability to send
funds to Europe He had written her,
' but without expectation that she would
i receive his letters. As to receiving let
ters from her. he had no faith In that
Hans was at work one nfleinoou
when a fellow workman came to him
and told him that the boss v t-l-.ed to
■ see him in the oflbe
Hans laid down
his tools and reported ns d:r cted lie
found beside tbe boss a man who ask
ed him:
"A re you Hans Wtebtel ?"
"1 am."
"There is a girl on Ellis Island who
came over from Belgium. She says you
will marry her ”
"She says her name is Wllhelmina ’
•‘Slacry her! O f «•ottrvo I will marr
her Where can I tlnd her?
Hans wished to co at mice to Ellis
Island, but suddenly remembering that
a man in overalls w as not In wedding
costume tidied himself up. then set oil
to Join his sweetheart
I f the authorities had any douln
about Wllhelmina's story it was dl*
pelted by the fervent embrace of the
lovers But Uncle Sam's emigrant off!
eials take no man’s promise o f mar
riage. and there are no breaches o!
promise In his large family
A man
went with the couple to the city bull
In New York, where n license was l i­
eu red Then the pair went to the ot
(ice of the Relginn committee, where
'he marriage ceremony was performed
Until March 1, Mr. Moon-man
will be on the wagon, home every
night at his own fireside or where
ever it is he hangs out when he
isn’t full, and those gay old boys
down on the “ footsool” may go
home in the dark or semi-dark for
all the moon cares about it.
Merry old roysterer is the moon
getting full ever so often tor ages
— full twice last month, and now
Mrs. Calandar kicks up a row and
says, “ no more full moons for a
Same thing happened
in 1846—the moon didn’t get full
Two World Expositions
Funeral Director
W e altead to «11 warft prempüy.
Now Open
Dalla* aeV Fall* Citr. Or
Reduced fare round trip tickets, perm itting
stop-overs at ¡*U points in either direction, to
the Panama Pacific International Exposition,
San Francisco, and to the Panamu C alifornia
Exposition, San Diego, on sale every day to
N ovem ber 3')
VI* the
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains
O re g o n
C W M atthew», Proprietor
Shasta Limited : San Francisco Express < California Exprasa
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days’ stop-over w ill be allowed at San
Francisco and Los A ngeles on one way tickets
sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the
Southern Pacific, which Will enable tourists to
visit either or both Expositions.
P m o m i 137
Full particulars, fares, literature on the Expositions,
train schedules, etc., from nearest Agent of the
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
If tobo
O M A «. M IX . PftOriUBTuM
for the entire month o f February.
Post Office Time Card
The short little month o f Febru­
ary is the only month in which
Office hours: Daily, except Hun j
the moon ever decided not to get
day, 8 a.m. to 0.30 p.m.
full and this only happens about
twice in a century.
Mail Arrives, from
.Palo leave* almoet
as if by magic when
ou begin using “5-'
irops,” the famousold
remedy for Rheuma­
tism, Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, N eu ra lg ia
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, stops the aches
and pains and makes
life worth living. Get
I a bottle of "5-Drops '
I today A booklet with
I each bottle gives full
d irectio n s for use.
Don't delay. Demand
"5-Drops " Don't ac­
cept anything else in
place of it Any drug­
gist ena supply you. If you live too far
from a drug store send One Dollar to
Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co , Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle of "5-Drops", will be
sent prepaid.
Salem 8.50 a.in., 5:85 p.m.
Mail aitives from Dallas, 8:50;
Mail doses for Haletn, 9:00 n no,.
1 p. m ftt,4l 5:00 p. tn.
Mail closes for Dallas 9:00 a. m.
and 5;00 p. m.
Muil closes for Black Kock 11:00
a. m.
Mail arrives from Black Rock 2
p. m.
Notice to News Subscribers
A b lu a - p e n e ll c r e s s m a r k on th la
n o tlca m e a n * th at y o u r eubecrlp-
tlon to T h a N a w e h a a a e p lr a d a n d
n aadaftx ln e
O o It n o w
Land Surveying
S u n d a y O n l y
Boom 10 Nat. Bank Building
Mail arrives from balern, 8:60 1 Phone 453
h . tn.
Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 n. tn. j
For Rent— Dwelling house. A p­
Office hours: Hunday only, 9:30 ply at News office.
to 10:30 a.m.'
Extra copies of The News are
Effective September 4, 1914.
printed each week, and will be sent
I r a C. M e h k l i n o , Postm anler to any address desired, postpaid,
Falls City, Polk Co., Ote.
for 5 cents per copy.